Harry Potter: Hydrus Black

Chapter 31: CHAPTER : 31

June came quickly and those months were full of surprising events. Hydrus and George were making loads of money with their inventions. They had calculators, and poorly made cell phones with expensive service plans, mini radios, and crappy computers that weren't connected to the Internet. Not to mention all of the prank items. They were working on how to get non-magical entertainment like video cameras (with VHS tape), VCRs, gaming consoles and tellies. After much debating they decided to keep the book-readers out of the shop.

George had his own inventory of better made devices, and was still trying to work out how he made his pocketspace. The redhead still felt it was a huge prank on the Pure-bloods, getting them hooked on non-magical entertainment. He was saving up money for when the idiots realized they were using Muggle technology. He knew those traditionalists would stop buying them, even if they were useful and addictive, and that he might have to start up his business elsewhere. He would keep close to Britain, most likely France, so he didn't hurt his mum— much. Hydrus let George get the patents. That way if a new timeline branch was created then George would have sole ownership and he wouldn't have worry about leaving them to the redhead in his fake will.

He sent off a few letters to Sanguini, and the vampire talked to other vampires that liked to live in the non-magical world. He gave the immortal teen a potion recipe that would cause him to age, though he would have to take it monthly. As thanks, the young immortal gifted him with a book-reader, which he had downloaded romance novels to. It struck him as funny that a Dark being would read such sappy books, but to each his own. Sanguini was thrilled with the present and promised that if he had any more advice to offer he'd write to him.

Hydrus only left his house to go to non-magical London, except when he was raining misery on the Alleys. He was now doing the shopping, since Kreacher was getting too old to leave the house. He also kept his membership at the gym; he had even convinced George to join him once a week. There was a Muggle-born that tutored him for his A-levels, he was doing well at self-study, but with the advances in Math and Science, he needed a bit of verbal instruction.

He had to remain under his boy hero persona during those lessons, since Black had such a Dark Pure-blood reputation. The lessons were held in a library far away from his home, because he didn't want any more people to know where he lived. He would get to the library, duck into an alley and cast his glamor, then when lessons were over, reverse the process.

His mental illnesses were getting better and he was feeling happier. The angst and guilt that plagued him for so long were becoming things of the past. Because he wasn't so emotional, he worked out everything that happened to him in his childhood and his years at Hogwarts and could now see that it was imperative that he rescue his younger self, well, in his opinion. That and he wanted a new start, so why not protect who he could in the process. He had finally called up his parents and Sirius and talked to them as long as they were able. They told him they were proud and they approved of his plans. He had to promise he wouldn't call them again, unless it was important.

Therapy gave him another problem, which was the fact that the past wasn't the same as the present. His revenge on this timeline had sedated his need for it. However, it was people like the Dursleys, Skeeter, Snape, Death Eaters, and Umbridge, who caused so many deaths, not to mention made his childhood a living hell. Those people would need to be dealt with somehow. It was something he would have to meditate on. His thoughts on Dumbledore were conflicting; he still felt the man was a good man, just misguided in his attempts to bring about his 'Greater Good'.

Fudge was just a simple idiot and without Lucius and Dolores he should be easy to control. The Dursleys were simple, just never meet them and they won't be a problem. The last war had them on the run, and yeah, it was petty, but, Hydrus didn't let them know it was over. So they were still moving from place to place, hoping the wizards didn't catch them.

Hermione wrote often, she told him how she broke up with Ron and now they didn't talk to one another. She lamented on the fact that more and more Muggle-raised were leaving Hogwarts, and that tuition would be raised next year. It was a good thing this was her final year, since there was no way she would be able to afford it. She came to the conclusion that she would take the note's advice and try the Australian Ministry.


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