Harry Potter: Hydrus Black

Chapter 28: CHAPTER : 28

Molly had taken one look at the bump on Ron's forehead and declared it the reason for his short term memory loss, in addition to whatever potion had been used. Of course, she had no idea that he had forgotten more than an hour. She had sent Ron to bed right away, and gave him a flushing potion. The git was in for a long night.

He groaned. As much as he cared for Mrs. Weasley, her mothering ways were suffocating. Hermione gave him a commiserating smile. The two sat in comfortable silence, simply drinking their tea and letting the quiet calm their nerves and let them organize their thoughts.

"Harry, tell me how it is that you now have the Elder Wand? I know for a fact you put it back into Dumbledore's crypt. And why didn't you tell me sooner?" A hurt look crossed her face.

Hydrus sighed and looked at her apologetically. "Hermione, I'm sorry, but as long as you were dating Ron, I couldn't tell you. I simply didn't trust him to keep his big mouth shut."

"I know, I guess, it is just so frustrating to not realize just how hateful and shallow he still is. I mean, I thought he had matured, but I guess he just hid it better." She shook her head to clear those thoughts for now. "Back to the subject, how did you get the wand? Why do you still have it? How come you haven't gotten rid of it like we agreed?" she fired off rapidly. With the fight that had just occurred she realized there were things she hadn't been paying attention to.

"It just showed up the day after the battle of Hogwarts. I went to sleep and woke up the next morning with the Deathly Hallows on my pillow. Believe me when I say I did everything I could think of to rid myself of them. I threw the stone down a well, broke the wand and burned it. They showed back up the next day. I reckon, I became the Master of Death when I disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor," he explained. At the time he hadn't even thought about what that meant.

"Honestly, Harry, you are so stupid sometimes. You could have told me, and I would have helped. After all we went through you should have realized I will always make time for you," she all but snapped.

"And you should know that I don't burden my friends," he retorted. "What's done is done, we should move on to something else. Before you ask, yes it was me that set the shades on the Pure-Bloods, especially the ones who got out of punishment— again. There were some that went to Azkaban to torture Umbridge and her co-conspirators. I think there are three that are haunting Rita, because it was her that let Umbridge know where they were hiding. If she hadn't squealed on them, they would have made it out of the country. That's what Mr. Lovegood says anyway."

It tickled the Master of Death that the odd man was interviewing the ghost and reporting why they were around. The spirits couldn't tell him who called them only that the person was the Master of the Deathly Hallows. Old Xeno was ecstatic that the Hallows had been united.

"Oh, Harry, how could you? According to the Tale of the Three Brothers, those spirits will be in pain," Hermione said, breaking him from his amusing thoughts.

"Not if they have unfinished business, I looked it up and did the research, I promise, they only feel the need for revenge. Besides, I didn't command them to roam the earth; I asked politely if they wanted to come," he said in half-truths, he had asked the ones that wanted to defend him.

"Are you sure, I don't mean to accuse you, but are you really sure? You do have a nasty habit of just jumping into things without a plan; I only want what's best for you, Harry."

"Yes, I'm positive," he said a bit hurt. The two sat in silence again, this time it wasn't as comfortable.

"I got a note, a few weeks ago, saying that I should leave England," Hermione said, grabbing a hold of the first thought that came to her. "If I can't get my parents back, I might just do that or I could go to Australia and be near them. With what just happened there is little left for me here, only you."

"Well if it puts your mind at ease, I don't plan on staying in Britain long. I can't tell you where I'm going yet, I'm still making plans. So you should think about it a bit more," Hydrus said evasively. "Any idea on who sent it?"

"No, it was unsigned and it looked to be printed from a computer. If it's true, then I can make some of my ideas reality and get more freedom for magical creatures," she said excitedly, now that she knew she wouldn't be abandoning her friend to this backwards society. They'd still keep in contact no matter where he went. She was just happy he wouldn't be here. Maybe she could drag him along with her if she left. She made a mental note to ask him about his plans, later. "I'll do a bit more research and ask around, maybe Neville will have a few things to say. He said he had received a similar note."

"Yeah, I heard about that," he hedged. He was still unsure how much to tell his best friend, her reaction to the shades didn't give him much hope in her understanding why he wanted to go and save himself. He did have plans to leave her a letter explaining everything, plus, ensure that she had a bit of money or he could tell her his idea right before he left and give her the option to join him. "Do you want to see what I've been doing over the last few months?" he asked veering the conversation to a safer topic.

"Yes, please, I've been worried about you being holed up in this house."

"If it makes you feel better, I've been getting counseling."

"That does take a load off my mind. I'm so very proud that you got help," she sighed in relief. "Show me how well you're doing in your studies."


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