Harry Potter / Highschool DxD : A deal with the devil

Chapter 78: Chapter 78 - Visiting Hermione

For the remainder of June and the beginning of July, Thomas focused on spending quality time with his parents, leaving behind the supernatural world and adventures he had experienced. They enjoyed family outings, visiting various attractions, and indulging in their favorite activities together.

During this period, Thomas didn't exactly put aside his magic, instead, he only use levitation around the hose to ease some of his chores, which he had to admit had become easier and more fun than ever. Thought the one who enjoyed this the most was Kate, who on almost every occasion would have Thomas levitate some things to their table, to their place, etc.

As the middle of July approached, Thomas decided that this was the perfect time for him to visit some of his friends. On the 12th of July, he mustered the courage to ask his parents if he could visit Hermione since she was the one who lived the closest to him.

"Mom, Dad, I was wondering if it would be alright for me to visit Hermione," Thomas began, and to be fair, he knew that his parents would allow him to go, but that didn't mean he didn't have to ask them nicely. "We haven't seen each other since the school year ended, and I kind of miss her. Plus, I would love to catch up and tell her what I've done in June."

Kate was the first one to respond to her son's request. [Baby, we understand that you miss your friends and want to catch up with them. It's important to maintain friendships, but we want you to be careful. So if you can please do call us every day.]

Jonathan nodded in agreement, supporting his wife. "Champ, I'm not going to lie, if I were you I would probably want to shoot magic left and right, but thankfully you are better than me in regards to self-control. As your mother said give us a call every other day and come back soon, don't make us worried alright?"

Thomas's face lit up with excitement when he heard his parents' agreement. He could hardly contain his joy, knowing that he would soon be with his friends. And before Kate and Jonathan could react, Thomas hugged them and thanked them.

"Thank you so much, Mom and Dad! I promise I'll call you every day, just like you asked. Moreover, Dad, don't worry, I won't shoot magic left and right. I've learned to control my abilities, and I'll be responsible."

After that, Thomas and his parents ate the lunch Kate cooked before Thomas told them that he would leave. With a final kiss on his mother's cheek, he mounted his broom and soared into the sky, using his invisibility magic to keep him hidden from the eyes of the muggles.

As he approached her house, Thomas maneuvered skillfully, controlling his broom with precision in the sky trying his best to touch the clouds before descending towards the ground. However, even though he was one of the best seekers, Thomas, in his eagerness to see his friends again, misjudged the landing and came to a sudden stop right in front of Hermione's house door.

Just as he canceled his invisibility, Hermione's mother walked out of the house and froze when she saw a boy on a broom appearing out of nowhere outside her house. Startled by the boy's sudden appearance, Mrs. Granger, let out a piercing scream.

Thomas quickly realized his mistake and rushed to explain before Mrs. Granger makes the whole neighborhood come outside and find that she was screaming because of him.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Granger! I didn't mean to startle you. Please forgive me."

Mrs. Granger took a moment to collect herself, her hand clutching her chest as she regained her composure. She looked at down Thomas, not recognizing him, but judging by the fact that he was on a broom, she deduced that he was either a friend of her daughter or a housemate. But after a few seconds of looking closely at the boy her eyes lit up as if she had just realized who he was.

"Thomas? Is that really you? My, you've certainly grown! You gave me quite a fright!"

Thomas nodded, relieved that Mrs. Granger recognized him. "Yes, it's me, Mrs. Granger. Once again, I apologize for scaring you. I've come to visit Hermione. Is she home?"

Mrs. Granger managed a smile, despite how shocked and scared she was a moment ago. "Oh, Thomas, it's good to see you. Yes, Hermione is in her room reading some books for her second year. But I'm more than sure that she'll be thrilled to see you. You can go into her room if you want, you can't miss it."

Thomas followed Mrs. Granger's directions and made his way to Hermione's room. He approached her door and knocked lightly before calling out, "Hermione, it's me, Thomas!"

Moments later, the door swung open, and a rather happy and excited Hermione burst out from inside the room. Her eyes widened, and she couldn't help but let out a joyful gasp as she hugged her friend. "Tom! Oh, it's so wonderful to see you! How did you even get here? And why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Thomas grinned from ear to ear, enjoying her reaction. "Surprise! I wanted to see the look on your face when I showed up unannounced," he teased. "And I flew here on my broom. It's good to be able to use magic outside of school, isn't it?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at his comment before she spoke again. "Come in, come in! We have so much to catch up on!"

Thomas couldn't help but laugh at Hermione's eagerness as she dragged him into her room before he took a seat on her bed while Hermione sat down beside him, looking at him with her big eyes, almost begging him to tell her what he had done so far.

With a smile, Thomas began recounting his adventures since they had left Hogwarts. He described how he had visited his grandparents' house, where he had spent time showing them what he had learned during the school year. He animatedly shared stories of performing most of the charms and even flying on a broomstick, much to Hermione's delight.

"And you should have seen their faces, Hermione! They were amazed at what I could do. I swear to god if my grandpa were a wizard, he would have challenged me to a race, how excited he was."

"I'm so jealous of you, Tom. I would have wanted to show my parents everything I've learned, but I can't use my wand to do it."

That made Thomas wonder if he could somehow get his hands on some Indian enchanted bracelets used by the witches and wizards from that country and gift one to Hermione to use at home and even at school as a second means of casting charms. The only problem that he might encounter was how will he explain to the magical authorities from India why was he there and with a devil, since right now other than asking Latia to help him teleport there, Thomas didn't know any means of transport that won't require a lot of legal documents and permits from the ministry of magic.

As Thomas continued his animated story, he eventually became a bit more serious as he started talking about the training he had undertaken with Irina's father. Thought for some reason, Hermione stopped him and asked him who Irina was before he could explain what kind of training he did.

"Well…In a way, Irina is the first friend I've made. I didn't exactly have that many friends in school mostly because I wasn't popular or cool or whatever. We started off as forced partners, mostly because she was learning how to fight with a sword, and I was a complete beginner at that time, but after that time we slowly start becoming friends."

"And where is she now?"

"Sorry, Hermione, but I can't talk about that, without permission from her family. It's, how to say it, a delicate matter in a way."

Hermione puffed her cheeks, looking somewhat angry at Thomas's response. "That's not fair, Tom! You can't just leave me hanging like that."

Thomas raised his hands in defense, knowing very well that he had unintentionally upset Hermione. "I'm sorry, Hermione. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but Irina's situation is complicated. Let's just say she had to leave for personal reasons, and it's not my place to share the details without her permission."

Hermione's anger turned into curiosity, and she nodded, understanding that there were things Thomas couldn't reveal, at least not yet. "Alright, I guess I can respect that."

Seeing Hermione's mood improve, Thomas continued his story, shifting the focus to his training with Touji and Myra. "So, after I lost against Touji and Myra, Touji asked me if I wanted to train with him every day for two weeks. Can you believe it? I eagerly accepted the offer because I knew it would help me improve in more ways."

Hermione's eyes widened, impressed by Thomas's dedication to learning something new. "Every day for two weeks? That must have been intense! What kind of training did you do?"

Thomas chuckled, recalling the rigorous sessions. "It was intense, Hermione, but it was also incredibly rewarding. Touji and Myra taught me advanced sword techniques, combat strategies, and ways to enhance my agility and reflexes. Everything is done under the threat of being cut, which I have to say that made me improve quite fast."

"Did you manage to defeat them at any point? I mean, with all the training you received, you should have got somewhat better than before right?"

Thomas scratched his head. "Well, I wish I could say I defeated Uncle Touji, but he's an incredibly skilled swordmaster. I gave it my all, but he always seemed to be one step ahead. It just goes to show how much more I have to learn. But enough about me, what have you done?"

Hermione smiled sheepishly, realizing that her own summer activities didn't compare to Thomas's adventurous training sessions. "Well, compared to your exciting adventures, I didn't do much, to be honest. My parents took me to Diagon Alley to buy some books for the upcoming school year."

Thomas leaned in making her blush slightly. "Oh, what kind of books did you get?"

"I got some of the required textbooks for our second year, like Transfiguration, Charms, and Potions. I even picked up a few additional books on creatures and history. I wanted to get a head start on those subjects since I find them fascinating."

"That's great, Hermione! After all, we don't me or Mickey to take your first place now do we?"

"Thank you, Thomas. I do try my best. Oh, and speaking of books, I found some interesting books on some rare or extinct magical creatures. I thought you might want to take a look at it since you know compared to the rest of us, you are kind of in between with all of the things you are implicated into."

"Would you look at that, and here I thought you only cared about our teachers. But seriously thanks, Hermione. Once you finish reading the books, I'll gladly read them too, and who knows if by some miracle I can get Levi-tan to take me to some part where underworld creatures live, I might be able to pick a familiar for you."

Hermione's eyes widened in fear at Thomas's offer. "Oh, Thomas, you know I wouldn't dare go anywhere near underworld creatures. They sound far too dangerous for me."

Thomas chuckled, realizing he might have taken his offer a bit too far. "I'm sorry, Hermione. I was just joking. "

Hermione's expression softened, and she gave Thomas a playful pinch. "You're lucky I know you're just teasing, Thomas. I appreciate the thought, but Crookshanks is more than enough for me. He may be a handful at times, but he's my loyal and trusted companion."

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