Chapter 149: Choices
"That means those scholarships, if they even exist, are illegal. Dad said the scholarships are made up of interest money earned on an existing account. Though he didn't say whose account was earning the interest, we can assume the accounts are Harry's. Because Dumbledore offered them and it's Harry's accounts he's been playing with all these years. That makes our scholarships funded by stolen money. Stolen money, Ronald, as not even magical guardians have the right to spend their wards inheritances like that. So get your grades up while we still have the right to be students here."
Mumbling to herself she added, "And since we're the only two kids here on a scholarship at all, tells me Dumbledore always planned to use us for his games. He never cared about us or our family. Nor did he care about our future or he'd have been getting on our case about our grades and not blowing away the opportunity those scholarship give us." Ron heard her even though she hadn't intended for him to. He sat there blinking and trying to absorb everything she'd said.
She went back to her homework leaving Ron pondering whether or not she could be correct. Idly, she pushed her copy of the pamphlet towards him saying, "And Harry didn't curse us, Ron. He called on Magic to judge us. That's different."
"But Mione said…
Ginny snapped. "I don't care what that girl said, Ronald. Hermione only told you he did because she didn't want to face what her rune said about her character. Because her rune names her a betraying thief, a cheater and a bad friend. Which, by the way, says Harry knew what she was doing with his homework assignments even if he never called her on it. She couldn't find a counter to the runes any more than she could find the actual spell he invoked. So she decided it was dark magic and that made it a curse. Because that's what the Headmaster told her."
"Yeah that sounds like Mione. So sure only she can actually know something." Ron scowled. He fingered the booklet she'd tossed in front of him. "So McG was telling us the truth then?" he asked. Ron sat there staring at the booklet, indecision clear in his face for anyone with eyes to see.
Ginny nodded. "Read it, Ron. Read it and understand it this time. Hermione isn't here to go ballistic on you for reading it anymore. She won't accuse you of betraying her by not having her back or trusting in her intelligence. Read it and make your own decision. Maybe then you'll understand why I am not angry with Harry any more."
Ron sighed and picked up the thin booklet. "Still doesn't change the fact he ruined our lives," he muttered unwilling to completely let go of his anger just yet.
She slammed down her hand and snarled. "Yes it does, Ronald Weasely. He didn't force us to take his coin to hang around him. He didn't know he even had the coin to offer. He didn't make us choose more coin in our pocket over the debts we owed him. He didn't make us tell lies about him to our peers. He didn't make us put the school at risk each and every year just so the Headmaster could force him into a dangerous situation to save everyone. He didn't even make us get him kicked out of the tower or off the team. We made those choices. We did, Ron. You, me and Hermione. Not him."
"As for my life being ruined, it was ruined the second I took payment to spread my legs for him while parading around as his so-called future girlfriend. That made me a kept woman and as such, a respectable marriage was out of the question, you fool," she hissed at him.
"I was his bought and paid for whore because that's what Mum and Dad agreed I would be. And I cheated on him. With two different guys. I let both of them take me into Hogsmeade and buy me things. Places I knew Harry wouldn't be able to take me because Dumbledore doesn't let him off the grounds of the Castle. And things I knew he wouldn't be able to get me even if he wanted to. People saw me on the arm of those boys, Ron. People who knew I considered myself Harry's girl. What do you think they thought of him when they were seeing me hugging and snogging Michael or Dean?"
Ron paled not sure if he was more upset by the words she was using or the way she was badmouthing the three adults he respected the most. He gulped and decided to leave her alone because clearly she was angry now and her language would only degenerate more if he continued to try talking with her about the matter. he did grab the booklet before he rushed off and up to his dorm room where he had homework waiting to be done.
He still thought she should be mad at Harry for disfiguring her because after all, no one knew she had been paid to be available to him so there really wasn't any dishonor involved in taking the money Dumbledore had offered her. He totally ignored the fact that the entire school knew.
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