Chapter 147: A Debt of Honor
"What's worse, I'm certain Dumbledore counted on Harry striking out against us personally and he didn't care to warn any of us when he made us his offer. He may not have predicted this," she indicated her marked countenance, "but he knew Harry would do something to us in retribution for how we used him to our own benefit. And he didn't care." Almost whispering she added, "Just as he didn't care if Harry couldn't rescue me from the Chamber." Ron squawked. She snorted and raised her eyes to his face. "He called Mum and Dad here and told them to gather you boys and take you home. He told them to mourn my passing because there was no way he could get to me to save me if I was even still alive. He never even intended to try, Ron. he knew you were taking Harry to find me and rescue me but he didn't think Harry could do it. And He Didn't CARE!" Her voice had risen at the end but Ron couldn't blame her.
Ron was stunned speechless. Ginny really had thought about this and she'd drawn a lot of conclusions that he'd seen but hadn't thought about because he was too busy being angry and listening to Hermione blame Harry for their misfortune. But maybe she was right. Maybe this really was the Headmaster's fault more than it was anyone's. "So you think we should be angry with the Headmaster then?
Ginny sighed and shook her head to dismiss her dark thoughts. "Yes, to an extent. Because he did set all this up and he kept telling us not to worry every time one of us came to him fretting about it all. I mean, he didn't make us take the money, Ron. We chose to take it. That's our fault. But we never would have if he hadn't offered it to us. And that is his blame to shoulder."
"Once we learned what kind of boy Harry was, we could've stopped taking it, owned up to it and then worked to make things right with Harry. We had an honorable out there, Ron. We didn't take it. We could've even asked Harry to add funding as general spending to our scholarship to cover what the Headmaster was paying us. But we didn't. We kept quiet and continued taking his money behind his back. We kept taking our paydays. Because we were greedy. None of us even considered not doing so. That isn't the Headmaster's fault. It's ours."
Ron looked puzzled and Ginny knew it was the scholarships they were on. Likely as not, the blockhead hadn't figured out Harry was the source of those because no one had told him in simple to understand words yet. But she wasn't ready for that topic yet. She'd get to it but not until she explained why she was angry with their parents first.
"Mum and Dad first, Ron. Then I'll explain the scholarships. Ok?" He nodded and she went on. "I'm angry with Mum and Dad because they're the adults responsible for us. It's their place to watch out for us and keep us from making major missteps like this. But Mum jumped on it and immediately started planning my wedding to Harry. She never actually looked closely at what he was offering. Dad didn't either. For that, I'm angry with them. Because it was their duty to see through what he offered us."
"I've researched the matter and I know we got off lightly. Especially Hermione and I since we owe him a life debt. He could've called it in at any time. He didn't and I don't think he ever will. He doesn't save lives to gather favors from the victims he saves. That's something the Headmaster would do. Not Harry." Ron looked as if he would deny her words. She knew he didn't like the thought of either girl owing a life debt to Harry. Or anyone really.
"We do owe him, Ron. Both Hermione and I had our lives saved by him at great personal risk to himself. You may have been with him when he saved her from that troll, Ron. But you know as well as I do, not only were you the reason she was there and at risk, but he was the reason you went to her rescue. Her life debt to him was confirmed when he saved me in the chamber while she was a stone statue in the infirmary. The two different acts combined into a single life debt because in both instances his life was in peril equal to or greater than her own. In the first, it was your action in levitating the club that felled the danger and in the second she was petrified when he wasn't present. But while you stayed safely at the bathroom door and behind a wall of fallen rocks, Harry was up front and in the face of the monster that threatened both Hermione and I. That's why the two acts combined into a single debt instead of a double. Understand?" Ron grimaced again but gave a slow nod showing he was at least thinking about it now.
"So maybe instead of being angry with him you should consider thanking him. He saved my life when Merlin knows he didn't have to. When everyone else, including that Headmaster you so respect, had written me off as dead."
She paused and tipped her head to one side. "You do know could have sent you straight to Azkaban since you very clearly did try to kill him with that Chamber of Secrets mess, don't you? At the very least, you could have crippled him for life by hitting him on the spine with that chunk of porcelain sink you used. People have been permanently crippled by a blow to the back before. And if the monster had been waiting at the bottom of the pipe, he could have died. No, he would've died. You would've killed him." Ron was wearing his bullhead expression so she continued on the topic. No matter what she had to get it through his head how very easily his action that day had nearly cost Harry his life. It was the reason for the rune on his forehead and Ron needed to admit it.
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