Harry Potter: Go To Hell

Chapter 142: The Call for Change

Surprisingly, Albus didn't call Harry to his office the following day as they'd expected he would. In fact, he wasn't even in the Castle. Once again he'd found it necessary to visit the bank to try and get more funds from Harry's accounts so he could deal with the situation involving the Granger girl. He decided he needed to make her go away quietly. She knew too much damaging information and he hadn't had a chance to wipe it from her mind last evening. While he could do it at the Ministry that was taking a risk she hadn't already spilled what she knew. Or said something that would give rise to question he didn't want asked. Let alone answered.

She should still be at the Ministry right now undergoing an intense questioning process. Especially with that mark on her cheek. The aurors would definitely want to know what that was about. He wasn't even sure he knew what that was all about. The only things he was certain of regarding it was that Harry had done something that had placed it there and Ms. Granger was unhappy about it. Honestly, it didn't concern him half as much at this moment as her questioning by the aurors did. If she said the wrong thing, which he knew she was bound to do, he could be in some serious trouble. Just one hint from her that he was offering people money from Harry's accounts and he could count himself finished in this world. There would be no way to excuse that away, considering the whole reason he'd been appointed by the Wizengamot to be his magical guardian was to keep others from accessing his inheritance or using him to their own benefit. As usual he refused to understand or admit he hadn't in fact been appointed as Harry's magical guardian at all.

Yes, muggleborn she might be, but she could do some damage to his reputation if he didn't smooth things over by laying a little grease on the right palms. However, he was broke. So since Harry had caused this mess, Harry could provide the grease he needed. It wasn't the first of the month yet but he needed the funds NOW! He was determined to make the goblins give him some gold to buy the girl's silence.

Harry had Transfigurations that day with the rest of Gryffindor and Slytherin House. Minerva didn't once meet Harry's eyes as she went about the task of teaching his class. Truth to tell she was embarrassed and ashamed of herself. She'd been an educator for going on fifty years now. Ever since Albus had become the Headmaster and hired her to teach Transfigurations. She'd prided herself on never being fooled by a student over anything serious. Yet Hermione Granger had fooled her. Badly. She'd believed in the young witch. Stood up for her to her colleagues. Even defended her to her peers when they'd been understandably upset with her for her attitude and overbearing mannerisms. But the girl wasn't who she saw her as. Her moral compass wasn't as true as Minerva had believed it was. All last night she'd sat wondering if anything she'd seen in the young witch had really been there at all. It'd been a sleepless night for her full of second guessing herself and doubting the decisions she'd made in recent years.

But for Harry, her unwillingness to meet his eyes left him wondering if she'd finally begun to see the truth. Or if she'd decided she had a new reason for being angry and blaming him about something. Snape had said she wasn't angry with him and understood he hadn't done anything wrong in marking the trio but still. Her favorite student was now expelled and he was still here. He knew she'd been trying to get him expelled for years now. It had to be irking her that he was still a student when her favorite wasn't. And in a way he was responsible for that. He had marked the girl and it was that marking that had led her to being so brazen as to confirm her cheating in front of the Deputy Headmistress which had gotten her expelled.

He kept telling himself he wasn't the bad guy here. She'd chosen to back the wrong horse for the flimsiest of reasons and like all losers, her horse had faltered before reaching the finishing line. But a small part of him felt he was.

Still, Harry had every intention of throwing the entire pack of horses out of the race no matter who it's backers or jockey was, though. Out of all the staff, he knew she'd be the one most upset over his changes. But one way or another he had no intention of allowing things to go on as they had for so long now.

Albus Dumbledore had been the Headmaster for fifty years now and in that time the school had degenerated to the point where it was barely providing an adequate education for students who had parents to teach them at home during the summer the things Hogwarts no longer taught it's students. Forget about the students who didn't. Those students weren't even learning the basics of survival at all though they were the ones most in need of those lessons.

No Hogwarts student had classes teaching them about day to day life in the magical society. Such as how to maintain a home or fix a meal. How to tend their children or balance their monthly budgets. Heck, Hogwarts under Dumbledore's leadership didn't even teach you how to find a home or get a job. Instead, students learned to fear for their lives and to count each day as a blessing because you never knew when whatever was menacing the halls this time would strike out and hit you. Yes, murder, mayhem and chaos were the name of the day in Hogwarts Halls under Dumbledore's leadership. So Albus Dumbledore couldn't be allowed to remain.


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