Chapter 95: Chapter 95: "A Treasure Beckons"
Hogwarts Hospital Wing
In the quiet area of Hogwarts' hospital wing, Professor Snape and Headmaster Dumbledore stood over the lone figure resting on a bed, the only patient currently under their care. Professor Fletcher, identified as the source of recent attacks on the students in the hallways, now lay silent, bearing the consequences of his actions. He was not immobilized with a fractured skull among other injuries.
It was only due to the quick actions of the people in the portraits that Dumbledore had been promptly alerted, ensuring the fallen DADA Professor received immediate medical attention, saving his life.
Dumbledore broke the silence, his voice low and concerned. "Severus, have you uncovered anything?"
Snape shook his head, his expression grim. "No, nothing at all. The portraits merely confirmed his fall from the fourth floor. However, how he ended up there so early in the morning remains a mystery."
Dumbledore pondered, "So, an accidental fall, perhaps?"
Snape considered the possibilities, "It's either that or someone pushed him without the portraits witnessing the act. There's also a chance he attacked someone during a rare early morning pursuit, leading to an accident and this unfortunate outcome."
Dumbledore sighed, "If a student was involved, fear of repercussions might prevent them from coming forward. We'll have to wait for Barnaby(Fletcher's first name) to regain consciousness before learning the truth directly from him."
However, Snape delivered more unfortunate news, "There's a complication. When he briefly regained consciousness during treatment, I tried to read his memories but found nothing in his mind for the duration of the past two years. Madam Pomfrey believes the fall might have impacted his memory. She says she cannot say for sure if those memories will ever return."
Dumbledore's disappointment was evident, "Then the motive behind his recent actions at Hogwarts may remain unknown."
"Yes," Snape agreed. "I've tried to figure the motive out by searching his belongings but nothing of significance was found."
Dumbledore decided on the next steps, "Let's wait for him to wake up. If his memories are really lost, Poppy should transfer him to St. Mungo's for further care. I will also tell the Board of Governors that he was behind the attacks. That will get them off my back. It's unfortunate; I was quite curious about what he sought to find within these walls."
Bringing Dumbledore's attention to immediate concerns, Snape asked, "Very well. What do you plan on doing with the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes?"
With a sigh, Dumbledore concluded, "I'll consult the Ministry. Perhaps they can provide a substitute for the remaining months."
With yet another DADA Professor injured during their time at Hogwarts, Dumbledore was starting to worry about how difficult it would be to find a replacement for next year's class. Initially, he was skeptical about the rumors suggesting there was a curse on the DADA position. However, after witnessing one incident after another, year after year, where each professor faced some misfortune, Dumbledore began to seriously consider the possibility that the position might indeed be cursed.
Trying to get rid of the curse was something Dumbledore had attempted. However, finding and breaking curses wasn't exactly what Dumbledore was best at, so he didn't have any luck with it. He thought about bringing someone else in to take a look and try to fix the curse. But there was a big problem with that idea.
To really check it out, they'd need to be let into the very heart of Hogwarts' magic – its protective wards. Dumbledore couldn't let that happen. Those wards keep the school safe, making it one of the safest places in all of Britain. He couldn't risk making Hogwarts any less safe by letting someone mess with the wards, not even if he was watching over them the whole time.
Harry was completely unaware of the discussions happening in the hospital wing and Dumbledore's disappointment in not learning about Fletcher's motives. He went about his days as usual, attending classes as if the recent events did not matter to him.
A week swiftly passed, and soon the news broke out that Professor Fletcher had suffered an accident severe enough to require his transfer to St. Mungo's for specialized care. The Department of Education in the Ministry of Magic stepped in to fill the sudden vacancy, providing a retired Auror to cover the Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) classes for the remainder of the school year.
This new DADA teacher had his work cut out for him. Fletcher hadn't really taught the students much, relying heavily on textbook readings and assignments. However, Harry noticed the new teacher's genuine effort and kindness. He did his utmost to impart as much knowledge as he could to the students in the limited time available before their final exams.
In an attempt to quell any lingering anxiety among the students about the recent disturbances, Dumbledore announced that the responsible individual had been apprehended. This announcement was met with widespread relief and cheer across the Great Hall.
Harry couldn't help but reflect on the reaction of the student body. They seemed too easily pacified by the news of the perpetrator's capture, not bothering to dig deeper into the matter or even figuring out the identity of the perpetrator. It was this lack of curiosity, Harry, inferred, that hindered their world from advancing as the muggle world had.
However, Harry had little time to ponder these societal shortcomings. His days were filled with the usual hustle and bustle of Hogwarts life, his studies, and various adventures.
He had visited the library one night to investigate the most likely location of Gryffindor's treasure, only to find the area heavily guarded by advanced wards. To access the treasure, Harry realized he would need to figure out how to disable these wards without drawing the attention of Dumbledore or other professors.
Thankfully, Fletcher's memories offered some potential solutions, but Harry needed to practice if he was to confidently bypass these magical protections. Thus, he adjusted his study schedule to accommodate this new challenge.
After a month of preparation, Harry felt ready to undertake the quest for Gryffindor's treasure. Yet, he chose to wait for an optimal moment when Dumbledore was away from Hogwarts. Night after night, he consulted the Marauder's Map, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
The extra work did not affect his learning progress though. Harry's study progress remained on track despite the year's disturbances. He was well on his way to completing the NEWT-level coursework by the end of June, according to his meticulously planned timetable.
Monitoring the Marauder's Map nightly, Harry finally spotted an opportunity in mid-March. Dumbledore was off to attend a meeting of the International Confederation of Wizards, leaving Hogwarts without its headmaster for a couple of days. Harry knew this was his chance to act.
Armed with his invisibility cloak and the new wand he had acquired from Fletcher, Harry felt a mix of excitement and anticipation for the night ahead. The treasure hunt for Gryffindor's hidden legacy was about to begin.