Harry Potter And Bellatrix Lestrange

Chapter 113: A Sister's Journey

"Why, dear sister, we just wanted to let you know that not everyone shares Mom's point of view in our family," George smirked at the shocked look on her face, and Fred picked it up.

"Come on, you didn't really think that Snape and Moody were the only ones who believed in him, were you?"

"Nope, not at all," George chimed in.

"Now, what's with the long face?" Fred asked as he leaned over to wipe the tears from Ginny's face, causing the girl to duck her head in embarrassment.

"Fred, George," she whispered, new tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh Harry, I said - God, I said such horrible things to him." Her earlier conversation with Hermione came back to her, and she broke down again, sobbing as her brothers held her. George looked over her head at Fred.

"She needs to see him."

"And talk to him."

"Preferably soon," George agreed.

"We should get her in contact with the PL," Fred added.

"Maybe we can throw in a visit to Nair'i'caix."

"Wha-?" Ginny barely heard her brothers talking, but the mention of visiting Harry caught her attention.

"Shh." George shushed her with a gentle smile. "Don't worry about a thing. We'll take care of it. You just make sure you're presentable for Harry."


"No argument, sister dearest," Fred added. "You need to talk to him."

Ginny nodded and they fell silent for a moment, before she glanced back up. "Will he even want to see me? After all we did to him? After all that I did? The last time I saw him I told him off something awful, and I - I let Mom and Dad talk me into believing all of this nonsense they've been saying about him. I believed he was evil!" she cried.

Fred and George shared a worried look. They knew their sister was taking it hard; Ginny was the most idealistic of them, and, apart from Ron, had known Harry the best. She also owed him her life, and the guilt of ignoring all of that in favor of listening to the public's opinion was crushing her now. Both of them had been angry at Ginny for siding with their mother against Harry, but they'd realized that Ginny was also the youngest and most impressionable, and Molly Weasley could be really persuasive when she was being belligerent.

"Now, Ginny, don't you worry," Fred began calmingly.

"Right, you know how Harry is," George continued.

"He'll probably just wave it all off."

"And forgive you." Although there are some he really shouldn't, George added silently, though he couldn't really bring himself to add his sister to that list. His youngest brother, on the other hand, was a different matter.

"It'll be all right, you'll see. You know how big Harry's heart is."

Ginny managed a weak smile at that. "I do, and that's what worries me. If I were him I wouldn't be forgiving any of us, much less even look at us anymore. He doesn't need us any longer, Professor Dumbledore said as much. Harry finally found people who trust him, look up to him… he doesn't need our support to fight V-v-voldemort anymore. Why bother with me, when all I've done is caused him pain?"

George sighed, and looked at his sister seriously. "Because, Ginny, that's not what Harry's like. We all know that he's too nice for his own good. Lord knows some people don't deserve it-" he mentally smacked himself as he watched her flinch at his words, and continued quickly, "but you do. Ginny, you didn't know any better. You trusted what Mom and Dad and everyone else told you about Harry."

"But I shouldn't have! I know Harry, I've known him for years, lived in the same dorm-"

"That's right, you know Harry," George continued. "Do you seriously doubt he wouldn't forgive you?"

Ginny shook her head. "No, he will. I know he will, that's how he is," she choked back a sob. "And then he'll bottle up all of his bitterness inside and shut everyone out because he doesn't want us to see how much it's hurting him inside. He doesn't deserve this, how can I make him hurt any more after what I've already done?"

"Because you need it, Ginny. Both of you," Fred joined in, both of the twins uncharacteristically serious. "Lord knows, the kid is too good for this world, but that's the way he is. He needs closure, Ginny. From what we know, he's already begun to find it with Hermione, and if he can forgive her and work through things with her after what she did, then the two of you can, too."

"He has?" Ginny's eyes widened in surprise, and George nodded in confirmation.

"She's the one who provided the information for Harry to stop the raid yesterday. She's with him right now. Last Neville said, they're at least back on speaking terms, and it only took them a day and a half. Well, from what I hear, she had to really push to let him help, but she wouldn't take a no for an answer."

George nodded. "True, that. I think that was her guilt making her want to do something to make it up to him. I wouldn't be taking a no for an answer in her place, either, but that's Harry for you. Fighting you tooth and nail and insisting he can do everything by himself."

Ginny shrank back into herself as she let out a half-laugh, half-sob. "We really don't deserve him, do we?"

"Not really, no," Fred mused.

"But we're glad he's here nonetheless," George added.

"And hey, he can always claim that he's God's gift to women!"

That managed to draw a weak smile from Ginny. "That wasn't really funny," she told the twins weakly.


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