Harry Potter: A Different Sirius

Chapter 136: Diplomacy Under Fire

"Black, hold for just a second. I want to see if…" there was the sound of a rattle followed by an electronic beep and a whirring noise. "Yes! I did it! I did it. I did it." Sirius' voice chanted his success.

Rick fought back a grin. He suspected that Sirius had just succeeded in getting his magical computer to work. The last time he'd seen Sirius, he had told Rick that he was working out the final bugs and Beth had complained that Sirius was so focused on finishing the project that he didn't notice much else. With the amount of celebrating he could hear, he knew he'd need to draw Sirius' attention to the fact he was on the phone. "Sirius!"

"What? Oops sorry about that. I.." Sirius' voice dripped with embarrassed chagrin. "Rick is that you? Now I'm really embarrassed."

Chuckling Rick responded. "Congratulations on getting your computer to work. I need you to come to a meeting tomorrow."

"Okay, what's the meeting about?

"The British magic situation, it's probably related to the fact that Mrs. Thatcher was replaced by Prime Minister Major. ICW is still unsettled by the attack, and the shakeup in England. I can't believe it's been five months and despite sanctions it's still effed up. I've been toying with asking you to get involved with the ICW problem, but between your little project, Beth, the triplets and Harry, I've refrained. I suspect George mostly wants insight on how things should be handled, but I could be wrong."

"Sure why not? Now that I've got the main bugs worked out on my baby, I can spare some attention. What time?"

"Be here at the castle by 9:45 we'll portkey from here."

"Rick thanks for coming." Rick shook hands with George Bush, James Baker, and Dan Qualye before greeting his daughter with a kiss on the cheek and waited while Clive shook hands with the men. "This is Beth's husband Sirius Black."

Sirius shook hands with the men "Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Mr. Secretary."

"None of that, Sirius," said James Baker. "I wouldn't have expected you to be in a briefing concerning Magicals though."

"Didn't Beth ever mention I'm a wizard?"

"No, she never mentioned it." Secretary of State James Baker said. A moment later the phone rang. "Gentlemen it's time."

A camera aimed at the sitting area sat atop a television. On the television appeared Mrs. Thatcher, John Major, and to Sirius' surprise Rufus Scrimegour and Augusta Longbottom.

Mrs. Thatcher was the first to speak. "Mr. President, I would like to introduce my replacement John Major. I also would like to introduce the two leaders of the Magical Britain, Mr. Rufus Scrimegour, and Lady Augusta Longbottom."

"Prime Minister Major, Mr. Scrimegour, Lady Longbottom. I would like to introduce James Baker Secretary of State, Dan Quayle my Vice President, Magical President Roderick Stevens, Magical President elect Clive Owens, Beth Black, special diplomatic aide to State Department, and her husband-"

"Sirius Black." Minister Scrimegour snarled.

"Rufus. Lady Augusta."

"We'd been told you'd been killed." Augusta spoke.

"Yes well rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated, though I will admit it was a close call."

"The boy?" She asked.

"He survived as well."Sirius answered, although he knew Augusta already was aware of the fact.

"That is good news." She finished.

Rick decided to get the ball rolling. "Yes, yes but why are we here? There must be some reason you've asked for this meeting."

Rufus Scrimegour collected himself. "Five months ago the attack by certain individuals created a massive instability in the government of Magical Britain by making enemies of many of the ICW countries. As result Her Majesty the Queen gave certain edicts. However those edicts have destabilized the situation further. Unfortunately the deadline on those edicts is about to run out. The political situation here in England is unstable due to economic crisis and there has been a recent change in leadership. President Stevens, I asked for this meeting. Magical and muggle Britain needs help so that the current instability does not lead to civil war in both worlds. The Queen is willing to grant an extension to the magical world, but only if we get outside assistance from someone experienced in this sort of thing. World wide there are only a few mages involved in politics and second to Albus Dumbledore, you have the most experience in politics. We need help to restructure, someone with your knowledge and experience in reform would be invaluable."

"So, what is it you are asking me to do?"

"When your term is ended please come to England, act as Magical ambassador from the United States come and advise us how to fix these problems because we're in over our heads."

"I don't know. I had intended to sit back and enjoy being a grandparent for a while."

"Is their anything we can do to help you choose to do it?"

"I'll consider it on two conditions one, you British citizens stop being so damned stubborn about the ICW investigation and re-trial of Sirius Black, especially since you already know he's innocent and two, the extradition of those fools that attacked Mr. Black, Harry Potter, and their guards stops getting blocked by your Wizengamot."

"I need a firmer promise than that if I'm to wrangle that concession from the Wizengamot."


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