Chapter 8: Admittance
"It's just… I'm so sorry Izuku… but you're not exactly from around here".
=== === === === ===
His mother made for a nice speech, plenty of words and phrases that were designed to soften the blow she was landing against him. There were metaphors and euphemisms designed to make her words easier for him to digest, but nothing could make up for the pain that came with the truths she was telling him.
He wasn't her son.
Everything he thought he knew was a lie.
Izuku had never had cause to doubt his mother in his life. She was a kind, caring woman, who cared for, and was cared for by, most of the people around her. She was a career paediatric nurse, who spent all of her days looking after the health and wellbeing of children, almost all of whom were worse off than her own son, who she had never failed to make feel loved.
But that wasn't the truth, was it?
Because Izuku wasn't even her son.
The car they were in came to a stop.
Izuku looked up, out of the passenger-side window, and found that Gr- Ima was already stood on the front porch, waiting for them to arrive.
She was older now, than he could remember from the days of his childhood, the grey and bright green colours of her hair having largely faded away, until now, where it was mostly white, with the odd pale green and grey streak. There were even days when she needed to use a cane to help herself move around, and with its use, came the constant need to hunch over slightly, making her appear to be shorter than he remembered, but despite all of that, the sharpness of her gaze remained, and Izuku knew well enough that her mind was as intact as ever.
She wouldn't be meeting them out here if it wasn't.
"Hey kiddo", she called out to him, as he moved towards her house, unsure of what to say, "she finally decided to tell you then? Everything?"
He swallowed, nodded, and managed to murmur, "Yeah".
"It was time", Inko added, her smile, tense and brittle, as she followed him up the small path.
"Alright then, come on", stepping off her porch, she left the cane behind, "we all know what you came here to see. Go grab a spade. You'll need it".
"What? Why?"
"For digging", she told him, looking as though she wished she had her cane back in hand for a moment, so she could whack his shins with it, ignoring the fact that it might break around him, "what else would you use a spade for?"
She shook her head, as she continued to walk back inside, "Now, you need to go out back, halfway between those two fallen trees. You're the young and strong one. You're doing the digging. You can stop when you hit something metallic".
=== === === === ===
"Katsuki Bakugo and Izuku Midoriya, please report to the Principal's Office. Thank you".
Looking up at the ceiling, Izuku wondered what the call was for. He couldn't remember ever being called into the Principal's Office before, save that one time he'd been shoved from behind, into a group of lockers, which had crumpled underneath him and also collapsed part of the wall and the classroom behind them.
Principal Shimura had stared him down the entire time, his eyes focused, and simply waited for an explanation. His eyes alone sent a faint shiver down his spine. Izuku had never actually been able to learn exactly what the Principal's Quirk was, but he wouldn't have been surprised if it was the ability to make people afraid of him.
Izuku felt nervous every time he so much as looked at the man.
Still, Izuku wasn't one to ignore a request from the Principal's Office, so with permission from Homura-sensei, he packed up his things and made his way to the front of the school, steadily ignoring the aggressive wheelchair movements behind him.
The receptionist waved them straight through to the Principal's Office, where he took a seat in front of the intimidating man, while Bakugo wheeled himself in, and Izuku couldn't help but note how he didn't intentionally bump into his desk the way he usually did.
Maybe he feared him too.
The Principal himself, who seemingly wore the same plain grey suit, white shirt and red and white striped every day of the week, was sat in his spartan office, decorated with a wooden desk, taupe walls and off-grey carpet. The lone decoration in the room was a small bonsai plant that sat upon the windowsill furthest away from the door, and if the school's rumour mill was to be believed, had been a gift from his deceased husband, who he supposedly kept it in memory of.
"When I receive a call", Principal Shimura began, his tone laced with an undercurrent of anger, "direct to my office that two of my school's own students have been accepted into U.A., the premier institute in all of Japan, and both of them with impressive scores at that, I would expect that my next move would be to call them both in here, so that I may congratulate them on their relative successes, and yet, having now received the full story of what has happened, gentlemen", he leant forwards, resting his head on steepled fingers, "I must confess that I find myself disappointed".
"Wh-", Izuku cleared his throat, "why is that sir?"
"Because of you, Izuku Midoriya".
=== === === === ===
Wednesday 28th February 2235
Dear Mr. Midoriya,
I am pleased to advise you that the Admissions Committee has approved your application to the Ultra Academy of Heroics (U.A.) for the coming school year. We look forward to welcoming you to the U.A. Community.
As you may be aware, you have completed the requirements to attend multiple programmes within U.A.'s remit and are therefore required to make a course selection prior to your joining us. Please use the acceptance slip below to indicate your choice, which is to be returned to us, no later than Friday 8th March 2235.
Additional course details, including uniform and equipment requirements have been included within this offer letter.
Should you have any questions about your offer, please feel free to contact our offices by phone at: (+81) 54 758 7858 (Ext: #721), or via email at: Admittance -at- UltraAcademy .co .jp
We look forward to seeing you for the coming year.
Yours sincerely,
=== === === === ===
Student: MIDORIYA, Izuku
Quirk: Tactile Telekinesis [E]
Dear U.A. Admissions,
I, the above stated student would like to accept / decline the placement offered to me at U.A. for the coming school year. Please find attached my signed confirmation of acceptance and I look forward to seeing you on April 1st.
Course for Heroics [ ]
Department for General Education [ ]
Please indicate your course selection by placing an 'X' in the appropriate box.
Name of Parent/Guardian:
=== === === === ===
Included with the placement offer sent to him by U.A., was a complete breakdown of the basic supplies needed for each of the courses, be it heroics, general education, support or business. It covered the basics, including pens, pencils and lined paper notebooks, to the uniform requirements and the few school uniform retailers that sold the authentic U.A. uniforms.
A student at U.A. needed three different uniforms: the standard uniform, which was used as their everyday uniform; the gym uniform, which was a tracksuit that had a long-sleeved and short-sleeved option to choose from; and then there was the swimsuit uniform, which was a pair of trunks for the boys or a bodysuit for the girls.
They could have ordered online for delivery, but with everything that had happened, his mom had wanted to make a day out of it, so they caught an early morning train and got off in the middle of Tokyo.
They had Takoyaki for breakfast, simply because they could. Izuku used his saved-up allowance to get himself the latest All Might figurine from the ProCo Line, which featured him wearing his Golden Age costume, but with puckered facial features from the fallout of the Vinegar Riverbank Incident. Inko picked up a collection of magazines for her own amusement, which Izuku knew from experience would make their way onto the coffee table of the nurses' lounge of Shizuoka at some point.
Modo, the official retailer of U.A. uniforms, wasn't the grand store that Izuku was expecting. He had envisioned a modern building of glass and concrete and steel, filled to the brim with dozens of people running about, always busy.
Instead, Modo was a tiny store, easy to miss, tucked as it was, between two much taller buildings on either side of it, with a wooden shopfront and only four workers. It was a small, quiet place, and when they stepped inside, the staff were quick to meet them in person, and welcome them warmly, happy to be of service.
Izuku didn't know what to say to them, as they directed him to stand on an empty footstool, so that they could begin measuring him for his uniform, while his mother simply chose one of the seats near the window, happy to wait for him to be finished.
They started with getting the swimsuit, which was just a pair of thigh-length swimming trunks, and it was easy enough to pick out, once one of the shop assistants had quickly measured his waistline for him. Dark blue in colour, the only marking feature was the U.A. standard white stripe running down the seams, with a thinner pair of red stripes running along each side of the thicker white one.
From there, they grabbed him his gym uniform to go with it, which was just a loose shirt and matching pair of trousers, in the same shade of dark blue as his new swimming trunks, with white vertical lines going up the legs and across the shoulders, that formed the letters 'U' and 'A'. There was also a second variation, which Izuku assumed was designed for the colder weather months, which swapped the standard shirt out for a long-sleeved version with a higher collar.
He picked the short-sleeved version, never having been bothered by the cold before, instead of the one designed to help him in cold weather. He saw his mother twitch as he made his decision, and he knew without asking that she was worried about his choice of gear, as she so often was, and chose to ignore the way his heart clenched in his chest at the sight, tight and choking, and so much worse now that he could understand just why she worried as much as she did.
Why he now feels like worrying so much.
He'd always thought that, for a nurse, she seemed to worry about him so much more than she needed to, but now? Now he can understand all of her fears all too well. Everything he has ever come into contact with, or ever will, is an unknown for just how exactly he'll react to it. Every new material, or food, or sound or scent could be dangerous to him in ways that humans just don't need to consider, and just because he's been fine so far, doesn't mean that he'll be fine tomorrow.
Who's to say that the flu he could catch from not wearing the winter gym uniform won't be enough to kill him. Just because the cold had never bothered him before, or because he's never been sick a day in his life, doesn't mean that the trend will continue.
What if tomorrow, he decides to try some new type of food or drink for the first time in his life, only for him to find that he's from a species that is deathly allergic to it and that normal epinephrin doesn't work on him, and even if it could, the needle can't pierce his skin, and then he dies.
Suddenly, his mother's ever-present stress makes all the more sense.
Why would she take him in, if this is how it's made her live her life?
(He knows why, but if he stands there and thinks about it for too long, he's quite certain that they'll both end up in tears).
Moving onto the standard uniform, it's been a while since he had to buy new clothes, so the assistant had him stand on a stool, while they busied themselves with taking all of his measurements.
The one constant between U.A. and Aldera is the long-sleeve, button-up white shirt, which Izuku can be thankful for. There's a comforting familiarity in the plain white cotton, and the only difference were the straps on the shoulders, which is minor enough to be almost completely unnoticeable during his fitting. He opts for the trousers instead of a skirt, having always felt more comfortable with his legs covered, and unlike the sensible grey he was expecting, or the black of Aldera, the trousers of U.A.'s standard uniform are a darkened shade of something caught somewhere between blue and green. Still, despite being as unfashionable as he was, even he could recognise that they paired well with the grey jacket that had highlights in the same shade of dark teal. The red necktie, which he had no idea how to go about fastening, stood out against the muted background colours, when he draped it over his shoulder.
He didn't mind admitting it.
The uniform looked good on him.
"Oh, Sweetie", his mom cooed, earning her a round of giggles from the shop assistants, when his face blushed all the way out to the tips of his hair, "you look so handsome".
"Thanks mom", he murmured, while the assistant who had taken most of the measurements began to bring his new uniform over in bags, placing them at her feet.
"There is one more thing", he told them, chirping his words with his obvious squirrel mutation, "you'll need to buy a set of epaulettes as well, one set for the shirt and another for the blazer. We can also provide spares if you wish, you just need to let us know which set you need".
He presented Izuku with a wooden box, and inside the glass display case contained within, Izuku could see that there were four set of epaulettes, four for the shirt and four for the jacket. Both sets were the same shade of blue green as the uniform highlights, with golden markings, but the ones for the jacket were slightly wider and longer, which matched the shoulder straps that Izuku had seen.
Pro Heroes were civil servants, not unlike the military or the police force, so U.A. students wore epaulettes to remind themselves of this. They also had the added benefit of letting everyone know which course you were attending, with each course have different allotments for activities and different studios available to them, simply with a quick glance at your shoulders.
The markings were designed to look like you simply had buttons on your jacket's shoulders, with the Hero Course having one button, centred to the top of each shoulder, closest to the neck, whereas the Support Course wore two buttons beside each other, at the edge of the shoulder, nearer the arm. The Management and Business Course wore three buttons in a vertical line, filling the entire gap. General Studies wore two buttons, not unlike the Support Course, but they wore them at the opposite ends, as opposed to beside each other, leaving a button-wide gap between them.
"Set one, please", Izuku told him, as he carefully removed the clothing he'd been trying on, "and one set each should do it".
"Not a problem", he told him, another assistant already retrieving them, "and one last thing, the U.A. uniform does come with a standard set of shoes. Now, I must inform you that while it isn't mandatory and students are allowed to choose their own footwear, it is highly recommended".
"Oh, okay".
"Is that a 'yes'?"
"Erm, I don't-", he turned back, to look at his mom, but she just smiled.
"It's up to you, Sweetie".
He looked down at his favourite pair of Air Mights, which were bright red, and while they were comfortable and great to look at, they didn't exactly lend themselves to him going about his day without standing out.
"Can you do a standard pair of size twenty-eights?"
"Certainly sir".
=== === === === ===
They watched him dig.
Inko and Ima retreated to her back porch, where they stood, watched and waited, as Izuku busied himself with digging up part of her back yard, his actions almost mechanically consistent: spade in, foot down, fling out, repeat. There was a reasonable distance between her porch and the part of the yard that she'd buried the spaceship in, far enough away from the house that with her aged eyes, she could barely make out his movements, but she felt that Izuku would appreciate the space, and before long, it began to look as though he was sinking into the ground with all the dirt he was moving.
And it gave Inko a place to freak out without bothering him.
Inko then refused to move, watching her son work, while Ima busied herself making tea. As the kettle boiled on her stovetop, she considered her next move carefully, before deciding to make the tea more Irish than English.
She added a generous dose of whiskey to both cups, before pressing it into her daughter's hands, all-but forcing her to take a sip.
"He's barely said a word to me since I told him".
Her voice was barely audible, even in the quiet of the day, "Less than four days ago now, you told him he was an alien from another planet, that his spaceship's buried out in the back of my yard, and that was on top of telling him he was adopted. It's only been three days. Give him some time to adjust".
"I know you're right", she buried her head in her hands, "but I just want him to talk to me. He's been so quiet since I told him the truth and I don't think he's been speaking to his friends either".
"Inko", she began, in a time that was as comforting as it was patronising, "you've upended his life. Everything he thought he knew about himself was based on what he now perceives to be a lie. He needs time to come to terms with that, and I'm sorry Dear, but that's not something that happens overnight".
"I know that".
"Yes, well all of your experience with this sort of thing will come through the hospital - and that only covers what it's like for normal human adoptees", she shuddered, "I can't even imagine what's going through his head right now".
"A part of me always knew that this day would come", Inko told her, gulping down most of her tea, "I guess, I always hoped that I'd never have to tell him", she hunched in on herself, drawing her salmon cardigan closer to her body, and Ima knew that it was out of shame, not from the late morning breeze, "I never wanted him to doubt who he was".
"Everyone doubts who they are. Thinking that you know who you are, getting it wrong and then figuring yourself out is all part of growing up. You were never going to be able to keep him from that".
"I know that", she repeated though gritted teeth, "I do, I know it, I just-"
"Want to keep him safe? Protect him from everything?"
Ima chuckled, "Then I'm sorry Sweetie, but you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of disappointment. Children grow up. They run into danger, and they don't think about the consequences. Risks are just those things that get in their way. You can't expect him to feel like he's part of the world if you won't let him learn how to walk through it alone".
"He's my baby", she mourned, but her mother just chuckled.
"He'll always be your baby", she told her, "trust me, that feeling never goes away".
Inko just sighed, leaving the two of them in silence, and Ima took the opportunity to fill her half-empty teacup up with more whiskey, while Inko rested her arms on the porch fence.
"Speaking of things that haven't gone away-"
"Not again Girl", Ima groaned, "I told you, I'm fine".
"You're not fine, you're-"
"Dying? Yes, I know. I'm sixty-nine years old already. I'll be seventy in just a few short weeks. Either way you look at it, I don't have much time left".
"Oh, Mother".
"Stop your whining, I'm the one dying, and you don't hear me complaining about it".
"Are there options we can take?"
"What's this 'we'? I'm the one who's sick".
"Oh, relax already. I started hormone therapy a few days ago".
"Is it working?"
She sighed, cursing the fact that she'd raised such a kind and caring daughter, who would, no doubt, refuse to drop the subject until she was satisfied that all of her questions had been answered, and then proceeded to raise her son to be the same way.
"I'm sleeping easier", she admitted, "the days are more tolerable, but I get tired more easily and the coughing is constant, no matter what I do".
"I wish you'd come and stay with me and Izuku".
"Izuku and I", she corrected, "and no thank you".
"I'm paying for a private service to check on me daily, and besides, if I'm dying, I want to do it here, in my home. The home I built with my husband, where we raised our daughter… where I met my grandson for the first time. If this is to happen, I want it to happen here", she smiled, looking out to where Izuku seemed to have slowed down, "this is where I belong".
Inko sighed once again, "If you're sure".
"I am".
There was nothing more to say after that, and the two women simply stood together, watching on as Izuku continued to dig. They finished their teas, complete with additional whiskey and otherwise enjoyed the warm weather, before a shout from Izuku interrupted their sense of calm.
It was hard to make out what he was saying but given the way he was holding his shovel in the air, they both knew what it had to be.
He'd finished his digging.
He'd found it.
=== === === === ===
Izuku was glad he'd given himself extra time to get to class for his first day.
He'd awoken that morning, an hour earlier than usual, but once he'd acknowledged that he was awake, and remembered what day it was, he'd realised that it would be next to impossible to get back to sleep.
It was the first day of the new school year.
He sent off a good morning text to JJ, before he went to the bathroom to wash, floss, brush his teeth and make his usual attempt at combing back his mess of hair. It seemed that his friend was in the same state he was, having sent three responses by the time Izuku got back into his room.
He joined his mother for breakfast, still texting JJ as he ate his mom's attempt at American pancakes and drank a glass of milk. She seemed as jittery as he felt, and in more than one instance, he was worried that she was about to drop her coffee mug.
She slipped into her hospital scrubs, while he went to do the same with his U.A. uniform. He was glad he'd gone and got the uniform in person, rather than just ordering online, because he couldn't help but give himself a once over in the mirror.
He didn't consider himself a vain person, but well… he had to admit it.
He looked good.
Izuku had never had to worry about his health. Not only did he have a nurse for a mom, who was as health conscious as could be, but it had always looked to Izuku like he'd won something of a genetic lottery.
His body appeared baseline human, with no visible mutations that would cause him to stand out or give any who saw him pause. He was tall for his age, without appearing to be a giant, and despite the fact that most of his exercise came from walking, or the occasional jog away from Bakugo and his ilk, he had a pair of broad shoulders and solid muscles all over his body, which never seemed to atrophy, or need regular exercise to upkeep.
Growing up, a part of him assumed that his Quirk simply kept his body in perfect health, but now he wondered if this was just what every member of whatever species he was, was supposed to look like.
It was possible that Izuku was even small for his age.
He had no way of knowing.
Still, he liked the way he made the uniform look.
The shirt and blazer were stretched across his broad frame, while the trousers hung perfectly down to just above his feet. He'd managed to use enough gel to slick his hair back, and when he added the black leather belt and the red silk tie, he thought he looked like a young professional.
"You look so handsome", his mother told him, as she handed him his new yellow backpack, and they headed for the door.
Despite everything, he smiled, "Thanks mom", while they put on their shoes. He was sad to leave his Air Mights behind, having worn them to Aldera every day since he'd started, but he could also see that the plain brown shoes that he'd spent a few hours hand polishing did look better with the uniform than his favourite pair of red sneakers would have.
They were also much less inconspicuous.
For the first time since he could remember, his mom didn't drop him off at school. U.A. was too far away for her to make the commute every day, so instead, she dropped him off at the train station, choosing to let him get the earlier train.
He was glad she did.
Normally, he used his Quirk, (could he even still call it a Quirk now?), to get to the train station ahead of everyone else. Between that, his mom dropping him off in the mornings, and the time they came home, Izuku realised that he had never had to travel on public transport during rush hour.
Everyone was so pushy.
People kept speedwalking past him, and cramming themselves into his personal space, as they seemed to be desperate to get where they were going.
It probably didn't help that he had very little idea where he was going.
He'd only made the journey to U.A. once before, and the morning's mass of bodies was throwing him off. By the time he finally arrived at the main gate, which his signing in papers and joined the admissions queue to receive his student card, he'd lost almost half of the extra hour he'd given himself that morning.
From there, he'd had to find his way towards his new homeroom class, which was foolish, because he had to do that before orientation, when he hadn't been shown the way around yet. The second and third-year students were given the morning of their first day off, so that the new kids could familiarise themselves with the grounds, but that meant that there was no one Izuku could ask to help show him the way.
And everyone else was in the same boat he was.
By the time he found his homeroom class, at the end of a corridor, that had his homeroom letters for the year stencilled onto the wall besides the enormous door, he'd used up nearly every second of extra time that he'd allowed for.
He was really glad that he'd been too nervous to sleep.
Opening the door, he took a breath to calm his nerves, before stepping inside to a veritable cacophony of noise. He did his best to ignore them, as he found his place using the seating plan that was displayed on the board. He placed his bag at the foot of his chair and pulled out a plain notepad and black ballpoint pen.
It was only a matter of moments before the digital clock on the wall above the door changed its display to read, '08:30', and the door opened one more time and the room fell silent in an instant, as their homeroom teacher stepped inside.
=== === === === ===
Izuku swallowed nervously, as Principal Shimura stared down at him, over his steepled fingers and fought back the urge to squirm in his seat, "I'm sorry, sir".
"You're sorry, are you? Well, that's good to know".
There was a small cross-shaped scar on the principal's chin, and Izuku chose to focus on that, doing everything he could not to meet the man's eyes.
"I would have thought, that after all of the investment that Aldera Junior High School has made into your development and future growth, that you would have chosen to repay this investment by delivering nothing but your finest work. Now, U.A. has provided me with copies of your exam results".
"They did?"
Principal Shimura ignored him, "Now, Young Bakugo, impressive scores across the board. You had some of the highest scores for the heroics examination, and your exam results for the U.A. Support Course were also impressive. Impressive enough that despite your physical deformity, you've accepted a place in their Heroics Course, with an allowance for studying support equipment.
Bakugo simply growled in response, earning him a raised eyebrow from the Principal, while Izuku couldn't help but feel impressed.
"Just like the Excavation Hero: Power Loader!"
They both ignored him, which suited him and his nerves just fine, but it was still an impressive accomplishment. It was hard to remember sometimes, but despite Bakugo's demeanour, he was rather intelligent.
"And you Mister Midoriya", the Principal continued, as though he hadn't been interrupted at all, "made for some impressive scores with your results, setting records in the general education exams and then proceeding to take the first-place spot in the heroics exam", he flicked his gaze upwards, and found the principal was staring directly into his eyes.
Bakugo growled again, baring his teeth at Izuku, while the Principal ignored him this time.
"Ah, thank you sir".
"But perhaps you'd like to tell me exactly why, when I spoke to them, U.A. told me that you hadn't chosen your spot there?"
"I'm sorry sir, but… I made a different decision".
=== === === === ===
"Good morning, little listeners! It's your boy, the Voice Present Mic and I'm here to announce that I am your new homeroom teacher, YEAH!"
His yell shook the windows, making them all feel nervous, but the man just grinned, "You can call me Yamada-sensei, Present Mic-sensei, Mic-sensei or even just Present Mic, I don't mind, but what's important is that orientation begins in fifteen minutes, so all that's left is to take registration and allow me to welcome you all to your first year as students of the Ultra Academy's Department for General Education. Welcome to Class 1-C!"
=== === === === ===
Student: MIDORIYA, Izuku
Quirk: Tactile Telekinesis [E]
Dear U.A. Admissions,
I, the above stated student would like to accept / decline the placement offered to me at U.A. for the coming school year. Please find attached my signed confirmation of acceptance and I look forward to seeing you on April 1st.
Course for Heroics [ ]
Department for General Education [X]
Please indicate your course selection by placing an 'X' in the appropriate box.
Name of Parent/Guardian: Inko Midoriya
Signature: I. Midoriya
Date: 2235/03/05
=== === === === ===
Author's Notes:
Seriously, who saw me pulling that one? Into Gen-Ed it is.
Hello everyone and welcome back with Volume One, Part Two: Birthright.
Principal Shimura is sadly unrelated to Nana Shimura, (sorry to disappoint for those of you who thought that might be the case), but he is named for the character of Danzo Shimura from the 'Naruto' series, completing the triad of teachers we started with Koharu and Homura. Yes, the school rumour mill also got one almost right, the bonsai tree was a gift from Principal Shimura's former lover, but in this case, the lover is his deceased husband, who was also the principal of the local high school.
(Get it, because Principal Shimura was responsible teaching them at the roots of their academic careers? Ha? No? Okay, I'll stop).
Now, there are no contact details provided for U.A. in the canonical story, so I've created a basic email address for them, as well as a phone number: (+81) 54 758 7858
For those curious:
+81 is the international subscriber dialling (ISD) code for Japan, and locally, will just be replaced with a 0.
54 is the area code for the Shizuoka Prefecture, where U.A. is canonically located.
758 7858 (Ext: #721) is a standardised Japanese phone number, and when properly substituted, can be read as: PLU SULT (Ext: #RA!)
Making their phone number for student concerns: (JAPAN) - SHIZUOKA - PLUS ULTRA!
Izuku's shorthand for writing the date on his admissions form is also correct to Japan, using YYYY/MM/DD, which is the standard format in large parts of Asia, as well as being the international standard, as opposed to more commonly used DD/MM/YYYY format, or the USA's odd MM/DD/YYYY layout.
Modo, the name of the uniform retailer that U.A. employ comes from the Japanese word for 'Mode', and is a reference to Edna Mode, the costume designer from the 2004 movie, 'The Incredibles', and its 2018 sequel.
For those of you curious, Izuku wears a Size 28 shoe in this story (which is a Size 10 [UK], Size 44.5 [European] and Size 10.5 [American]).
Also, the fake email address I added for U.A. didn't show up properly, so I do apologise for that. I've never added one before, but I'm supposing it's some kind of site restriction for online safety.