Green Lanterns Light

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Escape

Running through the damaged areas of the facility, which John found himself delighted to know he could cause such destruction with his powers, he raced down a hallway that led to the holding cells.

Where as he approached John saw several guards with rifles, having formed a sort of blockade.

Then the moment they spotted him they raised their weapons in his direction. "Fire!" One of them shouted.

Right after he did John raised up both his hands in the air in front of him, his entire body once more becoming enveloped in willpower energy. He then pictured a shield in his mind, and willed the energy to create it in front of him.

'Work, work, work!' John thought.

Since due to his captivity he had never been able to create a construct so large. Or on such short notice. Leaving him to hope his innate instinct in regards to his powers worked in his favor.

A few seconds after John pictured the shield in his mind it formed in front of him.

Just in time to block all of the bullets the guards fired at him.

Seeing this John nodded his head. He then willed the shield forward rapidly.

Where once he did it quickly smashed straight into the guards firing at him. Knocking them all on their asses.

Upon seeing this John deconstructed the shield. He then fire massive green bolts of willpower energy at the guards. Killing them without any hesitation.

Once he was sure all of them were dead John created two giant fist constructs from each of his hands. He then began smashing in the cells of the other Mutant prisoners, setting them free.

For even though John had never interacted with any of them it would leave a bad taste in his mouth if he simply escaped without setting them free as well.

Plus on another note John thought they might cover his own escape a little.

After John finished smashing in all the cells he deconstructed the giant fists and then started running again.

Some of the other prisoners following right behind him.

While others began running wild, or heading off in other directions.

Turning the facility into total chaos.

Klaxxon's began going off.

But John and the other Mutants paid that no mind as they continued running through the facility, looking for a way out.

John happening to take out anyone who got between them and their goal of freedom.

Well, mostly his own.

"Fuck, where is an exit when you need one?!" John cursed.

Getting frustrated as he continued coming up empty on an exit from the facility he was in.

Turning down yet another hallway he continued running, ignoring the fatigue that was beginning to set in. Reaching the end of it John pushed through the double doors, where he soon found himself in some sort of storage area.

"Okay, fuck this." John said.

He then ran around to all of the nearby walls in the room and blasted holes in all of them with green willpower energy. Until after he blasted the storage rooms back wall, and found himself looking at a forest in front of him.

"Finally." John muttered. "Freedom." He spoke.

Then without any hesitation John ran forward and into the forest.

Just as he heard an explosion go off in the background.

But John paid that no heed and continued running forward.

Hoping to put as much distance between himself and the facility he was in as possible.

Though before he could really do so John felt something hit him in the back of his neck. Leading him to immediately start feeling sluggish and trip. Falling face first into the ground.

After this happened he tried to stand back up, only to realize his limbs were slowly not responding to him.

Then immediately afterwards he heard a calm voice suddenly speaking to him.

"It's no use Mutant. There was enough juice in that tranquilizer dart to bring down two full grown human men."

Turning in the direction of the voice, John saw a man in tactical gear walking towards him. Followed by several others. All of whom had assault rifles pointed at John.

"I'll admit, you gave us a good run there boy. Seems you're more powerful than our initial tests projected." The lead man spoke. Reaching John. "But that's alright. Just means we need to wrap you up tighter. So something as unfortunate as this doesn't happen ever again."

"Fuck you." John spat at the man.

Who then stepped on John's left hand without any hesitation.

"Agh!" John screamed.

"Well, you got quite the mouth on you their boy." The lead soldier spoke. "So let me give you some help in shutting it." The man said.

He then proceeded to start repeatedly kicking John in the chest. Over and over again.

Until eventually John began coughing up small bits of blood.


That is until several bolts of lighting suddenly rained down from the sky and struck the men kicking John, and his subordinates. Taking them all out in an instance.

"What?" John muttered.

Trying and failing to stay conscious.

Though he did so just long enough to see a very familiar face heading towards him.

The mutant weather goddess herself, and iconic member of the X-men.


[Insert Image of Ororo Munroe/Storm Here]

As she landed Storm quickly moved over to John and picked up his head. "My friend, are you alright?" She asked him.

"I mean, since a goddess just appeared and saved me how could I not be?" John managed to say.

Right before blacked out entirely.


*Beep Beep Beep*

"Oh no, don't tell me all of that shit was just a dream." John muttered to himself.

His ears filled the very familiar sounds of hospital equipment.

"Well if it was, then it was actually the coolest dream I've ever had." He spoke.

Slowly opening his eyes after he did.

Only to find he wasn't back in his hospital room.

But instead located in some sort of futuristic looking medical bay that one might see in a science fiction film or television show. Like Star Treks or Star Wars

"Huh, so it wasn't a dream after all." John muttered.

"Young man I don't know what you speak of, but from the way your tone carries obvious curiosity within it the fact you are in a quandary is obvious. So if you will allow me, I would be more than happy to help you resolve the matter." A well-educated voice spoke up.

Turning his head in its direction John found himself looking at yet another iconic member of the X-men.

Hank McCoy, also known as Beast.

[Insert image of Hank McCoy/Beast here]

Letting him know everything that had happened to him wasn't a dream.

Getting tortured, his transmigration, discovering he was Mutant, the escape from that facility, getting the shit kicked out of him by that obvious racist. Not to mention getting his ass saved by Storm.

It had all happened.



"Well, shit." John muttered.

For he currently had no other words to describe his current situation.

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