Future Mecha God of War

Chapter 94 0.2 second advantage

"Huh? There seems to be a battle ahead."

Mu Chen, who was trying to adjust his direction, suddenly sensed a vibration coming from about 20 kilometers ahead. The movement seemed to be the vibration caused by the activation of the energy cannon.

The maximum detection range of the common-level mecha he is driving is only 15 kilometers. Beyond this range, he can only rely on experience to judge.

After more than ten seconds, another shock came, and an explosion could still be heard vaguely.

Mu Chen finally confirmed that there was indeed a battle going on ahead.

He came out this time to find the enemy mecha. Now that he heard the noise, he immediately started the mecha, turned on the maximum speed, and rushed in the direction of the vibration.

Mu Chen also knew that his move was a bit risky. The D-95 was just a prototype and had not been modified in any way. It was not equipped with any stealth system or energy shielding system.

So when he finds the enemy, the enemy can also find him. There is no luck at all. Even if the opponent has an enhanced mecha, he has already discovered his existence by now.

In terms of equipment, the D-95 is only equipped with the two most common standard weapons.

A high-speed energy gun that does 5,000 damage per second and cannot store energy, and a 3.8-meter-long tungsten steel alloy knife, one far and one close, can only be regarded as quite satisfactory.

If he rushes forward rashly like this, if the enemy's number or strength is far greater than his, he won't be able to escape even if he wants to.

Mu Chen knows all these things very well, but now he is in a competition and every second counts. How can there be so many good things waiting for him that he is sure of?

Since he chose to hunt the enemy mecha, he was ready to take risks.

Although he made the most conservative choice when formulating the plan, he would not flinch at all when it was time to fight.

A minute later, seven mecha logos appeared on the mecha perception system, one blue and six red.

In the mecha's friend-or-foe identification system, blue is one's own and red is the enemy.

In this situation, it should be that one of his own mechas is being besieged by six enemy mechas. The noise he just heard was caused by the exchange of fire between the two sides.

Although there was a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, Mu Chen did not slow down and continued to rush towards these mechas.

If the speed is faster, maybe there will be an extra helper.

After climbing over a mountain over fifty meters high, the mechas finally appeared in Mu Chen's sight, and three mechas were rushing towards him.

Just when he showed his head, three laser rays were already aimed at him.

Mu Chen, who had already discovered the opponent's existence, would certainly not be hit by such an attack. He controlled the mecha to retreat back, retracting to avoid the attack.

Then he accelerated forward again and charged directly towards three enemy mechas.

The moment he showed his head, he had already determined that the opponent was a combination of an enhanced aircraft and five ordinary aircraft.

The mecha on our side is also an enhanced level, but its left arm has been broken, and it is struggling to hold on. However, the opponent sent three common-level mechas to surround and suppress him, which also relieved a little pressure on him, so he should be able to hold on. a while.

This was better than what he had expected. This time was enough for him to deal with these three common-level mechas.

The three general-level mechas were less than 2 kilometers away from Mu Chen. At the current speed of both sides, it would only take 6 seconds for them to meet at this distance.

D-95's figure was erratic, and he easily dodged three rounds of long-range attacks from the opponent. When the two sides passed each other, the alloy knife in D-95's hand was turned lightly, and the pilot of the mecha at the front was killed. Cang pierced.

Then without stopping, he turned slightly to the side, and the alloy knife in his hand was sent forward along with the inertia, and the second mecha was also eliminated.

At this time, the laser weapon of the third mecha could be used again. It fired a shot in panic, and when it saw that it did not hit the target, it actually wanted to turn around and run back.

It's a pity that it has been rushing forward before. How can the huge inertia generated by a mecha weighing almost ten tons be offset by a mere turning movement?

As a result, it didn't even complete the turning action before it became the third mecha to die in Mu Chen's hands in the elimination round.

The three mechas that came to the door could not stop Mu Chen's progress at all, and they could not even slow down the D-95 a little.

Mu Chen, who had easily defeated three mechas, also felt a little different about himself.

He first switched directly from the common-level Windrunner II to the catastrophic-level Death Dominator, and now he has switched back to the common-level D-95.

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. He has become accustomed to the performance of disaster-level mechas. When he first started using the D-95, he felt that his hands were tied up, as if he couldn't find a place to release all his strength.

But in the battle just now, Mu Chen found that his control level of this common-level mecha seemed to be higher than before.

If he was driving the Windrunner II before, although he could easily defeat the three enemies just now, he would have to some extent used the Windrunner's speed to surpass other mechas. At the same speed, he would never be able to do this. It was as easy as just now.

He didn't know if he was used to the high speed of the Lord of Death, but during the battle just now, he actually felt that the enemy's movements became slower in his eyes.

But it was different from the feeling when using mental power to overclock. During overclocking, everything in the outside world slowed down, and only his own movements were normal.

The feeling just now was that everything, including himself, had slowed down, but his movements were still faster than the enemy, maybe... 0.2 seconds faster?

It was this small time difference that allowed Mu Chen to deal with these three mechas with ease.

He even had the leisure to pay attention to the layer of dark red blood on the alloy knife inserted from the enemy's cockpit...

Well, it seems that the developer has really put a lot of effort into this game map. At least he has never seen a mecha bleed in the game before.

Ignoring this small change, Mu Chen had already controlled the D-95 and rushed into the battle group where his own mecha was besieged.

However, the enemy's enhanced mecha obviously didn't want Mu Chen to come and disrupt the situation. The high-energy ray gun in its hand suddenly turned its muzzle and fired at D-95.

Although the enhanced-level mecha was better than the common-level mecha in all aspects of performance, its speed was still too slow in Mu Chen's opinion.

It was so slow that Mu Chen not only dodged its attack calmly, but also easily defeated another common-level mecha. Now he was rushing towards the last common-level mecha.

The armor of the enhanced mecha was too thick and it would definitely not be able to be taken down by one or two hits, so Mu Chen planned to save it until the end.

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