Future Mecha God of War

Chapter 87 Goal Achieved

Mu Chen first arranged for Tuhao and Xiaoyu, and then said: "I think everyone should have seen the schedule of the knockout round. The entire knockout round will last for 15 days. Although you can definitely go offline to rest in the middle, I estimate that it will definitely be done by then. You can’t go offline just because you want to, so everyone needs to adapt in advance.

Starting from tomorrow, I hope that everyone can reasonably allocate their physical strength and mental energy in the battle. "

Xiao Yu heard this and wanted to refute, but after taking a look at Mu Chen's obviously energetic look, she cursed "pervert" in her heart and simply shut up and stopped talking.

After almost resting, Xiao Yu and Brother Tuhao started training. After half an hour, they took a break. Mu Chen called up their training video, watched it bit by bit, and then found out what problems they still had, and they continued practicing.

Regarding the use of [Pojun], Mu Chen also gave Liu Qinyan some suggestions. He felt that although it was difficult for mechas to use guns as flexibly as humans, some basic aspects could still be based on traditional gun skills.

However, he didn't do much research on this aspect. The details depended on Liu Qinyan's own thinking.

In fact, Mu Chen was more interested in Liu Qinyan's magical makeup technique. He felt that this technique might have unexpected effects when used on mechas.

But now he felt that his relationship with Liu Qinyan had just eased a bit. If he brought up this topic rashly, there might be another problem, so he had to give it up.

In the meantime, Muchen even had a discussion with Liu Yimian, who was idle and bored, and finally won his heart.

The two of them did not decide the winner. Mu Chen just wanted to see how far this modified Light Angel could perform at full power. It was not worth spending money to repair the mecha for such a trivial matter.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the exhausted Tuhao Ge and Xiao Yu were finally relieved.

When Xiaoyu came out, she said that Muchen had abused children and asked him to treat him to a meal to make up for it.

The rich man was too tired to say anything. He waved his hand to Muchen as a greeting and went home directly.

He was different from Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu only consumed his energy, but now his whole body ached and he could barely lift his hands.

Mu Chen struggled with Xiao Yu for a while, and promised to take her home to see Xiao Qing tomorrow and treat her to a meal, which finally calmed her down.


"Finally we're in!" Mu Chen, who had just come out of the game cabin, couldn't help but sigh.

With the rich guy at the bottom of the team finally reaching the 998th place, Mu Chen and his team finally entered the 1000th place and qualified for the competition.

As for himself, he had already improved his ranking through solo queue while Tuhao and the others were training in the evening. Now he has reached 641st place, leaving behind even that lazy guy Liu Yimian.

The five of them have been fighting for five consecutive days in order to move up the rankings, and today they finally achieved their goal.

Thinking about his experiences these past few days, Mu Chen felt that there was only one word, tired!

In the past few days, he practiced "Spiritual Attunement" in the morning, competed in the rankings in the afternoon, led the team to train in the evening, and also prepared for the knockout round. Even though he was full of energy, he still felt a little tired.

In terms of cultivation, because he started practicing too soon, he could not see any effects yet. He just felt that his body seemed to have become accustomed to the stimulation of mental power.

After each practice, the step of using mental power to stimulate and assimilate the practice parts has become longer and longer, but the physical fatigue will not be alleviated at all because of this.

In this regard, he was still much worse than Liu Yimian, who had already adapted to this intensity of training.

There is nothing to say about the competition. As everyone's cooperation becomes more and more tacit, there are fewer and fewer opponents who can cause them trouble. Of course, there are no big surprises in terms of ranking.

According to Mu Chen's statistics, they can encounter teams with a higher ranking than them about twice a day, but the ranking they can improve with each victory is only one or two hundred. There are no great players like Feng Wuying anymore. Encountered.

During the night's practice, Brother Tuhao didn't make much progress. Because his reaction speed couldn't keep up, he still couldn't lower the height to the 1 meter set by Mu Chen when charging on the poster. Now he can only fluctuate around 2 meters. .

However, after his hard training, he has now become very skilled in the connection between the two charges.

Mu Chen was a little surprised by Xiao Yu's progress. After Mu Chen's constant tips on mecha stealth, she was now able to use it decently.

She has also not fallen behind in the practice of "Thousand Shadow Soul Searching". Now she can stably hit 35 times within 0.2 seconds, causing about 1 million damage.

At this level, the practicality of this trick is actually not low. At least for most disaster-level mechas, it can already pose a fatal threat.

"Captain, I request to have a rest tonight." Xiaoyu shouted after just exiting the game cabin.

"I agree, I've been tired for several days, and I can't stand it anymore." The rich man also said at the side. He really didn't expect that one day he would be able to play games. He was afraid when he saw the game cabin...

If Mu Chen knew what he was thinking, he would definitely tell him. This is absolutely normal.

He had seen this situation countless times in his previous life.

Those ignorant teenagers who clamor every day that they can play games for a lifetime and regard becoming a professional gamer as their lifelong ideal, most of them will cry and want to go home after a week of trial training with the team, and many of them even swear I will never play games again in this life.

Others persisted for a month or more, and finally realized that they did not have the talent to become professional players, and then left sadly.

When interest turns into work, it is really boring to repeat the same action thousands of times every day just for that insignificant improvement.

Moreover, the coaches of those teams are not as gentle as Mu Chen. The slightest mistake will lead to a lot of yelling. Under such a double blow of physical and psychological, as well as the ubiquitous frustration, they can really persevere and finally Only a very small number of them become professional players.

"Okay, anyway, our goal has been achieved for the time being, let's rest today!" Muchen followed suit and readily agreed.

"Training will continue as usual tomorrow. There must be no less than twenty qualifying matches every day. In addition, everyone will also study the format of the knockout rounds. There are only the last few days left. Don't relax." He added.

Just when Mu Chen and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, in another place, there was a group of people making intensive preparations in order for the mecha competition to be held smoothly.

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