Future Mecha God of War

Chapter 75 The temptation from the captain

By the time the rich man came to his senses, the whole battle was almost over. The war messenger who charged behind him killed the elite opponent with one shot, and then easily killed another one. Enhanced level.

Xiaoyu, who returned to the battlefield, also directly killed an enhanced mecha and was now practicing his newly learned moves with the last remaining opponent.

The player who controlled the enhanced mecha now wanted to die. He couldn't hit, dodge, or block. He could only watch as he was stabbed with a knife. The stab of the knife.

Just stab him. When he saw that his opponent was five disaster-level mechas, he never thought that he could survive. However, the opponent refused to stab him to death. He stabbed him in another place. Now his The mecha was full of bumps and bumps, and it was almost impossible to find a good place.

At this time, he just wanted to ask, what is the grudge? As for you treating me like this?

Thinking about the battle points it would take to repair the mecha, he felt his heart bleed. This rule of not admitting defeat in a team competition was simply too inhumane.

In the end, Mu Chen couldn't stand it any longer, so he let Xiao Yu end the battle.

The strength of their opponents in this match was so far behind them that Mu Chen and Liu Yimian didn't even make a move, and the battle ended.

This intensity of fighting basically had no effect on the team's tactical training. The only gain was probably that everyone had more confidence in the tactics developed by Mu Chen.

Especially the rich man, he now feels that he is not just a mere bastard in this team. He can also go into battle to kill the enemy and contribute to the team!

After this battle, his morale improved a lot.


Mu Chen only said something in the team channel, and then started arranging the next game.

Although the battle is simple, it actually exposes some problems, but there is no need to rush to correct them for the time being. After playing a few more battles, everyone can find their own position in the battle and develop the habit of team fighting. Late.

They then played four more games in a row, and none of the opponents they encountered were worth mentioning. Mu Chen and Liu Yimian never made a move, and they were successfully solved with only the other three people.

It is worth mentioning that the rich man was probably inspired by the first battle. He was extremely brave in the following battles, constantly controlling the goddess of victory to rush around on the battlefield.

Those enhanced-level and even elite-level opponents could not stop him at all. They were invincible. If he hadn't almost bumped into Liu Qinyan's war envoy for the last time...

After the fight, Mu Chen, who was ranked lowest, finally entered the top 10,000.

His current ranking is 9637, the wealthy brother is 9624, which is a few higher than him, and Liu Qinyan is about the same. Now at 9548, the three of them are basically at the same level.

The rankings of Liu Yimian and Xiao Yu have not changed at all, but this is normal. Judging from the rankings, their team is also a two-lead and three-lead combination, but Mu Chen is the one who is led.

After the last battle, Mu Chen called a stop, because after the team's average ranking reaches 10,000, their next opponents will be different, and some things need to be explained clearly first.

"There should be no more enhanced mechas among our opponents. Do you know what this means?" Mu Chen asked after everyone exited the game cabin.

"Captain, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. We are not children anymore." Xiaoyu said with a pout.

Well, the more children they are, the more they like to say that they are not children.

She is actually a little depressed. She has tried the "Thousand Shadow Soul Searching" trick many times, but now she can only control it to send out 20 hits within 0.2 seconds, causing about 500,000 damage. It is difficult to deal with those machines below the disaster level. Armor is enough, but it can't kill disaster-level mechas instantly.

But how can a mecha below the disaster level be so strenuous to use? A wealthy man can pierce it with a sword, so Xiaoyu is very dissatisfied with his performance.

When Mu Chen saw Xiao Yu's look, he probably knew what was wrong with her, but instead of comforting her, he said directly: "Just because you are not a child, you have to learn to think independently.

Although we have tactical arrangements, tactics are not omnipotent. You need to make correct judgments most of the time on the battlefield.

Offensive or defensive? Is it to kill the enemy directly or to help teammates? These are just a thought between you, and the sum of countless such judgments determines the final outcome of a battle. "

After a little borrowing, Mu Chen continued: "In fact, some problems were exposed in the previous battles, let's talk about them now.

Lao Zheng still has the same problem. He doesn’t have enough control over mechas. There is nothing wrong with the charging style you later adopted, but due to lack of control, it often leads to you being disconnected from the team. If our opponent is stronger, just now At least three times during the battle, you may find yourself surrounded by enemies and then be surrounded and killed.

There is no quick fix in this area, you can only work hard to practice, but ten thousand moves will not be as good as one. Since you think this style of play is more suitable for you, you can practice this move specifically in the future to strengthen your grasp of distance and direction. , while improving instant explosive power.

If possible, consciously practice the connection between the two attacks, so that in the future, whether fighting or running, you can take the initiative in your own hands. "

The rich man nodded. He was very clear about his problem. Now he had at least found a direction in which he could improve. This was already not easy for him, so he would practice even if Mu Chen didn't say anything.

"There are two problems that Xiaoyu has now. The first is the problem of stealth. Dark Shura's stealth system is indeed powerful, but it requires the players themselves to use it. Your current mecha stealth technology is completely unqualified. You have never even I haven’t paid attention to the impact of mechas on the surrounding environment. Do you believe that you can’t get within 500 meters of me with your stealth?”

Xiaoyu still pursed her lips and said in a voice just enough for everyone to hear: "Who is as perverted as you? I haven't been discovered by anyone else."

Mu Chen said angrily: "What level of enemies did we face before? Of course they can't find you, but our target is not them. Now every game we play is to prepare for the competition. From now on, you will also practice mecha stealth for an hour every day until I think you are qualified."

"I know, isn't it just extra practice? What's the big deal?" Xiaoyu muttered again.

Seeing Xiao Yu's reaction, Mu Chen nodded secretly.

In fact, he is testing the character and teamwork of his teammates in this way. It is better to find out now than to have problems after the game starts.

After observing several games and the exchange just now, he now basically has an idea.

Although Tuhao is not very powerful, he has a stable personality and is very good at dealing with people. He is also very willing to accept other people's opinions, so there is basically no need to worry.

Liu Yimian's state in the game is very different from usual. Normally, he is very easy to deal with and has a gentle personality. But once in the game, he talks less and always has an air of putting on airs. Mu Chen It is speculated that this is related to his experience of becoming famous in the game at a young age and being wildly sought after by others.

But no matter what, Liu Yimian's strength and experience were there, so there was nothing to worry about.

Among these people, he was actually most worried about Xiao Yu and Liu Qinyan. Xiao Yu was young and had a somewhat out-of-touch personality. Mu Chen was not sure whether she would become an unstable factor in the team.

The competition is not a day or two, but will last for a whole month. It is a long time, an intensive schedule, fierce competition, plus the psychological pressure that will inevitably increase with the competition. This little girl will really Can you bear it?

However, after the exchange just now, Mu Chen felt a lot more reassured about her. Although this little girl has an out-of-touch personality and keeps making strange remarks, her mental endurance is not weak, she is motivated, and she is also more obedient in competitions. He is tall and should be a material that can be built.

As for Liu Qinyan, although there is not much communication, Mu Chen has found that she is extremely sensitive inside, and she is in charge of such a large dream paradise at such a young age. Thinking about it, she is extremely proud. She can really meet her own requirements. Can it be done?


"Xiao Yu's second problem is that the attack method is too single. I asked you to use [Soul Request], but I didn't say you can only use [Soul Request]. Every time you complete the first attack, if you use [Kill Kill] when you are out of combat, God] can add one arrow to cause more damage to the enemy, and can further help teammates distract the enemy's attention.

In addition, after completing the first attack, you do not have to use stealth to enter the battlefield every time. If there is no interference, you can fully utilize the advantage of [Killing Gods] with one hit from a distance. "

Don't worry, don't worry, but you still have to say what needs to be said.

Hearing Mu Chen's words, Xiao Yu did not express dissatisfaction. Instead, her eyes lit up and she nodded quickly.

[God Killer] was her favorite. She chose Dark Shura largely because of this weapon. She was still very depressed when she was not allowed to use it. But now that Mu Chen said this, she immediately became happy.

It doesn't matter what Muchen said, what matters is that she can use [Kill God] again in the future.

After Xiao Yu's question was finished, it was Liu Qinyan's turn.

"Qinyan, your problem is that every time the battle starts, you will unconsciously leave the team. It seems that you are more accustomed to fighting alone and have not developed the habit of paying attention to the status and position of your teammates at all times.

The time Lao Zheng almost hit you just now was related to his lack of control, but more importantly, you blocked his charging route. This kind of mistake was very inappropriate. "

After finishing speaking, Muchen looked directly at Liu Qinyan, wanting to see how she would react to his words.

To his surprise, Liu Qinyan just nodded silently and said nothing.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't pay attention to the status of her teammates, she just feels that the opponents she faces now are a bit too weak. She can handle them alone, so there is no need to care too much.

However, Mu Chen was not wrong. It was indeed her mistake just now, so she did not defend herself against Mu Chen's criticism.

After summarizing the performance of his teammates, Mu Chen added: "That's basically the problem. I am talking about it now in the hope that everyone can make adjustments in the next battle.

Now that everyone in the team is ranked within 10,000, the strength of our opponents should also rise to a higher level. This will also be a test for everyone's cooperation in the team.

Everyone, cheer up, today we will try to get within 5,000 before the end. "

After finishing speaking, he thought for a while and then continued: "In the next battle, we are likely to encounter aerial combat. I have already said how to fight. Everyone just needs to remember their position in the team."

Their next opponent would be at the elite level at worst. After the mecha reaches the elite level, it will have the ability to fly, so Mu Chen gave everyone a warning in time, but he didn't care too much about it.

Not everyone likes to fight in the air. On the contrary, because mechas must rely on multi-directional thrusters to move in the air, although the speed is fast, the flexibility will be greatly reduced. Most players just regard flying as a means of rushing. Method, he will still return to the ground during the battle, Mu Chen's reminder is just to be prepared.


After the team's average ranking reached 10,000, the opponent was indeed different. This time they were ranked with a combination of two disaster-level aircraft and three elite-level aircraft.

Moreover, even though the opponent knew the lineup of Mu Chen and his team, instead of staying where they were, they accelerated towards them.

"Captain, rush or wait?" Brother Tuhao asked.

Now that both options are available, the captain still needs to make a judgment.

"Defensive tactics, the Goddess of Victory rushes forward to defend, cover An Shura to gather energy, and directly kill the Fengshen. Is there any problem?" Mu Chen said directly, and the last question he asked was Xiao Yu.

"No problem, leave it to me, my God Killer is already so hungry and thirsty!"

Xiaoyu's answer made him feel so ashamed.

The distance between the two sides was not far. Eight seconds later, five mechas advancing at full speed had already approached Mu Chen's position.

The fastest Fengshen mecha already knew that An Shura was charging through the prompts from the mecha's perception system. Without asking, he knew that the target was probably him.

So it exploded at extreme speed in an instant, like a wisp of smoke, and rushed towards An Shura driven by Xiao Yu. At the same time, the energy cannon in its hand also started shooting.

The wealthy man stood between Windrunner and Dark Shura, and the incoming energy shells were firmly blocked by his shield. However, facing Windrunner who rushed towards him at high speed, he also exposed his biggest weakness, which was his reaction speed. Too slow.

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