Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 96 - Preparing to create gangs

Chapter 96 – Preparing to create gangs

In truth, Along really liked Wang Hui. When she first met Wang Hui, Along had already had a feeling about him.

“Hmph, you’re talking about a girlfriend at such a young age, how embarrassing!” Sun Nan stuck out his tongue at Along after hearing their conversation. It had to be known that he already had a girlfriend even though he had just entered high school.

“I… I’m only twenty-two, okay? What do you mean so big? ” Upon hearing that a seventeen year old brat had mocked the Along, he immediately tried to defend himself.

Seeing this, Yan Tian laughed and said: Haha, that Nan Nan is five years younger than you, and has a girlfriend.

“Aiya, big brother, why did you say that?” Upon hearing that Yan Tian had revealed his little secret, Sun Nan pouted unhappily. Upon seeing that Along and Wang Feng were looking at him with such weird gazes, Sun Nan’s little face reddened. “Hmph, I won’t be finished with you guys, I’ll go watch TV.”

When Sun Nan ran off, Along finally smiled at Wang Feng. This guy already had a girlfriend as a minor, he was truly ashamed.

However, what they did not know was that Yan Tian was the most awesome. He had already had a sexual relationship with a woman when he was young, and Sun Nan only had a girlfriend.

“Oh right, how is the matter of the shop that you and Song Dong discussed last time?” Suddenly, Yan Tian asked seriously.

“Brother Tian, everything is normal, maybe Song Dong that brat wants to curry favor with Brother Tian, he personally brought some people to find a good place, and then he took out five hundred thousand to open a shop, we discussed it and decided to open a nightclub, Brother Tian, what do you think?”

When it came to proper business, the Along and Wang Feng did not talk about it together. They began to explain it to Yan Tian very seriously, and when they saw Yan Tian, they nodded their heads in satisfaction.

Remember, you guys need to get closer to Song Dong and the others as soon as possible. I don’t want to see you guys split into two factions. ”

“Don’t worry, Brother Tian, I’ve already told our brothers. At the beginning, there were some brothers and Song Dong’s men who were in a difficult situation, but now, we’re clearly much better.” Along laughed and said.

“How’s the new bar?” Yan Tian picked up another pig’s foot and asked.

“Brother Tian, I specially visited the new bar today and estimated that it will officially open in two days. The nightclub that Song Dong opened will be officially renovated tomorrow as well, and things will be different now compared to before. It will be open for business in three days.” At this time, Wang Feng respectfully said this.

Wang Feng was in charge of the bar’s renovation. Now that Wang Feng was with Along, his individual status was also very high. Other than Along, Wang Feng was the largest, but of course, this was only on Along’s side.

Right now, Yan Tian had two types of forces in his hands. One was on the Along’s side, and the other was on Song Dong’s side.

However, Yan Tian thought that he couldn’t do it, because Song Dong’s manpower industry funds were way better than the Along’s in all aspects. If he could get Song Dong to combine his brothers and properties with the Along’s, it would be difficult to manage.

Furthermore, if Song Dong saw his brother being commanded by the Along everyday, he would also be unhappy.

“Along, tell me what are you planning to do with the manpower and properties of you and Song Dong?” After thinking about it for a while, Yan Tian decided to listen to Along’s opinion.

“I plan to discuss this with Song Dong and pool our manpower together to manage it. This way, we can have enough manpower even if there’s an emergency.”

“Mm, good idea, but it’s not good.”

“What is it? What’s wrong with this? ” Along asked in confusion.

Yan Tian stroked his chin and said: “Uniform management is indeed a bit easier, but you have to know, you have a lot fewer people than Song Dong. At that time, who exactly are you listening to first? Logically speaking, you should first listen to Song Dong, because he has a lot of people, but would you agree to that? ”

“Of course not, why should my people listen to Song Dong’s arrangements?” The Along didn’t even think twice before patting the table and saying, but after thinking a bit, that’s right, if he were the one commanding Song Dong, then the other party would definitely disagree. After thinking it through, the Along looked at Yan Tian and asked, “What does brother mean that day?”

“Wait for me to give each of you and Song Dong a million yuan, then quickly go and recruit people. Once the number reaches 500, we will create our own gang. After thinking for a while, Yan Tian knocked the table and said.

Hearing Yan Tian’s words, Along and Wang Feng nodded at the same time. “That’s right, this is a good method.”

In fact, Along and Wang Feng had always been hoping for Yan Tian to create a gang, because the significance of creating a gang was different. Right now, they could only be considered hooligans on the streets.

But if I create a gang, then I’ll turn into a gangster. Two levels, ah, when the time comes, I’ll become a gangster, a lot more domineering than a hooligan.

At the same time, there will be endless troubles when you start a gang. Right now, you are just a bunch of hooligans, no one will lower themselves to your level. However, if you set up a gang, you will definitely start a conflict with other gangs, and at the same time, you will be punished by the law.

But what Yan Tian was least afraid of right now was the law, because he had the protection umbrella of the Longhuang Team and the will of the nation to clean up China’s underworld, so Yan Tian did not need to worry about the trouble that would be brought to him on the wrong path.

Right now, the only thing that was troubling him were the powers on the underworld, but Yan Tian was not afraid, was he not fighting? Who was he afraid of? In two days, Yan Tian will be preparing to go to Sea Wolf Mercenaries for a stroll.

“Un, hurry up and recruit people for the next few days, it’s time for us to start developing our own forces. Also, after the new pub is completed in two days, we’ll directly hand it over to Song Dong to manage.” Yan Tian squinted his eyes and said.

“Un, no problem, Brother Tian. What’s the name of the bar?” Brother Tian, please choose a name! ” Along nodded and said.

Seeing that the Along wanted to name the pub after him, Yan Tian didn’t decline. He rubbed his nose and thought seriously: “New bar, new bar, then just call it Xin Bar, Xin is a warm Xin, how about it?”

“Xin Bar? Then, we’ll listen to Brother Tian and write Xin Bar when we hang up the signboard! ” Along nodded in agreement.

“Wang Feng, you are in charge of all the decorations in that nightclub. In the future, you can bring a bunch of people to manage the nightclub.” Yan Tian said as he looked at Wang Feng.

When he heard Yan Tian giving him responsibility for the entire nightclub, Wang Feng looked at Yan Tian with gratitude. Before he met Yan Tian, he was still a lackey who had nothing to do, and his life had become better and better ever since he started following Yan Tian. Now, Yan Tian actually gave him a nightclub, which made Wang Feng extremely excited.

“Thank you, Brother Tian. Don’t worry, I won’t let you down.” Wang Feng nodded his head in gratitude.

When they heard that Yan Tian gave the nightclub to Wang Feng to take care of, they looked at Wang Feng and encouraged him. They did not reveal any trace of jealousy, because currently, the Along also treated Wang Feng as his brother and hoped that his brother would live better and better.

Furthermore, Wang Feng’s sister,, was also prepared to eat the cake. If Wang Hui agreed, the two of them would be family in the future.

“Hmm, let me tell you something else. I’ll be going abroad in two days. It shouldn’t take more than two weeks. If anything happens during this time, remember not to act rashly. Wait for me to come back first.”

After thinking about it, Yan Tian told them about him going out of the country, but he didn’t say anything about going to the Mercenary Base to save them, because with the knowledge of the Along and the rest, they didn’t know what to do.

“Don’t worry, Brother Tian. We will always keep a low profile during this period of time. Brother Tian, be careful along the way!” Yan Tian did not say anything about Along, nor did he ask. There were some things that would not be good if they knew.

After sitting for a while, Wang Hui had already brought the last dish up. When Sun Nan saw this, she immediately ran over.

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