For The Goddess Imperatoress!

Chapter 53: C53 Tales Of Blood And Iron

"Say did you just randomly pick your tattoos or do they mean something to you?"

Hope who was sitting on my thighs with her legs wrapped around my waist asked as she wiped off the residue neon Ink from my left forearm.

As she did I took a gulp from my vodka bottle and looked at my almost restored pack of wolves with burning bloodred eyes, wide open mouths full of razor-sharp teeth, and bodies made out of Iron ready to pounce on their prey and tear them to pieces on my forearms outside part.

"The wolves symbolize my service time In my panzergranadier division before I transferred to special operations forces"

I said as I took another gulp while Hope pressed the needle of the tattooing machine against my scarred unhealthy pale skin.

"And what about you're right one, that motto over that death angel of yours Its exactly the same as the one In that standard"

Hope asked as she looked at my death angel clad In black spiked armor with a hood and black feather wings.

In a cemetery background holding his downward pointed greatsword tattoo, with my life motto In Death I Live written above as If it was written with dripping blood, in my forearms Inside part.

"That's because the CMCs motto was created by me"

I explained as I stuck my vape between my lips and Inhaled deeply.

"And what about the other ones?"

Hope asked as she finally finished retattooing all of my tattoos.

"Each of them symbolizes a certain event In my life but enough about me..."

I started saying as I placed my vodka bottle and vape on the two makeshift coffee tables on my sides each.

And slid my hands underneath Hope's skirt, grabbed her ass, and started kneading It to my heart's content as I adjusted my position on my wore down armchair.

"...what's the story behind yours?"

I asked as I eyed Hope's raven and roses tattoos completely Ignoring the b*othel patrons envy filled eyes who could only drown their sorrows In the alcohol and the company of the b*othels women.

"There's not much to tell, hormones plus alcohol, d*ugs, and Influence of others, that's all there Is to It..."

Hope mused as she started tracing her nails across my scarred and tattooed bulky right chest with my dog tags hanging from my neck.

Her fingers traced each scar from It's start to end not leaving any untouched, feeling this I couldn't help but get aroused.

"So you have an adopted sister huh?"

Hope asked as she narrowed her eyes.

"Used to..."

I answered as I averted my gaze while picking up my bottle and taking a large swing from It.

"Sigh* How did she die?"

Hope asked after sighing.

"By the time I came back from the dead, she was already dead..."

I began as I took another gulp.

"...after my death, she completely lost It, she deserted and started murdering the ones responsible for my death one by one..."

I paused as I took another swing.

"...In the end, she got caught..."

As I said this I subconsciously shattered the bottle In my hand, while my breathing became deep and heavy and my heart rate accelerated.

"...before she died, she got t*rtured and r*ped every day until she became a vegetable..."

I continued to say as I did unbeknownst to me black bloodvessels started spreading under my skin starting from my heart which caused Hope to freak out on the spot.

F*ck Its happening again!

Hope cursed In her mind.

"...once they got bored the f*ckers fed her to the dogs..."

I finished my words as I did, Hope grabbed my head and pressed It against her ample bosom, as I felt Hope's warmth and her fingers gently rubbing my hair, I Instantly calmed down.

"...what...what did you do?"

Hope who knew full well that she wasn't going to like the answer but despite that still asked because curiosity got the better of her asked with a quivering voice.

"...once I completed my augmentations, the higher-ups decided to perform their prototypes live testing to see if It was cost effective to enter mass production..."

I began with my voice becoming colder by the second.

"...In the end, I managed to convince the higher-ups to allow me to clean up Lilith's executioners..."

"...I didn't spare even one of them, I hunted them down one by one and killed them In the most painful ways possible..."

"...that's how I got one of my nicknames the prince of death..."

I finished my words as an Image of a sea of corpses on spikes with me kneeling on my armored knee and saying a prayer to Hades so that he would take Liliths wandering soul to the fields of Elysium as the crows feasted on the rotting flesh flashed In my mind.

Hearing this Hope couldn't help but bite her black lip because even for her It seemed too extreme but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel touched.

If Dracula was willing to go to such lengths to avenge his adopted sister, then what would he do for her?

As this thought burrowed Itself Into her mind she couldn't help but shiver at the thought of It.

It was clear as day that Dracula was mentally sick so there was no telling what he was actually capable of.

So far she had only seen the tip of the Iceberg and truthfully she didn't want to know.

Suddenly the brothels doors got slammed open by two armored feet, as they did I and everyone else focused their gazes on the newcomers.

The 12elve 9 feet tall militants In urban camouflage battle suits poured Into the brothel.

They're fixed to their left forearms Lazer Gatling guns spinning, ready to gun down anyone who acts up.

The sound of a cane hitting the floor reverberated through the entire brothel, as they did I looked at the old man dressed In a luxurious coat walking towards me with a woman In professional clothes following one step behind him.

The man wordlessly sat down on the armchair In front of me and continued to stare at me until he finally spoke up.

"I'm flying dragon's cities survival committees, President Chen, basically I rule this city, who exactly are you?"

Chen asked with an authoritative tone while studying my expression, seeing this I smirked because I knew that Chen had taken the bait.

"UNOEs HDDs territories expeditionary forces supreme commander field marshal Dracula Von Death"

I lied through my teeth without any change In my expression, causing the man to almost have a heart attack.

"UNOEs expeditionary force?"

The man asked after subconsciously swallowing a gulp of saliva.

"Yes the UNOE Is back, and I have been tasked with establishing a forward operation base to facilitate diplomatic relations with the remnants of HDD"

I started saying as I stuffed a cigarette between my lips and lit It up with my zip lighter.

"But from the looks of It, there's no HDD left to speak off, you're the first large-scale settlement I encountered so far"

I finished as I studied the man's expression which looked like as If he had just eaten s*it, from this, I could tell that he completely bought my bullshit.

After all, It was the only logical explanation as to how I had managed to get my hands on the uncontaminated preserved food.

Only a force that had the resources and manpower of a still functioning country could pull It off, no one In their right mind would ever think that I brought that food from the past.

"So you're here to stay?"

Chen asked as he tightened his grip on his cane.

"Yep and I have a once In a lifetime offer for you"

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