Chapter 50: C50 Resurgence
I thought as I stood up, my damaged body creaking In protest as my AI pumped my body full of additional combat stimulants.
I saw the armor-piercing high explosive shells together with the unguided rockets Impact the mech.
As I did I started sprinting towards It with my battle-damaged combat katana still firmly clutched in my right alloy covered hands bones that were kept together by melted Into vomit inducing flesh and fabric.
Once the gunship ran out of shells and rockets I could see the mech that was now missing Its right arm with sparks coming out from Its battle-damaged armor plating lock Its shoulder mounted laser gattling gun on the gunship with the Intent to blast the pesky flie that dared to harm It out of the sky.
But It was already too late for It, I jumped onto Its arm and started running up to Its back, sensing this the mech became livid, It started trashing around the place trying to get me off.
But I wasn't going to let him, I sank my combat katana Into the mech's back armor plating with all the strength I could muster, and yanked It to the side.
Once done I grabbed the opening and started pulling It apart, I continued to stab and tear until I exposed its Internals completely Ignoring the flesh peeling off from my bones.
F*ck I could really use some explosives now!
I thought as I continued to shred the mechs Internals but It wasn't doing much damage after all the mech was too big, so a couple of torn cables weren't going to do much damage to It.
Only for a notification that didn't come from my AI to ring out Inside my mind.
Use of parallel universe travel systems Inventory space granted.
As I did with a thought in my mind a multipurpose missile appeared In my left hand without hesitation I smacked the missile Into the mechs Internals while my AI activated its warhead.
As I did the warhead exploded, and the kinetic force generated from the explosion flung me away while the mech finally collapsed.
It tried to stand up but to no avail, after a few seconds of struggling It finally shut down.
F*ck I hate to admit It but without whatever this mumbo jumbo s*it Is and external help Id be toast.
I thought as what remained of my facial muscles morphed Into a bitter grin as I continued to lay on the ground while my AI did Its best to keep my body functioning.
Only to see and feel a pair of hands and breasts embrace my battered body.
"F*ck, you dumb s*hit I thought I lost you!"
Hope roared with tears streaking down her cheeks running her gothic makeup while the uncles and Yang finished off the last zombies with their laser gattling guns.
"Yeah well I told you didn't I, youre not getting rid of me that easily"
I barely managed to say with my damaged vocal cords causing Hope's mood to change for the better.
"Pfft If youre face wasn't such a vomit Inducing mess right now I'd shut that mouth of yours right now and whats up with youre eyes, teeth, and those black bloovessels are you In some kind of youre super soldier berserk mode or something?"
Hope said while giggling as she looked at me.
"Yeah about that I have a few guesses but I'm still not 100 percent sure"
I muttered as I sat up on the ground and focused my Inhuman looking eyes on the gunship.
"Did they see you taking out the missile launcher from thin air?"
I asked In a low voice, mentally contemplating whether I should kill them right here and now.
"Don't think so but..."
Hope trailed off fully understanding why I was asking this, sensing this I sighed because I knew Hope was against killing Innocents.
"Fine, store the mechs wreck, and let's see how they react"
F*ck what the hell Drac you're really getting soft.
I compromised while mentally cursing myself.
Hearing this Hope did exactly that, she ran to the still burning mech, touched It, and sucked It inside her palm the next second.
"Sis, did that mech just disappear Into thin air or am I finally losing It?
Yin who was watching Hope like an Eagle asked as she cranked her head only to see the equally dumbfounded expression on her systers face.
"Then I guess I'm losing It too"
Yang said as they did they both focused their gazes back onto their two clients who were making their way back to them, well It was more like Hope was fully supporting the limping Draculas weight.
"Did you see anything?"
I asked In a low dangerous voice as I grabbed the right sides wall with my right hand that could have easily been mistaken for a zombies.
"We saw nothing"
Both of the sisters spoke up In unison as they started doing mid-flight checks.
"What are you two blabbering about?"
Old Lu asked as he cranked his head towards them only to see that the burning mech that was supposed to be there was nowhere to be found.
He turned to Dracula and a single look from him was enough to shut him up and turn his head back.
"Smart choice"
I said out loud as I and Hope got Inside and sat down while Yin controlled the bird to ascend to the sky, as she did Hope sat next to Dracula, giving him a once-over again.
At first, she didn't acknowledge the seriousness of his condition because, in her mind, he was an immortal-like existence.
But the more she looked, the more she realized the severity of his injuries. No matter what kind of advanced technology or bio-enhancements he had, the wounds he had sustained were impossible to survive.
"Are you okay?"
She asked, her voice quivering with fear, seeing the concerned look In her bloodshot eyes I could only answer truthfully.
"Unless you can get me in a regen tank ASAP which I doubt you can find In the entire flying dragon city, my AI Is going to put me into suspended animation."
I answered as I looked at my AI warnings and notifications that were flooding my HUD view, even without them I could tell that despite the additional power boost whatever It was my body was slowly shutting down.
Hearing this Hope's hearts pounded in her chest. She cursed under her breath, almost breaking down.
"F*ck! Youre not dying on me you hear that you g*ddamn Idiot!"
Just then, a prompt appeared on her system's interface, startling her. She quickly checked it, her eyes widening in surprise. It was a ticket for one-time full restoration for both mechanical and biological life forms, awarded to her due to the progress she was making in both her world and Dracula's.
"Hold on,"
She said, her voice shaking with a mix of hope and desperation.
"I think I have something that can help."
She activated the ticket, and a flash of bright light enveloped Dracula's body. His gear and his wounds began to mend at an astonishing speed. The light faded, revealing Dracula in pristine condition. His scarred and tattooed body looked as if it had never been injured, the unhealthy pale skin smooth and unblemished even his eyes, teeth, and blood vessels returned to normal.
I stared at my forearms in disbelief.
"What the hell... you know what never mind I don't think anything can surprise me anymore"
I muttered as I glanced at my holographic body status In the corner of my HUD view, even my old hidden Injuries that numbered in the dozens of wrongly healed fractures, muscle fibers, tendons, organ tissue, and every kind of other Imaginable Internal Injury that even my biomechanical cells couldn't fully fix were gone.
Seeing this Hope let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"Thank the G*ds,"
She whispered, tears of relief welling up in her eyes.
"Yeah thank the G*ds or whoever Is behind that system of yours''
I muttered while flexing my fingers, testing my restored body only for Hope to throw her arms around me, and hug me tightly.