Chapter 46: C46 Wings of War
Old Lu raored as he rolled up his sleeves ready to duke It out with the woman only to freeze In place after hearing me speak.
"You two can settle It later once the job Is done or do we have a problem?"
I asked In a low tone as I flicked away my cigarette causing old Lu to Immediately bring back his right foot.
"No problem, no problem at all senior brother"
The man said making the twins look at me curiously until Yang finally recognized me.
"Wait youre the white-haired mutant that decapitated the coliseum's raining champion aren't you?"
The shocked Yang blurted out while pointing her finger at me.
"Yep one and only and I have a job offer for you If youre Interested that Is"
I said as I raised my hand In order to get the barmen's attention as I did I threw him a laser rifle cell while he threw me back a bottle of vodka which I expertly caught and after opening it up with my teeth took a swig.
"Were listening"
Yin who had black bob cut hair with one of her sides longer than the other said as she crossed her hands causing her large breasts under her black short-sleeved T-shirt to puff up.
A bit smaller than Hopes but still pretty big.
I couldn't help but comment Inside my mind only to receive an angry glare from Hope who seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.
And well I was thinking how would It feel to bang the twin pilot chicks, so far I haven't had an opportunity like that.
Well, can you blame me? After all, I'm still young I'm only 100 years old if not counting my nap time.
This didn't go unnoticed by Yin who immediately gave Hope a once over, not only did she lose In the height department but she also lost out In the chest department.
"The job Is simple, you fly me, her, and the three ajussis to the bank that's 10 kilometers away from here, I and her go In, grab what we need, and fly back"
I said while pointing at Hope and the three middle-aged men with my thumb after taking another gulp of my irradiated vodka.
"That sounds like an easy buck but how much exactly are we talking?"
Yang who knew exactly about which bank I was talking about and had an Identical chest to Yin asked as she too crossed her hands.
"How about 10 of these?"
I asked as I pulled out another can from my pants thighs pocket which I prepared specifically for these kinds of situations and after opening It up slightly threw it to Yin who expertly caught It.
"Try It Its free of charge"
I said prompting Yin and Yang to pull out their combat knives from their holsters strapped to their thighs and dig In.
The end result was the same as with the good doctor.
As the two women finished devouring the canned meat their minds rapidly calculated just how much would one can go for if they sold It to the city elites and they came to more or less the same conclusion as the doc.
The two women declared both In unison.
"When can you take off?"
I asked because I wanted to get this done as fast as we could.
"Ten mins, you can stay here we will come to pick you up"
Yang declared as she did I nodded my head In agreement prompting the women and the three uncles to leave to start making their pre-flight cheks and gather their gear.
"Dont even f*cking think about It Drac, I swear I'll cut off youre balls and d*ck even If It's the last thing I do"
Hope who seemed to have already recovered from our last fight hissed as she puffed out a cloud of smoke.
"You do know that I can just find a regen tank to regenerate them?"
I asked while rolling my eyes.
"Hmph! But I bet It will hurt like hell!"
Hope shot back unaware that my pain receptors had been surgically removed thinking that I only acted tough.
"Sorry to disappoint but my pain receptors had been surgically disabled"
I said as I took another gulp from my bottle and after that licked my lips clean.
This time Hope had no counterattack In her arsenal.
"F*ck what else did you get disabled, dont tell me youre also sterile?!"
Hope scoffed only to see Dracula nod his head which caused her to freeze in place as the realization that she and Drac would never be able to conceive children burrowed Itself Into her mind.
"Why do you think I never pulled out? If I was fertile you'd already be pregnant ten times over from the number of creampies I gave you"
I said only to notice Hope's downcast expression.
Well, that's a surprise I never took her for someone who wanted to have children one day.
I thought In my mind as I looked at Hope only to see her grab the bottle from my hand and down It In one go after removing her demon mask.
"Can you fix It?"
Hope asked as she looked straight into my eyes while wiping off her lips.
"I can but my AI would prevent me from doing that, you see that thing In my head Is like a prison warden plus even If I could somehow fool my AI there's no telling what kind of abomination would be born out of our union after all we are no longer human but artificially created demigods of war"
I explained as I took my vape from Hope and Inhaled deeply.
"So youre against having children?"
Hope asked with a tone that made me Instantly understand that she wasn't going to like my answer.
"Yep 100 percent, I decided that I wouldn't father any kids the moment I turned twenty"
"Do you even need to ask Hope?"
I asked as If Hope was an alien only to see Hope stare at me with a questioning gaze.
"Hope do you truly think my kids would have a happy childhood with me as their father?"
I spilled It out for Hope causing her to lower her eyes.
Hope muttered dejectedly after the recent memory of her getting strangled by me flashed In her mind.
"See you confirmed It yourself, I'm simply not father material"
As I said this silence ensued between us until Yang came over to lead us to their aircraft.
We made our way straight towards the building's courtyard, where an array of rough-looking gunships stood parked on their helipads.
Yang guided us towards a modified HDDs navy dropship, now a gunship propelled by four chemical thrusters.
The converted dropship was armed with unguided rockets fixed to its wings, their main and secondary thrusters now positioned vertically.
A rotary gatling laser cannon was mounted under the cockpit's nose, accompanied by three other laser gatling canons protruding through the open sides and the back of the dropship that were already being manned by the three uncles.
The dropship was once capable of orbit ascent and descent but after its extensive modification, It was evident that was no longer the case.
I couldn't help but furrow my brows because If It could be made orbit ascent capable again then my Intention to round up my boys floating somewhere around E*rth's orbit would no longer be a pipe dream while my AI started scanning the bird from head to toe.
"A beauty isn't she? We call her the phoenix"
Yang said as she tapped the painted phoenix logo.