Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 23d

Nothing made any sense to Meiko.



What her mother was doing didn't make any sense. How Toshi reacted didn't make any sense. Why she was here didn't make any sense. Nothing made any sense no matter how she tried to think this through. On top of that, the most beautiful boy she had ever met was throwing himself at her. The boy who in only two days had completely thrown her entire world into chaos, making up into down and left into rhubarb.


But greener.


Yet here she was, alone with the brother of her best friend in the dark in the middle of nowhere. She reached out to gently touch his hair, pushing it to the side and letting the back of her hand gently pass over his forehead in the process. His pale skin was absolutely luminescent in the moonlight. Her calm, sane, normal, boring life where every day was the same as every other day was forever destroyed by this magical boy whom she had fallen in love with.


This magical boy.


She abruptly sat up.

~I am in love with him.~

She let out a short bark of  laughter.

Toshi blinked and looked confused.


It took a minute, but as she stared down at this impossible boy who dropped into her life and shattered everything, she couldn't help but realized that he was exactly what she had always wanted. She wanted something special to happen. For all the years she spent trying hard to be normal, to figure out what normal was, to just get by and follow all the rules, here was an answer to the prayer that she never had to the courage to actually pray. She couldn't even voice that prayer, even now.


She just knew that she wanted her life to change.


Meiko looked around and spotted the soft glow of her phone. As she lifted it, the light flared, illuminating the area. She stood up with a massive grin and offered him her hand, "Then let us get going."


Completely confused, Toshi slowly reached up to take her hand. She pulled him to his feet, in the process his face came within inches of hers. There was a moment where it felt like she was about to kiss him. Instead she turned and started leading him through the scrub brush, "This way. I can see the lights of the petrol station."


Toshi had no idea how to react, and thus let himself get led away.


She took him back to the van and opened the passenger side door for him. She held it open and waited for him to get inside. Toshi eyed her in confusion, then quietly climbed inside, whereupon she closed the door behind him. With a massive grin on her face, she walked around to the driver's side and got in. She had just put the keys in the ignition and turned the van on when Toshi finally spoke.


"What's happening?"

Meiko looked at him, "I'm taking you home."

Toshi shook his head, "Hold it. You. I. We..." He squinted, "Wait."

Meiko nodded and waited, just looking at him with that soft smile on her face.

Toshi just stared at her, eventually asking, "Why are you smiling?"


She looked confused for a second, then reached up to touch her own lips, "I'm smiling?" She burst out in a bright, cheerful laugh then grinned even more, "I guess I am."  She turned her attention back to Toshi, "I guess it's because I'm happy."

Toshi rubbed his face, "Hold it. I..." He frowned, "Did... I not make myself clear?"

She nodded, "I assume you are talking about how you offered your body to me to use as I desire."

Toshi's jaw dropped open, then he turned away to compose himself. He nodded as he looked out the window, "I... guess. Yes? That."


Meiko reached over to cup Toshi's chin and make him turn to face her. As soon as he facer her, she kissed him deeply. Toshi's eyes went wide with surprise, then half closed as he relaxed into it. Abruptly she pulled away and grinned from ear to ear as she put a finger on his lips, "I'm in love with you, my magical boy." Toshi's eyes became dinner plates as she continued.


"You have completely destroyed my world. Nothing makes any sense anymore. You have no idea how tempted I was to take you and..." Her smile softened as she cleared her throat before continuing, "I know this, you said you trusted me." She continued smiling, but a sadness was clear in her eyes, "But you didn't say you loved me."


Toshi didn't have a response.


"I think... you are scared. I think... you trust me enough to tell me your secrets. I think... you are desperate for someone to protect you from whatever is going on and you offered the only thing you thought I might want in hopes of making sure I wouldn't abandon you." She tilted her head to the side as she gave Toshi a reassuring half smile.


Toshi felt a shaft of guilt shoot directly through his heart. He turned to look away, unable to meet her gaze


She cupped his chin and pulled him back to face her again. It took some coaxing to get him to look her in the eye, "It's okay!" She smiled in as reassuring a way as she could, "It'll be okay. I don't want..." She glanced down briefly, "That, unless it's given to me...out of love." She pulled back to regard him quietly, "Why am I smiling? Because you might not love me, but you trust me, and that's a start."


She thought for a moment, "Because I feel strong? Stronger than I ever have. I feel like I could take on anything and it's because you trust me." She began to nod slowly, more to herself than for Toshi's benefit, "I'll keep you safe, because it's the right thing, not because I want... you." She took his hand and gave it a squeeze, "Because you make me happy. "


"I... make you happy?"


She nodded and grinned ever wider, "Yup! You have completely upended my entire world! Nothing makes sense!" She kept nodding her head, "And I love you." She looked from side to side as if to confirm this to herself then looked back at Toshi, "You make me happy, just being here."


Toshi stared at his hand in hers and couldn't find words. He just moved his mouth for a bit then looked up at her. Abruptly he pulled his hand away to hold over his heart. He stared at his own chest for a while, "I have no idea how I feel. I feel something. I don't know..." He looked up, "What if I never love you?"


She shrugged, "That... would be regrettable, but that's not how love works. You don't NEED to love me, for me to love you. If you never feel anything for me, that's fine. You are still someone I adore and I'll do everything I can to protect you. You don't owe me anything, magical boy." She took a deep breath then returned her attention to the van. Without another word, they backed up, turned around, and headed back out to the highway.


They continued their return trip to Tokyo.





Toshi kept clutching his heart for a long, long time.




Work is insane. We've had multiple call ins. People just not showing up. I'm working like 60+ hours a week. Two weeks ago I put in 95.5 hours in a single pay week. Not pay PERIOD. Week. They just called to try to mandate me to another location when I got to tell them. "They already called in for the next shift. I'm looking at working for 36 hours straight. I'm sorry someone else is getting stuck for 22 hours in a row. MY HEART BLEEDS FOR THEM." I just can't find much time to do proof reading like I used to, much less write, So I'm giving this warning:

Expect the quality to suffer for a while.

However, I've also been meaning to get HKN going again, at least use up the chapters I have in backlog. I don't really think the manga thing is going to work out. It's taken too long to get replies to my concerns, and I will not allow anyone to use my name unless I have final say on the product. I sold my name once and I still haven't lived down the humiliation. It is how I see it, or it won't be published. I can make compromises, but the FINAL product requires my approval. The last time I sold my name, the book was horrible and the critics destroyed it. Ironically, the parts the editor didn't change, were the only parts the critics liked.

All that is going to sound strange when I tell you this next part.

Right now I have been publishing 1 chapter every 2 days, alternating between IWS and FTS. That means each story gets 1 chapter every 4 days. I plan on upgrading this to 1 chapter per day, alternating between all 3 stories. So, IWS and FTS will actually be increasing from 1 chapter every 4 days to 1 every 3. I plan on starting this on oct 1st. I picked a hell of a time to commit to this, considering my free time has been going into the toilet, but I have enough of a backlog that I think I can safely increase the publication rate, at least for a while. If it's unsustainable, I'll let you know.

It might sound odd, but I feel not having a high pressure deadline has actually begun to affect the quality of my work. Going slow seems to have given me writers block.

That all said, I am thinking eventually I will need to take a break for a month or three. Clear my head, that sort of thing. I'm hoping to do that when I finally get book 2 of FTS done. We're in the home stretch for that one. As for FTS, well, A whole lot of crap is coming together all at once. Many many MANY issues will be resolved by the end of book two.

All three stores have a fundamental issue I'm addressing and the three stories are contrasting a different aspect of that issue. When I catch up with HKN and finish Book 2 of FTS, I plan on explaining the whole thing and I hope it will spark a discussion. You can tell me if I answered the question right. Honestly, I'm not sure, but Hey, It's my first attempt. We'll see.

Don't worry if you don't understand where this is all going just yet. I will make it all clear in the afterword and then you can tell me if I succeeded or failed. And please be honest. Failure is the best teacher, after all. And when I've finished all the stories in this series, (years from now) I hope to go back and re-write them all into a more cohesive whole.

So the road map for the next few months: Clear out the back log on HKN, Finish FTS, Fuck around with IWS, take a break around Christmas, then start up again in Feb.


 - Bob

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