Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 21d

Officer Nagai Kim was your typical police officer.




She was above average height, a firm figure from working out, not much of a bust line, but definitely healthy. She had black hair and dark eyes. She wore her uniform well, choosing to stick with the traditional skirt instead of the new body armor that included pants with reinforced knees. She felt that the new outfits were too intimidating and that the traditional uniform showed a certain level of confidence. She was no nonsense career police officer who was approaching her late twenties. She had spent over six year on the force now and didn't have much to show for it.


She had been trying to work her way up the ladder, but she had a way of doing things. She cut too many corners. She was too focused on results and it showed. She had a tendency to screw up on the fine details. This led her to taking some more... questionable... methods of doing her job. It wasn't that she was corrupt, far from it, but she wasn't a strictly by the book officer, either. Her story was a typical one. Underpaid, under appreciated, and overworked. She had started feeling cheated. She felt she had earned compensation that she had not received. There were things she felt she was promised in life that had not happened.


She was a cop's cop. The force was her life and she lived for the job. The other cops were family and you look out for family. She'd looked the other way on a few fuck ups here and there, and the other cops have done the same for her. They all felt they deserved more and so, if they could make the job a little easier for everyone involved, what was the harm?


And here was some underage whore who needed to be put in his place.


It pissed her off that he could be so blatant. Sitting there, daring her to try something, as if he was someone special. 'Protecting the wife?' HAH! Who heard of such an excuse? No. Far more likely the wife was behind on her payments or something and this was just an intimidation tactic. She'd seen it before. If the wife isn't paying up, the husband gets attacked out of the blue to teach the Jane not to get in debt. Still...


Damn those hookers were hot.


Especially that Toshi kid. Mmm... I bet he goes for a whole month's pay... at LEAST. Although there was something about him. Something... familiar. She was about to GooYoo the kid when Kingo exploded with his little tirade and ended it with rolling up his sleeves, crossing his arms, and practically daring her to fuck him. She'd seen these offers before. It's how many illegal prostitutes try to get out of going to jail. The universal, 'Come fuck me for money' gesture, but he was being so much more confrontational about it. And in the middle of a police station? The set of ovaries on this kid was unbelievable.


Ooo... she loved breaking a man in.


The tough ones with the attitude, they were the most satisfying to finally pin down and ride. Yeah, this kid wasn't anything in the face department, but he certainly was well built. He clearly worked out. Those arms weren't artificially bulked up muscles from using steroids, either. She could tell all-natural from artificial beef. Bulk Beef usually only used strap ons as the steroids did a number on their dicks. They were cheaper, looked nice, and it certainly was safer as far as catching a disease was concerned. But all natural beef? Mmm... Tasty.


Honestly, Kim intended to just scare the crap out of him. She figured that maybe she could break him and get him to flip on his pimp. They looked like they were all new at this. That blond obviously had them on a short leash if she could so blatantly beat them in public and they both made excuses for her. Kim figured she had her work cut out for her.

As soon as Kin got him in the interrogation room, she pulled the blind down on the observation window. The goal was to make this kid feel like she could do anything to him and there would be no witnesses. She'd done this song and dance before. It was frowned upon, but it got results. The next step was to slam Kingo up against the wall and search him for contraband. This worked well on male prisoners. Grope a man in a few embarrassing places, add in some suggestive comments, and you'd be surprised how quickly a tough guy will snap. Usually.


However, In this case, it was the officer who was surprised.



"This is insane!"




The first officer had returned and was interviewing Ichikawa, "I haven't turned up anything criminal about you. Your record seems to be nonexistent. So tell me, are you just starting out?"


Ichikawa's jaw dropped open as she stared at the officer in disbelief, "Just started out doing... Are you insane?" She gestured to the interrogation room, "Yes, my friend lost it, but that man was beating that woman! He could have handled it better, but I don't see how that equates to me being a pimp!" She gestured off towards interrogation, "I  just met that guy today!"


The officer narrowed her eyes at Ichikawa, "You mind explaining why you were coming from fifth street platform?"


Ichikawa looked around like she was looking for a secret camera, "We were coming back from our support group meeting. Why the hell is it a problem if we were at fifth street?"


The cop blinked, "Support Group?"


Ichikawa nodded, "Yes, Support Group! We were meeting at Haruo's apartment. We all have the same... illness." She looked around like she was reluctant to talk about it.


The cop slowly put down her pen, "What illness?"


Ichikawa leveled a flat gaze at the officer, "It's called Shiraha Disease. They're not quite sure what causes it. It puts you in a coma for about a week and causes damage to your brain. All sorts of things get screwed up." She gestured to Toshi across the room, "He has it the worst. Near complete amnesia. The rest of us are... different."


The officer started to turn pale, "Explain different."


Ichikawa sighed, "How to act in public… social norms get all screwed up." She lowered her voice, "Guys start thinking like girls and vice versa." She looked embarrassed at this admission, then cleared her throat, "Kingo was just acting in a way where he was trying to protect that woman. Honest! I don't get this prostitution thing you guys seem to be-"


The officer cut her off as she stood up, "All the under age prostitutes hang out around fifth street platform." She looked toward the hallway that led to the interrogation room, "SHIT." She took off in a sprint, leaving Ichikawa handcuffed to her chair.





Ichikawa squinted with one eye and tilted her head to the side. She looked down at the handcuffs, rattled them a little, then let her head fall forward with a defeated sigh.

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