Chapter 4: Rejoice!
"My benevolence knows no bounds, loyal subjects!" Loyal? "Have at them! Hahaha!" The dog in all its own majesty has crafted its own tale of loyal subjects, grateful for their ruler's gift. The slaves were terrified. How were they supposed to catch up to the hunters, then overpower them? They were malnourished, unfit, and weak-willed....
"It is okay, my subjects! With your benevolent ruler at your side you may rejoice! Rejoice!"
The slaves stood still.
"Rejoice. Now."
Valen, without much thinking, did an awkward dance. His arms went up without emotion but he yelled "Hooray!" The other slaves followed along. The dog was amused.
"Hahaha! You are welcome, my subjects!" The dog's once sour tone went back to normal. As the slaves turned back to look at the hunters, their dances ceased. "Now, follow me! May victory show itself!" The dog immediately ran towards the hunters at a rate the slaves had never seen before. The hundred feet between the slaves and the former masters remained the same, yet the dog reached them in two seconds. A hunter screamed and the others paled.
The slaves sprinted, their vitality regained hearing the anguish of their oppressors. Only Valen didn't feel this as strongly as the others, he wasn't the slave he took over after all. Nevertheless he too sprinted.
"Run and I will torture you until you die of old age!" The dog yelled to the fleeing hunters. They continued for a small while, but fear overcame them. "Return!" The hunters obliged.
Two hunters lay mauled under the dog. Blood dripped down from the light grey fur. The scene harbored both joy and fear in the slaves, especially Valen. The most blood he had seen was a bloody nose, and the most grievous injury he had seen was a scrape on his knee.
"I apologize, my subjects, that I did not leave them all for you!"
"N-No, ruler, we thank you!" Valen sucked up like a slave to his master. He was one, after all.
"Hahaha! How loyal! I shall give the first one to you!"
"Here, subject! Do what you wish!" The dog pushed a hunter towards Valen. Valen had only ever insulted people, violence was taboo to him!
"Please... have mercy." Tears rolled down his face. "God, save me! Have this slave take mercy on me!" He fell to his knees, praying with his body and soul. But here, the only god is the dog.
"Kill him, subject! He dared call you a slave when he is no longer your master! Prove your loyalty to me by showing your change in master!"
Valen stood shocked, unsure of what to do.
"What are you waiting for?" The dog had an expression, if you can call it that, of confusion. "Ah, of course! You are a human, you lack weaponry! Take his knife off of him and plunge it into his throat."
Valen grabbed the knife on the hunter's belt, scared for what was to come. He looked at the crude knife he held. Seeing this, a couple hunters started to move slowly. To attack or flee, it was unclear.
"Cease!" The dog stared at the conspirators. "Subject, I see you are... hesitant. Are you unloyal? Do you have sympathy for your former masters!?"
"N-No!" The knife was gripped and the praying man gasped. Valen's shaky arm withdrew from the now adjoined knife and throat. Hot blood flew onto his face as if to mark him. Gurgles could be heard from the man as he continued trying to breathe. His hands gripped tighter together as if his god could save him now.
"Ah, wonderful! Your loyalty has been shown! Take the knife as your reward!" Valen, despite his conscience, took the knife out of the still warm body. "Now you, other subjects, prove your loyalty!" Three more hunters stood by, waiting for their execution by their former slaves' hands. The dog, despite his humourous appearance, had weight behind his promise of torture. Only this kept them obedient.
Another slave walked up to a hunter. The same scene as Valen's happened, except the slave had no hesitation. The slave had a smile on his face while he cut the hunter's neck. Valen almost puked with the amount of blood around him. Why were these people so horrible?
The final slave did the same but the smile was only slight.
"Now, subjects, as my benevolence never ends, decide his fate!" The final hunter stood weakly after witnessing his brethren dying. He was prepared for death, but fear still remained. He gazed at Valen, recognizing him as the slave he hit out of disobedience at the hill.
"You're the one who doomed us!" A slave shouted. The blame should have been on Valen as well, but through the slaves being in bondage together they did not assign blame to their own.
"I thought you enjoyed your new master." The hunter grinned. The dog understood what they both meant.
"I, your benevolent ruler, you consider doom?"