Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 4 pt. 12]

I forgot to say this last week, but hey, it's a new month which means I'm now obligated by myself to advertise Patreon. So yeah. Patreon. It has more chapters and stuff. You get to read ahead for all my stories if you check it out. Link.

As much as I enjoyed taking some time off to meet Lily and Akorya in real life, and then spending time with Meadow and Thera without the pressure of having to do a bunch of other things, my vacation eventually came to an end and I had to do things. Things being: recording and uploading new videos so that I could continue being relevant making money, opening up the dungeon again so that it could actually be used for its intended purpose, and… that was about it, actually.

I had a pretty nice life when those were the two closest things to responsibilities that I had. And the latter was only really a responsibility because I wanted it to be one. I could, at any moment, stop that.

But I didn’t want to, of course.

That was why I stayed up late to record a couple of videos that would last the next few days, opened up the game, and officially opened the dungeon back up to consenting visitors. Well, visitors that I consented to. Anybody could visit the dungeon regardless of whether or not I consented, but only those who came in with my consent were allowed straight back into the lewd areas. Everybody else got to go through traps and monsters to try and reach the back.

That aside, the first thing after opening up the dungeon, which only really required me moving around a few furniture items and changing the sign at the front to say “open” rather than “closed,” I went and messaged some of the people who became regulars and added me to their friends so that I could let them know when the dungeon was back up. I messaged the ones who were online, anyways. The others got letters sent to them through the mail.

Easily receiving and sending mail was actually one of the best things about having a dungeon. An extra addition I made was adding a mailbox in front of the dungeon’s entrance that saved me a trip of going to the cities whenever I had mail or wanted to send some.

One of the regulars who was on, however, let me know within seconds that he was going to drop by. Not just drop by… but drop by with his wife.

I had no idea that he was in a relationship from the few times I talked to him, but it wasn’t like I dug deep into the lives of those who came to the dungeon. I just had some casual conversations with them while they were waiting for somebody to fuck or after they’ve been fucked to make sure that everything was alright. The regular in question had a particular fondness for our resident ghost girl.

And with perfect timing that almost seemed too good to be true, Cani logged in. I only knew because I saw the notification in the chat log due to her being on my friend’s list. What really made it perfect, though, was that I opened up my list and saw that she was inside of the dungeon.

It didn’t take me long to figure out where exactly she was. All I had to do was head into the main social area that her new bakery was attached to and I saw her stretching her arms up above her head with a loud yawn.

The way she yawned… was exciting. Because of her blouse that struggled to hold back all of her breasts, her reaching her arms up over her head almost caused her tits to pop out from her blouse. Only a tiny bit more of a stretch was needed for her to inadvertently expose herself to me.

But, ultimately, I probably would have tried to turn around if it looked like that was about to happen. I wanted her to want to flash me, not only accidentally do it. Or I wanted her consent to watch whenever an accidental flashing was about to happen.

That aside, I spoke up and waved to her. “Hey, Cani.”

Cani jumped, her ears and tail shooting straight up, and yelped in a way that I never would have expected to hear from her considering how badass her main character was. “H-hey, Damian,” she replied.



“Hypothetically, if it ever looks like your tits are about to pop out while you stretch, do you care if I look?”

Cani narrowed her eyes at me and crossed her arms over her chest. “Didn’t you just get back from a vacation with your two girlfriends the other day?”

“The permission I’m asking for will extend to them, too.”

“My dad has to be rolling in his grave right now.”

I didn’t want to pry, but I did tilt my just head a little to show that I was curious. Fortunately for me, she picked up on that.

“He always hated how open relationships were becoming. Honestly, I don’t care if people date multiple others at once or anything like that. I’ll joke around about how degenerate it is, but I don’t actually think it is like my dad did.”

“Fair enough. I take it he was a more traditional type?”

Cani relaxed her arms and nodded. “Yeah. He was a good dad, don’t get me wrong, but he was very… traditional about things like romance. Didn’t care about dating a virgin or anything like that, or saving himself for marriage, but adamantly refused to accept that anything other than one-on-one love was legitimate.”

“There’s still a good amount of people who are like that, and I can’t really blame them for it. Let’s be real here. Even if poly relationships are legally accepted now… they also account for the highest rates of divorces. Then again, barely anybody gets married anymore anyways.”

“That’s what happens when you get a few role models who have the happiest looking relationships while never marrying. I remember that one farmer everybody loved. My dad was obsessed with him. Had like seven kids, a successful career, was in love with the same woman for fifty years, and never married. Dad said everybody should strive to be like him.”

“Dang. I know who you’re talking about, I think, but I can’t remember his name. He’s the one who started that university for teaching impoverished kids agriculture, right?”

“Yep. Sani Ibrahim. My dad was like, his biggest fanboy. Honestly… it was kind of shocking. Like, uh… alright. So. Keep in mind that by the time my dad had me, he wasn’t… what he used to be.”

I couldn’t help but to feel a bit uneasy hearing that. “Yeah?”

Cani sighed and nodded. “Yeah. He used to be a member of a group that… let’s say, really didn’t like people of… certain skin colors. Anyways, then Sani, you know, this Nigerian refugee, despite everything being stacked against him, comes over here, goes to school, becomes America’s most famous and respected farmer, and goes out of his way to help all the communities who hated him.”

“Yeah, I remember now. The man was a badass.”

“It takes balls to go into the communities that want to see you hanging from a tree and help them. Dad always told me that he’s the reason this country was able to heal.”

“I think we’ve got a few important figures in the past few decades we can thank for that, not to downplay his own involvement or anything.”

“Yeah. Anyways, you have a nice time with your girlfriends?”

“It would have been nice to go out and see the sights since we basically just ended up having sex the entire time, but it was nice.”

Cani narrowed her eyes at me. “You could have just rented any random hotel room for that.”

“Look, it wasn’t like we planned on—wait. There’s something more important. I just got an idea.”


“The airport… had these amazing pretzels. Seriously, the best pretzels I’ve had in my entire life. I actually gained three pounds during the vacation despite all the sex, and I’m pretty sure it’s because of the pretzels. Anyways, I want you to add pretzels to your bakery. Oh, and to go with the previous theme of everything being sexual… make them shaped like penises. Penis pretzels.”

“So, you want me to make the best possible pretzels that I can, and shape them like penises?”

“I will do anything you want if you can replicate those pretzels in this game so that I can eat as many of them as I want without gaining weight.”

“I’ve never met a guy who cares about his weight before. My dad and friends were always like… proud of having huge beer guts.”

“Trust me, I wouldn’t look good if I gained weight. My body is hot as it is. I’m already stressing out over those three pounds I gained. Going to have to hit up the gym for a few weeks to make sure that I stay in good shape.”

“That’s a bit extreme, isn’t it? For just three pounds?”

“Listen. I don’t mean to stroke my ego too much or anything, but… I’m hot. I’m seriously hot. I would both fuck me and get fucked by me any day of the week. And let’s be real here, my personality alone isn’t enough to warrant me getting multiple girlfriends.”

“Huh. I never thought I would hear a guy admit to something like that.”

“I’m realistic. I’m hot, I make enough money to support myself and others, I’m pretty good at doing the sex, and I have a generally-acceptable personality. I wouldn’t expect anybody to like me only for my personality.”

“You know, I think it would piss off your girlfriends if they heard you say that.”

“I fully believe that they would say that they love me for my personality and would stick with me even if it was all I had, but they’re biased. Anybody would say that about their partner even if, subconsciously, it isn’t true.”

“Would you date them for their personalities only?”

“No. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because I don’t love their personalities. I do, and I wouldn’t change anything about them. But physical attraction is too important to disregard.”

“Huh. Well, it’s not like there’s anything wrong with that. I guess it’s just… the quiet part that people usually don’t say out loud.”

“I’ve made videos on it before which… had effects I didn’t expect.”

Cani sat down in a chair that she pulled out from the bakery while talking since she must have assumed we’d be conversing for a bit longer and she didn’t want to stand there the whole time. “Like?”

“What, not going to get me a chair?”


“Can I sit on your lap then?”


“You’re cruel, Cani.”

“I know. So, what happened?”

“Nothing much. Just, I guess the wrong crowd picked up my video and the point they took away from it was completely wrong. They took me talking about how physical attraction was important, for both parties, as ‘women are bitches who only care about how a guy looks and if you’re not one of the hottest men around then you have no chance and real, pure love independent of looks doesn’t exist.’ That sort of thing.”

It was amusing watching her face cringe from my explanation. “Oh. Yikes.”

“Yeah. People really take what they want to hear out of things and then ignore everything else. No matter how hard you might try to make your position as clear and as simple as you possibly can… there is always going to be some sort of misunderstanding, either by accident or on purpose.”

“My dad was like that. Thankfully, he started being like that about the uh… you know, socially acceptable stuff. I don’t think it’s good to only find the message you want to hear in things, but at least he did it for the right things, I guess?”

“Yeah. I know what you mean. Regardless of what you believe, and whether it is good or bad, you should always try to keep an open mind to really understand whatever information you’re consuming.” I was about to say something else, but then I got a message in my chat log from the guy who said he was coming over with his wife. “Hang on, customer.”

“Oh, are we open again now?”


“I’m going to head over to the city then. Need to grab some more ingredients from the market board to stock up.”

“Need some money?”

“I’m good, but thanks. I’ll see about pretzel ingredients while I’m out.”

“Sounds good.”

With that, Cani teleported to the city and I opened up the rock wall so that our clients could come into the dungeon proper.

“Hey, Damian!” the man, Oliver, said. I always thought he had a pretty cute avatar. A cat boy, but still masculine and handsome while having all of the usual, cute features associated with being part cat.

Now, he was usually alone, but not this time. Standing next to him was a cat girl a foot shorter than him who had a very… well, going by her nervous attitude and the way that she looked uncomfortable with her body seeing as how she kept on trying to fix her dress to be less revealing, I already had a feeling about what was going on.

“Hey, Oliver,” I replied. “This your wife?”

“Yep!” Oliver answered. “I’ve always been curious about her being with other men, so I figured why not bring her here where she can experiment with some NPCs in a safe environment, you know?”

A hint of red colored her cheeks as she looked away from both of us.

“Has she played the game before?” I asked.

Oliver shook her head. “Nope. She’s never been too good at games, so I had to make her avatar for her and all that.” My intuition was spot on. “I made her pretty cute, right? I figured there’s no way any guy should be able to resist her.”

There was just… something about her appearance that made it scream she was designed with a male’s preferences in mind. Sure, she was attractive, but I could tell she wasn’t comfortable with the design.

“Come on, sweetheart,” Oliver said, wrapping an arm around his wife to give her a little shake. “Don’t be shy. Say hi.”

“He-hello,” she said. “Sorry. I’m… new to this.”

“Hey, Oliver,” I said. “Mind if I speak to your wife alone for a moment?”

“Not at all!” Oliver answered. “You’d probably do a better job making her comfortable than I am, so have at her.” He gave her a playful smack on the ass to send her forward toward me before walking off while whistling a tune. Saying that it was obvious how excited he was about the situation would be an understatement.

As for his wife, she looked like she was about to cry from nerves now that her husband was gone from her side.

I wanted to sigh, but I held it in and instead thought, I’m not here to play relationship counselor… but I don’t have anything else to do at the moment.

Now, had she seemed more enthusiastic about it, I wouldn’t have been bothered at all. But with how she was acting… I had a feeling she wasn’t actually into the idea of having sex with anybody else, and I wasn’t going to let my dungeon be used to make anybody uncomfortable.

That meant it was time to do one of the most important things there was when it came to exploring new fetishes.

It was time… to talk about it.

Obligatory post-chapter Patreon reminder!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G., Michael G., Lolopat, David S., Dota, Puppy, Xalibur, Kin W., Mirador, AlicesEmotion, Kennit K.

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