Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 9]

Alright. So, if you read all of my stories, or even just some of them, you've probably noticed that I haven't updated TQH nor CORE for the past few weeks. I'll have a public announcement about that sometime within the next few days, probably, but you most likely already know what's going on. If you don't, you'll be able to tell from looking at this month's Patreon plug. So, without further ado:

Pledge $1 to get access to the next chapter for all of my series right away for a total of 3 chapters!

Pledge $5 to get access to the next 5 chapters for all of my series right away for a total of 15 chapters!

Pledge $10 to get access to the next 10 chapters for all of my series right away for a total of 30 chapters!

Technically less than before, but I do kind of feel like I should bring up the fact that most web serials charge a similar amount for only a single story while I put all of my stories and significantly more content under a single price. Anyways, to give people a very quick and dirty explanation of what's going on - those of you who were around for the original EDE? Imagine the EDE -> EDO conversion but with TQH instead for the sake of my mental health and because I wasn't happy at all with how the series developed. I'm not turning it into an MMO, though. Instead, I'm creating a shared universe for my gamelit-but-not-MMO stories similar to how TTE, EDO, and all of my future MMO series are within the same shared world. CORE will also be put into this new shared world. Now, as you can imagine seeing as how most of my patrons came specifically for TQH, my Patreon ended up hurting from the announcement I made there, which is understandable. I made the official announcement before the month ended so that they had time to unpledge before getting charged again if that was their decision, so I lost $200 in pledges in about 24 hours, and that's on top of how much Patreon has been bled from this entire Covid situation (I'm -$800 a month now since Covid started in a place where "cheap" rent is $1,200 a month - trust me, I'm trying to save up to gtfo). So, here I am now. If you're enjoying this series and/or my others, please consider pledging to my Patreon, because it could seriously use some fresh sacrifices new patrons right now. I'm not going to be homeless or anything if I don't make up for the patrons I've lost this year, but a bit more financial security would be nice, you know? There's also the fact that I can't post this series to RR, and RR is where 70% of my patrons come from, so I really rely on my SH audience here for this story's support.

That aside, thank you for taking the time to read through all of that if you did! You may now read the lewds.

“That was… the best. Seriously, the best,” Lizamoo said, now standing over with me and Lily. She still lacked all clothing aside from the gas mask that covered the lower half of her face. However, as naked as she might have been, there was one particular part of her that truly demand the attention of anybody with a working pair of eyes.

And that was her abdomen. Her abdomen that was inflated with dozens of those giant seeds that could be seen bulging up against her skin. While there was a debuff on her that reduced her movement speed due to the excess weight of the seeds inflating her, her pregnant-like womb wouldn’t have actually felt heavy or anything like that. The game wasn’t exactly programmed in that way. It was the same reason why people could walk around with huge tits all the time without it ever bothering their backs. If somebody were to lift those tits up, there would be weight to them, but the owner of said tits wouldn’t be too affected by their normal weight.

The same applied to Lizamoo’s stomach. Even so, she had both of her hands underneath her bulging abdomen to lift it up a little as if it was heavy enough that she needed to carry it around with her hands’ help. Really, though, she looked like somebody who just got done eating a massive meal and was being dramatic about their gut.

But that had its own appeal to it. Because her hands were lifting her stomach up, her skin was deformed around her fingers. Her fingers and wrists indented into her bulging stomach. Usually, when it came to inflation in hentai, women would end up looking like their stomachs were… basically just smooth, giant balloons. Things rarely ever interacted with the stomachs. Now, while I might not be into excessive weight or anything, I do love a good stomach that has been inflated by cum, eggs, seeds, or anything else. I love when I see such stomachs actually get interacted with. Whether it’s groping them, holding them, shaking them – there’s just something about it that’s arousing when they’re interacted with after being inflated. It shows that there’s actual thought being put into it. The artist is paying attention to detail! And when I saw Lizamoo holding up her stomach like that, she was the artist paying attention to detail.

It was like the difference between artists who included an obligatory blowjob scene in their hentai and the artists who put so much detail into the giving character’s tongue that it basically looked like it had a pussy on it. Sure, anybody could draw a blowjob scene, but only those who were true oral aficionados went into that much detail. The same applied to anything resulting in a woman’s stomach getting inflated. The easier option was to simply inflate it then be done with it – to move on and act like it never happened. But Lizamoo was not that simple. She lifted that expanded gut up with pride. Even though her mouth wasn’t visible underneath her mask, it was obvious that she was smiling going from her eyes.

“I take it that you being treated like a cow expands to being treated like a breeding sow, too,” I said to her.

“I like getting pumped while getting pumped full. What can I say?” Lizamoo replied. “Ah… now would be a great time to sit back with a beer and relax. I just want to sit back, drink, and rub my belly while it lasts. Preferably with a couple of milkers still attached to me. God, imagine how great that would be. Just sitting there drinking and not having to do anything while getting milked. Maybe watch some TV during it. That would be the best.”

Lily, leaning against my side, spoke up and said, “You sound like you would enjoy – being pregnant!”

“Oh, no, no way. I’ve got my tubes tied, I’m on the pill, and I still make guys wear condoms in real life. The idea of getting pregnant terrifies me. I don’t want a parasite in my body for nine months that I have to take care of for at least the next eighteen years. But the fantasy of being used only for breeding? Yes, please. I’m all about that. Make some monster milk my tits and turn me into his personal breeding bitch where my only purpose in life is to pump out his kids and I’ll worship his cock like there’s no tomorrow. In real life? I’m not letting cum anywhere near me down there.”

“A-ah… I – I see…”

“Fair enough,” I said, holding Lily a bit closer so that she wouldn’t feel too awkward. I could tell that she didn’t exactly know how to respond to all of that. “I’ve known a good few people who are into the fantasy of something like that but would never want to experience it in real life. Especially when it comes to something where you have to support another life until they’re adults. Having a few generations of people going on about how everybody has to stop having kids doesn’t help, either.”

“Pfftttt, right?” Lizamoo replied. “They went from having kids, to telling everybody to stop having kids and telling everybody that they’re horrible people if they bring new life into a dying world, and now they’re back to telling people to have kids.”

“Well, to be fair, that happened over the course of a few generations. And it really did go from being alright, to being kind of sketchy, to being recommended again for good reasons.”

“Yeah, I know, but still. Between all the programs encouraging more babies and handouts you get and peer pressure – I like to have as many excuses as I can to explain why I won’t do it. I normally wouldn’t even bring up that I don’t want to around anybody because it always ends with people being annoying and telling me how I should have kids because the world needs more and it’ll be fine now and blah blah.”

“Hah, don’t worry. I might want to have kids myself, but I’m not going to pressure anybody else into it. It’s too serious of a life-changing decision to try and push onto somebody else. Plus we shouldn’t be pushing anything onto anybody else without their consent in the first place.” I heard Lily giggle a little next to me, and I was pretty sure that it was obvious why. She liked hearing that I wanted to have kids. Whether we were talking about real kids or goat kids, the topic always made her happy.

“I figured you’d be chill about it. You’ve been awesome about everything else.”

“Thanks for the confidence. The only thing that I think is really amusing is how you talk so openly about all of this, but then you roleplay a paladin girl who tries to stay pure and all that. Well, thinking about it… yeah, that makes perfect sense.”

“If I wanted my character to actually stay pure, it’d be ironic, but yeah. I want her to get kidnapped and abused by every single monster that there is while constantly fighting against them to retain her sanity only to get broken over and over again.”

“I prefer things a bit more consensual than that, but I’d be lying if I said I never looked at hentai and erotica like that before. Anyways, so. Seeds. I need one for the dungeon.”

“Trust me, I haven’t forgotten. I’ll just go ahead and,” Lizamoo paused to crouch down, spreading her legs, and pushed on her stomach. Honestly, she looked absolutely ridiculous. There was nothing even slightly arousing from seeing her crouch there with her legs spread and her hands trying to push a seed out from her. While only wearing a gas mask.

She did succeed in pushing a seed out of her, though. It fell out and plopped right onto the ground. It was a large seed about half the size of a football – the American kind, and shaped in a similar fashion except green in color and with a sort of… almost fleshy texture to it.

Lizamoo bent over to pick it up and then it disappeared into her invisible inventory. A second later and a trade window popped up between us. She offered me the seed and requested nothing in exchange – well, nothing in exchange item-wise. The whole point of this was to get a new trap that I could bring back to the dungeon for her to have fun with whenever she wanted without having to come all the way out to where we were.

One acceptance of the trade later and the seed was transferred to my own inventory.

“What about – the rest of them?” Lily asked.

“I’ll squeeze the rest out, store them in my inv, and then go get them cooked up,” Lizamoo answered. “They’ll be great. I’ll even let you try some. You know uh… roasted and salted pumpkin seeds? Imagine pumpkin seeds, but softer and way bigger with a stronger flavor. That’s what they’ll taste like.”

“Lol, you want to waste such a good material on rookie recipes like that?” asked a feminine voice – asked a voice that none of us recognized. It made us immediately spin to face the face the voice came from and finally got Lizamoo to instantly swap her armor back on. Though, if we got into a fight right after she swapped, she wouldn’t be of much use. Most of her health and mana came from her gear, so now her natural regeneration had to fill up her health and mana bars since they just got increased by about twenty times. The old max had to catch up to the new max.

More importantly, when we turned to see where the voice came from, we didn’t see anybody.

“Now you… you look delicious,” the voice repeated, this time coming from behind us.

Whoever it was talking to us, she had to be a rogue. A stealthed rogue at that. Using one of my ground AoE skills would have instantly revealed her… if she was flagged for PvP. However, it was possible that she was trying to bait me into flagging myself for PvP by making the first move to reveal her.

“I wonder what kind of beef you’ve got down there. Maybe a nice log of A5-tier meat?”

“I’ll show it to you myself if you show us who you are first,” I said, giving up on trying to track where her voice came from. I instinctively reached over to Lily to try and gently push her behind me, but she got her staff out and was ready to help out if she needed to.

“Lol, nice offer, but don’t worry. It’s ‘kay.” The voice came from right in front of me that time. Not only that, but she was the kind of girl who actually pronounced acronyms out loud. Instead of just laughing or trying to pronounce “LOL” as a word, she spelled it.

And then she revealed herself.

Standing there in front of me was a girl about halfway between Lizamoo’s and Lily’s height with wide hips, thick thighs, and a stacked chest – well, a chest that was large by normal standards rather than hentai game standards. She also had short, blonde hair that was pulled into a couple of twintails that hung down from the back sides of her head, and… she wore a schoolgirl uniform. A stereotypical, Japanese schoolgirl uniform that looked perfectly modern except for the daggers on her hips. Then, after looking up at me, her eyes widened before taking a step closer to me. “Omg! No way! Lol talk about coincidence! You’re the guy I PMed when he got that achievement! I guess the world is pretty tiny after all lol. For real, like, what’s the chances of us actually meeting out here? Omg I almost look some sort of crazy stalker girl now. I swear I’m not a stalker. Yet. Lol.”

I already found myself getting a bit overwhelmed by the… energy of her. She was a bit too spunky and hyper for my tastes. Even so, I tried to think back to everybody who messaged me when I got that achievement. There were way too many who messaged me all sorts of random bullshit back then, but a couple of them stood out. One of them… was somebody going by a name that had something to do with, “Gluttony something? Is that who you are?”

“Ding dong ding. Gluttony’s Chosen! The best dang cook you can find in this game lol. Btw, you’re like, way nicer on the eyes than I hoped you’d be. I totes wouldn’t mind filling up on you.”

“Hey,” Lizamoo spoke up, “that’s his girlfriend. Have some respect.”

“A-ah! No – it’s – it’s fine!” Lily said, waving her arms at Lizamoo.

Lizamoo didn’t exactly know about Lily wanting to share me with others and the expression on her face made that obvious.

“Lol, your friends – soz, girlfriend and friend? They’re funny,” the girl in front of me, Gluttony’s Chosen, said. “So why’d you come out here? This zone is totes dead, so I’m not used to getting visitors.”

“Visitors?” I asked. “I take it you stay out here?”

“Yep lol. I’ve got a place nearby. Saw some tracks and thought I’d follow them, then I found you.”

I could have sworn that I saw something underneath her blouse move, but I wasn’t sure, so I continued the conversation but stayed cautious. “Well, we only came out here for those plants over there. I needed one of the seeds to hopefully turn into a trap for my dungeon.”

“Woah, wait, you have your own dungeon! Lucky! I wish I had one! Then I could totally like, grow a bunch of food! Like butcher my own monsters and farm stuff from my traps! That’d be so perf lol.”

“I just use mine for sex.”

“Oh, nice lol.”

“Yeah. Anyways, we’re going to head back now.” Something felt wrong. “If you want to meet up and do something sometime, just add me to your friends and then I’ll—”

“Hey… you’re not leaving already, are you?”

“We’ve got things we need to do, so we can’t hang around right—”

The blouse over her abdomen moved around some more. “It’s pretty messed up to get a girl all excited only to ditch her like that.”

“I told you, we have things to do. Add me to your friends if you really want to hang out sometime.”

“I do want to hang out. Right now.”

“Right now doesn’t work.”

“I’ve been looking forward to getting a taste of you ever since I saw those notifications… so I’m not letting you get away that easily.” All that energetic spunk from before was gone, yet she now smiled far more than she was before. Her new smile revealed just how extremely sharp her teeth were. It was like every tooth in her mouth was a fang – or maybe, more like shark’s teeth. “All I want is a quick taste. Then you can do whatever you want. Isn’t that fine?”

“I already refused, so no.”

Rather than say anything, the girl continued staring straight at me as her name turned red with the PvP icon appearing next to it. She was officially flagged for PvP, meaning that she could attack us at any second.

“Hey, Damian, I’m full,” Lizamoo said. Her health and mana were filled up now. “We’re a couple of tanks who can heal with the support of a healer. She won’t be able to do anything.”

Lizamoo had a point. Fighting tanks one-on-one was already difficult for most. It was impossible to try and fight one-on-two against multiple tanks. That became even more impossible when a healer was thrown into the mix to heal and support said tanks.

That normally would have been comforting.

But no matter how many defensive and healing skills we had on our side…

There was something else that the other side had – something that I never saw on any player before. It was only something I ever saw on some very powerful monsters aligned with Gluttony who specialized in tearing through defense like it was nothing.

Underneath the girl’s blouse was not just a stomach, but a wide mouth split across her with fangs as large as my head and a tongue sticking out of it to lick its “lips.”

I never heard of nor saw a single player with a body anything like what this girl had. The fact that we were going up against something entirely unknown, while the girl who had this unknown body seemed exceedingly confident in her ability to take us own by herself, had me worried.

But if she wanted to fight, there was nothing that we can do.

I readied my shield and—

“Lol! O – omg! Your face! I totally got you!” Gluttony’s Chosen shouted, giggling while holding her hands over her lower mouth that also moved as if it was laughing. She laughed so hard that she even started to cry. “I – I had no idea it would go that perf! I totes thought I would screw up or make it too obvious lol! Omg omg, like, that was – oh man, that was good. I’m so happy – so happy that I recorded that. You look all protective of your gf and it’s so cute and funny and just totes hilarious. Ah… too funny. Anyways, I’ll totes send you a friend request. Let me know when you’re free and stuff. But like, for real, if you just wanna hang out now, I can cook some of those babies up for you. I’ve got a rare recipe for them that’ll make them taste super good and stuff.”

“So… just to confirm,” Lizamoo spoke up, “you’re not going to try and eat us or anything?”

“Lol, what would I do against a couple of tanks? I’d get wrecked.”

My turn. “And you’re not going to try and force yourself onto me or anything?”

“Lol nah. The flavor gets ruined when you mistreat it. Everybody knows that the better you treat your meat, the better it tastes.”

Then I felt Lily tug my arm from behind. When I leaned down to hear what she had to say since she clearly wanted to whisper something, she whispered, “Mon maître… are – are you playing along, or did you really not know? I am – not… sure if I am supposed to play along. I thought she was… obvious.”

“Wait, seriously?” I whispered back.

Lily nodded. “The look in her eyes and smile gave it away.”

“I thought she looked like some crazy psychopath wanting to eat me alive.”

“Yes, but she made it too… cartoonish. Too obvious, like she wanted to look like that.”

“I – I guess that’s a good point.” I turned back to look at Gluttony’s Chosen who was still standing there waiting for our decision. “If you treat us to a meal that doesn’t involve our own bodies, I don’t see why we can’t let you show us one of your recipes.”

“Oh? I thought you had somewhere to be and things to do lol?” she asked in response.

“Can you blame me for making up an excuse to get away when you were acting like that?”

“Nah, that’s why I’m just screwing with you. I’d be worried there’s something wrong with your head if you weren’t trying to get away from me. Or it’d mean you’re one of those guys into crazy chicks lol.”

“Well, I’m not into crazy, so I’ll just assume there’s nothing wrong with my head.”

“Totes fair. Anyways, my place is that way.” She pointed over her shoulder. “Toss me an inv to your party so that you don’t accidentally stab me or anything in case we get in a fight? I won’t be able to unflag for a few more minutes.”

“Sure.” Having her in the party also meant that she wouldn’t be able to deal any damage to us, so that was reassuring.

“Thanksies! Oh! By the by, since our names are kinda annoying to say, BestTentacle, you can call me Sophie.”

“In that case, you can call me Damian.”

“Nice to eat you! Oh, I mean meet you.”

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

Sophie smiled up at me while extending a hand for me to shake.

I reached out to grab her hand… only for that giant tentacle-like tongue coming out from her abdomen to reach forward and wrap around my hand instead for a good, saliva-covered shake.

“I have a feeling you do that to everybody,” I said before shaking the saliva off of my hand.

“Totes my goat,” Sophie said as her tongue retracted back into her abdomen.

“Go-goat?” Lily asked. She sounded way more interested in the conversation now that goats were brought up.

“Goat!” Sophie confirmed. “Speaking of goat, I don’t think I’ve ever eaten one before. I could totes go for—”

“Go-goats are for petting! Not eating!”

That was the most distraught I ever heard Lily. She even sounded so serious in her belief that both Lizamoo and Sophie took a step back from the surprising outburst.

As for me, I couldn’t help but to hug her after how insanely cute that was. Plus she looked like she was about to cry.

Thank you for reading and, once again, please consider supporting me on Patreon! 

Also, Sophie has finally made her return!

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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