Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 21]

“Bug fucker,” was the first thing that I said to Akorya once I was back in my normal avatar.

“Nyehehe, wouldn’t I be a bug fuckee?” Akorya asked back, sounding normal again now that she had time to recover.

I ended up spending the rest of my time turned into my monster cuddling with her using all of those extendable legs of mine. That gave her enough time to recover. She also had no problem cuddling with what was basically a giant bug monster.

As I rested in the hot springs with her, one of my arms wrapped around her shoulders as she cuddled up to my side, I debated something.

And that something was whether now was a good time to officially invite her into mine and Lily’s relationship. I felt like it was a good time, but I also felt like it would be even better if Lily was present when I did it. After all, Akorya wouldn’t just be dating me if she accepted. She would be dating Lily, too.

It was only right that Lily was there when it happened.

There was something else. Given just how romantic and sweet Akorya actually was, I figured that she might like some really nice and romantic invitation instead of post-bug-fucking invitation. Lily? Lily would probably love that sort of thing. But Akorya? Akorya liked it sweet. Akorya needed to be taken out on a nice date with the three of us and then invited at the end of it.

Yeah. That sounded like a good idea.

So, as tempted as I was, I passed on that for now. Instead, I opted for kissing the top of Akorya’s head and simply relaxing with her.

“So, think that monster will scare off any potential visitors?” I asked.

“Hmm… nah,” Akorya answered. “He’s cute!”

“I think you might be biased there. Would you have felt that way if your first experience with him wasn’t me controlling him?”

“That’s… a good point. Maybe not. But I mean, he’s not as bad as actual bugs. He looks more monster than bug, so I don’t think that many people would be bothered.”

“Well, if he has your approval, I guess he can’t be too bad. Maybe I should get more monsters in that category.” Then it hit me. “Wait.”

“What’s up?”

“I’m a failure of a dungeon master. I have a dungeon… and no mimics in it. Every dungeon needs a mimic in it! And the mimics in this game are even chests full of tentacles!”


“Imagine it. Imagine coming into the dungeon, fighting your way through monster after monster, and then you finally make it to a chest and think that you’re about to get some loot. That’s when you approach it with your guard down, open it up… and immediately feel dozens of tentacles wrap all around your body to pull you in. Before you know it, you’ve been pulled completely into the mimic and are surrounded by slimy tentacles as the chest closes, trapping you inside until the mimic decided that it’s had enough of you. Of course, that wouldn’t be for a long time.”

“I think that’s more of Lily’s thing – that specific example, but it’s still hot.”

“Ah, right. You’d want it more consensual and nice for an example.”

Akorya nodded and giggled a little. “Nyehe. You know me so well already.”

“I don’t know you nearly enough.”

“I don’t know if that sounds sweet or like a stalker.”

“Why not both?”

“Hmm… some sweet stalker roleplay might be fun. But no real stalking, okay?”

“Deal. If there’s ever any stalking, it will be me playing the role of a stalker who wants to do horrible things such as… take you out on a dinner date and hold your hands while playing with your feet under the table with his own.”

Akorya’s whole body shook a little as she laughed at that. “That – that’s so silly, but I kinda like it!”

“I love your laugh.” I wasn’t able to hold back saying at least one thing that I loved about her considering how close I was to inviting her to our relationship.

“Tha-that was really sudden…”

“And it was true.”

“If… if I started talking about all the things I love about you, I’d probably be here forever, and I have to go soon…”

“I only listed one of the things I love about you, so it would be fair if you only list a single one back to me.” I’ll admit it. I selfishly wanted to hear her say that she loved something about me, too.

Akorya tucked herself a bit closer into my side and, with a gentle voice, said, “I… love how warm you make me feel. I always feel… warm and safe when I’m with you. Thanks.”

“That’s nothing to thank me for.” I wanted nothing more than to take her into a bed and cover her entire body with kisses after hearing that, but I kept my cool.

“Nyehe… you’re like a really big, soft blanket that I always want to feel wrapped around me.”

I might not have had a bed to take her to, but I did pick her up after hearing that and place her in my lap. That at least allowed me to wrap my arms around her while leaning my head against hers. “Is this good enough?”

A soft sigh left her lips. “Yeah.” It was just a single word, but she couldn’t have sounded more content.

“Want to stay like this until you have to go?”

“I – I only have a few minutes… but yes, please.”

I gave her another kiss on her head and did my best to fulfill the role of a blanket as we enjoyed the warmth of the hot springs together. “You know, I’d really be able to completely cover you like a blanket if I got a mimic.”

“That… sounds really nice. You wouldn’t even have to do any lewd stuff. I’d just want to stay inside and feel how warm you are all around me.”

“That’s all you had to say. Getting a mimic is officially on my to-do list.”

Akorya giggled a little bit more before fully relaxing within my grasp.

We stayed together just like that for the next few minutes. Once it was time for her to leave, we shared a kiss, another hug, and parted ways.

It was about time that I returned to reality, too. I spent enough time playing for the day.


Once I was back in reality on my bed, I realized that there was no short number of things that I had to do. I always had a horrible habit of piling up these large to-do lists and then struggling to get through all of them, and now was no different.

I still needed to take those girls who invaded the dungeon out on a trip to lewdly conquer an actual PvE dungeon.

I needed to build up my own dungeon and fill it with more monsters in general. Oh, and acquiring a mimic was now a top priority for the dungeon.

I didn’t get to spend any private time with Thera lately, so I wanted to do something with her just between the two of us.

I was curious about that thing Akorya mentioned with getting hate on her videos and felt the need to investigate that.

I needed to take more steps toward becoming the champion of Lust.

The list went on and on and began to remind me of my video history online. My channel originally started out as playing games while talking about sexual topics. That was back when I was still in the porn industry. I was much, much raunchier in my content back then. There was very rarely a video game character that I didn’t talk about wanting to fuck no matter what gender or species they were. Over time, I switched to a more “sit down and chat” approach where I would chat with my viewers on livestreams. We chatted about pretty much anything and everything. Then, once I had an idea for some bigger projects, I began doing video essays of various sexual topics. That was after I left the porn industry. Then while I was in the middle of a video essays series, I got invited to do some collabs with other creators online and that began a whole new track of content. Once that streak was over, I basically began doing a random mix of all those various types albeit in a much… friendlier way, to say. The topics were still almost entirely for a mature audience, but I calmed down when it came to swearing and being vulgar. No more talking in-depth with no lack of profanity about how much I want to fuck everybody.

But when it came to sticking to a single thing, I really, really needed to work on that. It was probably safe to consider it one of my biggest flaws. I needed to pick a single thing, see it through to completion, and then move on instead of getting constantly sidetracked.

I didn’t want to be the living example of an RPG protagonist who kept on getting distracted by side quest after side quest without ever actually completing any of them.

Therefore, it was time to start small. That meant picking the easiest thing from the list and going to do it. It also just so happened that the easiest thing on the list was one of the most important when it came to personal relationships since I wanted to make sure that everything was alright, and that meant checking up on Akorya’s old videos. She still seemed pretty self-conscious about it and she already sent the unlisted links to me over Fiscord, so I moved over to my computer and opened them up.

I completely forgot the fact that I’d be seeing her in real life by watching the videos. I was more concerned about figuring out whether she was being trolled or not but, when I saw her, I found myself completely captured.

It was ridiculous just how beautiful she was, not to mention how much of a complete opposite she was from her in-game self.

Akorya in-game wore barely any clothing, had that strawberry hair that reached down to her shoulders, and she was just… very overtly sexual and confident in appearance.

But in real life?

I saw a young woman sitting behind a piano trying to hide her nervousness behind a gentle smile. She wore a simple dress that wasn’t too fancy and that showed minimal skin aside from her arms. Hanging down behind her was long, black hair that reached down past where the recording showed. It had to be long enough that it went down past her waist at the very least.

And as soon as she began to play the piano, her beauty was only emphasized by the incredible skill she possessed. The song she played matched her appearance in the fact that it was gentle and beautiful. Her fingers moved over the keys with perfect precision as she weaved the notes together in flawless form.

Then the singing began. Her singing voice only sounded vaguely similar to the one I was so used to hearing from her in-game, but it was every bit as enchanting as the rest of her performance. There was honestly not a single thing that I could find wrong with anything there. Well, she could have used a better camera and positioning, but she was an amateur when it came to making videos. Even so, she was already better than most in that regard. I could tell that she was trying her best both with her performance and setup.

If she played some popular songs, especially meme songs or songs from games, then she probably would have exploded in popularity. Well, she said she kind of exploded, but it didn’t look like it from the numbers she had.

Scratch that. When I was first getting started, I would have thought that a few thousand views over night was amazing growth, too. That growth would have been even greater if she stayed with it.

I took a deep breath once the video was over. I had no idea what I was about to see when I looked down in the comments, but I honestly couldn’t see how anybody could complain about her video. She was amazing at the piano and had a beautiful singing voice. She herself was probably one of the most attractive people on the platform. There were no problems with the quality of the video nor audio, either. There was room for improvement when it came to her camera, but everything else was fine.

Somehow, I ended up feeling the nervousness that I felt when first checking out my comments all over again.

That nervousness quickly evolved into a sinking feeling in my gut when I saw the likes and dislikes on her video. She had a couple dozen of likes… and hundreds of dislikes.

I scrolled down a bit farther.

There was nothing but hate as the most top-voted comments.

Some comments accused her of seeking attention and thinking that she expected views because she was “slightly attractive.” Other comments went all in on her appearance and criticized every tiny part of her, but I noticed a trend with most of them mocking her for her nose. There was nothing weird nor wrong with her nose at all. It was a perfectly normal, pretty cute, nose.

I dug through hate comment after hate comment to see if there was even one legitimate reason for the hate. Nothing.

It made no sense. I knew that the internet was the only place where assholes like these could exist anymore, but to find so many of them on a new creator’s videos – it made no sense.

Or rather, there were some theories that could make sense, but I had no proof to back them up.

And now I was invested.

Sure, I could tell Akorya that her videos were perfectly fine and that they were just hateful trolls, but would that really make her feel better? It would probably help out a little bit, but I wanted to find the truth behind it. There had to be more and she deserved to know.

But first, I went downstairs to grab some tea. I was going to need some for digging through all the comments for clues like some sort of internet detective.

That was when I walked in on my mother rewatching one of her favorite fantasy series that was famous for a very specific reason that women her age absolutely loved.

I looked at the television screen.

There was nothing but half-naked men with chiseled, oiled abs filling up the screen.

When I looked back over at my mother, I saw a smug smile as she took a sip of her drink. Probably more cranberry juice and rum from the looks of it.

I left her to her show, got my tea, and went back upstairs. Even though she already watched the series from start to finish at least a dozen times, I knew that she didn’t like to be interrupted during it.

It was time to begin the deep dive.

There were way too many comments for how many views her video had. Views-to-comments ratios were never that large normally. None of my videos had a ratio that high.

Aside from the nose thing, most of the comments seemed to just be a bunch of random lies without much cohesion. But her nose was brought up over and over. Seriously, what’s up with these nose comments? I thought as they just kept on popping up.

It was only after about fifteen minutes of digging through every single comment that I noticed another trend.

There were a lot of users who were using profile pictures of what appeared to be the same logo of a piano with some hearts over it. Once I spotted that, I scrolled back up to see if I passed over any. Surely enough, I did. I was so focused on the comments themselves that I wasn’t paying attention to the profile pictures.

Was there a meaning to that? I didn’t know. What I did know, however, was that I could open up their pictures and do a reverse search to find out what the logo represented.

Things started to make sense when it turned out to be the logo for fans of a certain video creator who also sung while playing the piano. This creator was also a woman who, unlike how conservatively Akorya dressed in her video, was the kind of person who thought that pushing up her tits to create as much cleavage as possible meant good video content.

I checked the dates of the comments and saw that they were almost all left within the same twenty-four-hour period. Then I checked out this new creator’s videos from around that date and saw that she had a stream the night before.

Five minutes into the archived stream, I realized that I was going to need some alcohol instead of tea if I wanted to make it through her random rambles, giggles, and “accidentally” saying suggestive things and then pretending she was pure and that she didn’t mean it while exposing her chest as much as possible while not violating the platform’s rules.

Something interesting came up about fifteen minutes into the stream. One of her fans apparently sent her a link to a video of a new girl “copying” the streamer. The video came up on the screen for the streamer to react to. Surely enough, it was Akorya’s video.

The streamer’s face instantly turned sour as she began looking for anything negative to comment on. Apparently, that was Akorya’s nose. There was never anything wrong with Akorya’s nose, it was just what the streamer decided to lie about to make herself feel better as she mocked Akorya throughout the entire video. After the video, she went into a rant for several minutes about how all these women keep on trying to copy her, how most of them are “attention-starved sluts” and that Akorya was an especially obvious one because of how “pure” she tried to act, and more.

I had a theory and one look at the streamer’s nose proved it true. Now, body shaming is a shitty thing, but I’ve never hesitated to go low when somebody else is. This streamer’s nose was anything but appealing to the eyes and most of her viewers must have been too distracted by her tits to notice it.

In other words, everything about this woman’s hate toward Akorya was projecting. Every single insult that she directed at her was infinitely more applicable to herself.

And given that Akorya’s video title and channel name were out in the open on the streamer’s display, that made it incredibly easy for all of her fans to go and target Akorya despite Akorya’s channel being a tiny fraction of the size.

The streamer wasn’t just projecting. She was afraid, too. She probably saw just how much potential Akorya had and decided to squash it while she could, because the internet totally wasn’t big enough for two different women singing and playing the piano.

Out of morbid curiosity, I decided to check out what the streamer’s most recent videos were like. I wanted to know if she was still as garbage of a human being as she was or if she changed.

Well, it turned out that she was still the personification of distilled shit.

It also turned out that she started a new game recently and had a bunch of her fans doing what was essentially slave labor for her in it.

And this game was the very same one that I had been spending so much time in with everybody. My lewd paradise.

There was one last thing I noticed, too.


She was subscribed to me and following me on basically all of my social media accounts.

In other words, she was a big fan of me and got involved in the same VRMMORPG as me, potentially as a result of my videos featuring it.

I only planned on finding out the truth behind all the hate that Akorya got, and I found it.

I also wanted to try and do something about my horrible habit of infinitely adding things to my to-do list.

But once my little investigation was over, I realized that the investigation was about to turn into something greater and that my to-do list was about to grow longer.

After all, one of my favorite things to do aside from being lewd with those I cherished was putting assholes in their place. That was actually something that me and Thera were able to bond over given her previous membership of the Divine Brigade.

And I did want to spend some more time with Thera, too.

I also knew a few girls who weren’t part of a guild due to still being pretty new to the game and who I didn’t get to do much with yet.

I might not have been as experienced with the kind of strategy I had in mind, but I had confidence in it as long as I could get Thera to help me out with it.

But before I could seriously think any further about all of that, I needed to grab Akorya’s permission. I wasn’t about to start a crusade against somebody on Akorya’s behalf if she didn’t want that. If she just wanted some closure and to leave it in the past, that was what we would do.

That was why I sent Akorya a quick message explaining the situation. I told her that it was another girl who sent a bunch of targeted hate at her out of jealousness and fear of being surpassed, and that we could easily get revenge if she wanted it. I let her know that all the negativity was from fans of the shit personification and gave her my own impressed thoughts on her content. I decided to save most of the personal praise for later, though.

Honestly, I expected Akorya to say no. She was actually a pretty sweet girl and I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if she would rather just move on.

It took about an hour to get a reply from her over Fiscord.

And that reply read:

Akorya: I just, umm… got done crying. A lot. She… was actually one of my favorite creators and inspired me to try making my own channel. I guess I missed the stream when it aired, but I went back and watched it and… anyways! I just got done crying, so I don’t want to cry anymore lol.

Akorya: For your question, uh…

Akorya: I feel guilty for feeling this way, and you might think im a petty bitch for this, but… I want to see her ruined. Not like

Akorya: Not like that

Akorya: I mean, just maybe killing her in-game or something would be enough… I swear it’s not like I want to destroy her entire career or anything, I’m not that petty, but… I don’t like the idea of her playing the same game as us. So if we could like…

Akorya: I don’t know…

Akorya: do something to her until she quits and never plays again, that would be cool?

My to-do list officially became longer with a new goal on it. Fortunately, it was something that I could incorporate a few other goals into.

I wasn’t about to let anybody get away with fucking with those who I cared about.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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