Emperor and Dragon ( A Black Clover Fanfiction)

Chapter 65: Ch 63 Madara’s dilemma

"So this is Hodge…a village of ninja, and magic among other things I see" A boy with white spiky hair, and cold analytical eyes traveled the alleyways and rooftops of Hodge surveying the so-called 'ninja village'. Apparently warring ninja apparel was worn causally here so he was able to blend in easily. "Surely this is the dream village brother talked about, only much more impressive than I imagined. I wonder who could be responsible for such a thing?... Who's there?" turning around as he drew a kunai knife. "What surprised him most was the spiraling red eyes glaring back at him.

"It's very impressive that you could sense my presence, but I can tell you aren't from here. Who are you?"

"Tell me who you are, those are the eyes of my sworn enemy!"

"Sworn enemy? I don't know you, my name is Itachi Uchiha."

"The Uchiha are my sworn enemy! I am Tobirama Senju! DIE!!!!"

"(Senju?)" respecting the power of a senju Itachi used a considerable amount of chakra and magic to put him into a powerful genjutsu, knocking Tobirama out. "Tobirama senju the brother of the first Hokage? Why is he here?…As a young child no less. I think this is something I should report to Magnus," sending off a black messenger butterfly before restraining the boy.


"Mmmhhhmhmhm stop No-no if you kiss me right there I just might…" Magnus giggled reaching out in his sleep.

"BRO!" Galileo pushed him several meters away. "What are you doing!"

"What!? Gali? Why the hell are you here! I was just having the best dream about my beloved Noelle and then…"

"We're back here." Looking around they realized they were in the void office again.

"Welcome back rough diamond and possible gold, possible coal" as usual the god sat behind his desk watching all kinds of battles.

"Hello." Magnus answered respectfully with a bow. "(You know you're the possible coal…that's a downgrade.)"

"What was that assholes?" Galileo lunged and got blasted with a new energy he had no clue what happened but it stung like hell. "Hello" he gritted through his teeth fighting the pain.

"You must have some important news for us?" Magnus speculated.

"I figured you should know more about the 'champions' in this world."

"Champions?" They both asked. "Us right?"

"Yes and no, just like you there are people who have veered from the original script. Asta and Yuno will continue to help push the world's threshold as the original protagonists but the fates have sided with others too. Aside from you two there are three types. The egotists, people I've given a little extra fate myself to help you two grow. Julius would be a good example, he'd be incredible no matter what world he's in. Actually that Lykan you two killed was one of them too.

"But he-" Galileo started.

"I never said they were your allies, simply those given a little 'push' to pursue their egos, in turn, push yours. For him it was become king or die, he failed. Simple as that. Oh and don't think Clover is the only place you'll meet them, I've created a few interesting egotists in every country…(those few in Diamond kingdom is going to be exciting)."

"My No-no is one too right? Why didn't you mention her? She was still meant to be incredible without my help." Magnus made sure she got her props.

"Glad you get the concept. Secondly, are the 'heaven-sent. Literally created by the heavens they shouldn't exist in Black Clover's story but are prodigal additions."

"People like Bandit, Octavius, and Lumiette right?" Galileo asked

"Exactly right. Consider them invaluable allies, they may have more luck than you two. Third are those chosen by the world as 'balancers', brought in with extra gifts mainly to keep you guys in check. Balancers are the ones summoned from other series to oppose you. Though they have free will so their actions are entirely their own. Disputes with them could as simple as a chat or an all-out war, depends on the person.

"So we just gotta see if they're evil and decide if we gotta take em out or strike a deal. Big whoop." Galileo said nonchalantly. "I thought we were getting a new power."

"We're both in the middle of missions for new powers idiot." Magnus answered "What I don't get is where one like Velgrynd fits into those three categories. This isn't her show, she wasn't summoned by anyone, and it's not like she was made specifically to be here…"

"I almost forgot. There is a rare fourth case, 'wanderers'. With all the pulling from other worlds, the space-time gateways don't always close immediately so sometimes people unknowingly cross over here. Velgrynd must've followed Veldora here after you summoned him. Being completely uninfluenced they're free from all of the rules of this world set by your remake, but that means they didn't receive any gifts either."

"So we got lucky with Velgrynd, the next wanderer can just as easily be an enemy," Galileo noted.

"I'll win them over with my dazzling charm" Magnus added.

"Oh, one more thing. As you see your lives aren't guaranteed anymore. Magnus if anyone kills you they'll be taking the heaven's mandate, and possible ownership of this realm so be careful without all of your powers. Galileo, I'd be sure to take the training seriously, your death will be just as rewarding to your enemies. Dragon parts are very valuable, especially when they can defy the realm."

"Defy the realm? What's that!?" Galileo was excited finally hearing something cool about himself.

"We get the point we'll be careful. Anything else?" Magnus asked

"Make sure you keep spreading egoism in the world. Whittle away the weak-willed however you see fit."


"Got you, you know it'd be a good idea to visit priests with your ideals, they'll reach the masses faster."

"Hahahaha a brilliant idea, I should have thought of that sooner. Now go show the world who will become the heroes!"

"Correction, I'll show them I am the hero the world never needed two heroes," Magnus said coolly and arrogantly looks at Gali.

"Nice ego."

"Hold up I'm the hero, you're like the villain in a suit!" Galileo roared.

"I don't see it, and trying to steal people's thunder is lukewarm Gali." Magnus retorted.

"Alright, I'll show you lukewarm when I get back. You're getting these hands the first day!"

"I wonder if you can regrow your hands…I accept your challenge. Now send me back to my Heroine if you don't mind."

"Wait what about my realm def- the scene faded before Galileo got his question out.


"Hmmm, I wonder which character will wander into my hands next. I can't wait to have an anime army at my beck and call…hehe I may have something fun to do after all!" He looked over to see the sun hadn't even started to come up outside. "Maybe I'll take Noelle out. I think a scenic breakfast would be a wonderful start to the day. I better get ready then" getting out of bed. "I miss Chef Magnus, he's getting a raise when he gets back."


"THOSE BASTARDS! THEY THINK THEY CAN MAKE 'ME' A SIDE CHARACTER! I'LL MAKE EM' BOTH REGRET IT!" Galileo was already up doing push-ups when Madara awoke. Madara stopped him after several thousand.

"Alright brat let's get a move on, I want to stop by Hodge one more time before we depart."


In Hodge Madara went and spoke with the heads of all of Magnus' institutions to make sure everything was in order. He stopped by the Toukage's manor hoping to speak with Itachi who was supposed to be taking over his duties, but he wasn't there. He would find him at the Pendragon estate talking to a child over lunch. "A bit early for a lunch break isn't it Itachi?"

"…" Everyone stared in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Madara's face was very grim staring at the child. Neither Itachi or Galileo were sure what was going to happen next.

"HAHAHAHA what kind of twisted joke is this? (I almost killed an innocent child because he looks like Tobirama? I must do better than this…) What is your name boy?"

"Hey, there's this thing going on at the sect! Let's go check that out." Just having learned about wanderers Galileo realized the boy in front of them was more than likely the actual Tobirama Senju. If that was the case he had to get one of them out of there fast. He was never a particular fan of the second hokage but he didn't want to see Madara slaughter a child for something he'll never get the chance to do. "Itachi isn't Magnus super serious about security when he's gone?!"

"Shut up Galileo" Madara pushed him aside.

"I'm Tobirama Senju!" He said boldly.

"(Oh shit…here we go)"

Killing intent screamed off of Madara when he heard him speak. The air grew heavy with malice as memories of past wartime came flooding back to him. Madara's mangekyo sharingan had activated on its own as his face darkened, his murderous aura had everyone in and around the state in a cold sweat. A single tear trickled down his face as he uttered one word "…Izuna…"

"Madara!" A streak of purple was all that saved Tobirama from being split in two by a giant blue sword.

"Madara? Madara Uchiha?! How are you an adult! No matter let's finish our battle! Unhand me!" Tobirama bit Galileo and he let go.

"Ow you stupid shit! Don't you see he's not messing around!"

"I don't fear Madara! I've faced adults before!" Tobirama was fully prepared to die trying to get the kill.

"Galileo, Itachi…I won't say it again. Stand aside."

"No." Itachi knew of the second hokage's prejudices too, but he could be shown better way of life with proper guidance. Tobirama was only a child, and this wasn't the world they grew up in.

"Come on man you're not really gonna murk a kid?!"

"You already know of my history Galileo and yet you stand in my way?"

"Don't do this, Madara it's not worth it. Don't get your hands dirty like this!"

"I said I wouldn't say it twice" Madara appeared between Galileo and Itachi, swift strikes sent them both crashing into a wall. "Majestic destroyer flame!" Madara breathed out a great inferno straight towards little Tobirama but he showed no fear.

"Water style! Explosive bite-" Before Tobirama finished his hand signs Galileo and Itachi were in front of him both returning a great fireball of their own. Before the smoke cleared Madara's fan was smashing into Galileo and sent him back several meters. He and Itachi traded blows sword vs fan until Galileo jumped back in making it two vs one. A blue Susanoo's arm tried to smash down on Tobirama while he fought them, but a red Susanoo's arm caught it. A brief battle of will power opened Madara up to a rumbling punch from Galileo that forced him out of the blue ribcage.

"Very well, if this is how it has to happen…" Madara's eyes turned into the rinne-sharingan as his entire Susanoo started to stand up.

"Damn of all people I gotta do this shit for Tobirama?" Galileo knew Madara wasn't going to hold anything back.

"N-no one asked you to!" Tobirama said ready to defend himself. He was a little scared seeing the Susanoo tower over him with the intent to take his life specifically, but he was a ninja. Death was part of the job.

"Since the two of you want to defend the boy, die with him." With no regard for any repercussions the blue titan reached for the sword on its hip. Itachi's own Susanoo held up its shield and Galileo had braced himself as darkness covered him.

"WHAT IS THIS UNSIGHTLY DISPLAY MADARA!" Floating near the head of the Susanoo was the witch queen's throne of birds. Her wine glass was nearly empty as she had been watching for some time. "I expect far more from the god who would dare try to start a clan with me. All this to kill some harmless ghost from your past? He isn't even old enough to have created this flying raijin right? That sin doesn't rest on him, yet you would destroy your own descendant and new disciple to kill him. Under most circumstances I would help you kill him myself, but this is pitiable. Get over yourself."

The Susanoo paused with it's hand ready to draw it's blade. Madara glared at the boy, battling his thoughts. This is Izuna's killer, but he hasn't done it yet. This was a confusing matter indeed. With a heavy sigh the blue titan faded away and Madara's eyes returned to normal as he descended to the ground. Everyone was on guard, except the witch queen who was pouring another glass. "She is right, the history in which our clans warred against each other is from another lifetime. Let's leave that history in that world."

Just then a woman's voice spoke out that rang across the whole world. Every living soul could hear it clearly no matter where they were or what they were doing. "Madara Uchiha has just unlocked the ultimate skill, Merciful sage Ghandi!"

"No fucking way…there's a voice of the world? Madara even got a damned ultimate skill?!" Galileo was stupefied.

"Alright Uchiha I accept your truce, but just know I'm watching you."

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