DxD: Multiversal Therapist

Chapter 220: Elf Salvation II

There was a plan in motion, this motivated the five saintesses to the extreme. Let alone the plan that was in motion was even bigger than the one they had previously envisioned.

Yuna, Alana and Anna couldn't stop talking about how they were going to rescue all the elves on the continent and then they started talking about how they'd implement the Sun Church in the kingdom after beheading Decem Hougan.

The conversation got creepier by the second. 

Nocturna suggested an open confrontation, she said we should raid the church and fight the black scripture directly, massacre them all and take over the rest of the government divisions before making our way to the top, dominating the theocracy and establishing the Sun Church in there first.

I applauded while dropping a sweat. She got her head knocked on by Alana.

"Ray is doing a lot of us elves but he surely doesn't want human casualties if possible. Think about the time of our fight in the Baharut Empire. How many died?"

"E-Eh, just one?"

"Then this time can't be any different. Your method would bring lots of bloodshed. Follow my lead on this one. We should divide into two groups and work overnight overthrowing the noble families one by one. Although the majority of the power is held by the church, it can only survive with the noble families' founding and influence".

It didn't look like they needed my input, but I still decided to give them some help here. 

"I will be busy as well doing some... matters... but I'll join you from time to time to make sure everything is going well. Don't worry, you won't be alone. In fact, you could even work in five groups, each of you leading a group to cover more area".

They were understandably confused, I could only smirk, wanting to see their reactions. 

The journey was quick enough filled with smiles and banter. We entered the Sloane Theocracy without an issue. Nobody asked a question, the reason was simple...



The Sloane Theocracy was not that much different from the Baharut Empire. Although I guess that's a lot to say considering this is just a border control city while Calissa was the capital city. This place looks modern and gorgeous with antique buildings and plenty of commerce going on. Carriages entered and left the border in torrents heading towards the plains.

With me around the elves didn't have to wear concealments anymore as everyone was put into an illusion. As my powers have increased, I had forgotten the majority of the powers I have must also have increased in scope. 

It wasn't difficult to use Yasaka's Kitsune Illusions on anyone who put their eyes on us. Quick enough we found lodging to rest for the evening. 

A hotel? No... we entered a regional noble household and disguised ourselves as members. Because the illusion domain had not only increased the scope of how many people could see illusions; it could even alter memories to a certain extent. The memories were not permanent as it was still an illusion... but it was enough to make the patriarch of the Munroe Family, his wife Persia and all the maids and butlers think the family had six extra children who lived with them in the mansion.

'I have to start using my abilities a bit more to see where my limits lie'.

[I believe soon you will have to move to a higher ranked world and settle, staying in a strained small realm like this would only severely limit your growth] Horus said.

'Like what world?'.

[That woman's world...] 


[She made another booking, attend at your earliest convenience].

'I got it'.

'It sounds like you don't want to deal with her. What? You don't find her pretty?~' Elysir mocked, I don't know how she can be so relaxed when we talk about 'her'. 

'It is not that she's not pretty. That woman is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. However, her personality is... ugh'

'More beautiful than me? If I hadn't seen her myself, I'd thought you were trying to piss me off' She sighed.

It is someone I'll have to deal with later, just like that other troublesome girl who has been lurking on me. One after the other they keep coming, it feels like I won't have peace any time soon.

The energy that Katsuyu needed from me was minimal compared to the amount I needed to release every day before this world began to experience distress. Therefore, I had to go back to my actual job after a long break: Therapies. 

The five saintesses would be leading the operation and there were many ways in which I could get personnel to assist them, especially now that Ely was with me and I had some system capacity to put to good use.

Hence, I used the group chat to ask for some help.


I had a room of my own in the mansion where we would be temporarily staying, once I got a bit of privacy, I contacted a certain beauty whom I hadn't seen in a while... she didn't come alone. 

"Our dear god. My name is Zariel and I am but a measly Star Seraph; we are more than pleased that you have finally called upon us to perform a task for you. Please do not hesitate to command our death for the sake of your conquest".

"I wouldn't ask anything like that, Zariel. But thanks for coming".

In front of me were twenty ten-winged tall and handsome male star angels alongside a single twelve-winged beauty that I recognised very well. 

"Are you pleased, Ray? or do you need more?~" Gabriel hugged my head from behind, squishing it with her boobs I sat and inspected them. 

"Hai, more than pleased, I don't need more than this but I thought you would send more" I mumbled. I did expect her to send more, but just going by the aura alone, these seraphs are quite strong. They must be the strongest among the Seraphs who couldn't become Great Seraphs. 

"Oh, it is because of the war–! I-I mean! It is because of our noble duty hehe, we angels are quite busy" Gabriel giggled awkwardly. 

"Did you just say war?" My brows squinted. 

"You misheard, Ray...! Everything is perfectly okay back home!"


"There are no wars our church is founding or anything like that hehe~"


"Lady Yasaka and Lady Haku aren't doing anything out of order they asked our church's help for, definitely not happening!".

"I haven't said anything, Gabriel..."

"I-In any case nothing out of the regular is going on!".

I sighed, completely suspicious but... as long as they are all safe I don't care about what they're doing on that side. None of them have what I would say is a skewered moral compass...

'Why did I just think of Kuu-chan?'.

It should be okay, right?

"Nothing like that is going on but..." Her hug around my head tightened "A lot of mating since we angels need to replenish our numbers".

"You guys are having it good, huh?"

"N-Not in my case... since you're away" She mumbled dejectedly, this prompted me to turn around and press her against me.

"Hmn?~ what is that supposed to mean?~"

Gabriel pouted and punched my chest lightly, "It means please hurry up in finishing whatever it is that you must do here. There are five hundred angels hand-picked by me lined up and waiting to be impregnated by you, my lord! That's what it means".

"I told Michael to reduce those numbers!" I felt another headache incoming even as Frank tingled in expectations. Frank, it is five hundred you know?!... are you sure you can do it? Don't munch more than you can swallow my boy. 

"Those are actually the reduced numbers! Moreover, the majority of those angels are war heroes like sister Azrael who after the end of the holy wars, was traumatised and needed therapy and counselling. Ray, only you can help them achieve their noble duty– ahn!~"

"Are you included there?" Before I knew it, my hand was already fondling Gabriel's massive right boob through her dress. The meek angel blushed and looked away from me before nodding. 

"O-Of course, but I'm the last in the queue s-so if you want to get me, you must first get the other five hundred!"


This cute angel can scam people unexpectedly.

"Very well. I promise I'll treat all those angels".


"Yes, but give me some time to finish everything here. Once we have got a home of our own where I can put you all in. I'll sort out all those matters one at a time".

"Hehehe, I will be waiting~" Gabriel whispered in my ears joyfully, I could feel something pointy poke my hand that was on her breast before she released me with a quick hop and jumped back into the gate where she came from. 

"I love you, Ray~".



"Nice to meet you, my name is Alana".

"Zariel, Lady Alana please order away".

Both groups met each other, and the five saintesses were initially astonished and even blushed at how handsome those angels were. I smirked at Yuna's sight who flickered between me and Zariel. 

"You will be working together forming into five groups. I will leave the method to you but do not fail to bring those elves to me just so I can fetch them into the Moonlight Mist world to get treated. Avoid unnecessary casualties, but by no means prioritise the lives of the citizens of this place. For me, all of you and the lives of those elves are way more important. Also, we're at it, do not miss the members of any other race held captive. I intend to abolish all types of slavery out of this world. So if you manage to find Sirens, werebeasts or any other individual who is being enslaved, you can bring them to me as well".

"Understood, my lord. We won't disappoint you!".

"I don't know what means the theocracy has, so I'll give you one more measure aside from the Star Angels" I extended my hand forward with thrill, I'm going to do this after a long time. 

Sun Energy manifested in my grasp and I activated several of my abilities. 


Instead of overwhelming the overwhelming light that I represented, darkness flowed in the room like showers from the netherworld that quickly created a lake around us. The creatures that manifested were not of the light, they were of the darkness. 

Five humanoids resurfaced from that darkness, faces I knew well enough and that occasionally reappeared in my mind. The five of them were a bit confused at first but eventually knelt down to me.

Just like Solution had been back then, they all experienced subtle changes in appearance due to my Sun Energy. 

"Rubedo, Demiurge, Aureole Omega, Yuri Alpha, Lupusregina Beta. Heed my words".

"Our believed supreme one; we are the embodiment of your will, please state your orders" They said in unison.

I smiled a bit wickedly in expectation, "Cause chaos within the Sloane Theocracy, make it so the holy army can't put their attention on Alana's operation and disrupt it. I want you to get attention".

The Demonoid stood up with that all-so-devilish expression that characterised him from the start.

"Ray-sama, it will be done as you wish~" 

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