Dxd: Ink and Summoning

37- New discoveries

Now all the factions need to grow is time and more people, things that will naturally come in time. 

At least one of my objectives is completed, protecting the kids from the supernatural world.

The Kame-kid as we named him had a Sacred Gear that gives him the ability to control wind, he broke the wall by gathering a lot of it and then throwing it while he was doing a Kame

Thankfully he was alone and Kei made a barrier that prevented the sound or mana from leaving the place and since it was made with 'nature', the barrier itself is also hard to detect

The only thing she had to do is explain things to the kid and repair the wall.

The same for the fire guy who burned his room just that in that case I was the one who made or fixed the burned parts.

The cases that are problematic are the ones like the little girl with the abusive parent, sadly she was neglected, pretty much isolated and belittled by her own family for four months leaving her rather unstable...

Thankfully kids are kids and as such are curious and excited to see new magical things, leading them to approach the others to ask about what they can do or show them their own powers

So the little girl found friends like her who don't fear or think bad of her, especially with a Sacred Gear that lets her amplify emotions and, for what I could get from her, feel them if she were to train a little more. 

For now the training is just playing around since I don't want to put pressure on the kids

I bring them during the night into my [Painting] and then after three hours I just drop them back, giving them a little of my mental energy and Kim so they don't feel tired for sleeping less hours.

They training is basically using all of their magical power and then stop to recharge it

the only thing they had to learn is a mental skill that I made named [Mortal enchancing], quite the dumb name but I wanted something fancy.

As the names suggest It enhanced normal or mundane things that your mind does by spending more mental energy, like memory or simple thinking faster.

The point of the technique is to exhaust their mental strength so it grows a little bit more each time they recover it, the same they do with their mana.

Well, those three are not the only cases, some kids simply decided to keep being 'normal' so I had to make them something to mask their mana and make them look normal. 

Aside from the slowly growing faction, the only discovery we did was a change about my body that the virus [Adam] made.

It all happened when I was cuddling and kissing with Jalter and she unconsciously blurted out 'it tasted really good'

This Made her leave the place angry but not before stealing another kiss from me

The red on her face that went up to her ears may be the reason behind it...

All this while I tought.

Girl! Why are you angry at me? I did nothing this time!

Sometimes I really don't understand her… 

But this led to me asking some questions to the other girls and as it turns out kissing does taste 'unnaturally' good, or more precisely has a taste that the girls find 'pleasant' and 'comforting'. 

This made me curious about if there are more changes on my body that I wasn't aware of so I had to ask the experts on other senses like the two cat sisters with their sensible nose.

And they said the same thing, It smells 'pleasant' and makes them feel safe for some reason they can't really describe

Now I know the reason why Kei loves to sleep with me at night and why Jeanne and Jalter also started to also do so as well

Why sleep alone when you can sleep with the person you like and also in a really comfortable and pleasant way?

This made me wonder... What else did it change? Communication by smells is not something new or special so I'm guessing that other common parts were also enhanced.

The first thing I can think of is how smooth the skin of the girls is and how I love caressing it

And I guess our beautiful appearance also has something to do with it...

Another thing to test in the future...

Leaving that aside, there is still two dates to be made

Both the little Saint and Avenger are waiting for theirs. 

Also Annihilation Maker seems to be happy, it's weird to feel it after some time but seems like using it to make monsters that look like humans to patrol around the towns made it happy. 

seems like I've been neglecting her a little bit...

Well, all Longinus have a certain consciousness inside of them and Annihilation Maker is no exception, it is just that this one is more silent and passive than someone like Albion or Ddraig.

Only coming out or interfering when I give orders to the monsters made with it and also helping with the process of shaping my thoughts and desires into said monsters 

Aside from all that, there are a lot of things to do related to making the new faction. 

Discussing and forming a good relationship with the leaders of each faction so in the future we can start announcing the human faction without much problems for example.

I doubt the Yokais or angels have something to say about us making it... 

But Azazel is complicated as I said, he is called the leader of the Fallen for a reason and I don't doubt that he Evil against his enemies but...

For a peace maker, the human faction may be the first real and sure way to somehow force an Alliance with the three factions, so I doubt he will be against it.

The problems are the devils.

Yes, Serafall is a great friend and she will also accept and support it since it's the best way to finally bring the three factions to a neutral ground but… 

One single devil is not enough to stop an entire race, much less one who is propense to sins like Devils are… 

So even if we make an alliance, fighting against Devils is something to be expected.

And that's just one part of the whole problem… 

That's why with Mordred not wanting to meet her father for now, I was thinking about Summoning another person...

The problem is the same as always, who?.

I need someone really strong and if she is able to do something about the Pantheons, even better...

The human factions are going to speed up the factions' alliance which others like the gods won't like at all... 

The reasons the biblical factions are not a real threat is because they are divided, in a cold war and in constant conflicts. 

This makes others look at them as separated factions rather than one from the same origin, no one thinks of the possibility of them working together unless something it's a really threat to all of them 

So it is obvious that some big players would do all they can to stop them from making an alliance, including some members in their own faction due to being supremacist, hate made by past grudges or simply those who hate peace.

That's why we need a powerhouse that can work as the tip of a sword that will point against all those who want to face our faction.

As strong as I'm, I haven't fought someone at the Satan level and I'm not someone overconfident who will think that he can do all he can… 

As a amazing narrator in a game I used to play said:

'Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer'

Not healing a character and then having it die by two crits is not something that you can easily forget... 

Yes, my mind focused abilities are really threatening to the point where I can imitate a certain blonde foreigner with a keyhole in her forehead but…  

Again, I don't know how effective this is against someone at that level like the four Satans or the gods…

This is also the reason why I choose the more silent approach for my faction, recruiting children that no one knows of, hiding them and slowly but surely gaining enough strength to face the other factions.

We also hide the fact that we are a racial faction that supports humans. 

In the eyes of the rest, we are a group of strong individuals that took some human towns as their base, protecting them because we have a connection somewhere in there.

By the time they know about it, our relationship with the rest would be positive, especially the Yokais who are going to depend on our inventions

Inventions which I made clear that were made by something of mine like the bodies I occupy or the birds I sended, making it clear that I can control them as much as I want

The best thing is that Senjutsu can read our intentions, the reason why Yasaka asks for face-to-face meetings all the time, making it easy for us to present this invention since we really have no bad intentions towards them in the first place. 

And I'm going to make sure that they feel and see my real intentions, getting rid of many of the doubts that they can have. 

Of all the people I can think of, there is only one who can fit the role of becoming our sword, or rather our spear… 

Jeanne, Jalter and Mudrock are definitely strong but four people can't lead an entire faction or fight against one…

That is without counting that both Jeanne and Kei are more on the defensive side leaving only me and Jalter as the real offensive fighters

Well, I doubt that any high-class devil would pose a threat to Kei or Jeanne but they definitely can't deal with an Ultimate-class

Not that they can kill them either and Kei probably can deal with them in a long fight thanks to being nearly inexhaustible with the support from the soil but… 

Sadly, that is not enough sometimes. 

But that is something for the future me, for now I need to focus on what I have in front of me. 

My date with Jeanne and then Jalter.

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