Dungeons and Dalliances

7.10 – Venting Steam I

Both Jordan and Sofia were sitting in the living room when Natalie, face still faintly hot from the extremely unexpected mentoring session, walked through the front door. Sofia was in the recliner, which she seemed to have laid implicit claim to, and Jordan sprawled out on the couch—the edge of which she peeked her head over upon Natalie entering.

"How'd it go?" Jordan asked.

"Um," Natalie replied.

"Knowing her," Sofia said dryly. "The two of them fucked."

"Um," Natalie replied.

Both her roommates froze. Blue and green eyes widened to a comical degree as they searched Natalie's face and read some vague report of what had happened.

"You didn't actually—?"

"You're kidding me, right—?"

"Nothing happened," Natalie said hastily. "Well, sort of."

"Sort of?!" came the unison reply.

Natalie plopped down onto the couch next to Jordan. "Where do I even start?"

She described the mentoring session. The fairly normal way it had started, and then how it had gotten progressively more heated—yet with Robin never, not once, breaking professional demeanor. It was through context only, the fact her teacher had gotten naked in front of her, among many other things, that suggested no, she wasn't being 'professional', she was just keeping a straight face while teasing Natalie.

"She's trying to fuck you," Sofia groaned. "Oh, gods, this is why you are the way you are. Because it always works out for you! She was supposed to bash some common sense into you! Not encourage it!"

"You know," Jordan said thoughtfully. "I'm torn." She paused. "Not with what you said, Sofia, you're completely right. But," she corrected. "It really might be a test, not a way to get into her skirt."

"A test," Sofia repeated flatly. "She jerked her off. While naked. In a bath with her!" The words got shriller as they went.

"She hardly jerked me off," Natalie said. It had been three swift strokes up and down, and while they had made her toes curl, Robin had moved on without pause.

"Just cleaning your cock, was she?!"

"Testing her resolve," Jordan corrected. "To see if she would get carried away afterward. Or, well, maybe. I'm not convinced either way, don't get me wrong."

Sofia placed her face in both hands and groaned. "I'm going to my room," she said. "I can't handle this tonight." The white-haired girl rose and stumbled toward her room, seeming almost dazed, mumbling as she went, "would've expected some decorum from that woman, but no, the gods damned girlcock always wins. Can't say I'm any fucking better, I guess, but really, if anyone, it should've been a Tenet Instructor who …" The door slammed behind her, cutting the mumbling off.

Jordan turned a raised eyebrow to Natalie. "I think you broke her."

"It is kind of a crazy situation," Natalie admitted.

"You get into a lot of those."

"I don't know how. It's not like I seek them out."

The response was met with a dubious look.

"Well, not always," Natalie amended.

She shifted around on the couch, shooting a glance toward Sofia's closed door. Then back to Jordan.

"You're pent up," her best friend guessed—because of course she could tell that, considering the state Natalie was in.

"Maybe a bit," Natalie said, her heart already starting to beat faster. Because the implication in Jordan even asking was that she might be willing to help out.

Jordan hummed. Then, she grinned, and there was something slightly worrying about the expression.

"I get to lead, tonight," Jordan declared. "Our dear instructor obviously did a number on you. It would be criminal to let that hard work go to waste."

Natalie blinked. "What's that supposed—?"

"Did I say you could talk?" Jordan interrupted sternly.

To Natalie's embarrassment, her teeth clicked shut.


So that was Jordan's angle.

Her best friend's grin widened. "Good girl," she praised. "Now get that cute butt off the couch and into our bedroom. I have plans for us, tonight."

Natalie hesitated, but only for the briefest of moments. Yes, she generally preferred taking the dominant role over Jordan—and Jordan had the same preference—but she had already acknowledged that she didn't dislike the opposite, far from it. And more than that, seeing Jordan excited for something automatically had Natalie excited for it in return. Even if Natalie wasn't fond of being in the submissive role, which wasn't necessarily the case anyway, just a less-common preference, the glint in Jordan's eyes would have erased that predisposition because Jordan's arousal stoked her own arousal.

So, Natalie got her cute butt off the couch and marched to their bedroom like she'd been ordered. Jordan slipped in after her, flipping the lock.

"Bed. Now. And no talking until I say you can."

Natalie did just that, leaning against the headboard with a slamming heartbeat. Jordan had plans, did she? Natalie couldn't wait to find out what they were, because she seriously needed some relief.

Jordan rummaged around in her top clothing drawer and pulled out a familiar object: the [Capture Core].

"I think I'm going to call on some help tonight."

Despite stating so with confidence, Jordan paused to read Natalie's reaction—to let her say something. Protest, if she wanted. Because, besides Sofia, they hadn't had a third yet. And even Sofia's involvement had been rather minimal, simply laying beneath Jordan as Natalie fucked her best friend.

Natalie used those offered seconds to consider how she felt. She and Jordan had already thoroughly discussed Sofia, and Natalie would very much like for all three of them to be involved more thoroughly, eventually. When Sofia was ready. But Malice?

Natalie was protective; she had already admitted that with some embarrassment to Jordan, that she couldn't mirror the easygoing attitude her best friend displayed for her own promiscuity. Jordan was hers. No one else's. And while the idea of hooking up in groups didn't bother her, at least with Sofia and possibly other girls Natalie was involved with—Liz and Ana came to mind—that only extended to group play. She knew she was a hypocrite in that regard, but Natalie had also voiced her thoughts aloud, and thankfully, Jordan didn't seem to care. Maybe even she liked the idea that Natalie got around, though she wasn't sure on that part.

Did she want Jordan and Malice teaming up on her, though? Was Malice included in that small group of girls whom Natalie might not consider girlfriends, but whom the idea of being all over Jordan in group play wouldn't bother her?

Yes, Natalie decided. Definitely. And it wasn't just a surge of arousal that marked her approval, wasn't just a sexual decision—Jordan meant way too much to Natalie for her to make decisions based on that alone. Though she hadn't known Malice long, Natalie very much felt like she was part of their group, and thus she was more than happy to let Jordan team up with her.

Jordan could read that on her face as much in how she didn't voice a protest. She smiled, then triggered the [Capture Core].

Malice materialized in a burst of pink motes of light, turning swiftly from side to side to take in her surroundings. The tension melted quickly, seeing she was in Natalie's bedroom and not out on a battlefield. She took in the sight of the standing, smirking Jordan who had summoned her, and the blushing Natalie seated cross-legged and obedient on the bed.

"Oh?" Malice asked. "What's this?"

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