Dungeons and Dalliances

7.08 – Mentorship VI

What do you look for in a woman?

Unfortunately, Natalie's instinctive response was for her eyes to flick down to her instructor's naked body only partially hidden in the clear water—and her breasts, which weren't hidden at all. They jolted back just as fast, though a woman as perceptive as Robin had certainly seen it. She didn't comment, to Natalie's immense relief.

"Uh," she said slowly, doing her best to keep control of her slamming heart, and more importantly, the arousal that threatened to turn her half-erection into a full one that would risk poking out of her skirt entirely, considering how skimpy the damn thing was. Even as it stood, there was a noticeable bulge. Even a half-erection was hard to miss when sporting the equipment Natalie did. "I'm not sure if I have any one type?" A raised eyebrow prompted her to elaborate. "I guess ambition and competence is always a positive trait, something I like, but there's no one mold that grabs my interest. Really."

"Let me be clear. I'm inquiring about your sexual preferences, not your romantic ones."

"Ah," Natalie lamely said.

"What part of a woman arouses you the most, Natalie?" she asked with infuriating calm.

Natalie swallowed and glanced around. Was she seriously being asked this by her combat instructor? And, in a roundabout way, was being forced to answer too; this was official mentoring, and Robin's reports back to the Dean would make or break further punishment. Though Natalie seriously doubted any reports would be accurately describing what had happened.

"Um," Natalie said. "Everything?" She cleared her throat. "It depends on the girl. I'm an admirer of all sorts of qualities. On one girl it might be one feature that I like most, but for another, another."

It was a non-answer, but also the truth.

Robin hummed. "I suppose grounding the question in a concrete example is required, then," she said. "What part of me arouses you the most? I have, after all, caught you staring enough to be aware of your interest."

Natalie froze. That question was ten times worse. Maybe she should've just generalized, even if it'd have been less honest.

"Do you need a better look, to decide?" Robin asked. "I suppose I didn't present myself." She stood, water sluicing off her curves, leaving her pale skin covered with sparkling beads from shoulders down to her knees. Natalie stared helplessly at Robin's naked body as she stepped out and displayed herself, even turning around to give her an unfettered view of her ass. Robin placed a hand on her hip and cocked it in a pose, looking over her shoulder as Natalie drank the sight in.

"There," she said after a moment, facing back forward. "You have what you need."

Natalie, as perhaps had been inevitable, finally lost the battle she'd been fighting for the past half hour. Her cock swelled up into a full erection, throbbing in her skirt as she openly stared at her teacher's nude form and was forced to consider what parts of that gorgeous body she liked most.

Since her miniskirt was tiny, and the panties flimsy things of lace, there was no stopping her cock from popping out from those delicate confines. It at least stayed in her skirt. Though, tenting upward and bringing the fabric with it—not to mention how Robin was beneath her, looking up from her seat in the in-laid water basin—the Instructor definitely had a view of some inappropriate things. Could probably see part of the shaft itself, Natalie thought faintly, thanks to the angle.

"If you're struggling to decide, just listen to your heart," the Instructor said with faint amusement—making it clear that it wasn't her heart that she meant. Her eyes flicked from Natalie's eyes, briefly taking in the sight of her slightly exposed cock, and the extent of her bulging skirt, before going back up to rest that lazy amusement back onto Natalie's face.

"Since I'm being asked," Natalie said with all the composure she could manage, which was significantly less than the older woman's. "I guess I'd say … your breasts?" A generic answer, but damn. She really had nice tits.

"That sounds like a question," Robin said mildly.

"Your breasts," she said more firmly. Though really, everything about her was amazing.

Instructor Robin was obviously enjoying how flustered Natalie was. "I'm pleased to hear that, then," she said without the slightest trace of her own embarrassment. "Any close second, or is it that definitive of a preference?"

Natalie swallowed. Was she really being baited into talking about her teacher's naked body? Weighing her favorite parts?

"Ass too?" she struggled out. "Stomach and hips. You're toned but curvy. I, um, appreciate that in a woman. Thighs. Long legs. Flawless skin—your scars are really pretty." Like any delver, she had a handful of those, less than Natalie had expected in fact. "Making me choose is kind of mean," she joked, the words more breathless than she'd wanted.

The Instructor hummed. "I do appreciate an honest appraisal," she said. "Please realize, I'm merely trying to get a handle on you. In a fight, understanding the nature of the enemy is crucial. And while we aren't adversaries, the concept holds. I must understand you to help you." She cocked her head. "What about more direct sexual preferences? Would you like to elaborate on those?"

"What … do you mean?"

Her lips twitched up. "I'll ground the question in a concrete scenario, I suppose. Since that seemed to have helped with the previous question." Which was a dreadfully ominous thing to hear. "If I were to allow you to use me in any one way, sexually, how would you? What would your preference for that interaction be?"

Natalie's mind went blank.

Use her Instructor, in any one way? Was it just a theoretical, or was this what the night had been leading up to? Did Robin actually intend to follow through on Natalie's answer, or was she once again just teasing?

It didn't particularly matter; she would answer honestly, even on the off-chance it wasn't theoretical.

Still, she stalled out.

"I can see you're struggling to decide," Instructor Robin said amusedly, after a handful of seconds had passed.

Of course she was. There were a great many ways Natalie wanted to use her Instructor's body, and it took considerable self-control to sift through and pare them down.

Imagining all the various methods she would love to physically take this woman wasn't helping the dilemma down low, the mortifying erection she was sprouting—and how it was starting to twitch in excitement.

The obvious answer was 'your pussy,' but if this were indeed a genuinely posed question that Instructor Robin would follow up on, being bold could backfire. Maybe if she made a more reserved answer, then her teacher would reward her. Natalie would love to pin that woman down and pound her until that perfect calm demeanor broke, until she was a panting, sweaty mess, but if she instead asked only to slide between those perfect tits instead, would her teacher actually allow it?

"Your thighs," Natalie finally said. "I'd use your thighs."

"Oh? Is that it?" Amusement tugged on her lips. "I expected a more indulgent answer, I must say. Perhaps you mistook my question for an offer, and tempered your response in turn?"

Well, she'd been seen through rather easily.

"It's a hypothetical only, Natalie," Robin said. "Please respond as such."

"Then I would fuck you," Natalie said plainly—her cock jumping even at the words simply being spoken. "Obviously."

If she'd thought a student telling her that she wanted to fuck her would make Robin pause, she was mistaken. "Fuck me?" she asked. "That's a rather open phrase. You would 'fuck' me how?"

Natalie swallowed. As flustered as she was, she was losing any ability to form a more elegant response. "I would push you over, spread your legs," she said, "and slide my cock into you. Then pound into you until you were begging for mercy." The words came out huskier than she intended. Her cock throbbed heavily in its tenting prison of miniskirt and underwear, and Natalie tried to temper herself. This might be a test.

Robin quirked an eyebrow. "I see," she said. "Direct. To the point, primal. As expected. Thank you for the honesty." She hummed. "Remove your uniform, Natalie."

Natalie's heart jumped. Wait—had it not been a hypothetical, then, despite her insistence it was?

"I need help getting clean," Instructor Robin clarified, correcting the suddenly eager look on Natalie's face. "Grab the soap."

Natalie was, for the briefest moment, disappointed—then realized her combat instructor had asked for help cleaning herself. That would entail quite a bit of touching, never mind getting naked and slipping into the bath alongside her.

Oh, dear. If this was a test, and it kept ramping up in difficulty like this, Natalie wasn't going to make it through the night.

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