Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster’s Power

Chapter 600

I spend the night in one of the newest hotels in the Crimson City.

My doubles helped recreate a small number of luxury rooms similar to the mana dense rejuvenation rooms found at the Moon Bar back in Valor City. With my new imbuement skill, creating building materials and furniture that release controlled amounts of mana throughout these suites is an easy task.

I take a well-needed rest after my awakening and feel completely refreshed once the sun rises again.

I spend a few minutes in the morning staring out the glass window overlooking the city while a single white teleport crystal spins slowly above my hand.

"It's time..." I whisper to myself while I adjust my mana control output to match that of a strong ranked-up hunter and shift my appearance to fit the persona I used during the exams, Ray Anderson.

Next, I crush the white gem in my fist, and a bright flash of light fills the room as I'm teleported back to the Apex Region.

The endless white mana-shield floor materializes beneath my feet, and I find myself back in the same position I started in when I came to this exam site over a month ago.

If I sent out a pulse of aura with divine energy intertwined, I could easily mentally map this entire Region in a matter of seconds, but I don't want to blow my cover just yet.

To make things believable in case someone is watching, I just make lightning surround my body and let out a pulse of aura equivalent to a double-ranked-up hunter. I see where I am and find that the castle-like walls of the exam site are about 100 kilometers to the east.

I begin lightning-stepping in that direction immediately, however, can't help but notice large portions of mana shielding are missing. Massive kilometer wide sheets are gone, and only flat orange-red colored dirt is visible beneath it.

Unlike last time when I was here, there aren't any other living souls on this wide-open white plane, so I fly through the air in silence all the way to the tall gateways where a gold-collared wind user greeted me last time.

I assumed there would be someone here to welcome me back, but the gate is closed, and the air is silent.

It's like this whole place was abandoned.

I let out a sigh and float down to the smooth white ground, crossing my arms, wondering whether or not I should just go and venture off on my own; however, three figures show up in my enemy detection skill from deep within the fortress. I recognize the skills on their status screens, so I decide to stay in place.

Finding their approach fascinating, I wait patiently while they get closer and closer.

The tall gateway that I was let through to signify the exams starting last month opens up again, and three figures, all above level 1500, walk out.

It's the water mage, healer tank, and shadow user from the Phantom Region who stare forward at me with bored, expressionless stares.

They've all gained hundreds of levels in the last few days and made it well past their second rank-up. I'm surprised, but more so curious about how it was done. Their progression is very fast; the Director wasn't messing around when he said he needs to train up new Elites.

Callum, the water mage, steps forward and speaks to me first in a monotone voice.

"Follow us, the Director has been waiting for you to arrive."

They all turn around and begin walking through the artificial forest region I vividly remember from the exams. The lush green shrubbery and colorful wildlife in this artificial forest seem a lot less cared for than last time I was here.

Some patches of plants look like they haven't been watered in weeks, and some portions of the wildlife are completely gone; like large sections of it have been taken away.

It's similar to the chunks of endless white mana shielding that were missing outside this dying wildlife sanctuary.

The three of them silently march forward without saying a word as I follow, and the gate behind me closes.

I have a lot on my mind as we walk through the calming forest. I consider the fact that I have the ability to free them right now, but that would drastically ruin my stealth approach to this matter.

All there is to do is silently walk behind them until we make it to the entrance to the compound that led into the gambling lounge from the pretrials of the exam before.

Instead of the colorful lights, happy workers, and energetic music, all that is here now is an empty white room with a single door at the back.

We walk into the wide open hall that has multiple points of entry from the forest, but only one exit.

The door opens up once we get close, and inside, it is a small cube-shaped room just like all of the rooms we were in during the exams.

The three men walk in and turn toward me once they hit the back wall.

I follow, and the small door closes behind me.

The familiar moving sensation, like we're on some kind of magical railway, shakes the entire room as we're transported at high speeds in a direction completely unknown to me.

If I were in this position days ago, I would be incredibly paranoid, looking for an escape route.

However now, after feeling the Director's full power up close for myself and knowing that he is the boss that rules over everyone here; I am confident in my own abilities to overpower him and leave this place whenever I wish.

I'm here to find these hidden facilities that allowed these newly appointed B-Class hunters to reach level 1500+ in just a few days.

The amount of mana used to create hundreds of kilometers of mana shielding and high-tech mana-powered infrastructure like this transportation system must be farmed from somewhere, and I'm extremely eager to find out exactly where.

I keep my smile hidden behind my concealment enchantments, and a few minutes later, the cube-shaped room finally comes to a halt, and another door appears on the wall to open.

There is a huge contrast between the bright white room I'm in now and the darkness lit up by faint yellow and golden light.

The three men step away from the door and motion for me to enter.

Without any hesitation, I walk forward and am greeted by a familiar sight of golden eyes behind an oval table being tended to by a pair of nurses with healing abilities.

The Director's voice echoes through the room in a static tone.

"Five days... You really did wait all five days to return. I see Emrie has not come back with you. I take it that means you have both made your separate decisions. Your appearance back up here means you're ready to become an A-Class hunter, am I correct?"

His eyes glow brighter, and the aura of greed and anticipation floods out of him.

I respond in a calm voice as the three new A-Class hunters walk into the room behind me and the door shuts.

"I'm looking forward to coming to an agreement, but let's not forget about what I asked for. You'll make me the Director of the Vice Region if I agree to this deal, right?"

A loud laugh echoes through the room at my words, but I stare forward with my arms crossed and a serious expression still on my face.

"So young, with great ambitions. I'm sorry to say for now that is impossible, we'll need to come up with other terms. Running an entire Region is far more work than just being strong. Brutus is a man who runs the Vice Region with honor and integrity. You cannot merely rise the ranks because of a single victory during the exams. You must prove your loyalty and work ethic. He worked his way up the Association's chain of command, building business connections, loyal friends, and studying the inner workings of a successful society for decades. It is no small feat to be the face of the Association in the eight great regions."

While he brings up great points, stating that running an entire region's Association branch is not an easy job for the average hunter, his talk of upholding honor and integrity makes me want to laugh as hard as he did moments ago.

I hold it in and reply with a nod.

"Very well, we can discuss those terms later. For now, I'd like to see the training facilities you've promised will bring me to level 1000 so quickly. I'd like to know what exactly I'll be signing up for, maybe if it impresses me I'll be able to accept a negotiation for different terms."

The Director is silent for a few moments but nods and presses a button beneath his desk.

"That is fine. I will give you a tour of the Apex Region facilities if you wish, maybe you will gain some perspective and see what an honor it is to even be offered this opportunity. When we are done, I will have a word with you alone and we will negotiate a deal once and for all, understood?"

The pressure in the room momentarily rises as the yellow threads permeate out from his body just slightly.

He only stops when one of the nurses that tends to his side faints from the intensity.

As one of the other nurses heals her, the Director nods, and the entire room starts to shake.

"Let's leave this temporary exam site, and allow me to be a welcoming host to a future A-Class Hunter. I'll bring you back to the Association headquarters in the heart of the Apex Region."

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