Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter Ninety-Eight: This Guy Really is a Classic Villain, huh?

The sound of the blow reverberated and sounded throughout the cave, but not exactly what Chelsea had been hoping for.

Just before her hand connected with Chris’s face, it was stopped by a red-hued shield.

“Oh! Look who’s back, just in time for the Gobl-... Wait, what happened to all of the Goblins? And the General?!” Chris yelled, his face contorting from a condescending sneer into confusion.

Chelsea recoiled her hand and shook it briefly.

“Don’t worry about it you god damned crazy silver spoon baby. You’ll get yours!” she sneered.

“Get what? And from who? You?” Chris laughed, spreading his hands wide, “I think you’re forgetting who you’re talking to bitch! I’m leagues above you in both levels and status! You should have just died when I sent those brain-dead morons after you! Do you think you are going to come in here like some sort of hero, save your dumb bimbo friend?!”

“God damn, is that what I sound like when I monologue? Please tell me I’m not like that Theo,” said a voice behind Chelsea, “And no, Mr. Classic Villain. I’ll be the one saving everyone today.”

The owner of the voice moved into view of the cave opening, the new dawn shining through in streaks of bright white and yellow ribbons around him. From his hand a ball rolled into the cave.

Or at least everyone thought it was a ball until it came to a rolling stop in front of Chris’s feet, his face paling.

“This is… This is the General?! Then the Goblins? You couldn’t have killed them all with just the two of you!” Chris stammered beginning to become hysterical once again.

“This one is forlorn to be left out my Lord’s conquering band, twas this one’s illusions that helped a handsome sum,” Theodore said, shimmering into existence behind Chris, his cane pointed at the back of his head.

“You were very helpful Theo, I’ll be sure to sing your praises when we get back to the Outpost,” Drake said, walking out of the light and into full view in the cave, his black and gold robes, red, black and white mask visible, “But I do have to say, this General,” he said pointing down with his finger, “Was honestly kinda, meh. I’ve fought better, and if we are being honest. I was hoping for a bit more…” Drake said his face dimming slightly.

Chelsea gave him a sidelong glance before turning to the other people of the cave, ignoring Drake’s over-dramatic entrance. Looking around she finally laid her eyes on Megan, who was holding a limp Julia, her mouth dribbling a purplish liquid.

“Megan!” she yelled running to her, nearly skidding to the floor as she slid down next to her, her eyes tearing up as she wrapped her arms around her, “You’re alright! He hasn’t done anything to you has he?! And what happened to Julia? This… is this blood and Mana potion? She didn’t overdose did she?!”

Megan’s eyes began to water as she started to sob all over again, this time thankfully from relief as she and the rest of them were saved.

“Y-yesh sh-she took a potion to save us! And th-then s-he started seizing!” Megan managed to eke out through her crying, pressing her face into Chelsea’s arms, “I-i Don’t know what to do! Pluheast Chelsea!”

Chelsea’s face turned serious. 

“It’s going to be alright Megan. I won’t let anything happen now that I’m here. Shot, is going to take care of everything, and you are going to be safe.”

“W-who is Shot? Do you mean the number one on the TP Ladder?” Megan asked her face incredulously. 

Chelsea laughed wearily, not sure if saying something like that was for the best as she knew his personality.

“Y-yeah… That one..”

“Do you think you’re going to be able to do anything to me you stupid asshole?! You’re only level 17! Even if you’re a pure damage specialized class you won’t do anything to my defenses! I’ll outlast you and kill you myself, all you’ve done is hand-delivered me more experience and TP!” Chris shouted, swinging his sword behind him at Theodore.

Theodore deftly dodged the swing, chanting as he did, shimmering back out of vision.

“The fuck did he go? Get back here!” Chris howled, his eyes searching for Theodore as his head whipped back and forth.

“Now, now, now. You should be more worried about me,” Drake said, his gaze falling on the dead man in front of Chris, “After all, seems like Chelsea was saying all the right things about you.”

Drake then moved his focus over to the fallen woman Julia.

Natto, is there anything we can do to help her? Drake asked.

I regret to say that there is not. Unless you wish to magically find herbs that can’t possibly be in this tutorial, she will have to survive or not on her own. If the snippy one that I am fond of was here, the healer, she may have been able to help a little, but it would not do much besides delude the pain she is feeling. The Mana potion she took has to disseminate itself through her body naturally, that is why it is advised against using too many too quickly,” she answered.

So I just need to get her to Jacqueline quickly then?

“That would be the best course of action, yes.”

Drake gave a mental affirmation to Natto then brought his eyes back to Chris. The man was slightly taller than Drake remembered, and also broader built. The armor he wore resembled that of a medieval knight without the helmet and in his hand was a similarly themed blade.

With Drake’s enhanced vision he also noted the faint color of mana moving from Chris’s hand.

“Chelsea,” Drake said addressing her as he kept his focus on Chris, “You said there were others he had doing some of his dirty work? If you would be so kind as to point them out.”

Chelsea turned her head, then looked back at the group with slight disgust, “I only see one, the other looks like he already turned on him,” she said, pointing at a man in robes.

“Ok then,” Drake said, rolling his shoulder, “Everyone but the robed guy and the wannabe villain can move over here if you want to leave the cave and go to a safe place.”

Most of the group looked hesitant, with only a few sprinting when given the offer, confident in seeing Chelsea that the man wasn’t lying.

“How do we know you actually killed all the Goblins?” a person in the back asked wearily.

“I didn’t kill all the Goblins. I killed all the ones outside,” Drake said snapping his mask off his face to give a smile.

“Wait! I know you! Y-You’re that fucking loser I tried to recruit at the beginning of the tutorial! How the fuck did you survive for so long? And make it to the top of the TP ladder?! And all of you! No one move!” Chris screamed wildly at the people running past him, “I said don’t fucking move!” he shouted once more, this time his sword swinging down at their backs.

His blade moved quickly but not quickly enough before Drake moved, his hair now red. His left arm was bathed in an ethereal blue radiance as it held Chris’s sword.

“Well, well, well. Looks like you were telling the truth. You don’t have much strength, or at least. Not more than me,” Drake scoffed, his mask now back in place as he smiled behind it, his right jet-black earthen arm’s finger moving to jingle a red earring from his lobe.

Drake’s earth magic, just like his fire magic, had evolved from his new skill, deepening in color to almost black obsidian, and even harder, closer to steel than Earth now.

“What?!” Chris gasped, struggling to remove his sword from Drake’s grip, “How! I have over 200 Strength?! Are you a pure fighter?!”

Drake laughed, “Guess again!” 

Without notice a blue magic circle formed in front of Drake’s chest, water magic forming into a large deep blue with hints of green, aimed right at Chris’s stomach.

Chris yelped as he was thrown backward into the rear of the cave by the water ball, embedded into a mess of debris, a red shield glowing right where the water ball had impacted.

Drake whistled, “Oh, he is tough. Natto wasn’t joking when she said tank specs are crazy durable,” he said, looking back at the people now staring at him with wide eyes and gaping mouths, “Alright, ready to move now?”

Absent-minded nods came in response to Drake’s question, their feet slowly beginning to move.

Drake looked back at the pile of rubble containing the makeshift villain, and his lackey that was standing there paling not far from him.

“Now, it’s just the three of us. You guys, and I,” Drake chuckled.

“Fuck you!” the robbed man screamed, Drake, spotting the change in mana around him, a glow of red in his hands, and the mana turning the same shade of crimson.

“Oh, a mage? And a Fire one at that, it’s a good chance to see how well my defenses do against a proper human mage,” Drake said, casting his defensive skills before the mage could finish casting his own spell, Drake flashing in a green light several times.

The Robed Mage finished his spell with a shout, a fireball of similar size to Drake’s normal casted fireball, but a classic color instead of his now white flame. The ball shot forward towards Drake covering the distance between them quickly, but Drake didn’t move and allowed the ball to smash against his shields.

Surprisingly to all the witnesses, the spell clashed against them, doing nothing.

“You’re joking,” Drake chuckled, “ It didn’t even break through my extra shield?” Drake said, flabbergasted.

That is quite something… Your extra Defense from your armor set is doing wonders against these particular people. It would seem they do not have particularly high levels outside of the cackling chicken you put into the rubble, nor high proficiency,” Natto surmised, her tone light as she was obviously impressed despite herself wanting to tease Drake.

But with this, I can’t even use my movement skill. I’ll have to think of ways around that… Maybe more maneuverability with fire and air? Like a jet! Drake thought.

“How?! I thought you were a damage dealer! There’s no way you can fend off an attack like that if you're spec’d for damage! What kind of bullshit equipment do you have, or is it your class?!” the man shouted at Drake as he moved backward trying to further the distance between them.

“Me? I’m just a hero who’s doing it for fun. Wait no that’s not right anymore… I’m just a guy who’s idealistically selfish and contradictory when it suits him. And, I’m finally on time to save some people for once,” Drake said, his face finally stiffening into a serious scowl, “And I will take on the burden of giving you judgment for what you have done.”

Drake’s hair and tattoo shifted to black for a moment as a crystal of pure white ice formed from a pale magic circle, the crystal giving off a faint blue glow around it until Drake crushed it in his hand, his hair and tattoo cascading into white. The magic circle then shifted to a crimson red replacing the pristine white.

“Let me show you what a real fireball looks like,” Drake growled coldly, “The searing of my heart, give him fury, Fireball,” Drake casted his eyes meeting that of the other Mage.

The ball of white fire formed and pulsed in Drake’s hand as he chanted, then at the last word condensed into the size of a baseball, screeching forward towards the man in the blink of an eye. And passed through him, striking into the wall, and searing a hole of molten rock right above Chris.

The man gurgled his last breath as blood began dripping from the sides of his mouth, the smoke from the charred remains of his chest obscuring his pain-stricken face. A moment later, slumping to the floor. Only the sound of his sizzling and smoldering flesh remained.


[You have killed Participant: Ash Ketchup Level 17] [Experience Earned, 273,425 TP awarded]


Chris looked on in abject horror, His head turning to the molten hole that was now above him, a small bead of lava dripping down to his shoulder turning his armor into a sheet of hot metal.

Scrambling to his feet, Chris placed his sword in front of him as he used his other hand to wipe off the burning lava.

“What the fuck are you! How are you so strong when you're at such a low level?! It isn’t possible!” Chris screamed, his body involuntarily shaking now that Drake’s eyes began shifting colors.

Drake slipped off his Tattoo ring, placing it into his inventory, replacing it with ‘Morning Glory’.

“Oh, it’s possible. Believe it. I’m just someone who turned a shit roll into an opportunity to change and better myself. And I’m going to be the one that kills you, Chris Springs.”

Drake pointed his staff at Chris, or more specifically at the molten rock behind him. An orange and red shifting magic circle turned at the tip of the staff, a small pellet of lava forming.

A moment after it had manifested Drake shot it at the wall, the pellet burrowing itself into the wall. Chris looked on as his face contorted into confusion.

“How are you going to kill me if you can’t even hit me?! And I’m a tank, remember! Even if you are strong, my defenses are stronger!” Chris snapped his face brewing into a confident smile.

“That’s where you’re wrong. And even if I can’t kill you in one blow, I will outlast you, I’ll go further beyond,” Drake laughed as he tilted his head back into a sneer, “Plus Ultra.”

Drake used his Heretical Mind to push the burrowed lava pellet into the rest of the wall, melting a large portion of it, behind Chris. Unbeknownst to Chris as he looked drilled into Drake with a death stare.

Finally noticing the moving lava,  Chris shifted and turned to see the wall crumble, the lava oozing out of it. But it was too late.

The lava lunged forward wrapping around Chris’s feet and immobilizing him.

Marked,”  Drake whispered.

Chris screamed in anguish as the lava singed and charred his legs, but he could not fall as the lava slowly began to crawl up him, burning him bit by bit, then hardening to encase him.

Chris’s eyes began to tear as his legs were consumed by the spell, his voice becoming hoarse from the screaming.

“P-please! I-i’m sorry! I won’t do anything again! Please, you’ll never see or hear from me I promise!! Ju-just let me live! I’ll apologize, I’ll do whatever you want!” Chris pleaded.

Drake continued the spell, his cold stare unrelenting as the lava inched up and up the man.

Once it consumed his lower half, Chris began activating his skills to protect his torso and arms, a sheen of red flashing over him. But all it did was prolong the process and keep him alive as he was being encased in molten lava.

“The world is different now. And it has no need for people like you,” Drake said coldly, the final piece of Chris encapsulated in the spell. A tear, hate-filled eye.

True to his class, the man survived for several more seconds in the tomb, his screams muted inside it, until finally the notification came, and Drake’s shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.


[You have killed Participant: Chris Springs Level 19] [Experience Earned, and 432,255 TP Rewarded]


I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for reading as always.



I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to my T1 Patrons :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A., Pratish S., Sam4005

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Sphinxes, Shaunna H., Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Tyler, M van D., Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, Regan B., Jonathan G. Jr., George M., Brother Grey, Jakub T., Nim, Talen D., Daniel S., Rd Zg

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S., Richard B., Sye, Radion, Coco-Jin, Zu'ul, eroth, Logan M., Adrian D., Chris M., Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Nathan V. M., Jame I., Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Guppy, Daniel R., xerxes, Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Tanner, CHoobler, Swampfox, SupremeTempest, Bryan R-B, Slanty, Josh, Mason G., Christian T, Navarre C H., Connor B., Pratish S., Jacob F. BobTheLost, Adam G., TheGreenKraken, SirDeP, Banroth, deadmo, Happy Pixie, jaycehunter, Jake T., James N., Jhon A., Curtis M., John A., Jonas, Holly C, Shadowpulse, Melanie S., Jessy P., Patrick W.

An overwhelming thanks to my T4 Patron:

Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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