Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 85: The Road to Finding Chris

Drake finished the graves while Chelsea and Jacqueline talked amongst themselves. Both seemingly went back and forth on how to go about finding Chris and who they could rely on when they did.

Soon the crack of dawn shone as the bright yellow-orange of the sun pierced the darkness over the top of the trees over the side of the Outpost’s walls.

Drake placed the last of the bodies he had been able to collect from the victims into the grave, carving the headstone in the same way as the others. And after a short silence, he turned to the pair of women.

“Alright. Time to get this villain slaying arc started,” Drake said, walking past the two.

“Bruv, do you do that on purpose or are you really just that childish?” Jacqueline asked, walking behind him.

“Are you asking because you care, or have my devilish good looks captivated you enough to tease me relentlessly like on those shows?” Drake said, not turning.

“You see! He’s doing it again!” she shouted, turning to Chelsea.

“Sir Shot, I’ve been wondering that also to be fair. The spells you use, and the fighting are all strong there isn't any question there. But the way you speak and the jokes you use… is there a reason for it?”

Drake stopped for a moment, then turned to the pair.

“Do you want the truth?” he asked.

“It’s why we asked you right bloody arse, now land already will ya?” Jacqueline cursed.

“First. That was a very rude way to ask,” Drake said, giving her an even glare, “Second, I do it to keep myself sane at this point… The stones I used were strong, and it’s outpacing my ability to stay mentally stable. Let’s just say it's one of my roots grounding me from going entirely crazy. So I’ll settle for a bit childish and crazy over going full turn ripe supervillain crazy. Unless of course you’d like me not to,” Drake smiled his left hand zapping with electricity from a yellow magic circle.

Both women shook their heads no.

“What stones did you use?” Chelsea asked.

Drake pursed his lips for a moment debating if he should divulge. But decided to tell them as they had opened up a small bit about their friend.

“I’ve used more than several Rare Stones and two Epic Stones. And let's just say I have some more slots to use for the Rare ones we pick up along the way,” Drake said, turning.

“Two?! How in the fuck did you get two tings like that?” Jacqueline shrieked louder than she intended, drawing some gazes from people around the food area as they passed, her head dipping and ears becoming a rosey shade.

“Just some luck with the quests, and don’t forget I had two Classes, so I had two Class quests. That helped some,” Drake clarified.

“I see,” Chelsea said solemnly, “I guess the secondary class was a blessing then?”

“Absolutely not,” Drake replied immediately.

Chelsea’s face screwed up in confusion at the terse answer, although Drake didn’t see it.

“Look, how much work do you think went into getting my class to this point?” Drake asked, stepping onto the first earthen stairstep to the Rampart.

“Just as much as anyone else? Maybe double since you have two classes? Oh…” she said realizing something.

“You’re half right. I have a title that forces me to gain double the experience of the previous level. So you can probably understand just how many monsters I’ve had to kill. And honestly,” he said, turning on a step and looking up, “I’m pretty surprised I haven’t gotten a title for the number of monsters I've outright killed so far.”

Drake heard a chime and saw a notification pop up.



  • This is not a real title, you're just a complainer.


Drake scoffed, and swiped the notification away, looking at some of the lingering ones he still needed to go through from the previous fight.

Drake continued as he turned to walk up the steps.

“The other thing is to gain that much experience I also had to kill monsters well above my level. I’m not going to say the benefits of the secondary class aren’t worth it, but it does take far more hard work that, if I didn’t have any other choice, I would have shirked immediately. That is until I realized I needed the strength provided by the Dual Class to protect what I need to…” Drake finished, trailing off as they reached the top of the rampart.

They all looked out to the broken and battered field that was now the plains outside the Outpost, the bright sun now above the trees illuminating the piles and piles of monster corpses.

“Oh,” Drake said remembering something, “I have to talk to Amir about the cores. Wait, that means Theo is out of a job…”

He has other uses!” Natto snapped.

I suppose he does now, doesn't he? He was a great investment if I do say so myself. Drake thought.

The trio moved to the front of the earthen block that was near the guard tower, spotting Theodore and Harley both talking happily as they kept their eyes trained on the horizon.

Drake was surprised when they reached them to see Claire and Amir inside as well.

“Well, aren’t you two getting cozy? Why are you both here?” Drake asked.

“Need to be here if those fucking Goblins come again. I want the experience and to help wherever I can,” Claire responded, her face turning to a scowl for a moment before she turned to a more neutral one, “And… Thank you. For the Lightning Stone. I’ll be sure to use it immediately.”

“Don't mention it. Have you used a rare stone before?” Drake questioned again.

Claire shook her head.

“I see. Wait until I have some free time to use it then. Rare Stones can have some adverse effects, alright?” Drake said with concern in his voice, “Also Amir, how did we fair on Monster Cores with your skill?”

Amir, perked up from next to Claire with his name being called and he quickly looked distantly at something for a moment, then refocused just as quickly.

“Ah, we have collected. Wow… one thousand, six hundred cores in total. If it wasn’t for you giving me more dimensional bags, Sir Shot, I wouldn’t have been able to carry them all I’m sure,” Amir laughed wearily.

“That is a nice haul, I will say. Did we really kill that many over the past two days?” Drake wondered.

“You mean did you kill them,” Claire amended.

“It does not matter who killed them! Those cores are rightfully mine!” Natto shouted, surprising everyone when she popped out of Drake, the ears and tail disappearing from his body.

“Hey! Who said you can come out?!” Drake shouted.

“It is fine. No one will see us here for the moment, and I would like to stretch my legs. Now boy, the cores!” Natto demanded, her hand outstretched.

Amir looked hesitantly between Natto and Drake.

“Look, it's an even cut. She can have my share Amir, everyone take some, you’re going to need them for currency outside the Tutorial if the little glutton there is to be believed,” Drake smirked pointing to Natto with his chin.

Natto turned her head slightly to give a death stare to Drake, who stuck his tongue out at her before she turned back around.

“That is 160, cough it up and not one less. But certainly feel free to round up to 200 dear boy,” Natto said, raising her chin a sinister grin on her head.

Amir again looked to Drake for help.

Drake smiled and a blue magic circle formed at the end of his finger, as he sprayed Natto with water, drenching her.

“160. No more no less. You can give me the ones for Sherry and Hudson. They don’t look to be here right now so I’ll find them myself,” Drake said, ignoring Natto who had run over to him, and had started stabbing at his metal boots with her dagger.

“R-right..” Amir said nervously.

Amir distributed the Cores to everyone present, and they all put them into their inventory, with Theodore speaking up.

“My Lord, thou hast mentioned the use of said cores in the world outside. Does thou knoweth the use of such?”

“Little Miss grumpy here,” Drake said looking down, his hand now blowing warm air on Natto, “Hasn’t mentioned specifics other than they will be turned to currency. So think of this as a salary for now.”

Theodore nodded, twisting his mustache thoughtfully.

“Now Theodore, I have to ask you something,” Drake said, moving the stream of air back and forth away from Natto, her teeth baring each time the warm breeze changed.

“Anything my Lord,” Theodore said, bowing slightly, his arm over his chest showing off his new gloves.

“Oh, those are fancy. From a quest?” Drake asked.

Theodore smiled and nodded, “Indeed, they art of rare quality. Increasing this one's ability to concealeth others, as well as decreasing the Mana in which is used. Tis quite the boon if this one must say!”

“Perfect!” Drake brightened, “I need you to go find this man Chelsea is looking for, Chris Springs. You and her are going to go find him, is that alright?”

Theodore looked pensively at Harley for a moment.

Drake nodded, “Don’t worry I’ll make sure she’s safe, you have my word I will die for her if it comes to it.”

“May she not accompany us thither my liege?” Theodore asked.

“Unfortunately not. I need someone else who can see through stealth-like her that I can trust. My Aura is very useful, but it can’t cover the entire Outpost’s walls. That is why I need to see Hudson as well,” he pointed to the senteries that now lined the Outpost, “I need to know the extent of the senteries' abilities. And I’m interested in his big boys.”

A giggle sounded from Drake’s feet. Looking down to see Natto snickering, a suggestive grin on her face.

Drake tapped the back of her with his foot forcing her to stumble slightly forward, then looked to Theodore for an answer.

Theodore took only a moment to tighten his gloves, then bowed.

“With all due haste my liege. Twill be done.”

“No, not that much haste Theo,” Drake smiled, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder.

“My Lord?”

“You look like a car wash rag my friend. You and Chelsea get some rest, you’ve both been up all night. Two hours of rest after a hot bath. Both of you take all the time you need to clean up and make sure to tell your friends you care for them since you won't be seeing a hot bath or them for the next couple days I’m sure,” Drake said, plopping two large tubs in the room, filling them with hot steaming water and offering them.

Chelsea’s eyes sparked at the sight of the large wooden tub filled with steam, quickly placed it in her inventory, and scurried off. Theodore gave Harley a look, placing the tub in his inventory as well, then walking down the steps of the rampart with her in tow.

“What about you three? Want a hot bath, I got up here for a bit, get some real rest,” Drake offered.

Amir and Jacqueline both nodded, taking a similar tub of water with them as they left.

Claire on the other hand stayed, rolling a stone in her hand as she looked at him.

“Arn’t you tired as well? I don’t think I’ve seen you sleep since we’ve gotten here,” she asked.

“I don’t sleep. My class, stats, and skills let me stay up pretty much indefinitely at this point. Speaking of which, I think I have some time now to help you with that stone,” Drake chuckled.

“Oh please,” Natto grumbled, “I am still here you apes. The room is not exclusively yours…”

Drake smiled and pulled two chairs from his inventory, they both looking out to the horizon and the still-rising sun.

He patted the seat next to him.

“Ignore her,” he scoffed, “Let’s get you some new skills yeah?”

Claire nodded and timidly walked to the chair.

“Oh,” Drake said, his brows rising, “Sorry about having to carry you earlier. Didn’t want you to fall on the floor.”

Claire looked surprised that he had said anything, but her arms reflexively moved to cover herself.

“It’s... I understand you had to because I passed out. Thank you for telling me..” she answered sitting down, moving the chair a small bit away from Drake. But only a small bit.

“Would you tell me what happened? I want to understand more. But only if you’re willing. We can sit in silence and just watch the sunrise instead. I could use the quiet for a bit myself,” Drake grinned.

Claire looked pensive as she thought over the question. But before she could answer a high-pitched voice interrupted her from between them.

“Hey, Mr. Asshole! Where might I ask, is my chair!?” Natto shouted.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I hope you will continue to follow along. I will also be participating in the April Writathon for as long as I can keep my regular workload up so please look forward to that fiction coming out in April! If you have truly enjoyed the story and want to help me out, please leave a review or a rating on the fiction. It always helps give more visibility which I very much appreciate. See you all next week and hope you have an amazing weekend. Cheers.



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BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A., Pratish S.

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Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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