Chapter 91

Chapter 91: 

Lyra screamed in surprise, her hooves slipped, and with a splash she fell over, sinking into the pool with a glug. Water rushed into her open mouth as her legs kicked out, floundering like a beached fish.


Then a pair of huge paws wrapped around her hips and she was lifted bodily from the hot spring, water sheeting from her fluff. She looked down to find herself hanging half above Rain. Opal was below her, having moved from Rain’s legs to his chest.


“You know I can hear everything right?” gravelled Rain.


“H-hear w-what?”


“I can hear your fingers going in and out over and over, my hearing is a little better than most.”


Lyra gaped at him, her face graduating from pink to a radiant beet red, her eyebrows rising as the absolute horror of the situation dawned on her.


“A-and at th-the m-mansion!? In the baths?!” she managed to choke-squeak out.


“I heard every moment and was completely aware of what you were doing behind me.”


“N-NUUUU!” she wailed, shaking her head. “This is, you can’t- this can’t be happening!” She kicked her legs in the air in distress and the combination of her motions combined with her now wet skin caused her to suddenly slip free from Rain’s grip. 


With a gasp of sheer disbelief she fell on top of him, landing on his torso, straddling his waist, her bare nakedness crashing up against him as Opal darted out of the way. Lyra found her face buried in Rain's strong chest, his soft fur pressing against her, his heady masculine scent overwhelming her nose, it was all too much!


Confused and disoriented she placed her hands on Rain’s pecs and slowly lifted herself away from him. 


There was a weight on her rear.


A hot.






Turning her head jerkily, not wanting to understand, her eyes came to rest on over fourteen inches of heavy dick currently resting over her rotund ass cheeks, the tip touching up against her lower back, a few dribbles of precum leaking and pooling on her bare skin. 




“It’s just a bit of dick sheepy,” said Opal leaning over and open palm slapping her ass sending it rippling and causing her to gasp.


“Oh g-gods, I- I need to go, I c-can’t be h-here! I have to go!”


Rain and Opal watched and waited for her to get up and go.


She remained where she was.


“Hah!” crowed Opal, “You don’t want to go, you can’t make yourself.”


“I- I can!” 


She couldn't, she couldn't do it, and she wished she could crawl away and die from shame as she realised that.


Opal leaned over the sheep girl currently splayed over Rain and grasped Rain’s enormity with both hands, with a little effort she dragged it to the side then pushed it back, dragging the heavy thing across her ass, smearing her cheeks side to side as snail trail of precum was drawn over her back.


“What are you doing?!” shrieked Lyra, but her body betrayed her, her rear pushing back up into Rain, spreading her thighs, her swollen sopping wet muff catching touches of the incredible boiling heat that radiated from Rain’s length, each brushed contact eliciting a tingling shiver that ran up her spine. Her motions sped up until she was practically humping herself up against Rain’s increasingly turgid length and little sprays of precum were spattering across her arching back, spots of scalding heat on her skin.


“Wow, she’s wetter down there than the pool,” said Opal leaning down further.


“N-no I’m not!” cried the agitated sheep girl. “It’s just water from the h-hotspriiiiEEE!”


Her words were cut off as a small hand darted down behind Rain’s length and cupped her swollen muff, a number of small fingers slipping between her folds before dragging back up, reaching the back, and then pushing into her, dipping down deep then swiftly pulling out, many long sticky strings connecting them before breaking apart as they parted.


Lyra squealed and threw her face down into Rain’s chest, screaming into his fur, her legs kicking spastically at the air behind her.


“Damn you!” she managed to grit out when she finally turned her head to the side, glaring up at the Goblin girl. 


Opal had her hand held up to her face up and was watching the strings of stickiness currently strung between her fingers with an amused expression.


“Just water huh? You know Rain is a monster right? You’re a leveler getting off to a monster.”


“Th-that is- H-he- it doesn't count!”


Rain shifted beneath her and she found his head moving toward her, his teeth bared, so close! Her pupils shrank in fear and her throat tightened up.


“I think deep down you like it that I am a monster… a predator.” gravelled Rain, his voice sending vibrations through her body.


“D-don’t be ridiculous!”


Rain snorted in derision, and then his paws wrapped around her hips. Lyra looked down in alarm as he squeezed and then lifted her up into the air as though she weighed nothing at all. Panicked, she scrabbled at his forearms as he turned and placed her on the hotspring’s edge, her back coming to rest on the grass with a thump. Water sloshed from Rain’s body as he rose, rose until his paws were pressed down either side of her shoulders and he was looming over her, his legs still partly in the water.


Rain was big, big enough that Lyra felt incredibly small, exposed, and feminine under him. But there was also something that felt so incredibly right to be covered by such a large masculine beast, his massiveness overwhelming her, dominating her, everywhere she looked was just more of him, her eyes darting, her nose flaring, drawing in more of his scent, her mind swimming with a twisted mix of fear and burning sexual desire. 


She flinched as something hot and very very heavy touched up against her bare stomach, something twitching and alive, bucking and lifting before coming back down with a thump. Her eyes moved from the broad chest hanging over her to the fat dick lying from her mons up her abdomen and past her belly button, thicker than her arm, brutish masculinity, pressing down against her stomach with its unreasonable weight, indenting her belly.


Rain eased his hips forward and his length slowly, agonisingly slowly, moved further up her body. Wide eyed, and not knowing what the heck she was doing, Lyra grabbed for it, trying to prevent it getting closer, her dainty fingers wrapping around its rough head, instantly heating her skin, frantically trying to keep the monster back. Of course, she didn't stand a chance, and her hands were pushed up by the unstoppable thing, precum rolling from between her fingers and down onto her wrists.


Rain growled out a laugh. 


“Hnn! It’s- t-too much!”


“No, but it will be,” said Rain as he began to pull back, the heavy weight of his length draaaggging down her belly, leaving a trail of precum in its wake, spilling and pooling into her belly button. It moved down past her mons and then dropped down between her thighs, the tip sliding over her cute little clit, pressing it down into its hood before gliding down her swollen lower lips.


The shifting feeling across her pussy sent her body quivering, a little gasp escaping her mouth, a string of saliva connecting her lips as her hips squirmed and her back arched.


And then Rain started to push up into her.


The broad tip pressed up against her muff, his enormity dwarfing her puss, pushing againt her lips, trying to get inside. Instead, his motion came to a halt as he found he didn't fit, his length bending slightly as the pressure steadily increased but was unable to penetrate. With a low growl he used his real strength and Lyra’s breath caught in her throat as the massive thing trying to enter her slowly started to part her lower lips. However, her excessive amounts of slippery lubricant proved a problem, and Rain suddenly lurched forward as his tip slipped upwards roughly rubbing against her erect bean and thrusting up over her belly once more, a spray of precum surging from the tip and splattering across the globular underside of her breasts, the sticky clear fluid coating her skin, sprinkling across her stiff hard nipples and up over her neck.


She shrieked as his hips slammed up against her rear sending her buttocks wobbling, her thighs thrust apart. Her hands grasped at the length resting on top of her belly, trying to hold it in place, stopping it from once more trying to penetrate her, but to no avail. The hot slippery thing pulled from between her desperately grasping fingers and once more fell down between her thighs.


“Tight.” growled Rain.


Lyra looked down at the over fourteen inches of maleness, thicker than her arm, far far bigger than any male she’d seen in her life. The guys she’d seen public bathing were like little twigs compared to this, not even an Orc could compare, and he expected to put that beast inside of her? He was kidding right? He had to be kidding.


“It’s j-just you’re just too fucking big! I can't fit you!”


Rain showed her a wolfish grin, flashing his white fangs. “Or you're just too small. Don't worry, I’ll ease it in slower.”


Rain’s rigidness tensed and he pressed up against her folds, squashing her muff, edging apart her lips as this time he ever so slowly slid into her, parting her body, her sensitive insides starting to touch up against his tip.


Lyra let out a cute little mewl as she was spread, her labia stretching wider and wider as his enormity entered her, her back arching, her hands scrabbling at the grass as she was stretched out, the broad head forcing her swollen muff into a thin O shape, her inner lips strained tight against his vein riddled thickness.


“F-fuuuuccckkk!” she groaned, her eyelids fluttering as she was stretched like nothing else she had experienced in her life. Shockingly, it felt beyond natural, like her femininity had always desired to be filled like this, other males were simply feeble frail little things compared to this more primal masculinity, they were like her little pinky compared to all her fingers, unsatisfying.


With a lurch the head *popped!* inside of her, filling her up, her walls fluttering around the massive intruder, desperately trying to contain it. Lyra’s fingers spread amongst the blades of grass and then clenched into fistfuls of green, her whole body stiffening up, her legs going straight and rising.


“HnGGfffnnnnn!! It’s S-so m-muuuuch!!” 


Hyperventilating, her eyes slid down her body to where Rain’s hips were, where his length extended from his straining sheath that enclosed his uninflated knot, then she traced up the vascular pink-red length, to the end which disappeared inside of her, her stiff little clit standing proud above his girth. He was actually inside- she could feel the roughness of him scraping at her tightly stretched walls, and gods it felt, it felt really really really fucking good.


She was being filled but…


She wanted more.






Rain groaned and leaned into her, pushing his hips forward, sliding deeper and deeper, fraction of an inch by fraction of an inch, accelerating, her insides parting to take his length into her most sacred place. Round eyed she watched as inches disappeared inside of her, her breath coming in short sharp gasps, keening as his boiling hot length suddenly throbbed and jerked, a spray of sticky precum splattering against her depths, but none leaking around her inner lips as they were stretched so tightly around him.


She bit her lip as he passed five inches, then seven, then nine. Her eyebrows rose higher as her stomach began to tent outward, a bulge appearing in her trim belly as the massive thing inside was silhouetted beneath her skin, the pushed out softened cylinder slowly creeping up her belly as more and more of Rain entered her, her belly button rising as it was stretched over the top.


“H-Holy shit,” she breathed, “Holy shit, holy shit, you’re so fucking deep! G-gods I can feel-”


She swallowed noisily and moved a hand to her abdomen, shaky fingers tracing the outline of the fat dick beneath, dancing across her pale flesh, she could practically feel the heat of him through her body, her fingers moving as he hilted himself in her, such an intense feeling, like they were becoming one, a joining of two beings.


She whimpered as she felt his hips begin to move, pulling back, the sensation of her insides being dragged on as they had formed a vacuum, clinging tight, desperately trying to stop him from leaving. Against Rain’s strength she didn't stand a chance and bit by bit he left her, exposing his steaming length to the air, now dripping wet with her pussy juices.


She couldn’t help it, the sucking feeling against her inside along with every bump and vein of his dick was driving her wild, she slapped her hands to her cheeks and let out a sloppy moan.


“G-gawddds, HNNNNN! R-Raiiin!”


Rain replied by thrusting back into her, actually using his strength, and she could tell, he could do anything to her, he was overwhelming, able to control her every move, dominating his prey. She could never escape, she was his plaything, able to do nothing but watch as the softened cylinder of his enormity rolled back up her stomach.


Without her consent her pussy reacted to him, contracting and rippling, hungry to have him back inside of her, changing to fit him, moulding to his size that she knew no other could match, no other could scratch that burning itch deep inside.


“AHn! Ahn! Ah!” she gasped, her eyes locked between her breasts on the obscene bulge of her tummy.


Rain’s stretched sheath crashed up against her pink little bud of a clit standing proud of its hood and she went over the edge, she threw her head back and let loose a scream, her legs slamming up and locking tight around Rain’s hips, thighs clenching hard, angled so tight it nearly hurt as her ankles dug into his back.


She squirted like a burst barrel and fem cum exploded around Rain’s dick, spraying in every direction as it broke free of their tight fit, sticky clear fluid covering Rain’s abdomen and back-spattering down on her tummy bulge, rolling down her smooth skin in rivulets.




Rain barely paused before forcefully dragging himself free even as her walls convulsed around him, brutally dragging himself out, pulling her insides with him, before shoving himself back in, filling her right back up, a thrumming beating pressure flowing from him into that place below her gut, building, intolerable.


“Fucking shiiiiitt!!” she wailed as he began a steady back and forth sawing motion, pistoning into her little body, each crashing hilt ruining her more and more, stretching her out, tearing at her nerves until sparks and flashes of light were dancing across her eyes.


She clutched desperately at his chest above, her fingers winding into his fur, shoved back and forth as he moved, grind after grind, plunging her depths in a way she had never imagined.


“Y-yes! I’m your prey! Your hunted! Breeeeed me! Make me yooouuuurrrrs!!”


And then the motion slowed, and then it stopped.


She opened her eyes and blinked.


“Wha- why did you stop!” she demanded in a near panic, desperately bucking her hips into him, trying to get more of him inside, her pussy clutching at him needily, practically slurping on his length.


Rain gazed down at her silently.


Then he grabbed her and in one motion rolled onto his back on the grass, his back resting partially against a boulder, Lyra coming with him so that she lay atop him, still part inside her, her heavy breasts resting on his chest, the softness of them shaping to his muscles.


She looked up into his yellow eyes, her mouth hanging slack in surprise.


“You’re going to have to do it yourself,” said Rain.


“Wh-what?! What do you mean?! You're my predator! You're supposed to do me!”


“Why Lyra?  Because you like how that makes you feel? I never chose to be in the position you are putting me in, you never asked, you put me here because it turns you on. If you truly want me then do as you will, leave, or stay and work for it.”


The sheep girl looked absolutely flabbergasted, her mouth opening and closing at a loss for words, this was not supposed to happen!


“Haha! Your mistake was expecting him to fit your fantasy sheepy. You should have seen this coming.”


Rain lazed his head over to see Opal, she was lying against a rock, naked, one leg splayed out the other up, her fingers buried in her snatch, openly masturbating as she watched the two.


“But that’s not fair! We’re in the middle of- I can't just, it’s-!” the flustered sheep girl looked between Rain and her tented stomach marking the part of Rain’s length still inside of her.


“I can growl at you if it makes you feel more motivated,” said Rain with a lazy yawn.


Lyra’s lip trembled. She should leave, how could he do this to her! But then that terrible itchy pressure was burning in her core, screaming to be fucked, crying out to be rutted with a fat fucking dick. 


Letting out a groan of resignation she began to lift herself. Her legs weren't much good after the frankly incredible orgasms she had just been subjected to, but with a fierce determination she forced them to obey, her thighs shaking wildly as she lifted herself up, up, up, then let her legs go, allowing gravity to slam her down, down onto Rain, her pussy being once more so deliciously filled. She cried out in ecstasy.


Rain side eyed Opal, she was looking with avid interest as Lyra wailed and dragged herself back up, Opal’s fingers flicking free droplets of her juices as she pushed them in and out of her cunt.


“You knew as well as I did, didn’t you?”


“Psh, oh yeah, I don't need wolf ears to tell she was as horny as a bitch in heat for you.”


“H-Hey! Hnnniieee!” Lyra managed to protest, nearly biting off her tongue as she once more plunged down Rain’s length, her thighs crashing into his hips.


“You don't mind that?” said Rain, ignoring Lyra’s protests.


Opal rolled her eyes. “Do you even realise how big you are now? You’re more than any one girl can handle on her own, no matter how greedy.”


“You are pretty greedy.”


“Yeah I know,” she grinned, “But you are a lot, like a lot a lot, no really, you're fucking huge.”


In reply Rain gave her a pleased fanged smile. Then his paw suddenly whipped out and grabbed her by the ankle, with a shriek of surprise the Goblin girl was dragged across the grass towards him, into his claws. She kicked and struggled as she was lifted, two massive paws wrapping around her rear, a pair of thumbs hooking onto her hips, like a gripping seat that moved her until Rain’s head was aligned with her crotch. 


Flailing, she grabbed onto his ears as she was brought close, his tongue already slipping free, slapping up against her sopping quim and licking up its entire length, rolling over her bean and part way up her stomach.


Lyra and Opal let out a dual gasp, coincidentally timed.


The sheep girl continued to rise up and down, doing her best to bounce and bounce on Rain’s dick, her belly tenting out with each rise and fall, her voice reaching higher and higher, she couldn't help herself, with each drop she just wanted more, more of him inside her, until she was crashing as hard as she could against his still uninflated knot trapped behind his straining sheath.


Opal’s legs wrapped around Rain’s neck as his huge tongue wiggled its way past her folds, pushing deep inside of her, the rough surface scraping against every nerve cluster, causing her to shriek. More and more of the powerful thick muscle entered her until Opal looked down wide eyed to see a slight bulge in her tummy, moving and shifting as he licked up a storm inside her cunt, twisting and coiling, over stimulating her buttons.


“Shitting fuuuuck,” groaned out Opal, as he pushed deeper still. She fell over his head as the first orgasm crashed into her, wrapping her arms and legs around him until he had a view full of her breasts, her body resting atop.


“Ee! Ee! Eee!” squeaked Lyra as her hips rose and fell, her legs becoming progressively more wobbly each time she slammed herself down, her breasts rolling and slapping across her chest with each uncontrolled drop. She was beginning to falter, her desperate attempts to get more of Rain indie of herself going nowhere.


“I- I need you, I need more of you!” she keened, drool running down her chin, her body trembling, her legs failing to lift her at all now.


Rain rolled his eyes beneath the Goblin girl on his face. He shifted his paws and after a moment of testing he pulled them away, leaving Opal wrapped around his head, humping herself into his mouth. 


Then he lunged for Lyra, grabbing at her legs. With a grunt he forced her legs up against her torso, bending them back until he could get his paws around both her thighs and part of her waist, her knees hooked over his paws, feet dangling, tummy bulge poking between her thighs. 


The surprised sheep girl looked down in stupefaction between her knees which were now pressed up against her breasts, then at Rain’s paws as he lifted her, pulling her up into the air, his length sliding from her now very exposed pussy, pulling her up and then, after a pause slamming her back down.


“OH!” gasped Lyra as she came down hard and fast, much harder than gravity alone. She realised that Rain was using her as a living cock sleeve, casually utilising her body like it was nothing, his powerful arms lifting her once more and then jerking her back down, her belly bulge pushing up, pressing at his thumbs, 


“OH! GODS!” she cried as the speed rapidly increased, roughly slamming her up and down, drilling her clit into his sheath over and over and over, harder and harder until her pussy was conulsing at the extreme stimulation, every other drop causing a sloppy spray of her juices, one orgasm barely finishing before she rolled screaming and flailing into the next, her body making the most lurid slurking noises as her tight pussy lost vacuum with each rise.






As that happened Rain’s knot was slowly swelling in size, the fist of flesh stretching his sheath wider, barely able to contain him until it was too much and with a lurch his sheath slipped back, the fat ball of red-pink popping free in a rush, already sopping wet with Lyra’s juices and steaming in the air.


As that happened Rain opened his mouth wide and Opal fell into his jaws, her thighs spread around his mouth. This of course allowed him to get much, much, deeper inside of her and he took full advantage sending Opal into a spiralling screaming fit.


Rain slammed Lyra’s folded up body down and her reddened pussy collided with the enormous knot, dwarfed by it, her lower lips stretched wider going from an o shape to an O shape as the howling thrashing sheep girl was forced to take the knot bit by bit, slowing until it met the horizon, and then slopping down the other side, her pussy engulfing the knot, locking them together, her belly tented out obscenely with the massive dick inside of her.


Both Lyra’s and Opal’s voices rose in pitch, harmonizing as they threw back their heads and screamed, their eyes rolling up as they squirted and creamed themselves silly, their legs splaying out in brain melting ecstasy as their pussies milked and suckled at their respective penetrations.




The two girls wailed their joy together. 


Opal was first to come down, her sweat soaked body going completely limp and slipping from Rain’s head, falling backwards and landing across his torso, the top of her head coming up against Lyra’s clit where she was sheathed on Rain’s length.


Opal looked up open mouthed as Rain’s dick swelled, his balls hiking up hard as his hips thrust up into the air, shoving up further into the still spasming Lyra as he came.


And he really really came.


Rain exploded into her, surging deep into the sheep girls womb, a heavy spray of thick sticky white semen.


And it just didn't stop.


Spray after spray, driving into her deepest place until it filled her, becoming a slurry that rolled violently around, filling and then expanding her womb as she was filled to capacity and then past it, her belly quickly growing outward, swelling as more and more cum hosed into her, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth surge, Rain groaned as each ejaculation only lasted longer spraying more and more, harder and harder.


Lyra’s voice peaked and then broke into an ear shattering scream as her head whipped back, her eyes gone from sight as they rolled up under her eyelids, her tongue lolling from her mouth as her whole body became stiff and rigid, straining to her limit.


That heated itchy feeling was just gone, washed away in a tide of soothing cooling relief, replaced with a bone deep mind melting ecstasy.


She went limp in Rain’s paws as her eyelids fluttered and little trembles rolled up and down her body even as her belly grew, becoming a bulging arc from her ribs to her mons, like she was four months pregnant, swelling out until it was resting atop Opal’s face to her distress.


Rain shivered as the last drop left him and he fell back gasping, releasing Lyra who slumped like wet rope, her legs flopping down either side of him.


The three of them lay there, desperately gasping for air, the glade filled with nothing but the sound of heavy panted breathing. 


After a while, a butterfly fluttered down and alighted on top of the smooth dome of Lyra’s cum belly. It waved its wings, warming them in the sun.


Opal groaned and after a monumental struggle managed to sit up. She wiped a hand over her sweaty face.


“It’s not fair how you are so good at that, if I could do half-,” she muttered.


“You don't like it?” said Rain, sticking his tongue out at her.


“No, I just don't know how to do it as good back to you, it’s one sided.” She peeked her tongue out back at him.


“Oh gods,” groaned Lyra, “What have you done to me?!”


She kicked her legs and after a struggle managed to sit up, the butterfly flapping away in a fright as she moved. She came up and her belly sunk down with the weight of what was inside of her.


Hesitantly she touched at it, then with increasing disbelief ran her palm over the smooth hot surface down to her belly button which had popped from an innie to an outie from the sheer pressure behind it.


“You have got to be kidding me...! This is all you!?”


Opal gave her a mischievous grin. “Yeah, all Rain, but don't worry, you’ll get used to it, in fact you won’t have a choice.”


“Wh-what do you mean?”


Opal waggled her eyebrows then looked meaningfully downward. “Try and get off him.”


Lyra gave her a puzzled look then tried to roll off Rain. She of course failed, his enormously engorged knot firmly jammed inside of her. Her eyes went very round.


“H-hold on now, how long does this last?!”


Opal put a finger to her lip and tilted her head in thought. “Oh, just a week.”


“A WEEK?!”


“Maybe two.”


“B-b-but h-how am I supposed to live like this?!”


“You get used to it, come on, let's get food or whatever.”


Opal jumped off Rain and immediately face planted in the grass as her legs gave out. She wobbled back to her feet, desperately trying to pretend that hadn’t happened, and then grabbed one of Rain’s paw pads in one hand. She gave him a meaningful look and hauled on him, of course failing to move him at all.


Rain gave her a look that clearly communicated ‘Really?’ which Opal replied to with a furious nod.


Rain slumped his shoulders but after a moment sat up and then started climbing to his feet. Lyra let out a shriek as she found herself dangling upside down, hanging from his dick, her legs desperately locked around his hips trying to support herself.


“NUU! I can’t do this for two weeks! S-Stop!! H-hey!”


Rain stepped toward the small camp they had made earlier near the edge of the hot spring. He walked with a still stark naked sheep girl hanging from his hips, breasts and cum belly swaying as he moved. He passed by the Dimensional Bag which had been laid on its side out beside the tents as though it was its own separate tent. A red scaled snout poked from the opening, clearly pointed directly at the area they had just been, in full view of events. The Kobold snout suddenly jerked as it realised he was nearing and pulled inside.


“Wow what a pervert, gosh,” said Opal eyeing the bag.


“I don't think that holds much weight coming from you,” replied Rain.


“Eh, probably, but I can still call them as I see them.”


“Let me doooown!” wailed Lyra.

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