Draconic Pets Evolution System

Chapter 46: A Walk to the Cafetaria 2

Alone and walking through the long halls was none other than Ryuk. Somehow, he felt a larger breadth of space with him, his thoughts alone as he easily weaved through the roads. Soon, he arrived before the cafeteria.

The place was structured like some sort of dojo, and upon entrance, he felt the hall completely deserted.

There was nobody at all, but at the end of the hall, one could see the area resembling some kind of kitchen, and Ryuk felt his eyes flash at the sight.

With no one around, he felt truly alive as he arrived before the covered pots and opened them up.

Immediately, Ryuk's eyes bulged as his mouth unconsciously opened, saliva beginning to drip out.

"This has to be a dream!"

Ryuk thought in surprise as he looked at the sight before him.

Before his gaze was a full soup, but it was mostly filled by incredibly large, peppered meats soaked within. The smell was tantalizing, and the soup was so hot that it heated up Ryuk's face.

He had never seen something so enticing before in his life, nor had he smelled food so good.

Checking the next plate, there were some other dishes, seemingly a mix of flowers and some other stuffs that looked edible.

Without wasting a single second, Ryuk grabbed a large tray that was at the side, ignoring the small plates. Instantly, he began piling food until the entire tray was full and stacked high.

At the sight of such an amount of food, Ryuk felt like he was in a dream.

The last thing he would try to do was wake himself up.

He had to devour this, even if it was only a dream.

As Ryuk slowly set the tray on the table, a figure suddenly entered the cafeteria, and instantly, their jaw dropped to the ground as their eyes met with what Ryuk dropped onto the table.

"You... you are not planning on devouring so much, are you?"

The voice unknowingly spoke out as Ryuk settled himself comfortably in his seat and replied.

"You just watch me..."

Somehow, Ryuk forgot to take a spoon. Immediately, his hands dove into the plate, and he began stuffing his mouth.

To Morgaine, the sight before her was something she had never witnessed in her life.

Someone piling food onto a tray meant for dishes and stuffing food into their mouth with both hands.

It was the most barbaric form of behaviour she had ever seen, yet somehow, instead of feeling repulsed by it, due to her more civil and noble upbringing, she felt the exact opposite and found the sight nothing short of amusing and fascinating.

The human boy before her seemed incredibly shameless and uncaring about his image—something unlike most humans she had met in her life.

They all try to act in ways that will make others believe they are better looking than they really are in reality.

A fake she can easily sense out based on how they so much adore and done over-expensive and unnecessary attire, and how their words are so robotic, and absolutely unnatural, most of the time if not filled with flattery, is nothing but boasting.

But the human boy didn't even seem to care that he was using his bare hands to eat, with soup running down his jaw and simply dripping away like a beast.

She eventually snapped out of her incredulous state, walking to the side to take a plate. She placed a small amount of food on it with her fork and knife before walking toward the table opposite Ryuk.

Ryuk raised an eyebrow at the incredibly small portion on her plate and felt his jaw drop further as he saw her pick up the knife and fork, slowly cutting the food one at a time before stuffing it into her cherry-red lips.

She looked up to see Ryuk, who had stopped eating, staring at her with curiosity.

"Is this how people eat here?"

He asked with his mouth half-stuffed, soup dripping down his jaw.

Morgaine only found it more amusing.

"That's the smart and proper way to dine," she lectured like a teacher as Ryuk stared at her strangely.

"If so, you guys must love wasting time," he replied and Morgaine's expression dropped.

She had expected the boy to be impressed, but he only seemed to look at her as if she were the dumb one.

"Why do you say that?"

"You use around five seconds using the knife to slice the meat from the bones, and then you spend another three seconds picking up the food with the fork before eating."

"And then you spend five seconds using the handkerchief to wipe your lips, which aren't even stained?"

"You're essentially wasting so many seconds on a single bite of food.

"If you continue at this space, it will probably take around five minutes or so to finish up—something I would normally be able to finish early in just four grabs with both of my hands."

"It would take me less than ten seconds to finish what you're doing in five minutes."

"How can that be a smart way of eating? It's more of a time-wasting way of eating food."

Ryuk asked curiously as Morgaine stared at him with hanging jaws.


[A/N: I'm not advising you to eat like a barbarian during your family dinner. Please don't try this at home. I won't be responsible for the slap to the back of your head.]


"But eating like you are doing isn't very correct either."

"You're eating like a barbarian; the soup is literally dripping down your mouth. And who knows just dark dirty corners those hands of yours could have gone. You can draw diseases and sickness by using your hands to eat."

"To avoid germs, and to better avoid soups running down your jaw and staining your white shirt, it's much better to use cutlery and also a handkerchief to wipe and avoid stains!" Morgaine argued, and Ryuk's eyebrows furrowed, trying to reason with what she said.

Surprisingly, he found out she was pretty right, in the cloth part that is. He truly doesn't want to get this white cloth stained.

"You know what? You're actually right!" Ryuk called out as he rose up from his seat, washed his hands in the sink, and wiped his mouth.

Then he picked up a fork and knife and walked back to his plate.

Quickly, things escalated as Ryuk found it impossible to hold the knife and fork properly.

"That is not how you hold the knife and fork..." Morgaine said as Ryuk paused and watched the girl place down her knife and fork, then pick them up again and cut a piece of meat.

Copying her, Ryuk learned the trick in less than a minute, and soon he was cutting the meat as easily as breathing.

"Cool, right?" Morgaine said with triumph.

She had won this battle, just like every battle she had ever faced.

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