Double wear: Marvel and DC's Huaxia Superman

Chapter 40 Clone of the God of Krypton

Xia Yi took the initiative to rush towards the opponent and punched him in the chest with all his strength.

The staff officer blocked with both arms and was thrown away by the power of the punch, completely smashing the Kryptonian main ship and creating a crater with a diameter of more than ten kilometers on the moon.

(What a hard body! Not even Zod or Clark can compare!)

Although the staff officer blocked this terrifying punch, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, two more Kryptonians flew out from the wreckage of the shattered spacecraft. They came to the staff officer and tried to help him up.

As a result, the staff officer stretched out his hands and strangled their necks, constantly absorbing their life energy.

Xia Yi didn't want to give him a chance to absorb it, and shot his heat vision towards the opponent, but the opponent's speed and agility were far beyond his imagination, and he could still avoid the heat vision by holding on to the two people.

Ten seconds later, the two Kryptonians in his hands had turned into mummies.

The staff officer also rushed towards Xia Yi and punched back. After Xia Yi blocked it with his elbow, the shock wave of the collision knocked away the remaining wreckage of the Kryptonian main ship.

At the same time, Xia Yi flew out with this strange force.

((#?Д?)Holy shit?! Is it so strong?)

The staff officer rushed forward again, grabbed Xia Yi's face, turned and flew towards the moon.

At a speed exceeding Mach 70, Xia Yi crashed directly from the back of the moon to the front.

Then he grabbed Xia Yi's ankle and kept spinning it, throwing him towards the earth.

When the two entered the atmosphere, they were like two high-speed meteors. Xia Yi concentrated his energy on his feet and accelerated again.

The staff officer was very surprised when he saw Xia Yi suddenly accelerate: "How is it possible? His speed is far faster than mine!"

After seeing this, the staff officer did not pursue further, and turned on the communicator to issue orders to all Kryptonians.

"Of the remaining Kryptonian troops in groups of two, one is responsible for guarding the hostages, and the other quickly comes to find me!"

After turning off the communicator, the staff officer thought thoughtfully about Xia Yi's sudden acceleration just now.

"Just now he seemed to have concentrated all his life energy on his feet, and the punch he made on the back of the satellite also concentrated the energy on his hands."

Thinking of this, the staff officer smiled slightly: "So, concentrating life energy in different places can greatly improve a certain ability! Ka. Ka. Rot? I want to thank you."

After a while, five Kryptonians flew to the staff officer's side. After a quick glance, he asked, "Where's Fiona?"

"Sir, she is attacking Metropolis. Is there a female Earthling there who is as powerful as him?"

"Earthlings? Never mind, there aren't many Kryptonian women left today. She has to survive."

"Sir, do you have any new instructions?"

The staff officer looked at the remaining Kryptonians, took a deep breath and said, "Do you know Leo, the God of Krypton?"

"Of course I do! The legendary Kryptonian."

"I inherited his genes and became the new God of Krypton! Now a powerful opponent is in front of us. If this continues, let alone reviving the Kryptonian civilization, even ours will die."

"I need you to dedicate your life and strength to me alone!"

"Only in this way will Krypton achieve final victory!"

As soon as he finished speaking, five Kryptonians reached out to him at the same time, and one of them said with a smile: "Staff officer... No, Commander, you have saved many Kryptonian compatriots and helped us overcome many difficulties. If our lives allow you to save Krypton, then please take it!”

The staff officer lowered his head slightly to hide his red eyes.Kryptonians would not have such complex emotions because they are programmed from birth.

Every soldier is born a warrior who is not afraid of death!The staff officer is a very special existence. Although he is also artificially created, everything is not set up.

Therefore, he has a more flexible mind and can play the role of warrior, military, and technician at the same time.

The five people put their hands on him, and the golden energy flowed along their bodies and into the staff officer through their arms.

After a while, the staff officer fell back to the ground with the five mummies in his arms, used his thermal vision to burn a hole in the ground, and then put them in and buried them.

"You are all heroes of Krypton... I will win, I will definitely!" The staff officer raised his head, and the red light in his eyes turned to gold.

On the other side, Xia Yi ran to the Batcave again: "Bruce, we are in big trouble. There is a super powerful Kryptonian. Even I can't do anything to him."

Batman turned his back to Xia Yi and said calmly: "Let him come to me."

Meanwhile, Diana and Superman fought two Kryptonians in Metropolis, destroying most of the city.

Fiona punched Diana on the buckler, and Diana's feet made two dents in the ground.

This was the first time she encountered such a powerful female opponent. The combative nature of the Amazon warrior made her become more and more courageous as she fought, and she soon became excited.

Fiona looked at her with a serious face and asked, "What's so funny?"

This feeling is like when a beautiful girl meets a gangster, she gestures and performs a set of gangster exciting punches.

"You are a good opponent!" Diana put the round shield behind her back, took a step forward, and collided the two protective silver bracelets together, creating a strong energy shock wave.

Fiona was knocked away and vomited blood, and the other Kryptonian gradually fell into a disadvantage in the battle with Super.

Superman never thought about using skills to fight because his power was enough to change everything.

Therefore, when facing a Kryptonian with similar strength to yourself at the beginning, you will suffer more if the opponent has fighting skills.

But his learning ability is very strong, and he quickly learned the opponent's fighting techniques and began to counterattack.

Moreover, this Kryptonian is only close to him in terms of strength, but his real strength, speed, and defense are slightly inferior to him.

Fiona was sent flying and smashed through a truck parked on the road. She stood up again and flew into the sky. At the same time, she said to another Kryptonian: "Fly up! That woman can't fly faster than us. We can Defeat Kal-El first in air combat."

As soon as she finished speaking, the golden dog leash, no, the mantra lasso, immediately tied up Fiona.

Diana yanked hard and flew towards her, then she punched Fiona hard in the face.

After Fiona fell back to the ground, Wonder Woman forcibly took off her armor, leaving only a black bodysuit for body training.

When Xia Yi came here again, he shouted loudly in the sky above Gotham: "Who is that?! Lao Deng, who was beaten to the ground by me just now, come and beat me if you don't accept it. Let me tell you, my elder brother is covering this area. If you have the ability, Walk two rounds under him!”

"Don't believe it, my eldest brother was orphaned at the age of eight. Witnessing the death of his parents gave him powerful eye skills! An Amatras can burn you to ashes!"

Batman, who was listening through the communicator, clenched his fists and showed no expression on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about how to kill Xia Yi more cruelly.

I saw a golden stream of light coming to him instantly, and the commander was surrounded by a golden energy.

Xia Yi was frightened and took a step back: "Are you a super Kryptonian?!"

"What super Kryptonian?"

"It's eldest brother wants to see you, do you dare to come?"

The staff officer followed Xia Yi to the Bat Cave. As soon as he entered, the door was closed and the red sun light was immediately illuminated.

After the two fell back to the ground, Xia Yi kept taunting each other.

"No matter how crazy you are, you will no longer have the power, right?!"

The staff officer looked at the surrounding red sun lights with an expressionless face, and a golden heat vision burned all these lights in an instant.

"Is this your plan?"

"Fuck! Bruce, is there something wrong with your light bulb?"

Bruce stepped forward and said: "It's impossible, this guy has overcome this weakness."

The staff officer crossed his hands and looked at Batman: "You designed the kidnapping of General Zod and killed seven soldiers, right? If you surrender to us, I can make you a staff officer."

Then he looked at Xia Yi: "You seem surprised?"

Xia Yi swallowed: "Mi?Д?彡What do you want?!"

"You are also very capable. I will give you the same conditions. Surrender, and I will make you the new adjutant."

Neither Bruce nor Xia Yi spoke. The staff officer introduced himself: "My name is Ruila. I am the most powerful weapon and the last hope of Krypton. I am also a descendant of the God of Krypton."

Xia Yi's pupils shrank: "Ruo, the God of Krypton? He should have been dead for many years!"

"He died many years ago, but we have always preserved his genes, and finally he was born by mixing the genes of another powerful woman on Krypton."

"But hasn't Krypton always been averse to Cologne technology?"

"It's disgusting, almost a taboo on Krypton, but Krypton's top scientists and Zod have always wanted to restart this plan. This plan has been secretly going on for many years, and even thousands of people have failed."

"And I... am the only one who succeeded."

"They used most of Reo's remains to create me, and now the only remaining remains are inside Kal Ra'el."

Xia Yi looked at Ruila in surprise: "You mean...the remains of the central book are the remains of Ruiou, the God of Krypton?!"

"Not bad!"

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