Direct Bullet

Chapter 325: Power Gap!

Chapter 325 Power Gap!

East: Ori Capital

Not giving an inch as Subno 27 is relentless with his attacks as Ver has no room for error.

Charged up a good bit with his gunergy flowing, astonished at how the battle is going as Rint looks at Ver struggling, he states with his tone a little peeved, that idiot is playing around to much. He should know to get serious, this guy that just popped up on the scene is no joke.

Antsy with his eyes brimming with worry, piggy backing off Rint's statements, Pap says with a tinge of concern, your right Mr. Rint, I can tell the gap is wide between them because Mr. Ver still hasn't had time to fully recover.

Getting back to the battle after hearing out the spectators voicing their thoughts on what their witnessing. Still on scurry mode as Ver is dodging with caution in every move.

Pointing his right pistol as Subno comes in for another close quarters left punch, firing a shot with pride in his finger tip, Ver says, Piercing Bullet.

Exploding out of the chamber as it zips straight out of the barrel, hitting Subno right in the chest and combusting on impact, sliding back a couple feet as the distance has widen between them.

As the smoke settles, not even thinking his opponent has been defeated, Ver states as he sees a slightly singed Subno but no major damage, figures you would be able to withstand that. Looks like I'm really going to have to put out all the stops.

End of Chapter 325

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