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Chapter 314: War Orphan!

Chapter 314 War Orphan!

Open Seas: Ver's Ship: Poop Deck: Nighttime

Listening with still ears as Ver looks at Excela with his face blank, as she begins to talk about her past, taking in a little oxygen, now beginning to speak, Excela states, this path that I walk. Was not my ideal dream I wanted, especially when you have no one to guide you.

Keeping his eye contact focused on Excela's face, Ver responds with his phrasing subtle, let me guess again, you lost someone close to you.

Wafting her eyes away from Ver for one brief moment, having her hands squeezing each other, Excela states, yes... I lost my father in a terrible war in my country that's far from the region were in now.

And in losing the last piece of my life, I was abandoned and was forced into becoming a war orphan.

Quiet for a spell as Ver soaks it all in before coming up with a response, rising up from his seat, Ver says, I'm sorry that happened to you. Trust me I know a thing or two about having no one. But a war orphan that's tough, I can only imagine on what you must have gone through.

Answering back pretty quickly, Excela says, every day was just endless fighting...I've seen so much, and I shouldn't have seen it at such a tender age, because no kid should have to witness the cruelty of the world like I did.

But I'm done talking about this, it brings up too many crucial memories.

Respecting her claim as he says another peaceful word, Ver states, we can dead this convo. I don't want to pry, it's just not my style to ask too deep of questions, on matters that don't want to be answered.

Placing his hand up to his mouth as he yawns, continuing the flow of words that are being exchanged, Ver says, its rather late. But thank you for opening up about yourself, it gives me a better understanding of you. So off to sleep we go, we have a busy day tomorrow ok.

Stepping a foot back as Ver rotates his body in the direction of the doors on the poop deck, having nothing else to spew, Ver then takes his leave, watching the man with his cowboy hat tide on a piece of string attached around his neck bobbing up and down.

Muttering lightly to herself, Excela says in a whisper, I'll stay a little longer Ver, I just want to reflect some more.

End of Chapter 314

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