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Chapter 307: No Time for Rest!

Chapter 307 No Time for Rest!

Open Sea: Ver's Ship: Workout section on the ship

Socking a punching bag with passion and ferociousness in every swing, bandaged up on a majority of his body as Wink grits his teeth.

Sweating madly as he pushes his body as his muscles tense from contracting with each forceful movement, speaking out loud to himself as he is the only one in the training space, Wink let's out, I need to keep on improving. Just because I beat one of the eight Deadly's... it wasn't an easy thing when I could have just as well died.

In his head so much as his anger starts to well up, right as Wink is about to unleash a power blow to the crying punching bag with his right, hearing the noise as Ver enters the warm area, he states with his hands snuggled in his red slim leather jacket, easy their Wink. You should be resting, especially after the injury you got after your little incursion.

Halting his fist just shy of the bag, rotating his body slowly to see Ver standing at the door, commenting back after relinquishing a slight sigh, Wink says, I can't rest. There's only going to be more powerful people we are going to come across, I'm just preparing myself.

Calm in his whole expression and even body language as Ver leisurely steps toward Wink, having the floor to speak once again, Ver states, I get it you want to keep improving and reach the level of me and Rint, but you just had a tough battle Wink. You need to let your body heal, because if you don't, you'll do much more harm than good.

Now only a couple inches away from Wink as Ver's red Ruby eyes show compassion but also concern, staring at him with his face motioning into an expression of self-pity, Wink responds, I... I know. But I want to surpass you and everyone on this ship. I need to keep growing.

Placing his left hand on Wink's right shoulder, smirking just a tad to lighten the mood of the current feelings in the air, Ver says in a teacher esc way, you'll grow. But you can't force it, sometimes rest and patience is the best option to achieve a certain goal you set out for. Now do me a favor and rest for a good couple days, because since we don't know where the 4th 8 Deadly is, I need everyone in tip top shape for more struggles. Got it.

Leering his sight down with his face sullen, Wink retorts back, fine I'll rest. 

End of Chapter 307

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