Direct Bullet

Chapter 297: To Much Potential!

Chapter 297 To Much Potential!

Random Island:


Going toe to toe with Diya still as we have been trying to kill each other for the last couple of hours now.

Still on high for the most part as my gunergy is still enveloping me, but the draw back is my Omega Scope Eye is slowly draining me.

Raging like a whiny toddler as Diya is still lively even after I did some pretty good damage to the kid, bolting at me like a wild canine with rabies, not letting him just come to me, I to blitz forth toward the crybaby.

Closer in distance now as we both fire off high velocity shots at each other, firing and dodging as we have an epic shoot out, I state aloud with annoyance surfaced in my tone, this fight has gone on long enough kid. The more we keep doing this the more upset I think your getting, and with the gunergy your dishing out right now, I think I have no choice but to put you down.

Done with stating how I feel about this situation, I then take the initiative to move in close to end this tedious bout, slipping passed bullet after bullet as my Omega Scope Eye amplifies my movements even more so then before.

Feeling the pulsing strain of my little perk to handle this, up in Diya's bubble as I'm face to face with the overly loud teen, instantly seeing pivotal points to strike, I fire 5 shots point blank at Diya, somehow able to dodge the first two as they were aimed at his skull, but by the grace of god, Diya wasn't able to dodge the last three aimed at both his knees and right shoulder.

Once penetrated by my hot projectiles, Diya is render immobile for a moment, not giving into savoring this opportunity, I then pistol whip the hell out of the boy with all my strength.

Slamming the muzzle of my right pistol in his face with so much pressure, the boy surprisingly conks out as his gunergy instantaneously evaporates on the spot.

Still alive as I catch the boy with one arm, I state while breathing hard, I'm undecided if I should kill you, because, you have too much potential.

End of Chapter 297

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