Developed A SCP Foundation Game

Chapter 99: Chapter : 98 : Evil Cowbell

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Thank You, "Alberto Catalan", "Jordan Hayes" and "Elder_Entity", For Becoming A Member On My Pa'treon. The Emperor Protect.


The room size is small. On the left is the card-swiping metal door, and behind it should be the Containment Chamber of SCP-513.

"Can a Level 3 keycard get in?" Brit was pondering this when Kiwo's voice came beside him: "There are files here."

Looking back, he found that Kiwo was standing next to the right shelf, holding a file, and the group surrounded her. As expected, the file contained detailed information on SCP-513.

[SCP-513, "A Cowbell"]

[Object Class: Euclid]

[Description: Physically, SCP-513 is an unremarkable, rusty cowbell. No marks or engravings are visible on its surface due to the substantial corrosion. Attempts to remove the rust chemically or mechanically have been unsuccessful.

SCP-513 was recovered by Agent ██████ while carrying out Containment Reestablishment Procedure Mu at Site-██. SCP-513's clapper was firmly held in place by several strips of duct tape. A single scrap of paper was found along with SCP-513 (see Addendum).

Any noise produced by SCP-513 immediately induces strong anxiety in all sentient beings who hear it, regardless of their previous mental status. Exposure victims report feelings of being watched by an unseen entity and present elevated heart rates and blood pressure. Roughly one hour after exposure, victims begin to catch glimpses of SCP-513-1 when opening doors, walking past mirrors, turning their heads, or performing any other actions that result in a sudden change in visual perception. Upon being sighted, SCP-513-1 reportedly turns away and runs out of view before disappearing without a trace. Questioning of bystanders indicates that SCP-513-1 is invisible to those who have not been exposed to SCP-513.

Sightings of SCP-513-1 recur every 14 to 237 minutes. This "stalking" behavior inevitably causes extreme sleep deprivation, as victims are frequently disturbed by SCP-513-1's presence in their quarters. Victims can fall asleep before SCP-513-1's appearance and report being physically assaulted by it. Upon awakening, SCP-513-1 flees as usual (see Experiment Log 513). This sleep deprivation, along with the mental stress caused by SCP-513-1's behavior, invariably induces paranoia, aggression, hypervigilance, and depression. All test cases but one have ended with the test subject's suicide.

Descriptions of SCP-513-1's appearance are largely unreliable. Test subjects are unable to provide complete accounts of sightings due to their exhaustion, degraded mental health, and disruptive hypervigilance. However, all interrogations thus far indicate that SCP-513-1 is a tall, emaciated humanoid with abnormally large hands.]

The group quickly finished reading the file, and they were surprised.

"Is this a cowbell? It's so insane."

"Oops, I'm getting goosebumps out of nowhere..."

"The items in the Foundation are bizarre."

"I dare not go in..."


The streamers felt nervous, and the chat was frantically typing at that moment:

"I'm starting to be afraid..."

"Although I am terrified, I dare to wonder what that entity is like."

"Bro, curiosity killed the cat."

"Brit, be careful; don't touch the cowbell..."

"It's so creepy! The things in the Foundation are evil."


They hesitated for a while, and finally, Brit said, "This thing is really weird, but we still have to go in and have a look. After all, there is no other way; we can't turn around and go back, right?"

The others nodded. Although a little scared, they knew they couldn't avoid it.

"Why don't I do it? Isn't 'A Bad Composition' also a Cognitohazard? I survived it, so this should be fine. Give me the keycard; I'll go," Vale suggested.

Brit thought about it and didn't object. Vale's mental resistance is stronger than that of the others, so it's safest for him to go.

"Be careful." Brit handed the keycard to Vale.

Vale waved his hand and smiled. "Don't worry, and this card may not be able to open this door. If not, we have to go back."

Then, the four of them left the room and went to the Tesla Gate. To ensure safety, all the doors connecting the passage to the room were closed. After all, the transmission of sound is powerful, so taking extra precautions is prudent.

After Brit left, Vale was the only one remaining in the small room.

"Viewers, I'm going in!" Vale took a deep breath, held the keycard with his only remaining hand, and swiped it lightly.

After a beep, the metal door opened.

"It's open," Vale muttered and then cautiously stepped into the containment room.

He felt a little apprehensive; after all, what they were facing was strange and unknown. No one could remain calm.

After entering, Vale looked around and then opened his eyes wide. "Whoa, what happened here?"

Vale was surprised. He saw that the size of the entire containment room was not small, and in the depths, there was a platform with a strange, transparent colloid-like substance on it. The transparent colloid had been damaged, revealing a rusty cowbell inside.

The most important thing is that there was a large hole in the concrete wall not far from the table. It looked like a sizeable hole had been knocked out by something, leaving a substantial amount of concrete debris on the ground.

"Sh*t... What kind of monster did this..." Vale was stunned.

He subconsciously approached the table and carefully examined the hole in the wall. Having just read the file on SCP-513, the first thing that came to Vale's mind upon seeing this hole was the unknown entity.


The viewers shared the same thought:

"Damn it! If that entity did it, wouldn't it..."


"Vale, be careful! You must not touch that cowbell!"

"I love this so much; it's full of surprises! Hahaha..."


Vale looked at the hole, noting that it was big enough for an adult to pass through. Behind the hole was a passage that seemed to lead to nowhere.

"Everyone, it seems that there is no way to go here, except through this containment room," Vale said.

Then his gaze focused on the table beside him. On that table, there was indeed a strange transparent colloid, and in the hole of the colloid, SCP-513 was embedded in it. The bell was fixed in place by some of the colloid, preventing it from moving.

"It looks like there should be no danger..." Vale muttered.

Then he noticed a worn-out note on the ground next to the table. Vale squatted down, frowning as he examined it. Some handwriting was visible on the little note.

Although it appeared very old and looked like it was written a long time ago, it was still legible:

[You've seen it. Now he can hear you.

You've touched it. Now he can see you.

Never ring it. If you hear it, he can touch you.]

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