Detective: Start with capturing and retrieving the dog

Chapter 212

Chapter 212
The area of ​​Mount Wutou is very large. In addition, the victim lost his way on the mountain with supplies and may have gone to a very deep place. This search may last for a long time.

According to Qin Yi, they had been up the mountain for about five hours when they found Chu Yunxi.

Even if they walked faster in a straight line, it would take more than two hours to arrive at the place where Chu Yunxi was discovered. In addition, they would have to search for clues, and it might take even more time.

So before going up the mountain, they prepared a day's worth of food, water and a compass, just in case.

After coming to Mount Wutou, I don’t know if it’s because it’s cloudy today or because of the serial murder case last time, which enveloped the place in a gloomy atmosphere, as if in a horror movie, which makes people’s spines tremble. cold.

"Okay, let's check things one last time and get ready to go up the mountain." Han Xin said with a sigh.

"Should I bring an umbrella? It looks like it's going to rain..." Zhao Linshan muttered.

"You'd better pray that it doesn't rain, otherwise our plan this time will be in vain." Han Xin pinched her face.

Originally, it had been three days since Chu Yunxi was found, and the traces left behind might almost disappear. If there is another rain at this time, then there is no need to rely on the traces left on the scene to find Liu Yuhao.

In order to prevent this from happening, the four immediately went up the mountain and started to advance at full speed.

The good news is that the four people who went up the mountain are all in good health.Zhao Linshan has run a marathon, Qin Yi often goes to the gym with Liu Yuhao, and Yang Jingyu is a criminal policeman, so their progress is still very fast.

Moreover, there are many search and rescue teams, and the traces left behind are very clear, so we can be sure that they are going the right way.

"How could someone come to this kind of mountain to play survival in the wilderness?" Zhao Linshan muttered while climbing the mountain.

"Hide the corpse on this mountain, and the corpse-hunting dogs can't find it." Han Xin explained, "This mountain is so large, without the help of corpse-hunting dogs, it is impossible for normal people to find the corpse. It may have been decades.”

Qin Yi started cursing: "So that bitch really planned it from the beginning!"

"This still depends on the evidence." Yang Jingyu persuaded, "She is only suspected now."

"Yeah, the trouble is still to come." Han Xin sighed with a headache, "Even if the body is found, how to find evidence that your brother died at her hands is still a big problem."

Their progress was very fast, and after an hour and a half, they arrived at the place where they found Chu Yunxi.

When we got here, the number of footprints suddenly decreased, because one part of the search and rescue personnel took Chu Yunxi down the mountain, and the rest spread out from here to search and rescue, continuing to search for Liu Yuhao's whereabouts.

"Finally arrived at the place." Han Xin said out of breath with his waist thrust into his waist, "Take a break and drink some water."

Taking advantage of the rest time, Han Xin looked around, and then sighed in disappointment: There was nothing.

After all, too much time has passed, and members of the rescue team continued to search afterwards, polluting the traces of the scene.Han Xin couldn't tell which traces were left by Liu Yuhao and which ones were left by the rescue team.

At this point, it seems to be a dead end, but Han Xin has one last solution that is not a solution: since there are no clues to follow, then simply rely on logical reasoning to judge.

While this method may not be that accurate, it's the only option right now.

"When you found Chu Yunxi, which direction did she come from? Is there anything unusual?" Han Xin turned to Qin Yi and asked, "What's wrong? Any details are fine."

"She came from there at that time." Qin Yi pointed to the southeast direction and said, "It's not that I want to doubt. When we found her, she had no problems at all, and explained to us clearly what happened. The doctor took her to The examination only said that he was mildly dehydrated and malnourished, and he could recover after a few days of rest, how could this be like getting lost in the mountains?"

"Slight dehydration?" Han Xin frowned: Judging from the previous situation, the two only brought fresh water up the mountain for one day.

If you divide one day's water into three days and drink it, it will definitely not be mild dehydration, but severe dehydration.

At this time, the human body loses 10% of its body weight in water, and the skin will become dry, and too little water in the body will cause cell dehydration. Dehydration of brain cells will cause unclear thinking, muscle twitching, etc. It is impossible to explain things on the spot. cause and effect.

"She must have found a water source on the mountain. If she came to the wilderness to survive, she would definitely choose a place with water source, otherwise she would not be able to survive at all." Han Xin explained, "Is there any water on Wutou Mountain? Rivers or streams? "

"Yes!" Yang Jingyu said, taking out the map, "Look, we are here now. There is a small stream in Wutou Mountain. But it does not flow to the foot of the mountain, and there is no stream halfway up the mountain. ”

"Then let's cross the place where there is no signal and the place where there is fresh water..." Han Xin said, drawing a circle on the map, "This is the area. Survival in the wilderness is definitely more convenient to survive near fresh water. Then we are here .”

Han Xin said, taking their current area as the starting point, and then following the direction Chu Yunxi came from, connecting to the area with no signal beside the creek, and confirming the direction.

"Let's go, let's go this way." Han Xin pointed in the direction and said.

"Oh, as expected, aimless search and rescue is still not enough, it should be much faster like this." Yang Jingyu couldn't help sighing.

Han Xin shook his head: "Not necessarily, maybe members of the search and rescue team have already searched that area, but they didn't find it because they were looking for people. But I'm looking for clues, maybe I can find something." The goal, so their progress is quite fast, but you can only know it when you really walk in the mountains. It is really easy to get lost in this kind of place.

Every place looks similar. I don’t know if I have been to this place before. As long as I have doubts in my heart and choose to turn back or turn, I will be completely lost in the mountains.

It is difficult to get out of this place without a compass and a map.

After walking for more than an hour, everyone stopped to eat something, and then moved on.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, Han Xin raised his head and sniffed: "The smell of dampness is the smell of water..."

Continue to move forward, and after about 10 minutes, a small stream appeared in front of you.

This really can only be regarded as a small stream, its width is only more than one meter, and it is probably the groundwater gushing from the spring on the mountain.

But relying on this water, Chu Yunxi and Liu Yuhao can survive smoothly.

And here is where the problem lies, since there is fresh water, even if Liu Yuhao gets lost and cannot go down the mountain, he can still live for seven days.A person can live for a month without water and food. If no person can be found, they are probably killed and buried.

I took out my mobile phone and looked at it. When I got here, there was no signal.

"Let's go, let's look around." Han Xin said, turning on his eagle eye sight and scanning around.

There were no highlights at the scene, probably the wrong place.But it doesn't matter, as long as you walk upstream along the creek, sooner or later you will find the traces left by Liu Yuhao and Chu Yunxi at the scene.

As they moved forward, the stream gradually became wider and deeper, and some small fish and shrimps could even be seen swimming in the water.

Finally, after traveling upstream for about 10 to [-] minutes, Han Xin found a large number of bright spots on a bank.

"Look, here are the traces of a bonfire." Han Xin pointed to the circle of dents and ashes on the ground and explained, "It should be a simple bonfire made of stones surrounded by a circle. They must have camped here."

"Indeed, look here, it's obviously much cleaner than other places." Yang Jingyu pointed to the place opposite the campfire, and there was a trace on the ground that had much less fallen leaves than other places. "It must be a tent set up here."

Han Xin looked around, then closed his eyes, allowing the crime scene to be restored in his mind.

Liu Yuhao and Chu Yunxi chose this place as their campsite, and they worked together to set up the tent and light the fire.

In the case of water, it is actually not difficult to survive here. Picking some fruits around and catching some fish in the water can provide a little food.But what Liu Yuhao didn't expect was that Chu Yunxi was actually just waiting for an opportunity.

In the process of surviving in the wild, Liu Yuhao must give priority to taking care of Chu Yunxi, so that she can eat and drink enough, which may lead to his own lack of food and become weak.

And Chu Yunxi was waiting for this moment.

On the third day, Liu Yuhao became much weaker because he hadn't eaten for three days.Taking advantage of his unprepared opportunity, Chu Yunxi brutally killed him, then cleaned up the scene and disposed of the body.

The tents and survival tools at the scene must have been buried somewhere, and the blood-stained clothes were probably burned directly.

But what about the corpse?How could a weak woman take such a big person away and bury her?
Han Xin opened his eyes and said to himself, "She dismembered Liu Yuhao's body and disposed of it piece by piece. Otherwise, how could she, a weak woman who weighs less than 160 jin, be able to move Liu Yuhao who weighs more than [-] jin?"

Speaking of this, Han Xin suddenly said: "The corpses are scattered all over the mountain, so the corpse dogs are confused!"

"This woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions actually... did such a thing!" Qin Yi was stunned at the time.

"Don't worry, these are just inferences, and we still need to find evidence." Han Xin explained, and then looked around: such a big mountain, where would she hide the body?

Is there any place the police will never go looking for?
Thinking of this, Han Xin had a flash of inspiration, and all the causes and consequences instantly made sense.

He snapped his fingers and suddenly said, "It's the place where Sun Guosheng hid the body before! She chopped up Liu Yuhao's body and buried it inside!"

(Monthly ticket thanks list is as follows)
 Thanks for the feeling of anger, it’s not my fault that I like novels, the old bookworm shadow, Shuyou 20220731083447447, Shuyou 100426081025115, book friend 202304191748001, book friend 20200221222952481 monthly pass.

  Thanks to book friends 20170403184218044, Shanlin in the Palm, Flying Ideals, Self-exile, Taozhangliu, Happy Old Funny, Chicken Drumstick Package, 2 monthly tickets for frozen water and fire.

  Thank you Hope, ABCDE, Five-Year-Old Bookworm, Shuyou 406, and Wind Fairy for the 4 monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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