Demon God

Chapter 91: Status!

In this room that was composed of woods and more woods, Desire opened his eyes slowly.

Desire was feeling a little bit dizzy when his consciousness returned.

What's more, Desire didn't even know what happened or when did he lose his consciousness.

That was why he was also confused when all he could see was...darkness.

Right, all Desire could see was darkness, and he couldn't even see himself.

However, that darkness soon faded as his eyes adjusted to it.

After all, Desire had the skill of night vision. Although it only had the weakest grade, it was still night vision.

And what he saw was just wood. 

"What happened...?" Desire spoke as he looked left and right.

But there was nothing that could be described that was different from wood.

When Desire looked down, he also found out that he was sleeping on wood.

It was just wood, and that was why Desire decided to stand up.

After all, he didn't know what happened or why he is here. 

It might get dangerous if he stayed in this place for more time than necessary.

If Desire was here because he somehow got caught up in a battle or even enemies, staying here is definitely not the best decision to make.

However, when Desire moved his body, he soon found out was heavy.

His body was so heavy that he couldn't move.

And because of this, Desire's confusion got to another level.

"Hmm. What the hell happened?" Desire asked as he rested his head on the bed.

It was made out of wood, but the bed was comfortable for Desire.

It actually felt like it was tailor-made for him.

Desire then closed his eyes as he tried hard to remember.

With the help of his Heavenly Demon Trait, Desire was able to remember any detail about something if he had his consciousness at the time of an event.

And Desire knew that he was just talking to Jarina before the lapse in his memories happened.

However, no matter how much Desire thought about it, he couldn't remember any single thing that happened.

He couldn't even remember any sensation that made him pass out, and that was weird.

Why? It was because Desire was even able to feel that something chopped him up when Grizelle knocked him out.

And for him not to even remember what made him pass out, it was just weird for Desire as he thought about it.

"I was talking with Jarina..."

That was the only thing Desire could remember. It isn't every day that Desire forgets about something.

Desire then thought to check things with his Unknown. Although Desire was still in an unsafe place, he still didn't feel like it.

His instincts were not kicking in, and he was even feeling familiar with the place.

That was why he wasn't panicking and was just relaxed about it.

It was then that Unknown finally appeared in front of Desire.

It was just the status page.


[Name: Desire]

[Race: Human]

[Monster Rank: First]

[Human Rank: First]

[Traits: Heavenly Demon Trait]

[Title: None]

[Divine Protection: Cannot be identified]

[Special Status]

-Current Progress with the unification with water: 15%

-Current Progress with the unification with fire: 0%

-Desire's Vessel has been balanced by the Heavenly Demon Trait. Because of how immense Desire's Vessel is, Desire will feel a bit dizzy and won't be himself for hours. 


-Do not expose your mana to the flames of the Fire Princess.

-The Heavenly Demon Trait won't have to balance Desire's Vessel if your mana is not exposed.

Desire read what the Unknown said just once, and he quickly tilted his head.

What was new to his status was the new ones that mention Desire's Vessel has been balanced by the Heavenly Demon Trait.

After all, Desire couldn't feel anything that has been affected by Unknown at all.

However, Desire did remember the warning that Unknown has set out for Desire.

And that was when Desire let out some of his mana when Grizelle was doing her thing.

"Did I pass out because of that?" Desire said as he thought about it.

Desire didn't have anything wrong with him even though he was warned by the Unknown.

However, there was another possibility, and that was the effect was just late to him.

After all, he was even able to talk to Jarina before his memory lapse.

'It's more than likely.'

Desire thought that there was something that happened to him while he was talking to Jarina.

And that could be found out by asking Jarina.

He also concluded that this place was something that Jarina prepared for him when he was out.

Although Desire didn't know why his vessel had to be balanced, it didn't matter right now.

What mattered was sorting out things.

'What does this line, I won't be myself, mean?'

Desire read the line that he won't be himself. After all, it was just bizarre.

How could Desire not be Desire? 

However, when Desire put a little more thought into it, he then realized what it was about.

'So, this is why I don't remember anything.'

That line meant that his trait, Heavenly Demon, won't be working for hours.

What made Desire connect the line to his trait was the fact that he couldn't remember any sensation or happenings.

'Advice, huh. I wonder why it happened to me.'

Desire didn't really know what happened to him, but he wondered about why it happened to him.

Was it because his mana was tempered by the flames of the fire princess? 

Well, that was all Desire could think of any possible reasons as that was what Unknown listen for him.

"But...if me letting out my mana in that kind of situation was the reason, then it's weird. After all, it is something normal."

Even if Desire's mana were to come into contact with something or some element, it would have been fine.

After all, it was normal.

However, for it to happen at that time, that could only mean one thing.

"Do I...have a connection with that woman?"

Desire thought that he had a connection with the woman who produced the flames, Grizelle.


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