Dead Star Dockyards

086 Manama and Pinishi

The ringing of pots and pans falling followed the little girl's disappearance, which was consequently followed by a string of cursing. Curses and a general feeling of a bad mood streamed from that region of the building. Eventually they died down, and a woman with features almost identical to the little girl's emerged from the kitchen door.

By any standard a beautiful woman, her greenish brown hair complementing her aquamarine eyes with a striking figure, if a bit plump in places. Her olive skin further augmented her charm, though at the moment it seemed to be covered in some soot and grime. Clearly she didn't use her beauty as an excuse to not perform dirty work.

"Sorry 'bout that folks, how can I help y'all."

"Was that... southern drawl?" Diana was in shock. She had no idea that accents could carry through split.

"She likes to sound like that, it isn't too uncommon for the more eccentric individuals in society in order to give themselves a more recognizable image." The Librarian accurately assessed the source of Diana's confusion, and addressed it accordingly.

"Lemme guess, didn't think the kiddy could handle ya? Or was there something more ya needed?" She wiped some of the mess from her forehead onto her apron, clearing the sweat from her eyes as she went. "Gosh, it's already noon! Pinishi! Why didn't you tell me it was already so late?"

"Because you always scold me for interrupting you during work momma!" The girl, Pinishi, snapped back at her mother from the side.

Her mother took a short breath, as if she was preparing to scold her, only to realize the irony of what she was about to do. "Well, uh, go hang out the sign sayin we're closed then dearie, and get yourself prepared to go out. What time did your daddy say he was gettin back with Rize?" 

"He said two hours when he left."

"An when did he leave?"

"A while ago."

The mother waited a few seconds to see if she would be told anything more, only for Pinishi to stare at her blankly. "Alright, well, get to. You know what to do now right?"

"Yes momma." Her footsteps pattered up to the front door, where she struggled to get it open.

"Now I know I just sent li'l Pinishi there to go close shop, but I don't have plans ta leave y'all with empty stomachs. So-" As she turned back around and got a good look at her customers, her jaw dropped, "is that you Shishti?"

"I can't think of anyone else I could be."

"No way! It's been YEARS!" She shuffled around the table as fast as she could. "Come here, I need to hug ya. C'mere." Once reaching him, she hugged him rather violently and planted a solid thirteen kisses on his cheek.

"Calm down Manama, please, I'm still recovering from the stress."

"Oh no no no, you don't get to use that excuse, especially not now! You don't know how long I've stressed over you being gone Shishti. Do you have any idea how Kilm has pined for you to get back? I swear a day never goes by where he isn't moaning about not having his old drinking buddy around."

The Captain, Shishti, could only stand there and take her affectionate abuse. A few minutes would be all it would take. When she finally let him free from her embrace, his front was dirty.

"Oh, sorry. Was, was that an important shirt?"

"No. I expected something like this to happen so I removed my coat."

"Do you need me to wash it?" She was grimacing in embarrassment, her accent gone.

"Have you improved to the point where you won't rip something off?"

"Hey! That was easily fifteen years ago!" Manama was indignant, but she was only met with an unimpressed gaze. "I haven't, no."

"Then I'll wash it myself." Shishti began to take off his shirt, revealing a second, thinner shirt underneath.

Manama's embarrassment only grew. She should have been used to this, she knew about his habits, but the fact that he could read her like a book even after ten years didn't do wonders for her pride. "So, who are all of you? I can't imagine you having them tag along if they weren't important."

"I'm sure you've heard about the Scholar here, he was but a young officer when we left on our voyage, now a slightly older officer,"


"She's someone important,"

"Please, call me Granny Szi."

"And those two are the last surviving Terrans."

"Diana, the pleasure is mine."

"I'm Donovan, the same."

The mention of their unique status drew an empathetic frown from Manama. "Oooh, poor babies!" She shuffled over to them to give them a hug, just to be stopped by the Captain. She was still dirty, and those were nice clothes. "What can I do for you two?"

"A meal would be a good start." Diana made a quick quip to lighten up the mood again. This was a reunion, a jovial occasion, she couldn't let their burdens drag them down.

"Hmhmhmhm, I can do that. Any preferences?" She wasn't fully back to her elated state, but she was better seeing that they had come to terms with their situation. "I was hoping to get off with gettin' y'all something lighter so I could get all prettied up, but something tells me we won't be leavin' for a while."

"Whatever tastes good ma'am."

"Well that ain't very specific now is it?" Manama put her hands on her hips at Donovan's request.

"I think he would prefer a meal heavy in meats." Diana picked up Donovan's slack. "I think I'd like something a little lighter though, maybe fruits and pastries?"

"Pastries? You might have ta wait a little fer those, but I can getcha a fruit platter and some eggs. I know ya got a figure you wanna maintain, but you need the nutrients now more than ever." She retied the apron around her waist. "I don't know when you're gonna start, but trust me when I say that babies take quite the toll on ya. If ya ain't got the proper nutrients for the baby, it won't grow right. What do you two want?"

Her words instantly caused Diana to turn bright pink, the nonchalance in the way shifted to requesting the other two's order only added to this.

"I'd like something with more fruits and vegetables, a salad perhaps, though I would not object to a small cut of meat on the side. Heavier foods are kind of hard on this old lady's body."

"No problem granny. Would a sandwich wrap with a side of fruit salad appeal to your tastes?" The Librarian nodded, pleased with the suggestion. "Alright, how 'bout you Scholar?"

"I'll have whatever the Captain has."

"Alright then sweethearts, I'll be back in about a half an hour or so."

Just as she was about to turn back, the Captain stopped her. "Hold on! You didn't ask me what I wanted."

"Don't need to Shishishi, you only ever order the same thing. Pinishi, keep your uncle Shishti company while I cook em lunch 'kay?"

- - - - -

"Who are you again mister?" Pinishi had been sitting on the Captain's lap for a good five minutes, listening in on their conversation, completely clueless as to why this person should be important to her. "Are you momma's brother or papa's brother?" 

"Your daddy's, probably. We aren't related by blood, but instead forged a bond while in the naval academy." He moved a hand to pat her on the head. "I was the one who introduced your daddy to your mommy."

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because I felt like it was the right thing to do. You know how crazy your dad is right?"


"You know how strange your mom is don't you?"


"Well I saw that and thought, 'Boy, they would sure look nice together, and it sure would get Kilm off my case sometimes.' So I went ahead and did it."

Pinishi giggled. "Really? That's funny!"

"Isn't it? But it was also kind of smart wasn't it? Aren't your mommy and daddy very happy together?"

"They are!" Pinishi laughed and hugged the Captain. "Thank you uncle, uncle, uh..."


"Thank you uncle Shrishri!"

The Captain was amused at her pronunciation, it must have been hard for someone raised in a household with heavy accenting in their split. "Uncle Shi is fine, Pinishi. Your brother used to call me that too."

"You know Rize?"

"I was there when he was born."

"Were you there when I was born?"

"I'm afraid I wasn't able to make it."

"Why not?" She seemed a little bit disappointed.

"I was away on a loooooong voyage, I only got back recently."

"How long?"

"Ten years, longer than you've been alive little Pinishi. Longer than I would've liked."

The little girl thought about it for a bit. She was satisfied with the answer, but she felt she didn't know enough. "Why?"

"To save those two from death." He pointed to Donovan and Diana, concealing from her a pleading face. His intention was easy to understand, and the two of them waved back to her. "It was a very long and boring journey, but I think it was worth it. Do you think so too?"

Pinishi waved back to them and looked them over for a bit, thinking about how she should respond. "The lady is really pretty and looks kind, and the man looks really scary but seems like he might be nice, so yeah. I think it was worth it too!"

- - - - -

"Oh my god I want one, now." Diana was positively infatuated with the little girl. She was cute, well mannered, and smart. Diana couldn't help but whisper her desires into Donovan's ear. She knew Donovan had been joking about not kidnapping her earlier, but she really was tempted to give it a shot right now.

Her whispers caused Donovan to take hold of her wrist, pull her over to him and plant a kiss right on her lips. "Calm down, Diana. We'll get to that in the future. For now just enjoy watching."

She really wanted to hit him right now, but couldn't bring herself to. The Scholar and Captain had mild surprise plastered on their faces while the Librarian gave the two of them a knowing look, but Pinishi was staring at the two of them with eyes wide in awe.

"Lady, are you a princess?"

It was an innocent question from an innocent child. There was a solid chance that she had been told a great many bedtime stories, the same as Diana had, and envisioned her to be a princess on account of her physical appearance. Diana wanted to say no out of honesty, but it wasn't exactly wrong at this point. At the same time she wanted to be treated like a princess in one of those stories, by a prince named Donovan. 

"Yes, I think that's right."

"WOW!" She was giddy with glee. "Then, then, then does that make you the Prince? Or, or are you a villain?"

"He's my prince, my knight in shining armor." Diana had no clue that armor was completely out of fashion.

"He doesn't look like a prince." That line roused a laugh out of those sitting at the table, Donovan included.

"Well little Pinishi, tell me, what would you prefer? Would you like a handsome prince who can't save you from the villain? Or would you like a scary prince who could handle your issues with ease?"

Pinishi sank into though, again. She scrunched her eyebrows and put her hands to her cheeks. Just to sway her opinion, Donovan gently pulled Diana down into a better position to snog her from, much to Diana's chagrin. It seemed to work, and some of Pinishi's frustration vanished.

"I want a scary prince who can save me." She made it sound as if she had always thought like that, as if she was staunch in her belief.

In return, she got a pat on the head from the Captain. "Good girl. At the end of the day, it is more important for you to find a man who can protect you rather than one who looks nice at a party. However, do you know what the most important aspect of your prince must be?"

"No, I don't."

"He has to love you. It doesn't matter if he can protect you if he doesn't choose to."

"YOU AIN'T HITTIN ON MAH DAUGHTER ARE YA SHI?" Despite being in the kitchen, Manama's voice was still very loud. That said, it wasn't an angry shout. She had only raised her voice so that they could hear her.

"No Mana, if anything I'm giving her important advice for when all the boys eventually come crawling for her hand." The Captain only raised his voice slightly louder than normal. Moving his head back towards Pinishi, he whispered, "Make sure you don't turn out like your mother, okay?"

Pinishi giggled, understanding just how crude and unladylike her mother could be. "I'll try uncle Shi."

"Good girl." He ruffled her curly hair just as a bell on the front door began to chime. "Now if I'm not mistaken, that's probably your poppa coming in."

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