Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 957: A powerful Weapon

A particular place had been selected by the trio of travelers, a small city that was located on the border between the Demonic Faction and the Dark Faction. The reason for picking this place was quite simple.

One, it was quite close and was an area that they would have to pass through if they wanted to head to the Dark Faction anyway. As for the second reason, it was all because of Liam's information gathering.

According to him, one of the places where the strange deaths had occurred was this particular city, a place where the Lethal Bite Clan once was and still was. According to the report, Raze had also been a part of the mission here.

Which made them wonder if anything was found. There were many instances where the three of them were away from Raze, and they didn't really know what he had been up to, other than the reports that would come from the Golden News once in a while.

When they entered the town, it didn't take long for them to ask for a meeting with the current mayor and head of the Lethal Bite Clan, Harbour, who was also Lisa's brother, the previous head of the Lethal Bite Clan.

Due to their positions in the academy, and the fateful day when Raze had taken his position on the stage, Safa and the others' presence had become well known throughout the academy.

They had entered the old Lethal Bite Clan base that was positioned on top of a giant staircase, and made their way into one of the meeting rooms where Harbour was sitting behind a rectangular table.

He wasn't the only one present, as there were three more individuals there.

"You're Bargo, from the Moon Shield Clan, right?" Liam asked as his system was the one that actually notified him. He also was a person that had turned sides and helped them face the rest of the Dark Faction.

"I am indeed. I frequently visit this city, and when I heard that you were coming, I felt like I had no choice but to greet you as well," Bargo said.

Their heads then turned to the third person in the room, as they were unsure about who this individual was.

"I'm Graft," the man introduced himself. "I'm from Alter… or at least I would like to say I was from Alter."

Safa and the others were on guard immediately. It wasn't so long ago that they had been tasked with getting rid of all of those from Alter in the Dark Faction, so they wondered if this was a setup of some kind.

With two clan leaders in the room as well, it wouldn't be an easy task if there were more of them.

"Calm down, Raze knows both of these individuals," Harbour explained. "Besides, Graft had helped Raze quite a bit in the past, and his squad are good friends with Himmy and his group. They are ready to give whatever information is needed."

"Which is why I have given them a safe place to rest. I'm sure Raze will be grateful, and you are free to report to him about this matter whenever you wish."

Harbour also would have received the order about eliminating the Alter clans, and Graft and his squad would have been placed in a tricky situation. They didn't have much choice to pick sides and they had eventually picked the current side.

"Actually, it might be good that he is here as well," Safa stated. "We wanted to ask you, according to our information, Himmy and his squad were tasked with a special investigation in this town. To locate an unknown group of deaths that had appeared here, do you know what happened?"

Bargo and Harbour looked at each other; they knew the full extent of the entire report well, and Bargo was there in person to see it all.

"Right, I remember reading those files," Graft replied. "I believe what had happened was another Alter group was investigating and ended up being killed as well. Himmy and his group were chosen to investigate just in case it was related to their case."

"Ah, so that's what brought them here," Harbour added. "Things are making some sense. I'll give you what information I know but I don't know if it will help you much. One of the elders within the Lethal Bite Clan was conducting particular experiments."

"They were sacrificing people to summon something, and in the end it appeared as if the summoning had succeeded. I don't quite know what or who, or what happened, but Raze seemed to deal with it."

Safa was a bit disappointed by the answer. The first place they had arrived, had they already hit a dead end? Was it actually unrelated to all of the other cases after all?

"However, I did look into things a bit more. You see, it turns out that the elder of the Lethal Bite Clan had a particular weapon with him. A powerful weapon that would allow him to heal. It was a glowing sword with this beaming energy."

"The man was almost unkillable, but Raze dealt with him again."

"Smoking balls," Liam said. "How many things did Raze go through, and doesn't that weapon sound like Safa's weapon as well, the one she has?"

"That weapon, I learned, actually belonged to a group that was here—the Rylon Religion, the church. They had ordered several Wanderers to get the weapon back from Raze, but he had dealt with them swiftly as well."

"After I had learned of this, I asked all of the members to leave this town. I couldn't find out what their link was with the elder of the Lethal Bite Clan, but the Rylon religion is a large organization covering the entirety of the Dark Faction, so getting them to leave was the best thing I could do," Harbour explained.

Although the case at first seemed unrelated, once again, the same link that Liam had found had appeared—the group known as the Rylon religion. Safa eventually pulled the spear out from her back that was wrapped in cloth, and revealed it.

The eyes of Harbour and Bargo were glued as they saw it.

"It has the same glow," Bargo said. "The energy coming off it even feels the same."

"What was the name of the sword that Raze used?" Safa asked.

"I believe he called it the Lux Sword," Harbour answered.

Safa was sure of it now, the weapon that Raze had received was the weapon she was using in her hands right now. It was an incredibly powerful weapon.

"So it's the same weapon then," Liam said, and the others had overheard him. "But that weapon is mega powerful, I understand if a clan or Alter had something like this, but how did a religion have something like this in their hands, and why?"

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