Chapter 98: Chapter 98: The Literary Girl in the Library
With the resolution of Sudo's case, the midterm exams were now less than two weeks away.
Hikaru's study group consisted of himself, Ichinose, Himeno, Shiranami, and Shibata. After finalizing his study plans with Sakura, Hikaru turned his attention to Ichinose.
"What's your plan for the upcoming midterm exams, Ichinose-san?" he asked, tilting his head toward the pink-haired girl, who was widely regarded as the heart of Class A.
"I do have a plan," Ichinose replied, sweeping her hair behind her ear with a confident glint in her eyes. "Since we already assigned everyone to study groups earlier, we'll stick to that structure and focus on filling any gaps. The key to midterm success is meeting the baseline requirements in each subject."
"That's true. Everyone's been pretty diligent since the beginning of the term, so we shouldn't have much to worry about on that front."
Hikaru rubbed his chin thoughtfully. His time management plan required adjustments, and Ichinose needed to know about the change. "That said, I might only be able to join these study sessions for about two hours at a time from now on."
"Eh? Why?" Ichinose's smile faltered, and she frowned slightly. "You don't want to study with us anymore?"
"Of course not," Hikaru replied with a light laugh. "It's just that two hours is plenty for reviewing the material. Plus, you know about my evening swimming routine, right? Lately, I've found a new interest I'd like to pursue."
"What kind of interest?" she asked, curiosity replacing her momentary displeasure.
"Reading. I figured it was time to broaden my knowledge base a little," Hikaru said casually. "The school library has quite an impressive collection. I thought I'd spend some time exploring it."
"I see..."
Ichinose bit her lip. Rationally, she knew she had no right to dictate how Hikaru spent his time. Yet whenever he mentioned other interests, she couldn't help feeling a subtle sting of unease—a sensation she couldn't quite explain or control.
"And besides," Hikaru continued with a smile, "you shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself or the rest of the class just to protect our standing."
"Midterms aren't the finish line—they're just one checkpoint in a long race. If you keep pushing yourself and everyone else too hard, it might backfire later."
"You're right," Ichinose murmured, lowering her gaze for a moment before looking back up with a nod. "I'll try not to go overboard. The study groups seem to be running smoothly, so we don't need to overdo it."
"Exactly. And if you ever need help with anything, just let me know," Hikaru said, his voice warm.
He understood Ichinose's self-sacrificing nature—her instinct to bear the entire class's burden alone. It earned her admiration and loyalty but also weighed her down like invisible chains.
If she could learn to ease off, she'd be happier. And from Hikaru's perspective, it would also free him up to maneuver more flexibly.
After all, if I start meeting other girls from different classes, having Ichinose constantly hovering nearby could become… problematic.
Ichinose's eyes softened at Hikaru's concern. "I will. Thanks for worrying about me, Hikaru-kun."
"No problem. Just remember: don't overwork yourself."
The study group met three times a week, and today wasn't a meeting day. After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Hikaru slung his backpack over his shoulder and left the classroom.
Time to head to the library and see if I can run into Shiina Hiyori.
The library at Advanced Nurturing High School occupied an entire building on the artificial island campus. With its vast collection catering to all three grade levels, the library covered a broad spectrum of subjects. Borrowing books was as simple as scanning one's student ID via the school's mobile app.
Of course, there was also the option of reading books onsite. The spacious hall featured towering shelves arranged with near-military precision, complemented by numerous study tables.
While loud conversations were forbidden, quiet discussions were tolerated—as long as they didn't disturb others.
Upon stepping inside, Hikaru inhaled the familiar, comforting scent of aged paper and well-worn leather bindings.
Not bad. Definitely a good place to kill some time.
Hikaru adjusted his grip on his backpack and began wandering the aisles. His eyes scanned the spines of various books while his thoughts drifted toward his primary objective.
If I'm going to invest in Hiyori's stock later, I need to establish some rapport first.
His mental recall of her profile surfaced.
[Stock Price Increase Strategy: Establish a book-sharing relationship. Discuss mystery novels to earn her personal trust.]
After weaving through several aisles, he caught sight of a slender figure standing at the librarian's counter. Her distinctive ash-gray hair made her immediately recognizable.
Bingo. Shiina Hiyori.
She was interacting with the librarian, seemingly completing the borrowing process. Hikaru's eyes narrowed slightly as he observed her.
Hiyori had initially piqued his interest during his visit to Class D. While her demeanor seemed subdued, her name had appeared in the system as one of Ryuen's informal "advisors." Yet her disinterest in Ryuen's schemes suggested she might be more approachable than her classmates.
Hikaru paused to gather himself, then adjusted his expression into mild curiosity and walked toward the counter.
Hiyori, meanwhile, had just finished confirming the details of her borrowed books when she sensed movement from the corner of her eye. Turning her head slightly, she recognized Hikaru immediately.
Isn't he the student from Class A who visited us before?
The memory of Hikaru calmly negotiating the sale of hidden school rules remained vivid. He had shown remarkable poise back then, easily deflecting Ryuen's provocations.
"Excuse me," Hikaru said, directing his words to the librarian while pretending not to notice Hiyori. "Could you tell me where I can find mystery novels?"
The middle-aged librarian smiled at the polite young man. "Mystery novels? They're on shelf eleven. Just go straight ahead and turn right."
"Got it. Thank you."
As Hikaru turned to leave, he feigned surprise upon meeting Hiyori's gaze.
"Ah… Shiina-san, right? From Class D?"
Hiyori blinked. "Yes. And you're… Hikaru-kun, I believe?"
"That's me." Hikaru smiled sheepishly. "Didn't expect to run into someone I knew here."
"Me neither," Hiyori replied softly. After a brief pause, she added, "Do you enjoy mystery novels, Hikaru-kun?"
The question had come instinctively. She rarely encountered classmates who shared her interest in the genre.
"Yeah, I got into them recently," Hikaru said, scratching the back of his neck with a self-conscious chuckle. "I'm still a beginner, though. Got any recommendations?"
Hiyori's reserved demeanor brightened slightly. "I was just borrowing one now. If you'd like, I can show you to the shelf."
"Would you? That'd help a lot. I'm not too familiar with the layout here."
"Of course," Hiyori said softly. "Please follow me."
As the two walked side by side into the labyrinth of shelves, Hikaru noted the slight change in Hiyori's posture. Her shoulders, initially rigid, gradually relaxed.
The ice was beginning to crack.
Step one: establish the foundation. Let's see how deep this mystery rabbit hole goes.
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