The Rise of the Earth Empire (Legend of Korra)
A/N: The Rise of the Earth Empire was a commissioned one-shot originally written back in December of 2018. Posting it up now for readers to enjoy!
Summary: Korra and others have finally been captured by Kuvira. She takes them back to the city, all the way to the Imperial Throne Room. But everything is NOT what it seems...
Themes: Mind Break, Moresome, Breeding
Things were bad. Things were bad, and likely to get worse. Even Korra could see that, as she was led in chains through the halls of the Earth Empire's Royal Palace, located in Ba Sing Se. Glancing about surreptitiously, she could make out the guards all around them, as well as some of the people watching from the alcoves as they walked by.
She could not make out the women behind her, mostly because she'd already learned that turning her head to look over her shoulder resulted in a swift reprimand. Still, that didn't mean Korra wasn't aware of their presence. Lin and Suyin Beifong, Opal and Senna, and finally, Asami Sato. The other five women were as much prisoners as Korra was, all of them captured at relatively the same time in Zaofu.
They had had to surrender, lest the city be entirely destroyed for their obstinance. Korra had still been rather disinclined, but she'd believed that a chance to escape would present itself. So, the six women had put themselves in Kuvira's custody, and she'd taken them along to Ba Sing Se. More than that though, their bending was swiftly blocked by pressure strikes and these damn collars around their necks.
Korra knew how to revert the blocking that came from the pressure strikes, and that had been part of what made her so damn confident when it came to escape. What she didn't know was how these heavy metal collars worked. But she couldn't bend, she couldn't even revert the blocking with them on. She was powerless, helpless… weak. Oh sure, she still had her physicality, and if there was one thing the beautiful mocha-skinned Avatar had in spades, it was muscles and abs and all that good stuff.
But her physical strength didn't mean much when her wrists and ankles were in shackles that were in turn connected by slightly loose chains all the way up to the bending blocking collar around her neck. No, it didn't mean much at all. She couldn't break free, and the deeper they got into the palace, the more it felt like the walls were closing around them.
It didn't help that Kuvira was feeling particularly vindictive after everything. The woman had waited until they were in Ba Sing Se and at the gates of the palace before she'd said it. Opal had been asking the entire way there, and Kuvira hadn't answered her until they were completely within her power. Bolin was dead. Bolin was dead by Kuvira's hand, if the older woman was to be believed, killed for failing to convince Zaofu to surrender all on his own.
Needless to say, Opal was devastated. So was Korra, to be fair. She and Bolin weren't intimate anymore, but they were still friends. And she felt for Opal as well. But more than anything, she was angry. So was Opal. So was Asami, for that matter. Korra knew that the other two women wanted revenge as well. But they had to tread carefully. If nothing else, because Kuvira had her mother. Korra had been shocked to see Senna in chains as well, but here she was. The older woman was just as much a prisoner as Korra was, and if nothing else, it had become the young female Avatar's absolute priority to get her mom out and unharmed.
She just needed an opening. Just needed to find a way to get her bending back and then she could knock some damn heads together. Shit, if she could find a way to return bending to the other five women as well, the six of them could easily carve a path right through the Royal Palace itself. If Kuvira wasn't careful, if the men guarding them made the slightest mistake, they just might set off a bomb that would destroy everything.
Unfortunately, such an opening does not show itself before they're brought to the Imperial Throne Room. There, Korra and the others are brought face to face with Kuvira, who just smiles as they all glare at her with hatred. However, one thing the young Avatar DOES notice is that the throne is turned away from them, leaving whoever's in it obscured and shadowed.
"You monster! I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you! I will see the Earth Empire destroyed for the death of my beloved! I will-GAH!"
Korra's head whips around as Opal loses all sense of control and propriety in the presence of the most hated woman in her life. On the one hand, she understands Opal's reactions. On the other, this was not the time nor the place for promises of revenge, not when they were chained up and held prisoner. The Earth Kingdom Soldier next to Opal seemed to agree, given the way he struck her in the face and silenced her, sending the poor, chained up woman to her knees.
However, in the next moment, things stop making as much sense, because it seems that Kuvira DOESN'T agree. Her reaction to the soldier hitting Opal is abrupt and overwhelming. With a single wave of her hand, the floor rises up and throws the soldier away from Opal, slamming him into the far wall.
"You fool! You know your orders! They come straight from the King himself, you stupid buffoon!"
A ripple of confusion rushes through the six female prisoners as they all exchange glances at that. The king? This was all because Kuvira had deposed the damn king! What the hell was the woman talking about?! None are more confused than Korra by the sudden panic in Kuvira's voice, or the reverence with which she describes this so-called King. The Avatar KNOWS that Earth King Wu doesn't sit on the throne. In fact, she'd assumed that the entire reason the throne was turned away was because Kuvira was making some sort of statement about the end of the monarchy.
But that was not in fact the case. In the next moment, Korra and the others in chains alongside her are shocked to their very core by the reveal of just who's sitting in the throne as it turns about to face them. Bolin, alive and well and dressed in extravagant Earth King garb, looks down at them with a smile, before his eyes move to the guard that had dared to strike Opal, that had been thrown across the room by Kuvira.
Slowly, he rises from his throne. Slowly, step by step, he makes his way over to where their group is. Korra instinctively reaches out to him, his name on her lips along with a confused tone, but Bolin ignores her, and Asami as well when the other woman tries the same. He only has eyes for Opal, who in turn only has eyes for him. Kneeling there, a mark already forming on her cheek, the young woman can only stare in shock, eyes already beginning to water with tears of joy and relief that the love of her life is not yet gone from the world.
Bolin's smile is tender as he reaches down and brushes his thumb over the spot where she's been struck. Then, he turns away from her and towards the guard, who even now is struggling to his feet. His face becomes quite stony then, and his hand comes up in a tight grip. The earth rises from the floor at his silent, abrupt command, and fingers made of rock tighten around the soldier's throat as he begins to choke.
"What were your orders? WHAT WERE YOUR ORDERS?!"
His roar echoes through the room, and even Korra flinches back at the sudden severity, as the other Earth Kingdom Soldiers in the chamber shrink away, including, interestingly, Kuvira. The man who's being choked out slowly manages to get the words through his strangled wind pipe.
"T-The prisoners… a-are not… to be har… harmed!"
Bolin's answering smile is not the kind, gentle thing that he gave Opal. Korra can almost tell what he's going to do a moment before he does it… but even she could not foresee just how far his bending has come since they last saw each other. The ground doesn't just open up beneath the Earth Kingdom Soldier as Bolin holds him aloft. It bubbles and melts into outright magma, causing Korra's eyes to widen along with the eyes of the other five female prisoners around her.
The magma sinks beneath the floor, and a moment later, Bolin releases his clenched fist, at the same time releasing the rock-hold he has on the soldier's throat. The other man falls, and as he screams, it sounds like he falls quite far. They don't get to hear the impact, because Bolin contemptuously fixes the floor with a wave of his other hand as he turns away from the spot without a second glance.
His eyes sweep across the room, though he does not look to his prisoners. Instead, his gaze is on those other men who are still in the chamber.
"The price for failure is high, but the rewards for success are great! Do not disobey my orders! Ever! Now, get out!"
Korra and the others can only watch as the men do exactly that. It would be the perfect time to initiate an escape attempt, now that the six of them have been left alone with just Kuvira and… Bolin. But the fact that it's Bolin, and the shock of just how fast things had just gone was… well, there was no escape attempt, because none of them had come up with a plan yet. Beyond that, most of them were still very much in shock at the fact that Bolin was even alive, after Kuvira had told them he was dead.
And Kuvira herself was acting VERY odd. Korra watched on as the Earth Kingdom woman moved to intercept Bolin, looking almost pleading, beseeching him even as she clasps her hands together.
"My King, I am sorry. You know that I would never allow such disrespect, I would have punished him myself if you'd just given me a moment t-AIIIIE!"
Korra's eyes nearly bulge out of her skull when Bolin responds by bringing one arm up HARD. His palm is up as well, and his hand is cupped a little. The reason for this is apparent as a large rock hand shoots up in the open space between Kuvira's legs, and smacks into her crotch, grabbing hold and squeezing tightly. Kuvira's feminine scream of pain mixed with pleasure is so startlingly out of character for her that Korra is one again gobsmacked by what she's seeing, not sure what the hell is even going on anymore.
She and the others find out a little bit though when Bolin leans in, sneering in Kuvira's face and speaking loud enough for all of them to hear.
"What are you, Kuvira? What role do you have in MY Empire?"
Shuddering and shaking, clenching her jaw and clearly struggling with the sensations being forced upon her, a panting, moaning Kuvira looks at Bolin with the kind of lovestruck adoration and devotion that Korra would not have thought the older woman capable of.
"I am… I am your ever-loyal w-whore, my King. I am n-nothing more than a figurehead f-for your majesty…"
Bolin's smile is positively evil as he abruptly pulls back the rock-hand that had been molesting her.
"That's exactly right. Now how does a whore PROPERLY apologize?"
Six shocked, chained women watch as Kuvira, the woman they thought to be their greatest enemy, hurriedly strips her uniform off of her body, even tearing it in some places to get naked sooner. As soon as she's unclothed. She drops to her knees and begins to untie Bolin's robes, pulling them apart… and then she takes out his cock.
For the umpteenth time that day, Korra's eyes widen as her gaze lands on Bolin's dick. Their relationship had never really gotten past kissing, though Bolin had groped her tits once or twice. That had felt nice enough… yet Korra had never seen his cock. His cock, which she had to question. Was it always this big? How the FUCK did he walk or wear pants if this was the thing, he'd been hiding between his legs all this time?
The entire room is silent save for Kuvira's moaning and whimpering and slurping as she services Bolin's massive third-leg of a dick with her mouth and tongue. For a beat, Bolin places his hand atop Kuvira's head and seems to enjoy her ministrations… then, his face twists in anger, he grips tightly at the older woman's hair, and drags her away from his dick, forcing her to stand up.
Facing her towards the group of chained-up onlookers, Bolin bends Kuvira over right then and there and slams into her from behind. Korra and the other five women all get front row seats to Kuvira's O-face as the Earth Kingdom Commander climaxes on the spot from the very first thrust. Contrary to Korra's initial expectations that Bolin's massive cock could only possibly split Kuvira in half, the older woman instead manages to take him to the hilt, like she is in fact the whore she named herself to be, like she was born to be his cocksleeve.
Hooking his arms into hers and dragging them back, Bolin fucks the naked form of Kuvira from behind and he fucks her hard. Korra can't help but be a little turned on, despite herself. She's not the only one either. Most of the women are a mixture of disgusted and aroused. Watching another woman get fucked so thoroughly, watching her face contort in pleasure and her body spasm through orgasm after orgasm as she's dominated so utterly… there's something to be said about that.
And then Bolin cums, and Kuvira screams to the high ceiling of the Imperial Throne Room, her eyes rolling back in her head entirely, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Korra and the others can only watch as the woman they've all despised for some time now is creampied and then tossed aside. Literally, as the case is, the moment Bolin's cock slips out of her, hanging between his legs and visible through Kuvira's thigh gap, the young man waves a hand contemptuously, and Kuvira is tossed aside by the earth, thrown to the ground like the whore she is.
Bolin steps forward and fills the space where she once was as he stands there, looking at the women before him, still in chains, still weak and powerless due to the collars. He smiles and clasps his hands behind his back, while his cock is still on full display in front of them all.
"I'm sure you're all quite surprised to see me here. And no doubt confused as well. These plans of mine, the plans that are finally coming to fruition… they are years in the making. Kuvira here was my first obstacle, but as you can see, she's now become my most devoted servant. The Earth Empire that she has built was built in my name."
He pauses, and the corner of one side of his mouth quirks up a bit more.
"In one month's time, the true leader of the Earth Empire will be revealed. I will become the Earth Emperor, and Kuvira, for her war-mongering ways, will step down and accept punishment for all she's done. Still, if I am to be Emperor, I will need heirs. If I am to start a new dynasty, I must have concubines to bear my children."
His tone tells them exactly why they're all here and what he intends for them. Finally, outrage breaks through shock and surprise, and Korra snarls at Bolin, prepared to give him a piece of her mind, even as the others bristle, each ready to do the same. But before they can, before even Korra can say anything, Opal's high-pitched voice hits the air as the young woman struggles to her feet.
"C-Concubine? CONCUBINE?! Bolin! Have you gone mad?! What is this? D-Do I mean nothing to you? Does our love mean nothing?!"
Bolin strides into the center of the group and just like that, takes Opal's face in his hands and kisses her soundly. Korra whips around to face him and can't help but be a little disgusted that Opal is almost immediately melting into Bolin's arms. Sure, he'd always been a good kisser, but seriously?!
When the young man pulls back a moment later, he smiles at Opal… and then opens her chains with a bit of metal bending, all of the shackles and even the collar as well falling to the ground around her. His hands come to her shoulders and his smile widens a little bit.
"I would never name you a concubine, my love. You will be my Empress. You will rule by my side, and our children will be the ones who follow after us."
Korra doesn't say anything, but silently she beseeches Opal to see reason, to not be swayed by Bolin's words. The problem is, he's clearly not lying. About any of it. He's in charge here, not Kuvira… and if he wants Opal to be his Empress, then she'll be his Empress. Opal is clearly taken aback by the offer, which has undoubtedly caught her attention.
Of course, unlike Korra, Asami is not one to remain silent.
"Opal! You can't seriously be considering this?!"
Opal's eyes flicker away from her husbands to Asami's disgusted, judgmental face. Perhaps if the other woman had been less visibly horrified by the whole thing, Opal wouldn't have reacted the way she ultimately does. But alas, upon seeing the judgment in Asami's eyes, Opal's face hardens, and she slides one hand down to Bolin's side, intertwining her fingers with his own.
"… I would be honored to be your Empress, my love."
As she says it, as she agrees to Bolin's words, her eyes are only for Asami. The gaze she gives the paler woman is one of triumph and victory. Bolin meanwhile, is also looking at Asami, something dark and flinty in his face.
"You're all in the process of transferring your hatred for Kuvira to me. I understand. You dislike what I'm doing here. You dislike the presumptions I've made about what you're all going to do for your new Emperor. That's alright. You'll understand soon enough. I should have done this a long time ago for some of you… but I was too much of a gentleman back then."
Pulling free of Opal's hand, Bolin strides up to Asami. Korra's eyes widen and she tries to lunge forward, only to find that her feet are now suctioned to the floor by rock up to her shackled ankles, and she's in no position to free herself. Every other woman, Asami included, is in the same boat. Save for Opal of course, who looks on with slight worry, but mostly vindication as Bolin grabs Asami by the throat with one hand and grabs the front of her clothing with the other.
A loud tearing sound causes a cry to erupt from Korra's lips.
"Bolin! Don't!"
But the young man she'd dated once upon a time pays her no attention as he continues to stripe a struggling, squirming Asami down until her pale, voluptuous form is exposed to him. Then, he tears her from the earth holding her to the floor of the throne room and lifts her up off the ground entirely, spinning about and showing off her body to everyone else.
Unlike Kuvira, who remained standing, Asami is held aloft, each of Bolin's musclebound arms up under a leg, spreading her wide for all to see. She struggles and squirms, blushing mightily, but with his earthbending, he's able to make multiple arms that hold her in place as he brings his massive cock up to her slit. He chuckles as he fits the head of his shaft into her entrance, leaning in to stage-whisper into her ear, loud enough for all to hear.
"You're already wet, Asami…"
Korra whines and tries again to stop Bolin.
"Please Bolin! Stop this! Stop this right now! Take me instead! Leave Asami out of this, PLEASE!"
Finally, the self-proclaimed Earth 'Emperor' turns his gaze to the female Avatar. His eyes meet Korra's eyes, and he sneers at her, even as his cockhead remains dangerously inside of Asami, the pale woman's breath hitching as she bites her lower lip and tries to ignore the sensations that his teasing is bringing her.
"Don't you worry, Korra. I'll get to you soon enough. But this? This is as much your fault as it is Asami's. This is revenge for the way you used me. This is revenge for your FAILURES as the Avatar! You will be punished… but first you'll watch as Asami learns her place at my feet!"
And then he drops her. He just… drops her. With how massive his cock is, and how he's already positioned her perfectly, that's all Bolin has to do to impale poor Asami Sato on his gigantic shaft. She sinks halfway down it right off the bat, and Korra watches in horror as Asami's eyes go wide and her taut, toned abdomen actually bulges a little, right on the spot. Her mouth drops open in a silent scream, but no sound comes out… at least at first.
As Bolin holds her aloft, presenting her to the rest of the women with only Opal actually seeming to enjoy the sight, more rock-hands grab hold of Asami's tits and begin to grope and squeeze. Then, he starts to bounce her. That's when the noises finally make their way out of Asami's throat, starting with a low keening wail and slowly becoming shrieks and squeals and screams… of pleasure?!
Korra watches on in fresh horror as her girlfriend (though they'd only finally expressed their feelings to one another some weeks before) is split open by the most massive cock any of them have ever seen… and seems to love it. Asami's eyes are crossed and her face is contorting in the same pleasure that Kuvira showed all of them as Bolin rapes her, as he bounces her up and down on his dick.
Eventually, with his rock hands helping him, he turns her head to face him and smiles wickedly.
"Kiss me, my pet."
And to Korra's shock and dismay, Asami does just that. She seems happy to do it, her tongue and Bolin's tongue intertwining right in front of all of them as he fucks her through orgasm after screaming orgasm. Eventually, Asami's got the same fucked silly expression on her face as Kuvira did, and by the time Bolin fills her womb with his seed, it's a question of whether she's even still conscious.
The young man has ideas for that though, as he proves by letting Asami fall face first onto the ground before him, only to crouch down… and drive his massive, messy, lubed up cock right into her asshole from above. That brings Asami back to life with a scream and as Bolin piledrives into her anus with his entire weight bearing down on his gigantic length, he grabs a fistful of the woman's hair and drags her head up, speaking loudly to be heard over her shouts.
"You belong to me now, slut! You're mine! And your company is mine as well! You will do business for me, under me… and you will serve me as your Lord and Master! As your Emperor!"
For a moment, Korra holds out some small hope that Asami will remain defiant, that she'll tell Bolin where to stick it. At the same time, she doesn't want her girlfriend to continue to be in pain… but Asami's response is still heart wrenching as she moans like a bitch in heat, eyes continuing to roll around in her skull before the rest of them.
"Yessss! Yes, my Emperor! I am, ah, yours! Fuck me, Master! Fuck me, milord! Fill me with your seed!"
Bolin does just that, slapping her ass with his hands all the while. She cums again and again from this anal pounding as well, before finally, he paints her bowels the same shade of white as he's done her cunt and womb. Only then does Bolin pull out of her and leave Asami laying there, face down, ass up, on the ground… broken.
"You… y-you'll pay for that you bastard…"
Korra doesn't even realize for a moment that the words came from her. She's trembling with rage… or at least, she thinks its rage. Bolin looks at her for a moment… and then dismisses her just as easily, his gaze turning to Opal instead. His cock is glowing slightly as he does so, and Korra's eyes widen as she finally realizes just what they're up against. Something about Bolin had changed. Something had made him into what he was now… and if he fucked a woman, it seemed that he gained dominion over them.
"I think my beloved fiancé should be next. Don't you, my love?"
"No! Opal, don't do it!"
The others speak up to agree with Korra, but the look Opal gives them all silences their pleas. She lets out a soft sigh as she slowly pulls off her clothing, stepping out of a pile eventually, naked as the day she was born.
"I love him… and I won't turn away from him when he needs me most. Perhaps if you'd done your duty, Korra, this could have been prevented… but this is the bed we've made for ourselves. I might as well enjoy it."
Bolin just smiles, triumphant as his lover makes her way over to him and allows him to embrace her. Soon, he's lifting her up in his arms and impaling her on his cock as well, though this time around Opal is facing Bolin rather than them, and it's a lot slower, a lot more sensual. But the change, while lessened by the fact that she was initially willing, is no different, not really.
As Bolin begins to fuck Opal, as he kisses her and holds her to him, thrusting up into her from below, she quickly begins to moan. Then she squeals. Then she screams out her love for his cock as she cums again and again around his pistoning prick, bouncing up and down on his length, riding him long and hard. She tells him how much she loves him, which isn't too odd… but more than once, she looks back at those women still in chains and tells them how much they'll love him too, soon enough.
She cums several times before Bolin fills her womb with his seed, and then Opal shocks Korra and the others yet again by asking for a rock-dildo to plug up her cunt so not a single drop of seed could leave her drooling quim. Bolin obliges her, and then sets the naked young woman down on his throne, allowing her to lounge there as he turns back to the others, allowing her to watch on from on high as he makes the rest of the female prisoners before him into his concubines.
Korra struggles, both against the chains that bind her and the earth that is covering her feet and her lower legs. But its no use. She's trapped where she stands, and without her bending, she cannot break free of her shackles or the collar that hugs her neck. The young Avatar is left powerless and helpless, even as Bolin walks up to Lin.
There's no foreplay, no hesitation, and not a single ounce of mercy in the way Bolin kicks Lin in the cunt, tears off her clothes, and pins her down, forcing her into a mating press as he slams home into her abused pussy with great relish, sneering down into the former Police Chief's face as he begins to fuck her right then and there. At first, there's an angry, perpetual scowling snarl on Lin's face… but slowly but surely, that falls to the wayside.
As Bolin treats her roughly, as he grabs hold of her tits, mauling and squeezing and twisting her nipples beneath his hands, Lin's face contorts and eventually… she cums. She squeals like those before her and climaxes around his pistoning prick as he continues to make her his bitch, as he continues to ram into her again and again and again.
"I always knew you were a masochistic pig, you loner slut. But don't worry. Pledge yourself to me, become the head of my guard, and I'll give you all the pain you could ever want."
To her credit, Lin tries to resist. She shakes her head back and forth, even as the anger falls away from her face to be replaced by reluctant pleasure. But Bolin just grabs her by the jaw with one of his real hands while using an earthen rock hand to slap her tits and her ass to his heart's content. Soon enough, Lin is moaning like the needy pain slut she's always secretly been, and cumming again and again around Bolin's bitch-breaking, mind-breaking dick.
Once he's filled her cunt with his cream, he replaces his cock with an earth dildo, clearly inspired by his Empress, and proceeds to slam into her ass next, causing Lin to scream loudly in pleasure and pain as he fucks her back door while her cunt gets nice and stuffed. By the end of it all, the former Police Chief is as much a broken slut as Asami is… and wholly willing to be whatever Bolin wants her to be, singing his praises and begging for more until eventually, she didn't have the words any longer.
Letting her drop, Bolin turns to Suyin, who even now awaits him. The older woman holds her head high, her jaw set. Not an ounce of what she's truly feeling shows on her face. But like Korra, she understands by now what Bolin is capable of, and that there's something else going on here. Grabbing her by the throat, the self-proclaimed Earth Emperor drags Suyin out of the earth that holds her trapped to the ground and tears her clothes off of her as well.
Then, just as he did with her sister, he wastes no time on foreplay or playing about. He lifts Suyin up and impales her on his dick, holding her by one leg and leaving the other to try and stay on the floor as he begins to pound into her right then and there. As he does so, he locks foreheads with Suyin, grinning at her even as she glares back at him.
"Soon, you'll by my mother-in-law. So, I suppose I can't treat you too poorly. Once I'm done with you, you will serve as my foreign affairs minister. Doesn't that sound nice?"
Gritting her teeth, clearly trying to resist the pleasure her body is going through, even as Korra watches her cum, watches her frame buck and spasm in Bolin's grasp, Suyin breathes in and out slowly, struggling to hold herself together, struggling to keep her mind.
"Treat… T-Treat my daughter well…"
That's the last thing Suyin Beifong says of her own will before Korra watches her get fucked into the same sweet oblivion as Lin and Asami before her. The founder and leader of Zaofu breaks and is soon ahegaoing right in front of Bolin, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue wagging out of her mouth as she begs him to fuck her harder, to fuck her deeper, to take her and use her like she's nothing more than his needy little whore.
He does just that, filling her holes with his seed and then dropping her to the floor. By this time, hours have gone by. Korra is tired, but she knows she can't give up now. Not when… not when the only woman left besides her is her own mother.
"Emperor Bolin."
The title and address gives Bolin pause, as he turns away from Suyin's fucked silly form on the ground beneath him and looks to Korra. Slowly, the Avatar crouches before him in supplication. She can't quite kneel, thanks to how her lower legs are currently held in place by rock, but she can still wallow and make herself small as she places her hands together.
"P-Please… I beg of you, Emperor of the Earth Empire. Have me… make me bear your children. Take me as you will and use me as you wish… but please, let my mother go."
She's closed her eyes as she bowed her head before him, her hands clasped together before her while she beseeched Bolin to show mercy, whatever mercy he might still have. This was all she could do and it irked Korra something fierce. Unfortunately, due to her closing her eyes as she is, the first sign of Bolin's response that she gets is when her mother's hands suddenly clasp her shoulders, the older woman's weight leaning into her.
Korra's eyes snap open, and she watches in horror as Senna tries to give her a kind smile, tries to tell her it'll be alright, even as the man behind her tears at Senna's clothes and exposes her mocha-colored behind to his eyes.
"Korra… it's okay baby. Don't worry. It's okay. I-AH!"
Senna's eyes very nearly roll back in her head right then and there as Bolin thrusts into her cunt for the first time from behind. Korra grabs her mother to hold her steady when the self-proclaimed Earth Emperor begins to fuck Senna with great force, but in the end there's nothing Korra can do but watch in horror as her mother is used as a cock sleeve.
"It's okay. It's okay…"
The smoking hot Water Tribe MILF's words sputter out as she finally cums around Bolin's dick. Over Senna's head, the earthbender's grin is wide and wicked as he stares at Korra. And Korra can see in his eyes the condemnation, the truth. This is her fault. All of this… its her fault. Even as her mother breaks, even as the older woman goes from trying to tell Korra it'll all be alright to singing Bolin's praises and begging for more dick, something in Korra breaks as well.
She's not angry, even though she should be. She's just… lost.
"Oooh, you're going to love this, baby! Fuck me harder, Master! Pump a baby into me, I want to be pregnant again with your child! I'll be the caretaker for all your children, yes, yes, yesssss! Pull on my pigtails, oh FUCK YESSSS!"
This was her fault. She'd caused this to come about. Korra becomes somewhat listless, even as Bolin finishes inside of her own mother and then tosses Senna aside like so much used garbage. And then it's Korra's turn, and she finds herself unchained and laid out in the missionary position as he pushes his cockhead up against her barely-used cunt, slowly penetrating her.
"Please Bolin… please… s-stop. Stop this. Oh gods, stop this…"
Bolin just chuckles in response. He doesn't use his earthbending, he uses his real hands to grab hold of her mocha tits and squeeze them between his fingers before leaning in to suckle at them. He fucks her, but there's something perversely intimate about it compared to what she's watched him do to the others. As the Avatar, Korra has a better understanding of what's going on. Bolin has power… power beyond what she's ever felt from him before.
It flows not just through his gargantuan cock, but through every bit of his body. And it flows through those he's fucked too… just as its beginning to flow through her.
"I can't stop now, Korra. I've been given this power for a reason. You failed the world. You failed the Avatar Cycle. Now it's up to me to fix it."
Then he leans in again, and Korra is awash in an ocean of reluctant pleasure as he licks and sucks at her mocha-colored skin, fucking her with powerful, deep thrusts. Each one changes her, bit by bit. Each one seems to penetrate not just into her womb, but all the way to her very SOUL. Korra's head spins and she tosses it back and forth, trying to deny what's happening, trying to resist the pleasure. Orgasm after orgasm wracks her body, but unlike the others, Korra does not quickly break.
Bolin eventually fills her womb with his seed, but to the young Avatar's surprise, she is not fully his creature, not yet. It gives her strength, just a little. It bolsters her, as he pulls back from her and looks down, clearly expecting her to sing his praises.
"I won't… I will never willingly serve you!"
The surprise on his face as she says that is instantly gratifying, but a moment later, Korra immensely regrets her impulsive defiance. All this time, had she not been waiting for a chance to rear its ugly head, so she could escape from her collar and chains and take Bolin down? Kuvira first of course, but now her enemy was most certainly Bolin.
And yet, right at the moment when she could have pretended to be his creature, so he'd free her, and she could finally fight back… Korra had blown it. The surprise on Bolin's face is quickly replaced by a wicked grin, and the next thing the tanned Avatar knows, she's flipped over onto her front, pushed into the doggystyle position. She turns her head to snarl at Bolin, only for the self-proclaimed Emperor to spread her ass cheeks wide and SLAM his lubed-up prick home into her poor, virginal asshole.
Unbeknownst to either of them, Korra has a secret that she was not even aware of, having never taken it up the ass before. Namely put, she had an extremely sensitive anus, and would in fact become, with the slightest provocation, quite the little anal slut. So, within mere minutes of Bolin fucking Korra's ass nice and hard, just as he'd done with the others before her, the female Avatar is cumming and she's cumming hard, a mixture of his seed and her pussy juices squirting out of Korra's creampied quim as she squeals like a stuck pig.
Seeing this, Bolin's grin positively doubles in size, and without further ado, he makes the poor, helpless, powerless Avatar SCREAM as he buries his cock in her sensitive bowels again and again and again. The difference between Korra and the others is, this time around, once Bolin cums, he doesn't stop. He keeps fucking her ass, keeps making her squeal and orgasm from his plundering of her anus, and he keeps filling her bowels with his seed.
By the third load, Korra is so overfilled, so backed up… that Bolin's cum spews out of her mouth, her eyes rolled back in her head as it splatters across the throne room floor before her. Still on her hands and knees, the female Avatar can do nothing but continue to be a passage for Bolin's seed as he cums again and again and again, painting the ground before her white with his ejaculate as more and more of it comes up out of Korra's throat, traveling the entire length of her body as he FILLS her bowels with both his massive cock and his jizz.
When Bolin finally pulls out of her, he's essentially baptized Korra in his cum, and has never felt more powerful, more alive. His cock is even slightly bigger… though only Korra, as the Avatar, can see that the energy, the power within Bolin has grown all the more massive and brighter with his conquest of her. Of course, the mind-broken Avatar is in no position to explain this at the moment as she slowly crawls to his cock and begins to worship his member, cleaning it off with her tongue.
Bolin nods approvingly, and grabs her by her hair, dragging her up to his throne, which Opal willingly vacates with a broad smile, watching as Bolin takes his rightful seat as Emperor of the new Earth Empire. Of course, Opal then squeals happily when Bolin pulls her onto his lap, having laid Korra out at the foot of his throne. The Avatar worships Bolin's bared feet and kisses them to show her eternal servitude over him.
Looking out across the throne room at the powerful women he's fucked into submission, Bolin snaps his fingers. Collars and chains fall away even as his concubines, the beginnings of his new harem, slowly crawl to the foot of the stairs that lead up to his throne. They all kneel and prostrate themselves before him, their foreheads touching the stair and their fingertips outstretched along the ground in his direction, needy and eager for his notice.
Bolin pays them little mind, only making sure that they are all his loyal, loving slaves. Then, he turns his focus to Opal and kisses her, the two of them making out passionately and heatedly, Emperor and Empress atop their throne. When they finally pull back, Bolin grins at Opal, and she smiles back at him.
"This Empire is now ours, my love. As it was always meant to be."
Letting out a happy little squeal of excitement and eagerness, Bolin's new Empress kisses him again, before slowly working her hand up and down his shaft. She continues to give him a handjob while making out with him, right up until Bolin grabs Opal around the waist, lifts her up, and unceremoniously impales her on his cock.
Before the eyes of every other woman in the chamber, all of them stuffed with his cum, all of them loyal and willing to die for his cause, Bolin pounds upwards into his beloved Empress, into the light of his life. Opal will always be the first among his women… but these beauties will not be the last. Bolin has plans, big plans… and the begin here, with the start of his harem.
All was as it should be.
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