Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Taking Charge (Original Modern)


Themes: Rough Sex, Dom/Sub, Genderbending

Summary: In which a man's abusive bastard of a big brother is turned into a woman by the government for his crimes. Unfortunately, his new big sis is still a huge bitch. Looks like he'll have to take matters into his own hands.


“Oi Fuckface! Where’s my damn food?!”

James flinches as the raised feminine voice shouts down from upstairs. He grits his teeth, even as he finishes with the meal before slowly making his way upstairs to his big sister Angelica’s room. Used to be his big brother Alec’s room but… well, things changed. Literally, these days.

It was about five years ago that the government put new laws in place regarding violent crimes by men. Basically, if you were a guy who got caught being a roughhousing, aggressive delinquent, you didn’t just get put in jail anymore. Instead, you were sent to one of the Transformation Facilities for gender reassignment.

After all, women were nicer people, right? So it was generally considered ‘better’ by the government and even most of the population at large to just turn the violent male criminals into girls instead of locking them up in already full prisons. That way they could once again become contributing members of society.

Or that was the idea anyways. As James pushes into his big sister’s room, he’s immediately assaulted by what a damn pigsty it is. Sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of her TV, game controller in hand, Angelica tosses one look back over her shoulder at him and sneers.

“Fucking finally! Give it here, you limp-dicked loser!”

As James makes his way over to his big sister, he reflects on their history. In truth, when they were younger, they got along rather well. His big brother Alec had been there for him. But then Alec had gotten older and the gap of just a few years between the two of them had somehow become insurmountable somewhere along the way.

They’d both gone into sports, growing big and beefy with Alec always being taller than James, but at some point Alec had fallen in with the wrong crowd. Someone on the criminal side of things had seen how strong and tall Alec was and seduced him to the dark side. Suddenly, their relationship was terrible, they could barely be called brothers anymore. Suddenly, Alec seemed to despise James with every fiber of his being.

The more trouble Alec got into, the more he acted like a jerk to James, bullying him both physically and verbally. In response, James had buckled down on both his studies and his athletics, focusing on sports and academics after seeing what life on ‘the wild side’ turned Alec into.

And then Alec got caught and sentenced to a Transformation Facility and came back as Angelica. Angelica wasn’t bigger than James. In fact, she was a full head shorter than him. She was still tough as nails and pretty sporty, a total tomboy in every sense of the word, but she couldn’t exactly beat him up anymore… even if she still tried from time to time.

For a second, when Angelica had first come home, James had hoped the procedure had done what it was supposed to. Even if he could never have his big brother back, he’d hoped that Angelica would be a better big sister than Alec was as a big brother.

That hope had turned out to be futile though. Angelica was a total bitch in the same way Alec had become a total bastard. Worst in fact, because Angelica was always home and didn’t dare leave the house.

Walking over to her, James goes to set down the plate of food next to his big sister… only to yelp and turn his head away when he catches sight of her massive bared tits. For fuck’s sake, not again.

“Angelica! Please cover up…”

It was a holdover from when she used to be a guy, James knew that. Didn’t make it any more ridiculous. Alec had taken to going shirtless with just an open jacket in his later years as a thuggish delinquent criminal. And when Angelica had come back from the facility, she’d not dropped the practice, resulting in James getting an eyeful of his new big sister’s massive, perfectly shaped tits more than once in the past several weeks.

In the end, that was the biggest change between having a jerky delinquent older brother and having a jerky tomboy older sister. The tits. Well, that and the fact that Angelica couldn’t go outside, making James’ home life truly a living hell.

“Hah! Fuck you, how bout that? Limp-dicked little bro can’t handle some tits! Get the fuck out of here, loser!”

James grits his teeth. It would be so easy… but no. He can’t. Can he? See, there was a reason that Angelica was stuck inside playing games all day where Alec had been out making a mess of things when he’d still been around. And it had everything to do with the fact that she was now a girl.

Put bluntly, not only would the old crew Alec had run with probably rape the shit out of Angelica if she dared show her face around them… but also, it would spell her doom. See, there was a reason that the government had so much faith in their new laws and their gender reassignment programs. It wasn’t just because women were less likely to commit violent crimes then men.

It was also because any man who was transformed into a woman by one of the Transformation Facilities, and then had sex… would become submissive and docile towards whoever fucked them. Basically, the government couldn’t force any man it punished this way into having sex, but it also didn’t bother disciplining or regulating anyone who might force themselves on a transformed criminal and have their way with them.

Even if she didn’t say it, even if she didn’t show it… James knew Angelica was terrified of the idea of being fucked senseless on some random dude’s dick and forever being obsessed with his cock. And even if she was a total bitch and James kind of hated her, she was still his big sister as well, so he would-

“Hey! What the fuck are you still doing here, fuckface? I thought I told you to fuck of-mmph!”

Nah, fuck it. James hadn’t even realized he was at the end of his rope until that very moment, as he suddenly finds himself lunging back across the room and tackling his seated big sister to the floor. Her eyes widen as he slams his lips against hers, his hands grabbing the front of her jacket to pull her up into the kiss.

He then pushes her back onto the carpet hard, enough that her head bounces and she groans in a daze as James growls and shifts his hands from her open jacket to her naked tits.

“Stupid fucking bitch. You think the guys out there are dangerous, but what about me huh? Should have shown me just one iota of respect!”

Spitting in her face as her eyes roll in her head, James gives Angelica’s tits one last hard squeeze before his hands descend down to her waist. As he rips off her belt and her too-big jeans, she starts to come back to life and starts to fight him.

“What the- f-fuck you James! Get the fuck off of me! What the fuck do you think you’re doin-urk!”

James punches his sister in the gut, knocking the wind out of her and forcing her to stop her struggling for a few more seconds. He forces her pants and boxers off of her feminine legs then, throwing them to the side as he exposes her body to his hungry, lustful eyes. She’s still got a decent amount of muscle, even as a woman. But she’s so much weaker than he is. James has like a hundred pounds of extra weight on her, on top of being a head taller than her now.

Her fists finally come up and hit him, trying to smack him off of her. But just like ever since she came home as a woman, her strikes have pretty much no effect on him. It’s not even that she’s that weak… but he’s strong. Stronger than her. Strong enough to deal with an asshole, abusive big brother who doesn’t exist anymore.

Grabbing Angelica by her throat with one hand, he choke slams her into the carpet and uses the following few moments of her being dazed to free his cock from its confines and slap it down onto her naked cunt. Angelica’s eyes widen as she realizes what she’s just felt, and for the first time she actually looks afraid.

“W-Wait… please…”

James can’t help pausing for a moment. He can’t remember the last time she said ‘please’ to him. Not either version of his sibling had ever used that word. Of course, rather than use his surprise and distraction to try to reason with him or maybe even apologize… Angelica proves that she’s a bitch through and through, all the way to the end of the line.

She tries to knee him in the nuts, pretty much her only hope of breaking free of him at this point, but James sees the hardening in her eyes and the curl of her lip and knows it’s coming before it happens. She’s just so much slower as a woman, so he’s able to twist so her knee hits his brawny thigh instead of his cock and balls, his leg absorbing the blow.

“Fuck! Don’t you dare-nngh!”

He doesn’t hesitate again. Forcing her legs apart with his own knees, James spreads his larger body over her… and proceeds to slam his cock home into her cunt, causing Angelica to howl even as he groans. She’s so fucking tight. Not very wet, but he doesn’t honestly care all that much. And… the more he fucks her, the wetter she becomes. She can’t help it. It’s how her new body is designed. Angelica might be a woman now, but she’s not a normal woman. She’s one of the women from the facilities, and they come with a certain set of conditions.

Pounding into her pussy, James grunts as Angelica gurgles beneath him. He doesn’t even realize he’s almost crushing her throat until he sees her getting purple in the face, at which point he loosens his grip. In fact, he lets go of her neck altogether and goes back to mauling her tits with both hands, pistoning in and out of her cunt nonstop.

“You… c-can’t… do this… I’m your… fucking… s-sister…”

Snorting, James growls.

“Not a problem anymore ‘sis’. The Transformation Facility made sure of that. Any babies you have will be perfect without any defects or genetic conditions. Inbreeding is a thing of the past.”

“Y-Yeah? Sounds like you did your research you s-sad little c-cuck! Fuck… you!”

James grins and picks up the pace, her words sliding off his back like they never have before. But then, he’s never been buried in such a nice tight snatch before either.

“Already happening, bitch.”


It feels so good to just let go and give in. And despite Angelica’s crass tongue and the garbage coming out of her mouth, she seems to actually agree whether she’ll admit it or not. Her pussy gets wetter and wetter for him, fucking her becomes easier and easier, and her legs even start to raise into the air on either side of his body, curling around his waist the harder he pounds her into the carpet.

She’s trying not to show it on her face, but the rest of her body is giving away how much of a turn on this is for her. She’s finally getting fucked for the first time and despite what she’s saying, she’s absolutely loving it.

“I’ll fucking kill you-mmph!”

Kissing her deeply to silence her, James chuckles against her lips.

No she wouldn’t. Because once he’s done, she’ll be obsessed with him and his dick. She’ll be submissive, that’s what everything he read did. Shit, she was probably right… he had done his research, not even realizing what he was gearing up to do until he’d done it. He’d been moving as though he were in a fog for days now, and only now that he was balls deep inside of his total bitch of a big sister was he finally fully conscious again.

More than a little excited by the prospect, he keeps fucking Angelica hard and fast, all while continuing to dominate her mouth with his tongue. She squirms and whines, but doesn’t really fight him… or at least, her struggling at this point is basically nothing as she realizes how weak she is compared to him. Her hands even cling to his arms as he mauls her tits, trying to pry him away at first but ultimately not even doing that after a time.

Until finally, James can’t hold it back any longer. And apparently, neither can Angelica. Right as he’s starting to cum, tipping over the edge and exploding inside of her, Angelica’s eyes roll back in her head and she lets out a muffled squeal into his mouth as she climaxes right alongside him.

Their mutual orgasm feels like it lasts an eternity, with her bucking and shaking and spasming under him as he unloads inside of her. Until finally… it’s over. No, more than over… it’s done.

Slowly pulling back from Angelica’s twitching, shuddering form, James leans up and slides his cock out of her.

“… Angelica? How’re you feeling?”

For a second he thinks she’s too insensate to even hear him. But then…

“L-Like I just got dicked down by my own brother, f-fuckface. How do you think I’m feeling?”

James frowns as Angelica looks up at him with an angry scowl. He’d thought she would be different now. He’d thought she would be nicer. However, even if she’s still being as bitchy as before… he does notice a change coming over her. Not submissive… but rather, subdued. And she can’t stop glancing down at his messy cock and licking her lips either. Deciding he might as well, James reaches out and grabs his sister by her hair, yanking her up off her back and rising to his feet even as he forces her to her knees.

“Ow! Ow, ow, ow! Fucker! S-Stop!”

But he doesn’t. In fact, once he has her right where he wants her, he slaps her across the face a couple times with his cock, smearing their combined fluids across her cheeks. Then, he presents her with his dick and three simple words.

“Suck me clean.”

Angelica freezes, her eyes crossing so she can stare at his dripping member. For a second he thinks she’ll refuse. But then…

“Fucking hate you…”

And yet, she leans forward and begins to suck him off all the same. Even moans while doing it, like the cock-obsessed slut she now is. James grins as Angelica bobs up and down on the dick she’s now utterly and totally addicted and beholden to. Sure she might still be a total bitch. But she was his bitch now. Fuck yes. Fuck. Yes.


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