Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Riser’s Triumph (High School DxD)

A/N: Riser's Triumph was originally a story commissioned in three parts from September of 2018 to August of 2019. Posting it up now as a one-shot for people to enjoy!

Summary: In case the title isn't obvious... Riser wins. And after all the trouble Rias and Issei gave him, he's not going to go easy on his new bride, or her peerage.

Themes: NTR, Mind Control, Master/Slave


The wedding ceremony was gorgeous, a truly extravagant affair and the best that any girl, human or otherwise, could hope for on their big day. It was a silver lining that didn't give Rias Gremory much satisfaction, especially when she wasn't marrying the boy she'd come to love, instead forced to tie herself irrevocably to Riser Phenex, a male devil who she not-so-secretly despised by this point.

But she'd lost the Rating Game. And more than that, Issei had failed in his last-ditch effort to save her from her fate, losing to Riser AGAIN in a one-on-one duel at their engagement party after the fact. Rias didn't necessary blame her only Pawn. Issei had done his best, but the Phenex magics proved to powerful in the end. And ultimately, his gamble, using holy water on his fellow devil with his dragon arm to keep its effects from hurting him too badly… well, it'd failed.

Riser dodging the vial at the last second would lead to such a result, of course. The Phenex Heir had come within a scant few inches of taking the boosted holy water right to the face, but in the end even if he was over-confident, even if he was arrogant and cocky and so very sure of his victory, he was also a skilled duelist.

From Rias' point of view, it seemed more like Riser's body had shied away on instinct rather than out of any sort of skill. But such instinct in and of itself was a skill, wasn't it? Ultimately, it didn't matter. Issei's trump card had amounted to nothing in the end, Riser had put her Pawn into the ground, and now here she was, walking with the blond devil hand in hand towards the bedchamber where the consummation of their marriage would take place.

But hey, at least the wedding ceremony had been gorgeous, right? Rias couldn't help but be a little bitter, even as her fingers played with the hem of her wedding dress. One more humiliation added onto the top of the rest. Issei's defeat at hers and Riser's engagement party had given the blond devil leave to choose Rias' wedding dress for her.

It was still white, thankfully… and it really didn't show as much as it could have. Probably because Riser was intelligent enough to know better than to make her wear something truly scandalous in front of all of her family members. Instead, he left that for what lay under the dress. Even still, the wedding dress itself only went down to her knees, with her shoulders bared. Her arms were covered up to her armpit in long, satin white gloves though, and her cleavage, while visible, was not overly pronounced. The dress fitted her perfectly, despite her sizable bust and altogether voluptuous body.

Beneath it though… beneath it Rias looked like a high-class prostitute. It was shameful, and it had led to the whole day being an awkward affair. At least now it was just the two of them. Riser and her, on their way down the hall. The feast celebrating their marriage was over, the reception and all that stuff ended. It was just them now, all that was left was Rias' wedding night, with a man she didn't love.

"You're so quiet, dear wife. Are you not happy at all we've accomplished today? Are you not content with the bond that we've helped make between our two families?"

Rias stiffens, hearing the taunting, teasing, and altogether mocking tone in Riser's words. He knows she could care less about that, he knows that she despises him, and he knows that she will rail against this marriage with every fiber of her being. Rather than say such a thing outright however, Rias aims to strike back at Riser with her barbed response.

"Will any of your peerage be joining us this evening, dear husband?"

Her voice is short, her words clipped, her tongue sharp. Rias knows what Riser does with the women of his peerage. His little harem, which apparently includes even his sister, Ravel. Whether or not he's done anything with the young girl… well, Rias would rather not know. There's nothing she can do about it, not even now that she's Riser's wife.

Unfortunately, her words don't have the intended effect of silencing Riser or making him feel some semblance of chagrined over his philandering ways. Instead, he actually laughs at her, causing Rias' head to whip around as she scowls at him. He can't possibly actually intend to…

"No, dear wife. None will be joining us tonight. Not from my peerage… and certainly not from yours."

And there it is. Their eyes meet, and Rias knows that Riser knows how she feels about Issei. Even after everything, even after her Pawn's failure… he worked so hard for her. The beginnings of love stir in her heart for the perverted boy, even now. If not for Riser and this damnable engagement, Rias would… but no, there was no point in dwelling. Because even as they neared the large double doors that would lead to the bedchamber where they would have sex for the first time, Rias was forced to acknowledge that Riser was right. Tonight was just the two of them, no one else.

"… Good."

She stops talking after that, even as Riser chuckles one last time at her expense. Then, they're at the doors and he's pushing them open for her. Rias steps inside, her lips thinning out immediately as she sees the bed. She takes it in, even as her legs move woodenly across the floor, from the doorway to the middle of the room, where she finally stops.

The large double doors close with a sort of finality behind her, at Riser's hand. Then, his voice hits her ears.

"Well, Rias? Let's see it. I've been eagerly awaiting this moment for oh so long. Let's see what your Pawn's final bit of foolishness wrought, hm?"

Closing her eyes as humiliation, anger, and shame rush through her all at once, Rias nonetheless reaches up under her left armpit, where she finds one of the hidden zippers of her dress. Pulling it down, she repeats the motion under her right armpit. Then, she begins to shimmy out of the knee-length white dress, pulling it over her large bust and then down her otherwise slender body.

Her hips are the next point of difficulty, but she gets it down over them as well, and then slides the dress the rest of the way down her creamy, pale, blemish-free legs. Stepping out of it, Rias stands there stiffly, not looking towards Riser until he gives an impatient grunt. Only then does the red head turn around and expose herself to him.

Because she really is exposed like this. The lingerie that he has her wearing is made completely out of white lace, almost as if its meant to convey purity or make its wearer seem chaste. But the color and the quality of the lace is where that ends. Because the 'bra' does nothing to cover up the vast majority of her sizable chest, and her panties are crotchless, exposing her breasts, her puffy nipples, her pussy lips and her trimmed red bush to Riser's eyes. He slides his gaze up and down her body appreciatively, taking in the sights now that they're in private.

His wicked smile is all the wider now, and Rias is just about to speak, to demand that they get on with things, when it hits her. The red head's gorgeous blue eyes go wide and her lips part in a gasp as what feels like a metaphysical punch to the gut slams into her and sends her to her knees right then and there. Magic. She can feel it, can feel a spell or a ritual of some sort permeating the room… but more than that, its permeating her body… through the lingerie.

"There it is. Oh, you look so spectacular on your knees, Rias. So damn spectacular."

Riser's voice is filled with satisfaction as he oh-so-casually approaches her. The grin on his face isn't quite as wide anymore, but its still massive, even as Rias tries to catch her breath but finds it impossible. She's never felt so weak, never felt so… powerless. Her strength is being zapped by the room, by her own clothing. But it's not HER clothing, is it? It's Riser's… it's what he picked out for her to wear.

"R-Riser… what are you doing?"

Her voice is angry even now though, but it's also a strain to so much as speak. Riser smirks as he stops only half a foot in front of her kneeling form.

"I'm taking what's mine by right of conquest, Rias. If you'd just gone along with the engagement, if you'd just accepted that we needed to marry and pop out a child or two… I would have ultimately left you and yours alone, you know. I have my peerage already, as you full well know, and I really didn't care about you or your little group of friends. It wasn't as if I demanded that my father make an engagement with yours, it wasn't as if I ordered him to make this betrothal."

Riser lets out a laugh, and then he reaches out and grabs at Rias' hair. The red head tries to pull away, but she's too drained, too weak to do anything as he takes hold of her head via her gorgeous crimson locks, forcing her to look up at him.

"But no. You made me your enemy, Rias Gremory. We fought for your right to call the engagement off. And then I had to fight your little boy toy as well, and he tried to fucking maim me with holy water. I began planning this the moment you challenged me to a Rating Game, but it wasn't until that moment that I knew I was going to go as far as I am tonight. You brought this on yourself, Rias."

And then his other hand is deftly undoing his button, pulling down his zipper, and dragging his cock out of its confines. Rias' eyes widen as his member nearly slaps her in the face right then and there. Her hands come up to grab at his wrist, trying ineffectually to get out of his grip. He's just too strong though, and she's simply too weak.

"You won't… you c-can't possibly think… that you'll get away with t-this Riser. M-My brother… my f-father will…"

And then he DOES slap her in the face with his cock. Rias is shocked into silence, even as she pants for breath, exhausted and still oh so horrifically weak.

"They will do nothing. Because tomorrow, you're going to tell them how wrong you were. Tomorrow, you're going to confess that while you don't quite love me yet, you think you might be able to come to some day. Tomorrow you're going to tell your mother how gentle a lover I was, and she in turn will assuage your father and your brother's worries about how our marriage will be. THAT is what is going to happen, Rias Gremory."

A shudder of sheer disgust runs through the red head, particularly because Riser spent the entire time telling her how things were going to be also running his cock all across her face. She glares up at him, past his member, quite hatefully, almost snarling her response.


Even here, he doesn't let her finish. Instead, Riser takes the opportunity to shove his cock right into her open mouth, cutting her declaration off before it can come to its end. To her credit, Rias tries to bite down immediately. Unfortunately, Riser isn't just rock hard in the conventional sense… his meat rod is solid in a way that almost sees Rias chipping a tooth before she manages to pull back her chompers in slight pain, eyes wide and tears welling up in the corners.

W-What? But Riser is all wicked grins, even as he uses his grip on Rias' head to saw the first few inches of his cock in and out of her mouth.

"Do you like what I've done in preparation for this moment, dear wife? I don't imagine you do. But then, isn't that your fault for not reading the fine print? You always have been a foolish little girl Rias. You didn't even look past the humiliation of what I had you wear beneath your wedding dress to realize that there are runes sewn into the inside of the lace. The dress was also similarly enchanted, a shield to keep the runes from activating until the right time. Here, now… in this room, where the magic I've put in place could bring to life the dormant runes to do MY bidding."

He forces his cock a bit further, and Rias gags for a moment before he pulls back. Her hands are on his legs now, palms pressing against the front of him, but there's not an ounce of strength in her limbs, and he's just so much more powerful than her. But of course, there's a reason for that, now isn't there?

"A simple draining spell, in the end. Magnified of course by about a hundred times for a powerful devil such as yourself. And connected to me, so that I might bask in that strength. What's yours is mine now, dear wife. I imagine you're feeling quite tired. That's alright. I've got more than enough energy for the both of us."

Rias only has a few moments to properly process what Riser is saying, the fact that she's being drained of her demonic power and its in turn being given to him barely having a chance to set in her mind before Riser pulls back and then starts to thrust forward a lot more violently. He's fucking her face now, and more and more of his cock is disappearing past her full lips and down her throat, choking and gagging her all the while.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Tears stream down Rias' cheeks at the humiliation and abuse. Drool and saliva pool on her lower lip, before sliding down to her chin, only to drip off onto her bouncing, jiggling breasts. She's never been so abused, never been so thoroughly used and degraded. No one in her entire life has treated her this poorly. It's certainly a rough experience for the Gremory Heiress, even as Riser seems to be having the time of his life.

"Ohhh, fuck yes… hell be damned, your throat is so fucking TIGHT, Rias. Take it, you little slut. Take it all!"

She's not a slut. She's not a whore. But that doesn't stop Riser Phenex, her new husband, from treating her like one. The only thing that keeps Rias sane is the knowledge that she can tell her brother and father about this. Surely this sort of magical attack on her essence, along with a physical attack on her body… it must give her the right to divorce this scumbag, right? He's not just hurting her, not just draining her… he's RAPING her.

Something of her defiance, of her desire to see him brought low, must show in Rias' eyes as she glares up at him all while being forced to deep-throat his member time and time again. Because Riser just grins down at her, licking his lips quite hungrily.

"I know what you're thinking, Rias. I know what you're planning. I can see it working its way through your cute little brain. Going to cry to daddy and big bro, hm? Going to tell them that the mean Riser Phenex tricked and raped you? No… no you're not. Because all this power I've drained from you? I'm not keeping it. And if that's the case, it has to go somewhere, doesn't it?"

Rias eyes cloud with confusion, but Riser is already activating the OTHER ritual he's set up in the bedchamber. Those gorgeous, watery blue eyes widen in surprise and shock as Riser pours the stolen power he's taken from the Gremory devil into the pre-set spell. At the same time, his hands, fisted in Rias' crimson locks, glow with power.

"Become my slave, Rias Gremory! Because my loving, doting slave-wife for the rest of your days!"

Hearing those words, Rias understandably panics. She can feel it, the magic that Riser is wielding at her expense. She can feel it trying to take root within her, trying to settle over her mind like a suffocating blanket she'll never escape from. And she tries to fight it. Oh, how she tries. But there's no fighting this. Not when the spell uses her OWN power, drained from her until she had nothing left.

The Gremory heiress continues to choke on Riser's cock all the while, his member still pistoning in and out of her throat. It helps him, in the end. Her attention torn between the worst abuse she's ever suffered and his magic settling over her struggling, drained, weakened mind… ultimately, it's a battle Rias could never have won alone, not in a million years.

And she is oh-so-very alone in that moment… until she's not. As everything suddenly changes for the female devil, her eyes glaze over and she finds her hands falling away from Riser's legs. Her tongue begins to flick back and forth across his cock as he ravages her throat. And in the end… Rias becomes exactly what Riser wants of her. His 'loving, doting slave-wife' is born in that moment, and the old Rias Gremory is wiped away. She goes kicking and screaming into the darkness, but she still goes all the same.

As the magic in the room settles and then dissipates, Riser pauses for a moment. His wicked, triumphant grin morphs into a contemplative expression. Pulling his cock out of Rias' mouth, he slaps it against the red head's face experimentally. The way she moans and nuzzles against it so very wantonly is a good sign. Chuckling, Riser rubs his saliva-covered member all across Rias' face.

"You like that, slave?"

"Oooh, yes Master…"

Her tone is breathless and full of need as she looks up at him with those beautiful blue eyes of hers. No longer full of anger, or impotent rage, they're now completely and utterly loving, as is the rest of her. Heh, not that the impotent rage wasn't fun, but Riser can't help but grin wide at the culmination of his plans. Rias Gremory kneels before him now in the scantiest, skimpiest of slutty white lingerie, and she's happy to be there. Because she's his slave, and he's her Master. As it should be…

His cock twitching, Riser considers what he's going to do next, even as he continues to rub his throbbing dick all over Rias' face. Honestly though, there's really only one option now, isn't there?

"… I'm going to fuck you now, slave. I'm going to take your virginity, and perhaps I'll knock you up at the same time. You'd like that too, wouldn't you?"

"Yes Master! A thousand times yes… to be able to give you my purity, to have the privilege of holding your seed within my womb even if it doesn't take… please Master, please give it to me however you like. Fuck my body. It belongs to you, after all."

Snickering, Riser considers that for a moment as well. How DOES he want to give it to Rias?

"Heh, I suppose if this were a normal wedding night, I would take you on your back as we looked lovingly into one another's eyes."

Rias' eyes brighten at that, and even if she's now completely his in every way that matters, Riser delights in shutting down her hope.

"But that's not how I should fuck my slutty, whorish slave-wife, now is it? No, a simple-minded sow-bitch like yourself doesn't deserve to look me in the eye as I take you."

Rias' gaze immediately lowers to the ground as she rests her palms atop her legs.

"N-No, Master. This slave doesn't deserve anything more than her Master deigns to give her."

Nodding in satisfied agreement, Riser tightens his grip on Rias' crimson locks.

"That's exactly right, slut. Now that you know your place, now that you understand who you belong to… I think its only fitting that I take you like you deserve to be taken. Turn around, plant your face on the floor, and lift that fat ass of yours into the air."

He releases her hair then, allowing her to obey. Rias does so admirably, immediately moving to fulfill his instructions. Still dressed in the white lace that does absolutely nothing to hide her body from him, the red head plants her cheek on the floor, her hands on either side of it as she prostrates herself in the direction of the bed. Then, she lifts her hips up as high as she can, moving her ass into the air and pointing it in his direction as she arches her back.

Her pussy lips are visible like this, and more than that, they're glistening. Rias is absolutely stunning in her new position, Riser's cock throbbing with need as he considers her for a moment.

"… This is right. This is where you belong, you stupid little slut. For all the irritation you and yours have caused me…"

He trails off, but that doesn't stop Rias from whimpering and shaking her hips back in his direction to appease him. Her bountiful bubble butt jiggles and bounces in response to her movements.

"I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused you Master! Please, please take out your frustrations on my whore body! All I want is to make things up to you!"

As she should. Riser's grin is evil as he finally steps forward. One hand comes down HARD on one of Rias' upturned butt cheeks, his palm delivering a powerful smack to her ass that turns into a grope as his fingers dig in deep and begin to knead her pliable, creamy white flesh. Rias responds with a squeal, followed by a needy moan from him playing with her butt.

Of course, his other hand is still on his hard, thick erection. And said erection is pointed downwards as Riser descends into a crouch, placing his cockhead right up against Rias' ready and waiting pussy lips. She has a spectacular body and taking her virginity will certainly be a pleasurable experience, but it's not any of that that sets her apart from Riser's peerage. Plenty of his harem are gorgeous women, and plenty were virgins before he took them and made them his.

What sets Rias apart from his peerage is her status. Who she is matters a lot more than how she looks, though her absolutely gorgeous body is certainly a plus. Riser is about to fuck the heir to the Gremory clan… though he doubts that she'll be heir for long, once her subservience to him becomes more public knowledge. The position will no doubt fall to the Lucifer's child instead, ultimately.

That's just fine with Riser. He would have been happy to leave Rias alone, to have an equal, and very distant marriage where they didn't trouble one another too often. But in the end, Rias had made this about him and her, rather than what it was really about, their two families forming closer ties. In the end… Rias had brought this on herself.

Thrusting forward, Riser sinks into the red head right on the spot, filling his new slave wife with his cock in one smooth go. Her virginity tears instantly, but she's already so wet in such a short amount of time. Her body began prepping itself for him the moment that the magic took hold, it seems. Rias is his slave now, after all. She always needs to be ready for him to fuck her.

His cock hits the entrance to her womb in short order because of this, and Riser groans, even as Rias trembles beneath him. The reason for her trembling becomes obvious a moment later when she abruptly cums, climaxing loudly and joyously from his very first thrust. Riser considers punishing her for cumming without his permission, but ultimately discards the idea. He still is a young male after all… and foreplay is over now. It's time to get down to business.

He fucks her, of course. Riser Phenex fucks Rias Gremory with his big fat cock as hard as he damn can, taking the red head and making her his bitch in a very physical, very personal way. With her face pressed against the floor of the bedroom, and her ass in the air to give him ease of access to her cunt, all Rias can do is moan and claw at the ground in front of her, taking Riser's shaft in deep, long strokes that seem to get faster and faster as time goes on.

"So fucking good, you stupid virgin slut. Hell, I'm going to enjoy this body so fucking much. I'm glad you pissed me off. Glad I got to take out the big guns and deal with you MY way."

Rias' response is incoherent gibberish as she cums around his thrusting, pistoning prick again and again and again. Her body shakes and shivers and trembles, jiggling and bouncing with every jarring thrust. Growling, Riser reaches down and grabs a handful of his new slave's hair, dragging Rias' head off the ground. When he turns her, so he can look at her face, the sight before him is a gratifying one. Rias' eyes are rolled back in her head, and her tongue is lolling out of her mouth as she moans and squeals and cries out in pleasure.

She looks ridiculous… like the slutty, stupid bitch he's named her as. It sends Riser right over the edge, and the male devil groans as he paints Rias' deepest depths white with his seed. His load pumps into her womb, filling her to the brim, and all Riser can think is how satisfying finally putting the Gremory heiress in her place feels. This… this is his victory. This is HIS triumph. He's won, and Rias is all his now.

As are her peerage. Pulling out of the red head, Riser drops her head to the floor. When she moves to raise it, he plants a foot in the back of her skull, grinding her down a bit as she moans and trembles, her ass and her cum-gushing pussy still up in the air and shaking slightly from the pure humiliation of the moment.

Then, he pulls his foot off of her and steps away.

"Go and get yourself cleaned up, slut. Only then will you be allowed to grace MY bed."

"Y-Yes, Master!"

Rias hurries off to do exactly that. Riser considers joining her in the bathroom for more fun, but it really has been a long day. A big day too. Weddings are no small affair to begin with but add in the fact that it was a wedding between he and the Gremory heiress and… well, Riser is exhausted, to put it simply. And with that in mind, he's quite ready to sleep. Stripping out of his clothing, Riser slips under the covers. When Rias finally returns, nude and freshly cleaned, he points down at his crotch.

"You'll be sleeping between my legs, like the good little slave-wife you are. Worshipping my cock before you drift off every night, and then waking me up with a morning blowjob will be just a part of your new duties."

"Yes Master!"

The enthralled female devil hurries to crawl under the covers, her soft, voluptuous body nestling between his legs. Riser sighs and leans back as he feels Rias' lips and tongue and fingers begin to caress his member and his balls. She's inexperienced, unskilled, and altogether virginal, but then he already knew that. He'll train her up. And he'll train up the female members of her peerage too.

Mm, but who to start with, now that he has Rias? Heh, in the end, there's really only one option, isn't there?


"You may consider any order from Riser an order from me. He and I are one now, bonded in matrimony. His peerage is my peerage, and my peerage is his peerage. As my Queen, you will be expected to obey."

Hogwash, at least partially. Riser keeps a bland smile on his face, even as he listens to Rias explain how it's going to be from now on to her Queen, Akeno Himejima. Of course, Rias is lying. She has no power here, no control at all. He wouldn't ever let the red head give a single order to ANY of his peerage. In fact, eventually he would probably see fit to make Rias submit to his own beloved Queen's deepest depravations, as a reward for Yubelluna's efforts in the Rating Game.

For now though, this was more about Rias' Queen then his own. They were sat in the small lounge area of Rias' little clubhouse at Kuoh Academy. The rest of Rias' Peerage had been sent home for the day, so that she could speak with Akeno in private. Of course, Riser was now part of that 'in private', as Rias' husband.

It was clear that Akeno didn't like that. The dark-haired, former fallen angel was fisting her school uniform's skirt as she gritted her teeth, staring between her King and Riser with clear anger on her face. They were sat across the way from her, only a coffee table between them as Riser rested an arm around Rias' shoulders, his fingers mere inches away from simply groping the red head's chest.

They were seated quite closely together, and Rias, while not completely sycophantic like she was in private with him, was clearly comfortable in his embrace.

"Rias… a-are you sure about this?"

The red head frowns at Akeno, and her response is waspish as she snaps at her Queen.

"Of course, I'm sure. But if you need some sort of training… darling, do you have an order for my Queen? She will obey without question, I assure you."

Akeno stiffens, her gaze sliding over to Riser, who simply grins impishly.

"Mm, I've always wondered exactly what she looked like under that school uniform. Consider that an order, Himejima. Strip and show me the goods. Take it ALL off."

Akeno's eyes go wide, but a glance in Rias' direction shows that her King and her best friend is not at all as shocked, horrified, or angry about Riser's words as she is.

"W-What… Rias, surely…"

"My husband gave you an order. Follow it."

Akeno rises off of the couch, and with a swipe of her hand, throws the coffee table out of the way. She snarls as she takes a threatening step towards Riser and Rias, her anger and fury directed solely at him, rather than her friend.

"You… whatever you've done Riser, you will undo it right now! Or I swear I will hurt you until you can no longer regenerate!"

"No, you won't."

Riser doesn't speak. He doesn't have to. Rias speaks for him, and when she does, her voice is filled with barely contained rage.

"You're making me look like a fool, Akeno! My husband gave you a command! As my Queen, you must always be ready to prove your loyalty! If you cannot obey, if you dare to try and harm Riser, I will be FORCED to name you as a Stray Devil and dispatch my husband and his peerage to reclaim my Queen Piece from you!"

The room goes frigid. Even Riser is a little surprised by Rias' anger. It's not just an act anymore, his slave-wife is actually upset that Akeno is acting like this, and she's channeling that into the character he's told her to play in front of the other girl. Akeno's eyes are wide, and for a moment Riser wonders if the dark-haired woman is going to cry. She doesn't though, nor does she say another word.

Slowly, mechanically, Akeno's hands come up and begin to unbutton her top layer. Piece by piece, the gorgeous, buxom young woman's uniform comes off of her body. She exposes herself to both Riser and Rias' eyes without a word, her gaze fixated on some spot over their head. Riser can understand how the reincarnated devil is feeling right now. Rias had just threatened to have her killed, after all.

It must be quite the betrayal, but Akeno is putting on a brave face as she bares her chest to his eyes. And then her skirt and panties go too, leaving her in nothing at all, save for her birthday suit. She's gorgeous, of course. Akeno Himejima is beautiful, perhaps even more than Rias. She's taller and even more voluptuous, and her long hair is certainly a nice sight to see, as her ponytail goes all the way down to her ankles. Riser will have to find some way to make use of that, for sure.


The word slips from his lips and causes Akeno to stiffen, even as Rias relaxes beside him, smiling now that her servant has obeyed.

"Thank you, Akeno. You've done well."

Riser is quick to interject at that.

"Hm, has she? She was more than a little hesitant. I think you deserve punishment, Akeno. Come over here."

Rias is silent when Akeno glances in the direction of her King. Seeing that she'll get no help from the girl she's considered her best friend all her life, Akeno slowly walks forward, her movement just as mechanical and stilted as before. Once she's standing before Riser, he considers her for a moment… and then nods.

"Turn around. Present your ass for punishment."

Akeno's eyes go wide and her face flushes with embarrassment at the humiliation such an act promises. If she obeys, she knows what will happen. Riser just grins at her, even as she turns around and does as she's told, her fingers digging into her legs as she bends her body slightly, pushing her ass out towards him. It truly is a spectacular thing… and Riser takes great satisfaction in giving it a heart smack that sees Akeno gasping and even trembling.

That has him lifting a brow, and he continues to spank the disobedient devil, even as Akeno's legs wobble and she forces herself to remain as still as she can. But ultimately, it's a losing battle and Riser's eyes are eventually drawn to the wetness he can just barely see from his current vantage point. Did Akeno like this? It was clear she didn't want to, but…

"Are you enjoying this, slut?"

Akeno stiffens at that, before letting out a reluctant moan as he spanks her again. Rias though, is quite quick to throw her friend under the bus.

"Oh, she most certainly is. My Queen has very deviant tastes. She's a sadist, but also a masochist. A sadist more than a masochist of course, but she still enjoys a little pain herself. A strange pairing, to be sure, but it gives her a wide variety of options when it comes to fulfilling some of the more… sexual contracts that I and my peerage sometimes get."

Akeno's head whips around and her eyes are filled with betrayal as she looks in Rias' direction. But she doesn't try to deny the other girl's words are true. And when Riser's hand ends up between her thighs, his fingers running across her slit and finding her wet from his spanking of her reddened bottom, she can't do much but tremble and whine before him.

Laughing, Riser shakes his head and pulls back his hand, only to bring it back for a nice, wet slap across Akeno's cunt. And with that, the dark-haired girl falls to her knees, climaxing reluctantly and explosively all over the floor of the clubhouse. Rias scowls a little as her naked Queen makes a mess of things.

"Damn it Akeno, keeping this place clean isn't cheap you know!"

But Riser is done waiting. He's tired of the act.

"Himejima. I've decided I want to fuck you. Impale yourself on my dick and ride me while Rias watches."

There's a pause, and then Akeno is up on her feet again, whirling around and rearing back as if slapped.

"W-What?! No!"


Rias' growl shuts that down quickly though, the threat of being labeled a stray devil still looming in the air. Even then, it's a struggle for the Queen to accept. Akeno stands there, fidgeting, completely naked as she looks between Riser and Rias, clearly at a loss. Grinning quite wickedly, Riser taps Rias' shoulder. The red head correctly intuits what he wants, and Akeno watches with even wider eyes as Rias reaches over and unbuttons and unzips Riser's pants, pulling his already-hard prick from its confines and stroking it up and down pointedly.

"Akeno. Get over here and impale yourself on my husband's cock."

The conflict in Akeno's eyes slowly dies down, her countenance becoming resigned in short order once more. Slowly she moves back towards them. Her long, gorgeous legs take her to the couch quite quickly, and she leverages herself up onto Riser's lap, kneeling over his massive meat rod as it sticks straight up, pointed directly at her cunt lips. Rias helps of course. As Akeno lowers herself onto his length, Rias makes sure to hold him steady, watching with feverish awe as her Queen sinks down onto his cock.

The new Rias, the true Rias is starting to break through. His slave-wife is finding it harder and harder not to act as she knows she should around him when they're in private. Of course, that's the beauty of the spell. When in public, Rias will act as she always did, albeit a bit more in line with Riser's desires like she has been with Akeno. But in private, she was his horny little love-slave.

Of course, as Akeno sunk more and more onto his member, the lines between public and private became more and more blurred. And as she tried to stifle her moans and hide how much she was enjoying his cock inside of her wet cunt, Riser was having none of it. Reaching up, he tweaks the sadomasochist's nipples, twisting and pulling them in a way that has Akeno squealing, as much as she'd rather not. A fresh flood of pussy juices gushes down Riser's length, and quite suddenly she drops the rest of the way down his cock as her passage gets too slick for her to take it slow any longer.

"Rias, Akeno seems to be struggling with accepting her place in our new world. Help her out."

Rias immediately rises from her seated position and onto her knees. Before Akeno can even fully process Riser's words, her best friend is kissing her and hard. As Rias kisses Akeno and their tongues intertwine, the red head also reaches down and grabs Akeno's wrists, lifting them up. Her hands ultimately slide into Akeno's hands as the dark-haired female's resistance begins to crumble, and their fingers interlock quite erotically as Riser rests his own hands on Akeno's hips and begins to thrust up into her.

This continues for a little while, but Riser knows that despite the mind-melting pleasure Akeno is now experiencing, once it's over and done with, she'll still resent Rias and hate him for what they've both done to her. There's only one way to make sure that that doesn't happen. And while Riser didn't bother setting up the draining spell this time, setting up the other spell in the clubhouse before this little meeting had been child's play. Luckily, he has back up this go around.

As he starts to cast the magic in the air, using his power and even Rias' to do so, Akeno goes stiff, feeling the spell as it begins to settle onto her mind. She's not nearly as weakened as Rias was though, and she fights a lot harder. However, with Rias holding her in place and kissing her, there's not much Akeno can do but struggle physically. If she tries to use her magic, she'll hurt her King. Even now, the dark-haired Queen is unwilling to harm her best friend, the girl who saved her from certain death so many years ago.

Exactly as Riser intended. His grin is wide and wicked as he continues to fuck Akeno all throughout the casting of the spell. That deep dicking, her bouncing up and down on his member time and time again, combined with Rias' insistent kissing and clinging to Akeno… it ultimately helps the process along, just as Riser's abuse of Rias' throat helped when he'd done this to her.

In the end, there's no winning for the poor Queen. Akeno's mind is washed away by the magic, the heavy blanket falling over her thoughts and her very sense of self, altering her irrevocably, just as it had Rias. The old Akeno dies with barely a whimper, stifled as her voice is by Rias' lips and tongue. The new Akeno… well, the new Akeno is a LOT more enthusiastic.

Her hips begin to gyrate and undulate across Riser's cock, and her moans into Rias' mouth become louder and less reluctant. She clings to her best friend, even as she bounces herself up and down on Riser's shaft as hard and as fast as she possibly can. She's much more enthusiastic and much more eager than before, and Riser finds himself able to put his hands to better use, now that Akeno is handling the fucking part.

His fingers leave her hips and instead settle on the gorgeous Queen's jumping jubilees. Her breasts have been bouncing and jiggling right in front of Riser's face since they started, but now they're just all over the place with how fast Akeno is fucking herself on his cock. Riser takes hold of the gorgeous pair of tits with both hands, and then he begins to abuse them to his heart's content.

Akeno is even more responsive to pain then she was before the spell, and Riser has a niggling suspicion that the magic has turned her into a full masochist, rather than a sadomasochist, now that she's his loving, loyal slave just like Rias. After all, Riser isn't a masochist. He has no need for a sadist slave, though there is the thought of using Akeno to break in Rias' other female peerage members.

Regardless, his fingers dig deep into Akeno's chest, leaving behind red marks as she cums time and time again across his member. All the while, Rias is leaning over him, in order to continue to kiss her Queen as Akeno is fucked into oblivion, her mind broken and wiped clean, her new world secured and completely and utterly solidified.

It's more than enough to ultimately bring Riser over the edge. He cums deep inside of Akeno, just as he did with Rias, enjoying himself thoroughly as he pumps his load into her. Akeno stiffens for one last orgasm, before collapsing on top of him, panting heavily now that its over. And Rias pulls back, a happy smile on her face, the slave knowing that her best friend has joined her now, and there's no need to hide anything anymore.

"I'm… I'm so sorry for how I acted, Master. Rias… I'm sorry I disobeyed you…"

Akeno seems truly contrite, and Rias is of course quick to console her.

"Oh, Akeno… don't worry about it! I'm sorry I had to be so mean, but you just didn't understand yet. Now you know. Now you understand that Riser is all that matters, in the long run. Now you understand your place at my side, as my sister-slave, kneeling at his feet."

Akeno is quick to nod at that, but Riser isn't quite done yet. His hand comes down on the dark-haired devil's fat ass, and he smirks as her back arches and she moans in pleasure from the pain.

"That doesn't mean you don't deserve to be punished. Get off my cock, slut."

Akeno quickly scrambles to obey, sliding his dick out of her and hopping off his lap.

"Look at this mess you've made. Take care of it, bitch. No hands, only your mouth."

"Yes Master!"

Quickly and eagerly falling to her knees, Akeno descends upon his messy cock, covered in their combined juices, like some sort of starved, ravenous creature. Her hands are clasped behind her back as she does so, and her sizable breasts rest on the couch between his legs. Her lips and tongue go to work on making Riser as clean as they possibly can, all while the blond devil leans back and takes in the scene of Akeno Himejima humiliating herself for HIS satisfaction.

This is the life. It's everything he wanted, ever since Rias pissed him off. Speaking of Rias, a glance over at his slave-wife has her biting her lower lip as she watches Akeno hard at work.

"You're over-dressed, slave. Strip."

Rias jolts at his words and hastens to obey. She practically tears off her own school uniform, moving much faster than Akeno. Once she's completely naked, Riser grabs her by a fistful of her crimson locks and drags her in close, kissing her deeply as her gorgeous breasts and voluptuous body rub all over him. At the same time, his other hand goes down and grabs the base of Akeno's long ponytail as he shoves her down his length, forcing his cock DEEP into her throat.

With his member sheathed in a nice, delicious throat-cunt and his tongue intertwined with the tongue of his new, submissive wife, Riser is quite happy. But he's not content, oh no. He won't be content until all of Rias' peerage belongs to him. The men don't interest him that much and could in fact be a detriment to his plans, but the women… there are two left, and Riser can't wait to taste them.

Koneko Toujou the former Nekomata, and Asia Argento, the former Nun. Rias sure knew how to pick 'em. And her talent for finding the most exotic of people for her peerage would be purely Riser's gain. He could scarcely wait.


Riser Phenex sits back and grins triumphantly as he enjoys the enthusiastic tongues and over-eager mouths of the gorgeous, beautiful women before him. It's not like this is an uncommon scene for the Phenex male. He DOES have an entire peerage of gorgeous beauties, his own personal harem that he's picked more for their looks then their skill. Of course, he's also made sure to 'encourage' his delicious pets to better themselves, so they can better fight for him as well.

Still, this is special. This is new. At least, for now. After a week, there's still something to be said about watching Rias Gremory and her Queen, Akeno Himejima work together to give him a loving double blowjob. Especially since he'd grown up with the former. They'd been equals, peers of the same age group even. That was why their parents had seen fit to arrange a marriage between the two of them.

It was supposed to be a marriage of common gains. Hell, Rias should have very well been in a slightly stronger position than Riser, given that she was the heiress to the Gremory Clan, while he had older brothers who would inherit the title of Lord Phenex long before he did. Of course, given the longevity of devils, and the likelihood of both of their parents to last centuries more, such a thing wasn't too big of a deal, even if keeping the lines of inheritance from being muddied was still important.

Ultimately though, Rias had hoisted herself up by her own petard, as the humans liked to say. His fiancé had foolishly tried to fight the engagement at every turn, acting as if it was HIS fault that they were to be married to one another. She'd despised him… so he'd changed that.

"Good girls. Tell me, Rias… are you enjoying yourself?"

Rias pulls back for a moment to answer his question, and in that single moment, Akeno swallows Riser's cock halfway to the base. The former Fallen Angel is helplessly opportunistic when it comes to these kinds of things, and Riser groans happily, threading his fingers through Akeno's long, silken black hair as Rias pauses and stares with mulish jealousy at her Queen.

"I asked you a question, slut."

Realizing that she's allowed herself to be distracted, Rias tears her gaze off of where Akeno is already starting to gag on Riser's dick as he forces her head up and down his shaft, instead looking to him apologetically.

"Sorry, Master! I… I love being on my knees before you. I love being your slave. Now if Akeno could just learn to share…"

That last part is directed at her Queen, a growl leaving Rias' throat as she places her hand on the back of her servant's neck. Not to pull Akeno off, no, Riser was already holding the young woman down, and Rias knew better than to disobey him. Instead, she pushes her naughty friend forward, helping Riser to choke and gag Akeno on his big fat dick as they work together to skull fuck the former Fallen Angel.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Riser groans after a few moments, his release rising. When he lets go of Akeno's hair, Rias sees this and correctly intuits his desires without him having to give a single verbal command. In moments, her Queen is pulled off of Riser's cock, and Rias has both of their faces lined up before his member, side by side. Akeno's glazed over eyes alight on Riser's length as she and Rias reach up as one to stroke him the rest of the way to completion.

His seed explodes out of his meat cannon just a few moments later, leaving both young women completely covered in jizz. The white, hot cum paints them both and the two are ecstatic for it, mouths wide open, tongues rolled out to collect as much as possible. They swallow what lands between their lips and then they turn together and clean each other off, knowing that Riser enjoys watching that as much as they enjoy doing it.

Sitting back, the Phenex devil smirks easily, his cock already ready for the next round just from the sight of the two horny devils debasing themselves before him. It was gorgeous, the view that he had of Rias and Akeno and their messy faces as they licked and lapped and slurped up his ejaculate from each other, ultimately making out with one another for a few moments to try to snatch up the last remnants of his gift from the insides of their mouths, before finally pulling back.

Once they're done, they turn to him, kneeling before him, bodies on full display and palms down on the top of their legs. The both of them have excellent posture, despite their massive chests. The ramrod state of each of their backs just leaves those gorgeous jubilees of theirs jutting outwards towards him like an offering of the highest caliber. And then of course, there's their faces. Both of them are giving him the most hopeful, most slutty looks Riser has ever received. And HE has an actual harem!

Ah, but while he loves his harem, they can't hold a candle to the new toys he's picked up. Riser is sure he'll bore of playing with Rias and her peerage eventually, but for now he's having the time of his life. Though, speaking of her peerage… Riser smirks. It's obvious that Rias and Akeno are waiting for him to choose to fuck one of them over the other at the moment. He's done it more than enough by now, though he's always rather… random about his choices. Neither of them means more to him than the other, regardless of Rias' public status as his wife. Riser has made sure the two horny cum dumps know this.

Of course, now he's not going to fuck either of them. Because instead…

"I think it's time we talked about your other peerage members, Rias. The Nekomata and the Nun… such delightful toys you've picked up for me to play with."

For a moment, Rias looks downright mutinous. But Riser just grins, knowing its not because she actually wants to protect Koneko and Asia from him or anything as silly as that. No, it's more that she doesn't want to share HIM with THEM. Akeno feels the same way, and the former Fallen Angel is much more willing to speak up where Rias isn't.

"Ooh, Master… surely you don't need them when you have us. Those two are under-developed as it is… and Asia is naïve and ignorant to the pleasures of the flesh. She won't be nearly as fun as I am."

Akeno bats her eyelashes up at him, even as she moves her hands from her lap to her tits, hefting them up to remind him just how well-endowed she is, as well as just how NOT well-endowed both Koneko and Asia are. Riser chuckles at that, leaning over to Akeno a bit. This in turn has the effect of getting the dark-haired devil excited, as she leans towards him as well, practically on instinct. As such, she never sees the backhanded slap coming, even as it crashes into her perfect cheekbone and sends her smashing into the ground with a cry as her entire body is whipped around by the force of the blow.

Rias watches all of this in silence, even as Akeno whimpers and begins to rise.

"Stay. Stay there and press your cheek against the ground. As you feel the pain, contemplate your own idiocy."

Tears slip down Akeno's cheeks, but not from the pain, even as she presses the cheek he smacked into the floor as hard as she can. No, Akeno Himejima is a masochistic whore of the highest order, and feeling pain is like feeling pleasure for the female devil. She moans quietly and rubs her thighs together, even as she remains on the floor, prostrating herself in such a perverse fashion before him. Her tears aren't because he hit her or hurt her, but because he's angry with her, because she's upset him… and thanks to her devotion for him, this depresses her.

Watching Akeno for a moment more, enjoying the view of her shapely ass half-turned into the air from the way her body twisted with his blow, Riser smirks and then turns his attention back to Rias, who still sits pristine, her back straight and her lips closed tightly together. When he speaks, he's looking at her, but really, his words are meant for both of them. He is responding to Akeno's presumptions, after all.

"You do not get to decide what I need and don't need. You do not get to decide what I want and don't want. The two of you are certainly fat-chested cow-like bimbos of the highest caliber. But I am a purveyor of all types of womanly flesh. Bimbos have their place… but so do petite cat girls and naïve, innocent nuns. Am I understood?"

Rias bows her head and speaks for both of them, even as Akeno mewls pathetically on the ground beside her.

"Yes Master."

Smirking wickedly, Riser leans forward, his erection still throbbing at the power he has over these two gorgeous, powerful young women, as well as at the thought of just what he planned to do with the rest of Rias' precious female peerage members.

"Good. Then lets discuss exactly how you two are going to help me with the cat and the nun. I've got ideas… you both will assist me in implementing them. Get off the floor, you filthy pain slut, and listen carefully. You as well, Rias."

Akeno hastily gets back into position beside her King, staring up at him with all of her focus and adoration and devotion in her eyes, despite the fact that he'd just hit her moments before. But then, Akeno liked being hit. Chuckling darkly as he looks back and forth at his loyal fuck toys, his loving sex slaves, Riser can't help but grin, even as he begins outlining exactly what he has in mind.

This was going to be fun.


Koneko Toujou frowns as she makes her way down the dirt path that leads to the ORC clubhouse. Rias had summoned her for what she said was a one-on-one meeting. Obviously, Koneko wasn't going to say no to her King, as well as the woman who had saved her life. She owed all of her loyalty to Rias, but more than that, she loved the other girl for treating her like more of a friend than a servant for all these years.

At the same time, there was still a certain level of disquiet over the peerage ever since they'd so soundly lost the Rating Game that decided whether or not Rias would have to get married to Riser. After the marriage and the honeymoon, Rias had returned to school, but she'd been… a little distant. Not entirely different, she was still Rias Gremory, their loving Buchou, but the peerage had not met all together since the wedding.

This was by design, or so Rias had said. She had too much to do with her new marriage to really focus on all of her peerage members all the time, so instead she was meeting with them more rarely, checking in on them but ostensibly just letting them continue to work on their own lives, on schoolwork and the like. Of course, Koneko knew for a fact that Issei Hyoudou, their resident pervert, was despondent.

As well he should be, in the Nekomata's opinion. If it wasn't for him, perhaps none of this would have happened. It was he who came in and took up all of Rias' pawn pieces. Sure, the power of the Red Dragon Emperor was extraordinary, but if it couldn't even help them beat Riser Phenex in a Rating Game, Koneko privately thought it was a waste of Rias' eight pawns, more than anything else.

On top of that though, Rias had latched onto Issei as a way to escape her marriage with Riser. Koneko didn't blame her Buchou for wanting to get away from the slimy Phenex devil. She'd never interacted with Riser directly, but she'd heard the stories and she'd watched from the background as Riser and Rias interacted.

Riser was like Issei, but with more political power, more control over others. Issei had the potential to literally kill gods with his Sacred Gear. On the other hand, Riser had been born with the keys to his own personal harem, Issei's biggest dream, simply handed over to him. Ugh. Boys. Koneko snarls as she finally closes in on the large double doors to the ORC building. They were all disgusting, save for maybe Kiba.

But Hyoudou? That was a man who Koneko wished had never caught the eye of her mistress. Perhaps Rias would still be free to find another way to escape the engagement to Riser, if Issei had never come along. If he'd-

Koneko finds her thoughts cut off as the diminutive Nekomata pushes into the clubhouse and begins to make her way inside. Namely, because the moment she steps past the threshold, everything changes. A gasp leaves Koneko's throat and she falls to her knees right there in the middle of the hall as her willpower fails her for a moment, and her transformation slips entirely.

She hasn't had such a lapse in years, her white cat ears suddenly protruding from the top of her head, and her equally white twin tails slipping out from beneath her school uniform's skirt to swish and flick through the air. A whimper leaves Koneko's throat as she falls forward onto her hands as well, her entire body undulating, her back arching.

It takes the Nekomata a second to realize what's happening. She's… she's going into heat. But that's not right, is it? Her mating season… isn't this a little early? Also, isn't this just a terrible time? Whining pitifully, Koneko squeezes her eyes shut as she valiantly resists the urge to reach down under her skirt and touch herself. Her entire body feels itchy all of the sudden, but the space between her legs is where its worst. She's hot down there, so damn hot. Like she's burning up.

The petite cat girl's hips hump at open air for a moment as she finds her mind filling with thoughts of… sex. Mating, to be precise. Some big, strong man would take her, and he would fuck her, and he would i-impregnate her. Koneko has never even considered such a thing before, and there's not a single boy in her life at this point who interests her in that way. This leaves the fantasy man faceless, but at the same time, doesn't detract from the fact that she NEEDS to be bred by someone.

No! NO! She's… she's not just some cat in heat, d-damn it! She's Koneko Toujou, Rook to Rias Gremory. THAT'S what matters! THAT'S what's important! If she doesn't get herself under control, she'll be late to her meeting with Buchou! This is what ultimately allows Koneko to force herself up to her feet, her cat-like features receding as she once again assumes her human disguise. Biting her lower lip, the young Nekomata takes a shaky step forward, shuddering as even the barest brush of thigh again thigh, the feel of her panties pressing up into her pussy… almost sets her off.

She's definitely aroused, that much is for certain. The heat she's now going through is forcing her to grow wet right on the spot, as if it thinks she's going to find and mate with a man then and there. Well, if that's what her body wants from her, its in for an unpleasant surprise. The only one Koneko has any intention of meeting with right now is her King. She'll figure out this heat thing later.

Stomping deeper into the empty ORC building, Koneko clenches her hands into fists at her sides, until her knuckles are white from the squeezing and her nails are almost set to draw blood from her palms. The mild pain of this action helps her to focus herself on the task at hand, and soon enough she's stepping into the clubroom proper.

"Buchou, sorry if I'm late, I-!"

Koneko stops talking and freezes up in the center of the room as her eyes land upon her King… and Rias' new husband. She probably should have heard them from a hundred feet or so away. She can certainly hear them now that she's not focused solely on herself and her own problems. Koneko's pale face goes bright red in stark contrast from her white hair as she stares at her Buchou while the other female devil happily bounces up and down on… Riser Phenex's cock.

Rias is facing her as she does it, and her entire body is on display, the red head completely naked as she moans and rides her new husband to her heart's content. Her nude form is covered in sweat, and her gorgeous breasts, which have always been a matter of awe and perhaps a smidgen of jealousy for Koneko, bounce up and down along with the rest of Rias, jiggling sensually and sexily all the while.

Of course, Koneko's words cut through the enthusiastic fucking as she inadvertently barges in on the two. Rias' eyes open up fully from where they were heavily lidded, and she looks to Koneko with a bright smile on her face, even as she slows down, only Riser's thrusts up into her causing her to bounce and jiggle now.

"Mm, there you are Koneko. You, ah, were a little late, but, ooh, luckily Riser came by to, hah, keep me company~"

Koneko can't help but stare. What… what is this? What's going on here? Sure, Rias and Riser are married now. But never in a million years did she expect to find her Buchou making love to the man in such a lewd way… in such a public setting! S-Surely her duties to her family and the marriage would be something Rias would want to k-keep in private, behind closed doors! Koneko had understood what must have happened on Riser and Rias' wedding night and honeymoon, but she'd never thought she'd end up face-to-face with the reality of their failure in the Rating Game!


The single broken word that passes through the Nekomata's lips says it all. Rias seems to immediately understand, even as she reaches down and pats Riser's side.

"Mm, let me down lover, I need to have a talk with my darling Rook."

Riser grunts at that, but as Koneko watches on, he lets Rias hop off his cock nonetheless. H-Hop off his cock… that wasn't something Koneko ever thought she'd be thinking. Regardless, still naked and still covered in a thin layer of sweat, Rias pads her way across the room and takes Koneko up in her arms, smiling at the shorter, petite devil as she hugs her close.

"Sorry you had to see us like this Koneko. As you can probably guess, I've come to terms with my marriage to Riser. What's done is done, you know? And as it turns out… Riser isn't so bad, once you get to know him. He and I… we have an understanding now."

It was both in character and out of character, the way Rias was currently acting. The red head had always been a fan of skinship though, and she'd never been all that shy around her peerage, be they male OR female. Even still, Koneko might have been able to decide something was wrong about all of this… if she wasn't dealing with her other predicament.

Put bluntly, being in close proximity to another female who was just fucking a male that was sitting right there with his cock STILL out, having that female hug her close and smelling both Rias' scent and Riser's musk all over her King… it was NOT helping Koneko deal with her heat well. Not at all. Before the Nekomata even knows it, her cat ears and twin tails are back, and she's mewling as she nuzzles into Rias' breasts.


The questioning tone of her Buchou is enough to pull her back once more though. Koneko practically tears herself out of Rias' grasp once she realizes what she's doing, whining pitifully in front of both her King and Rias' husband as her cat ears flatten to her skull and she hunches in on herself.

"B-Buchou, I'm sorry, s-so sorry… I… I should g-go!"

But before she can leave, Rias has her by the wrist and is pulling her into another hug again.

"It's okay, Koneko! I'm here for you! Just tell me what's wrong! If you want to nuzzle my breasts while doing so, feel free!"

Once again, this was just off enough that Koneko probably should have realized things weren't quite right. As it was, the poor white-haired cat girl was in no position to separate wrong from right in that moment, not with Rias all but rubbing her naked, glistening tits all over Koneko's face and holding her so closely and… and…

"I-I'm… I'm in heat."

She says it quietly at first, and Rias has to pull back a little to look down at her in confusion.

"What was that?"

Blushing up a storm but no longer trying to pull away from the close proximity to her King, Koneko whimpers.

"I'm in heat, B-Buchou… it's… it's my mating season."

Rias' eyes go wide at that as she processes what Koneko is saying. The Nekomata is half expecting her mistress to pull away from her then. Surely, she was like a leper when she was like this. Every fiber of her being was on FIRE with want… and most of it wasn't directed at Rias, but at the male who's scent clung to every inch of Rias' body. Even if her Buchou hadn't said as much, Koneko could definitely tell that Rias and Riser had come to an 'understanding'. An 'understanding' that in turn led to copious amounts of sex, because Koneko could smell Riser ALL over Rias, and worse than that, she could tell Riser was fertile as well.

It didn't matter what she'd heard or seen of him before. It didn't matter that she had a poor opinion of Riser himself. What mattered was that he was a virile male with a big fat cock, hard and erect, ready to go, and he was RIGHT THERE. Koneko is sure Rias realizes all of this as the two of them stare at one another. Koneko tries to convey it through her gaze at least, even as she bites her lower lip.

Rias needs to send her away. She needs to force Koneko to leave, right this moment. It's the only way the Nekomata can be sure she won't try to jump Rias' husband and force him to give her babies right then and there. She doesn't… she doesn't want to get in the middle of Rias and Riser's marriage, especially not when they seem to have finally found a way to connect, even if its just through sex. She can't ruin this for her Buchou.

Of course, whether Rias sees this in Koneko's eyes or not, in the end, the crimson-haired devil has other plans. Grinning impishly, Rias drags Koneko further into the room, towards where Riser is sat upon the couch he'd just been fucking his wife on moments before.

"Well then, this is perfect! You need help dealing with your heat, and I've got a nice, hard dick for you to use right here!"

Koneko gapes, and in her shocked reaction, she forgets to address her Buchou with respect.


For the first time, the oddness of the situation manages to penetrate through the haze of sheer WANT that's currently permeating throughout Koneko's mind. Rias is… Rias wants to… she wants to have Riser fuck her?! Why would she let that happen? Why would she let her husband be unfaithful, a-and with one of her own peerage members at that?

Pulling Koneko until they're both standing before an amused, lounging Riser, Rias slides into place behind her diminutive Rook, her breasts resting against the back of Koneko's head as her hands begin to work open the buttons on the girl's blouse. Koneko squirms, but even as she tries to latch onto the feeling that something is wrong, her eyes end up sliding down to Riser's crotch.

His shaft, the length that had just been inside Rias minutes before… its on full display still, completely erect, fully hard… and covered in Rias' pussy juices. Part of Koneko immediately wants to impale herself on it, just to claim it as her own and take it from Rias. Another part of her smacks that down. How dare she even think of betraying her Buchou like that, how dare she contemplate stealing her mistress' husband.

No… better that she be the concubine to Rias and Riser's marriage, yes? Wait… what? Koneko mewls as Rias' hands end up on her chest. Even now, the red head is continuing to strip her naked, exposing her pale, blushing body to Riser's eyes, inch by inch. At the same time, Rias' lips are at Koneko's ear and her mistress is speaking to her in a soft tone, never breaking eye contact with Riser.

"Look at him, Koneko. Look at that big, fat dick. Don't you want it? I know you do. That heat of yours… I can feel it radiating off of you from here. If you want it, you should be allowed to have it. Though… you do have to ask Riser. It is HIS cock after all?"

Koneko fidgets in Rias' embrace, even as she finds herself stripped down to nothing more than her panties, her stockings, and her shoes. Her mistress has removed everything else, leaving her naked save for those three things. All that time, Koneko has been staring at Riser's dick. She knows she shouldn't. She knows its wrong. She… she wants it though. God, this heat is fucking her up so badly. She's never been needier, and the Nekomata's usual cool disposition is completely lost in the face of how much she wants to be fucked and bred by a man, any man… even Riser Phenex.

"P… puh… please…"

That's all Koneko gets out. She tries to say the words, but beyond that, they just won't come. She clamps up after, looking down at the ground, averting her gaze in shame. Thus, she doesn't see the wicked, evil smirk that Riser exchanges with Rias. She just sees the kind, understanding smile that looks so out of place on Riser's face when Rias makes her raise her head again a moment later. Nodding at her, Riser gestures to his cock.

"Go ahead, Koneko. Rias and I are a pair now. You're family. I'll help you with this… so go ahead and hop on."

She had permission, now. Both Rias and Riser were telling her she could… she could do it. And as Rias lets go of her, leaving Koneko to stand on her own two feet, legs wobbling. She had a decision to make now. But what else was a Nekomata in heat to do when confronted with a big fat cock and permission to impale herself on it?

Before Koneko can even fully register her actions, she's playing with the tip of Riser's dick using her cute, wet slit. As she looks down between them, she realizes she's now on his lap, her panties pushed to the side and his cockhead slipped up into the entrance of her cunt. Riser's hands are around her waist, and he's moving her back and forth, teasing both himself and her with the tiny bit of foreplay.

Koneko mewls as she looks up at him beseechingly, all hesitation, all fear leaving her. She wants it. Every fiber of her being wants it. She's so close now. Riser, for his part, takes one look at her blushing face and responds with a wicked grin.

"Slutty little kitty cat, aren't you? And now you're all mine."

That sends a rushing flow of cold water down Koneko's spine, as her eyes widen at the peer sadism present in Riser's face. The act he'd been putting on for her since she 'accidentally' walked in on him and Rias going at it is abruptly gone, replaced instead by the misogynistic male devil Koneko has known all along.

Not that the poor Rook has more than a second to recognize this and to feel a pit of dread welling up in her stomach. Because the next moment sees her impaled on Riser's cock, her virginity torn apart and her body stretched wide around his massive shaft. Koneko yowls at the sudden intrusion, even as her hands grab at Riser's chest, leaving claw marks down his front.

But the Phenex devil just laughs as he uses his grip on her petite little waist to force her body up and down his shaft, bouncing her along his cock over and over and over again. And as he laughs and Koneko cries out, there's not much the Nekomata can do as she reluctantly enjoys every moment of it. This is what her body needs after all, even if its not really what she wants. The heat raging through her will be satiated by no less than a big fat dick with a nice thick load of cum deposited firmly into her womb.

Still, she struggles and squirms a little bit. Riser isn't the good man that he's clearly convinced Rias he is. Koneko needs to warn her mistress… but when she looks back to Rias, she finds a sight that leaves her shocked and shook. Rias Gremory is sitting on her ass, spreading her legs wide and fisting her cunt all the way up to the wrist as she watches Riser bounce Koneko up and down on his cock with the lewdest, most depraved expression that the Nekomata has ever seen on any woman's face, let alone her Buchou's.

"Is she good, Master?! Oooh, is she nice and tight? Fuck her, Master! Fuck her harder~"

Its in that moment that the part of Koneko still able to think through the pleasurable haze permeating her mind realizes that this is all a trap. Riser has done something to her mistress, done something to mess with Rias' mind. She has to… she has to stop it. She has to fight back, she has to put aside her own desire, her own need to be bred so she can save her Buch-

"Pull on her tails, Master! Nekomata LOVE that!"

At Rias' suggestion, Koneko's thoughts grind to a halt because Riser immediately follows through, reaching out and grabbing the base of her twin tails, before abruptly tugging at the same time he thrusts up into her clenching cunt with his big fat dick. All coherent thought immediately flees Koneko's mind as her eyes roll back in her head and her jaw clenches shut from the explosive orgasm that quite abruptly wracks her body.

The petite Rook shakes and spasms in Riser's grasp, her pussy walls squeezing down on his length all the harder… not that it stops him from slamming up into her again and again all the same, his cockhead bashing against the entrance to her womb, reminding the Nekomata over and over that not all of his massive member is inside of her, not all of his life-giving cum-cannon is buried inside of her needy, fertile cunt.

With her weakness so blatantly exploited, thoughts of stopping this and saving Buchou flee Koneko's mind. For the final time too, as Riser continues to fuck the squirming, constantly cumming Nekomata, even as he activates the second spell for the day and the same magic that's mind-whammied both Rias and Akeno settles over Koneko's mind.

The cat girl ceases all struggling at that point, becoming the mewling, moaning little sex kitten that Riser knew she could be as she happily bounces up and down on his cock of her own accord, cumming her slutty little brains out time and time again. Riser just chuckles at the switch, Koneko going from angry and afraid and vengeful back to needy and adoring and devoted in just a few seconds flat.

Of course, the first bit of magic he'd worked that day had been putting the Nekomata in an artificial heat to begin with. Not that it was any less real than a normal heat. Unlike normal devils, who very rarely managed to get pregnant, the chance of Koneko getting knocked up from his seed, which he was just beginning to pump into her now, was actually relatively high. The thought of breeding the petite cat girl and watching her swell with a nice batch of kittens over the next several months gives Riser no end of pleasure as Koneko, in response to his release, throws her head back and cries out her blissful happiness at being so thoroughly pumped full of seed by her Master.

Once he's done, he pulls her off of his cock, sits her down on the couch beside him, and forces the white-haired cat girl to clean up his messy length. The Nekomata does as she's bade without question, slurping and sucking at his shaft while Rias, sweet, mind-broken Rias, continues to masturbate to the sight, moaning loudly and needily, trying to attract his attention away from his newest toy.

Riser just grins. One down, one more to go.


"A-Are you sure about t-this, senpai?"

"Of course, I am, Asia~ You do want to impress HIM, don't you?"

Blushing deeply, Asia Argento tugs at the far too short hem of her dress once more, biting her lower lip rather than answering in the affirmative or the negative. Said 'dress' if it can even be called that, barely manages to go down over her cute, perky little butt. It doesn't even completely cover her thighs, and all it would take was one good gust of wind to blow the extremely short skirt up and expose the fact that she was… she was n-naked under it.

To say the former nun was uncomfortable would be the understatement of the century. This whole thing was… well, it wasn't how she'd expected things to go when Akeno had come to her, announcing that she was going to prepare Asia for a night with the love of her life. Of course, that came with a condition. Akeno… A-Akeno was going to be joining them.

Asia hadn't been sure what to think of that at first, but when it really came down to it, what chance did she have of getting Issei's solitary affections if Akeno Himejima of all people wanted them as well? Also, there was the fact that Issei emphatically wanted a harem, which meant… which meant that Asia was going to have to learn to share one way or another.

When she'd really thought about it (and oh how red-faced thinking about all of THAT had left her) Asia realized that her best chance at ever getting anywhere with Issei was to follow Akeno's lead and accept her older senpai's help in the matter. She just… hadn't expected this turn of events. Akeno had taken them both out for a spa day, and then told Asia to take a shower when they got back, just to freshen up a bit more.

Only, while Asia had been showering, Akeno had… hidden away all her clothes and left another outfit instead. More than that, the Queen had been waiting for the former nun when she stepped out of the shower, to make sure Asia put on what Akeno had left for her. It was… it was a slutty nun outfit. There was no other way to describe it, and even a girl as innocent and naïve as Asia recognized that this was a fetishized version of a nun's usual dress.

The skirt was too short, and the top was far too low cut. It showed off way too much of her cleavage, and in truth it made Asia feel ashamed to even be wearing her habit with the rest of the ensemble. But Akeno had said it was necessary, and in truth, her senpai had even been dressed in a matching slutty nun costume, albeit one with bigger sizes. Or maybe not, given the way Akeno's tits all but seemed to be spilling out of her low-cut top.

N-Not that Asia was looking or anything! She'd shied away from the lewd display that was her senpai as fast as she could. In the end though, with her clothes hidden away and Akeno expecting Asia to go along with her plan, there wasn't much the former nun could do but follow the Queen down the hall, towards the ORC common room.

"S-So Issei is waiting for us?"

Asia can't help but be hopeful, even with as embarrassed as she is. Akeno looks back at her and gives her a wicked smile but doesn't say anything in response. Instead, the long-haired, absolutely gorgeous young woman continues to walk along at a fast pace, forcing Asia to keep up. They're both wearing one and a half inch high heels on top of everything else, but its obvious Akeno is far more at home in them then Asia is. At least she hasn't fallen over yet…

Still, the former nun takes Akeno's grin as an affirmative, and her mind begins to fill with all sorts of naughty fantasies regarding Issei. They'll… they'll kiss, and they'll hold hands, and she'll finally get to confess her love for him. Akeno will be there too, and Asia isn't sure what to think of the voluptuous, lewd woman being added to her kissing and hand-holding fantasies (it just doesn't quite… fit) but still, its better than nothing, right?

Finally, they arrive at a pair of large double doors. Without pause, Akeno pushes the doors open and then steps aside, gesturing for Asia to enter first. Asia goes wide-eyed at this, hoping to hide behind Akeno for a moment longer. But when her senpai gets THAT sort of expression on her face, Asia just eeps and rushes in, even as Akeno closes and locks the doors behind her.

The thing is… once Asia is in the common room, looking around… she doesn't see anyone there. Not at first, anyways. As she turns to ask Akeno where Issei is, the doors off to the other side of the room suddenly open up, and a man who is distinctly not Issei steps inside, closing and locking the doors behind him as well.

As Riser Phenex walks forward, a sadistic grin spreads across his face as his eyes slide up and down Asia's scantily clad body. Suddenly, she feels far more exposed than before, as well as a bit of terror at the thought of being in a room with this man, this… this devil. Riser Phenex, the one who'd defeated them in the Rating Game and who Rias had been forced to marry as a result.

While injuries from Rating Games did not linger, the memory of that failure, of standing there beside Rias as her Buchou was forced to resign in the face of Issei's exhaustion… it still stuck with Asia. The vicious, victorious smirk that had been on Riser's face as he looked down upon them that day was remarkably similar to the one on his face now.

Backing up a step as he nears her, Asia finds herself running into Akeno's soft, but equally immovable form.

"I-I don't… um, we were supposed to meet I-Issei here… sorry."

Riser just lifts a brow at that, even as Asia waits for Akeno to back her up.

"Is that what she told you? Lying to your kohai like that, Akeno? Naughty, naughty."


"I never told her we were meeting Issei, Master. I simply offered to hook her up with the love of her life. Is that really a lie?"


Riser laughs, even as Asia stumbles away from Akeno, the other girl's words wicked and vile in their tone, leaving the former nun feeling trapped as she backs up into Rias' desk instead, looking between both grinning devils with a whimper and a whine, feeling so very exposed, in more ways than one. Riser steps towards her, drawing an even louder whine from Asia as he invades her personal space and brings up his hand to brush against her cheek.

"Don't fret, girl. This is your purpose. I told Rias I wanted to fuck you, so she made it happen. As her servant, it's your duty to obey her orders… and as her husband, that authority passes onto me. Do you understand?"

Asia shakes her head no, even as her eyes slip to Akeno. Surely… surely the other girl was just playing a trick on her. Surely it couldn't be true. But Akeno's own sadistic smile doesn't fall from her face as she steps up to Riser's side and molds her body, clad in slutty nun attire, to him. Her leg hikes up his leg and her tits wrap around his arm as she hugs him and smirks at her.

"Its true, Asia. You're going to be Riser's fuck toy for the night, and for any other night he cares to have you as well. Just like I am. Just like Buchou is. This is our new lot in life… just accept it."

Ever word is like a crashing blow to Asia's fragile psyche. The former nun had been abandoned by the Church for unknowingly healing a devil. Then she'd been betrayed by the Fallen Angels, so they could steal her sacred gear. Now, her third home in as many months was turning out to be nothing more than another cage, one where she would have to give up her… her purity to a man like Riser Phenex.


The word spills from her lips almost like a sob, but more of a declaration of intent. The next instant, Asia is trying to run, slipping past the two other devils as she aims to make for the door. Of course, she doesn't get anywhere. Riser's hand closes in her habit, but more importantly her hair before the former nun can make it more than a foot. He pulls her back quite violently, drawing a pained cry from Asia's lips as she finds herself bent over Rias' desk a moment later, her short skirt hiked up and revealing her naked, creamy behind and her pale thighs and more importantly, her cute little virgin slit.

"Silly, slutty nun. If you didn't want to get fucked tonight, you shouldn't have come here dressed like this, now should you have?"

Asia just sobs as she struggles ineffectually against Riser's greater strength. She's not a fighter and never has been. Her power lies in her ability to heal, but healing won't help her now, not when Riser has brought two digits up to her flower and is forcing it to petal open, so he can finger her. While his hold on her head is quite firm and unyielding, his touch of her lower lips is slow and gentle.

It's a strange juxtaposition that doesn't help Asia's hazy thoughts one bit. Especially not when, despite her nervousness, she'd come here tonight excited to spend an evening doing… things with Issei. Her body was primed for this, even if her mind wanted no part of it. The blonde nun could do nothing but cry in protest as her body reacted to Riser's touch by growing wetter and wetter at the feel of his fingers.

"There it is. Knew you had it in you, whore. Don't worry… I'm only going to fuck you once like this. Then, you'll know your true place and you won't have a reason to cry anymore."

Asia doesn't get any time to truly process what Riser is saying, before his fingers are replaced by something much larger and thicker. The innocent young woman has no idea what he's doing to her, not until Riser sinks his cock deep into her tight little virgin pussy, tearing through her hymen like its nothing and causing a scream of pain to spill from her throat.

Sobbing anew, the blonde nun tries to escape. She claws at the desk she's bent over, she fights with all her might against Riser's grip… but it's not enough. He holds her down and fucks her, pounding into her with all his might. Its both pain and pleasure, and Asia wishes she was feeling neither as tears leak down her cheeks and she finds herself utterly defiled by the very, very bad man behind her.

Riser, meanwhile, is having the time of his life. Growling happily, the devil fucks the last of Rias' female peerage members with plenty of gusto. There's something to be said about raping a woman of god, even if Asia is no longer OF God. Fucking a nun though, even a former one… yeah, it feels pretty fucking amazing. And on top of that, Asia will be so damn useful, won't she?

Twilight Healing is a powerhouse of a Sacred Gear. Its just too bad for the little nun that it doesn't protect her from HIM. Grinning viciously, Riser continues to slam into Asia's tightening cunt as it tries and fails to expel him from her. He pounds into the blonde nun with all due force, fucking her up against the desk in a way that's sure to leave her with bruises.

At the same time, Asia continues to sob and sob and sob… hm, while it was fun to make the innocent nun cry at first, its starting to wear on him now. Time to 'fix' her, isn't it? Tearing the habit off of Asia's head, Riser grabs her by her hair directly, even as he begins to feed magic into a spell that by this point, is very familiar to him. Though, this go around he's modified it, ever so slightly.

Asia's body shakes and spasms beneath him as her mind is forcefully rewritten by his magic, and Riser grins as the tears stop flowing and the body freezes up for a moment. He pulls his hand away once he's done, and watches as Asia Argento acclimates herself to her new reality. Experimenting a little, Riser thrusts into the blonde nun… and grins wickedly when she moans and pushes her hips back against him.

Holding her by her waist now that she's reciprocating rather than fighting back, Riser fucks Asia to a quick completion after that, her tight pussy leaving him practically there already. Asia still manages to climax twice before he finally cums inside of her, his seed painting the insides of her womb just as it had Rias, Akeno, and Koneko before her.

With this, Riser's conquest of his wife's peerage is complete… for now. Who knew what other female servants Rias might pick up in the future for him to play with…

Regardless, wanting to see Asia's new viewpoint, Riser pulls out of the blonde and lets her slip down to the floor. He's not surprised when the former nun immediately spins around and begins to clean up his length with her tongue. Nor is he surprised when Akeno joins her. Lacing his fingers through Asia's blonde locks, Riser grins down at her.

"Feeling better now, pet?"

The former nun stares up at him with gorgeous blue eyes filled to the brim with absolute, unconditional love.

"Yes, my lord. Thank you… thank you for showing me the truth."

Akeno glances at Asia in confusion for a moment, before returning her focus to the task at hand. Riser just grins, because he knows exactly what is going through Asia's head. After all, why be the girl's Master, when he could occupy a more significant role in the former nun's psyche? Of course, unknowingly he'd helped Asia get over a bit of a hang-up of hers.

Her tendency to pray to the One True God had brought her no end of headaches ever since she was resurrected as a devil. Now though, Asia feels no pain as she worships her NEW god. She feels not an ounce of censure as she lavishes her god with praise and happiness, slurping and sucking at his cock right alongside of her senpai.

Asia is happy. Just as Rias, Akeno, and Koneko are. They're all so happy, in service to one Riser Phenex.


"Very well then, it's settled. We shall work together to get to the bottom of this theft. You will not move without me, as this is my territory. In fact, as much as I'd like to trust you, I would prefer knowing where you are at all times. As such, the Gremory Family will pay to have you stay at a hotel of our choosing. Do not fret, it will be of a high quality."

As Rias sits there, surrounded by her peerage, she maintains a calm demeanor and the utmost aplomb, even in the face of the two Holy Sword users who have walked into her life and disrupted things so much. Though, if half of what they say is true, then things were already being disrupted right under Rias' nose all this time, and she didn't even know it.

As it was, at least this Xenovia and Irina hadn't gone off half-cocked and fucked things up too bad. In the end, their path had led them to her, which was only appropriate, given that she was in nominal control of Kuoh Town, right alongside Sona. And it was good that they'd come to Rias instead of Sona, because ultimately, it meant that Rias could sacrifice them to her lord, master, and husband… Riser Phenex.

Of course, as much happiness and satisfaction as that thought gives her, she doesn't let a single ounce of it show on her face, even as Xenovia and Irina share a look at her words. They have a bit of a silent conversation, and then they turn back to her and bow their heads together.

"We do not require high quality, but we will accept this demand and stay where you pay for us to stay."

And with that, it's settled. Rias' heart thrums with pleasure, her pussy aching with need. With this, Riser will be happy with her, she just knows it. How can he not be? She's going to hand over these two girls to him, to turn into his cock slaves, just as she herself is his slave. He'll fuck them both and conquer them both as assuredly as he's conquered her and most of her peerage.

As the two Holy Sword users accept Rias' last 'request', there are a myriad of reactions from her peerage. Kiba, of course, is clearly upset. He hates Holy Sword users because of his past, and he hates Excalibur wielders like these two most of all. He'd rather the pieces of Excalibur be destroyed then recovered and returned to the Church.

Perhaps they would be, in the end. Once Riser had had his way with Xenovia and Irina, the two young women would be far more in tune with the wants and needs of Rias' peerage. Mostly because the wants and needs of Rias' peerage corresponded heavily with Riser's wants and needs these days. Whatever Riser decided to do with the pieces of Excalibur after they managed to recover them, Rias would abide by. Perhaps she could request on her Knight's behalf that Riser allow Kiba to destroy one of the Excaliburs.

It would certainly go a long way to making Kiba like Riser more. For the moment at least, her male Knight only barely tolerated the presence of her husband, whenever Riser showed up. Luckily for Kiba, Riser had no interest in men, so he left her Knight alone and just had her send Kiba away whenever he wanted to have some fun with her… or her Queen… or her Rook… or her Bishop.

As Rias lets her eyes drift off of Kiba, she finds herself meeting the gazes of each of the other female devils in the room, one by one. Akeno, Koneko, and Asia are all looking back at her with varying degrees of blushes. All of them know what Rias is planning. After all, it would have been their first thought too, upon seeing Xenovia and Irina. How could they best bring these two beauties under Riser's thumb? How could they best offer up the two Holy Sword wielders to their beloved Master?

Luckily for them, their Buchou was ready as ever, and prepared for this sort of thing. As the meeting ends there and everyone begins to leave the room, Rias immediately sends off a message to Riser. Within a few minutes, the man appears in the flash of a teleportation circle, showing up right in front of her with a raised eyebrow and a cocky grin on his lips.

"Yes, beloved?"

He says it in a mocking tone, and yet it still makes Rias shudder with orgasmic delight to hear him referring to her in such a kind, affectionate manner. That doesn't mean she forgets her place though, not even for a moment. Rias sinks to her knees before Riser, just the two of them occupying the main room of the Occult Research Club Building now.

As she nuzzles up against his crotch, Riser chuckles and slides a hand through her red locks, petting her head for a moment. Then, he grips tightly and drags her across the floor, causing Rias to let out a light yelp even as she crawls in the direction he's pulling her, until they make it to the couch where she'd just been sat primly mere minutes before, surrounded by her peerage as a show of force to the interlopers in her territory.

Riser flops down where she'd been sat and happily spreads his legs apart, as well as his arms across the back of the couch. He takes her seat easily, and Rias offers not a single word of complaint. After all, what's hers is his, at the end of the day. Taking up her position at his feet, on her knees, Rias reaches forward and extracts Riser's cock from its confines. She strokes it up and down with both hands, and spits on it to provide some lubricant as it grows nice and hard in her grasp.

Then, she sits up, leaning forward and pulling open her blouse, undoing the buttons in a frenzy to expose her big, fat tits. Only once she's wrapped her breasts around Riser's cock, using her massive mammaries in the only way that really matters, does Rias look up at Riser and begin to speak. She tells him everything that's transpired that day, not leaving anything out, and ends with explaining how she's effectively made certain that the two women sent by the Church will be within Riser's clutches soon enough, and he'll be able to do whatever he wants with them.

As she speaks, Rias continues to slide her tits up and down Riser's cock, even pausing every once in a while, to let her tongue trace out and lap at his cockhead, which continuously pushes up from the top of her cleavage. Eventually though, Rias finishes explaining what's going on. Riser reaches forward and places a hand on the back of her head, and the next time she leans in to lick at his dick tip, he pushes her down it so that her soft, full lips spread open over his cock and she takes it into her mouth.

Her breasts fall away as he begins to face fuck her right then and there on the spot, his eyes focused in the air at some point above her. Rias never takes her eyes off of him however, but she lets him do as he will, recognizing that her Master is clearly deep in thought.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The sounds of her gagging and gurgling fill the room though, no matter how much she tries to stifle and quiet them to not interrupt her Master's thinking. Riser doesn't seem to mind all that much though, continuing to force his dick down Rias' throat until her nose is touching his crotch and his balls are up against her chin as her lips suction down around the base of his shaft.

As he holds her there for a long moment, Riser finally smiles and looks down at Rias, even as she looks up at him through a bleary, teary gaze, her eyes watery as all hell by that point.

"You've done well, dear slave. You've done very well. Now, take your reward."

He drags her back, and then thrusts her back down his cock, graduating from face fucking to outright skull fucking as he rams his member into her gullet again and again and again.


It's not long before this spousal abuse he's visiting upon her shows results however, not after her enthusiastic titjob beforehand. With a loud groan, Riser begins to cum. Rias tries to be ready for it, like she always does, but there's only so much the red head can swallow before his seed explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth as she gags and chokes on it, causing it to come back up out of her throat.

When Riser pulls his cock free of her lips, he leaves behind a sticky mess, and a Rias that can't help but blow cum bubbles out of her nose and mouth as she tries to breathe through the gunk filling her airways, her eyes dazed and glazed over from the experience. Sitting back, Riser just lets out a happy sigh as he gazes upon what he's wrought.

Even as he does so, he turns his thoughts back to these two Holy Sword users Rias has told him about. Xenovia and Irina… from Rias' description of the two human girls, they sound like delicious beauties. A pair of fine additions to Riser's collection. Because yes, he's gone far beyond his own peerage at this point, so why not grab another two girls? And having two spies in the Church… it could only be good in the long run.

The theft of some of the Excaliburs was certainly cause for concern, but this wasn't Riser's territory, not truly. So, he had no real right to intervene, not unless his dear wife asked for his help. But Rias knew better than to bother him with such trivialities. Sending word to him that she had two beautiful dames for him to fuck and conquer was one thing. Asking for his help in handling a theft in her territory was quite another.

Rias and her peerage, and even these two Holy Sword users… they would have to handle their own problems. Riser was just here to have some fun, get laid, and enjoy the fruits of HIS victory, HIS way. Still, if he was going to have Xenovia and Irina, he would need to start preparing. The two were humans, which mean that they lacked the inherent magical resistance that all devils had. But at the same time, they were members of the Church, and would likely be trained to suss out 'evil' in all its forms.

He would have to move carefully and slowly, but the gift that Rias had given him in the form of forcing the two Holy Sword users into a single place every night… that alone would have been enough to make Riser kiss her, if not for the fact that he'd decided to face fuck her instead. With Xenovia and Irina staying in the same hotel room night after night, it became only a matter of time before he would have them both bent to his will…

Riser grins, and then reaches down to lace his fingers through Rias' hair, even as the red head, having finished cleaning up her own mess, leans in and begins to lick and lap and slurp his cock clean.

He can hardly wait.


By the time Xenovia and Irina laid down their heads to rest that night, in the hotel room that Rias had provided for them… everything had already been prepared. They were already doomed. But Riser refrained from confronting them that evening. Nor did he confront them the next day either. Instead, he waited a grand total of five days into the hunt for the stolen pieces of Excalibur before finally appearing in their hotel room.

It was the end of the day, and the human girls were clearly exhausted. But that didn't stop either Xenovia or Irina from whirling on him with wide eyes, and upon seeing him, falling into combat stances.

"Devil! Who are you? State your business here!"

Riser just smiles, not worried in the slightest, despite the swords that the two had strapped to their backs, despite the crucifixes the two are wearing around their necks. He spreads his hands apart, as if to say he means no harm, and then he speaks.

"My name is Riser Phenex. And tonight, we will be doing battle."

Xenovia and Irina exchange a look at that, before determination spreads across both their faces. They look back to him, and their jaws set in clear focus, even as they reach down and grab the white robes, they're each wearing over their battle attire.

"Very well then, if that's how you want to play it…"

"… Then we shall fight you with everything we've got!"

And then they tear their white robes off, exposing themselves to him. Literally. Riser's smug, cocky grin grows in size as he beholds what the subtle magics that permeate their hotel room have wrought. The original Church Battle Suit alone was incredibly perverse, in Riser's humble opinion. From the black, skin-tight leotard that showed off every last inch of their curves, to the matching fingerless gloves and thigh-high boots, all of which were adorned with what Riser could only describe as 'bondage' straps.

The outfits were very clearly designed by men for women, but Riser didn't mind that one bit. After all, if he'd been the kind of guy to be turned off by such blatant sexism, then he wouldn't have added the modifications that he did to their outfits. Because they ARE indeed modified. Over the last few days, Xenovia and Irina have felt compelled to make… additions to their battle suits, in their minds convinced that these 'additions' can only help them in battle.

Truth be told, they're lucky they haven't encountered an actual fight yet, because they haven't had to expose themselves in public as of yet. With how they look right now, they're very lucky indeed. For starters, the crotch of their leotards has been removed. Their glistening wet cunts are both on display right now, with each of them trailing a cute little pink cord out of their pussies. That cord is attached to a vibrator buried in their cunts, going at full blast nonstop, with the controller tapped to their inner thighs.

On top of that objectively humiliating set of circumstances, the chest of their battle suits has been cut away as well, letting their breasts breathe freely in the open air, completely exposed and bouncing and jiggling at the slightest provocation. And that means the slightest. Both Irina and Xenovia are fairly well-endowed in Riser's opinion, and as a professional philander, he feels like his opinion is the only one that really counts.

Either way, they both look absolutely ridiculous. And it doesn't help the faces they're making as well. As soon as they both pulled their robes off, the determination in their eyes was suddenly fighting for real estate alongside embarrassment as they both blush profusely. They know what they look like as they prepare to 'fight' him… but they also believe that they HAVE to look like this, to properly 'combat' his 'evil'.

In the end, Xenovia is the first to step forward, her head held high even as she points a gloved finger at him.

"I, Xenovia Quarta, will be your first opponent! Draw your sword, evil doer!"

Riser just smiles, noting the lack of a weapon in either of Xenovia's hands. Reaching down, he casually flicks open the button on his pants and pulls down the zipper, before extracting his cock from its confines. Both Xenovia and Irina immediately zero in on it, their eyes going wide, their lips parting, and unconscious gasps slipping from their mouths at his size. They begin to both pant needily, but that doesn't stop them from continuing the farce that they believe to be their reality.

Placing her gloved hand on her exposed chest, Xenovia stares Riser down as she scowls mightily, despite her current appearance.

"Your sword might be large and mighty, but as a Holy Sword wielder, I am trained to resist evil!"

Then, she points down at her own naked cunt, glistening wet and stuffed with the still-vibrating vibrator.

"My sheathe has been trained for years now for this very purpose! It can take any sword without breaking! Of course, if I orgasm around your sword, then I will have been defeated! If your meat-blade makes me cum even a single time, then that'll be the end for me! I'll be nothing more than a devil's pet for the rest of my days! But that won't happen! I am Xenovia Quarta, wielder of Durandal, and you will fall here before me, devil!"

Riser raises both eyebrows at her impassioned speech, the way she's spoken, and the words she's been speaking, providing him more than enough fuel to be rock hard by this point. This right here… this is fucking hot as all fuck. Chuckling lightly, Riser strides forward, and, holding his cock in one hand, gestures to Xenovia with the other.

"Shall we then?"

The blue-haired holy sword wielder nods her head once in determination and turns away, planting her gloved hands on the bed behind her and spreading her legs wide apart as she juts out her ass and most importantly, her exposed cunt. Smirking, Riser reaches out and grabs the vibrator by its cord, ripping out the little pink egg without a single care in the world.

Xenovia gasps and her legs tremble, but she manages to look back over her shoulder at him and scowl all the same, even through her reddened features and her panting need.

"Do your worst, evil doer! You will find that my sheathe is unbreakable, that I-!"

Without waiting for her to finish this time around, Riser places his cock against the bent-over young woman's cunt lips, and slams home into her unprotected virgin pussy right on the spot. Xenovia's eyes go wide as her words die on her tongue, and then she's shrieking as she orgasms immediately around his dick, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

At the same time, she begins to yell and shout, even as Riser grabs her by her hips and begins to fuck her with all his might, ignoring her tightly gripping walls but soaking in her words.

"I lose! I lost immediately! I've been made a bitch whore by Riser Phenex's big fat cock! I'm a broken slut now! He's conquered me, he's claimed me! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh FUCK!"

Riser just grins as he fucks Xenovia, as he plows the human girl senseless right on the spot. She was just a human, at the end of the day. She'd never stood a chance against the insidious magics that he'd had layered upon every portion of this room. And once she and Irina had slept, it had been so easy to make them into what he wanted them to be. To twist their perceptions into this mockery of all that they stood for, all that they fought for… was there anything more delicious?

Xenovia squeals and screams and creams herself on his cock again and again, the blue-haired girl's head tilting back far enough that he can see her fucked silly expression. Chuckling, Riser reaches out and grabs her by her short blue hair for good measure, pulling her even further back so that he can lean forward and spit directly into her mouth.

She responds by swallowing it and moaning wantonly for more, her expression that of constant ahegao as she cums again and again around his pistoning prick. Her naked tits are bouncing and jiggling with every jarring thrust, and now Riser can see them from his position. So, he reaches around her with his free hand and grabs one and then the other, groping and squeezing and kneading Xenovia's mammaries to his heart's content with bruising force as he pounds into her from behind.

"What are you, slut?"

His growl reaches her ears, and even in her current state, Xenovia immediately responds.

"I'm Riser Phenex's fuck toy now! I've been beaten, all of my training was for nothing! Now there's nothing left for me but to get fucked day in and day out by my new devil master!"

Grinning wickedly, Riser does just that, continuing to fuck Xenovia harder and harder and harder, until eventually her already wobbly legs collapse out from under her and she falls to her knees, still bent over the bed. Riser crouches then and jackhammers into her from above all the same, grabbing her by her butt cheeks and squeezing them viciously as he does so. He fucks her to kingdom cum quite literally, eventually releasing inside of her and filling the Holy Sword user with a thick, viscous load of his seed.

By the time he finishes with her, Xenovia Quarta is practically passed out, not even able to stand as she just lays there, half face down on the bed, half-kneeling beside it, his seed slowly seeping out of her freshly fucked cunt. She looks almost like she was caught praying to her God, and then fucked silly for her trouble. Chuckling darkly at the thought, Riser straightens up completely and then turns to the other woman in the room.

Irina freezes up as his eyes fall upon her, and immediately assumes an aggressive stance, her shoulders squared, and her legs spread apart. If she were wielding a sword, she might actually have looked threatening. As it is, her hands are empty, just like Xenovia's were… and occupied as well with her own body. One gloved hand is on her chest, while the other is down between her legs, fingering her cunt, which is still stuffed with a vibrator of her own.

As Riser looks at her, she scowls and juts her chest out, sticking her chin up.

"I, Irina Shidou, wielder of Excalibur Mimic, will be your next opponent! You may have defeated Xenovia, but you won't defeat me! Even though our sheathes have been trained for the exact same amount of time, even though she's a natural born Holy Sword wielder and I'm just a normal girl trained in the way of the sword, I won't lose! Not to your big, fat meat-sword! You can stick it in me however you like, but I won't ever cum! But first!"

Riser grins as Irina strides forward and then falls into an extremely slutty crouch right in front of him. One of her gloved hands takes hold of his cock at the base, and she glares up at him as she puts his tip at her lips.

"As a holy sword user, it's my duty to always make sure that every sword I see is cleaned properly! Xenovia should have taken care of this, but given she was defeated so easily, the duty falls to me!"

And then she takes him in her mouth, just like that. Riser can't help it. He laughs in Irina's face, even as she slurps and sucks his cock with such… determination. Reaching out, he grabs her by her long twintails and grins as she looks up at him with a glare.

"Don't worry… I'm just helping out."

And then he starts to thrust forward, face-fucking her on the spot.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

As Irina chokes on his dick, she never stops cleaning him off with her tongue. It's a testament to the holy sword wielder's 'discipline' that she never ever stops, her tongue slurping and sucking off the combined sexual fluids of both Riser and Xenovia. Riser, meanwhile, groans, thoroughly enjoying getting himself right and proper hard again while using this Christian bitch's throat as his cocksleeve.

Eventually though, he pulls out, his cock nice and polished with Irina's saliva, and extremely hard and ready for the next round. Letting go of Irina's hair, he watches in mild amusement as the young woman stands up on slightly unsteady feet and withdraws her gloved fingers from her vibrator-stuffed cunt. She sways her way over to her own bed in the hotel room, but rather than bending over it like Xenovia, she hops back on it and grabs her own ankles, lifting her legs into the air and showing off her cunt for him to gawk at.

"This is the difference in Xenovia and I's styles, Riser Phenex! You might have been able to beat her, but don't think I will fall so easily!"

Riser just smiles and strides forward, climbing up onto the bed and grabbing at the vibrator's cord again, ripping it out with a ferocity that sees a low keening moan erupting from Irina's throat. She flushes with indignation under his raised eyebrow, even as he grins down at her, placing the head of his cock at her now-unoccupied entrance and pausing a beat to let her get in some final words.

"This is it! This is where I defeat you, devil! If I cum, it's an immediate loss, and then I'll be your slave for the rest of my life just like Xenovia is! But if I win, then I'll free Xenovia from your evil bondage! I'll have defeated you, and-!"

Once again, Riser thrusts in in the middle of the girl's speech. And once again, just like with Xenovia, Irina's eyes go wide, and then promptly roll back in her head as the chestnut-haired beauty cums on the spot. Orgasming explosively, Irina's not much different from Xenovia as Riser begins to fuck her with deep thrusts. He does get to watch the initial ahegaoing though, and that's pretty hot, admittedly.

"Oh fuck! I lose too! I lose immediately! Riser Phenex's blade has made me cum, just like that! All of my training was useless against his big fat meat-sword! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! Fuck me, Master! Fuck your horny little slave!"

Letting go of her ankles, Irina instead wraps her arms and legs around Riser's body as he begins to fuck her in a mating press, right then and there. Riser allows her to draw him down to her mouth, where he kisses her deeply, dominating her writhing, wiggling tongue with his own tongue, and forcing his way into her mouth as he fucks her cunt with all the force, he can bring to bear on it.

Again, and again, Riser slams home into Irina Shidou's dripping wet quim. Her pussy walls clench and squeeze and flex around him, but Riser doesn't slow down for nothing, he doesn't ever stop fucking her as hard as he fucking can. Ramming into her with all his might, Riser doesn't let up for a moment. He's rewarded with Irina climaxing over and over again around his cock.

Eventually, he pulls back from her mouth to instead pay some special attention to her breasts. Like Xenovia, Irina is well-endowed. Like Xenovia, her battle suit has been modified to expose her big fat titties. Unlike Xenovia, Riser can actually get at THESE breasts. Leaning down, he grabs them both by the base and begins to suck and slurp at Irina's fat tits.

Then, he graduates to biting and nipping at them, leaving nice red marks across her extremely pale flesh as he plays with her to his heart's content. As expected, Irina doesn't resist in any way. She just keeps on moaning, shrieking, and screaming in ecstasy as he continues to fuck her hard, his cockhead eventually punching right through her cervix and into her womb itself in the process.

As he fills her womb, that most sacred of places, with his 'meat-sword', Irina squeals and arches her back, pushing her tits up into her mouth as her cervix tries in vain to expel him, the last bit of resistance that this mind controlled Christian bitch can offer him. It doesn't work, of course, and Riser fucks into Irina's womb with all of his might just as hard as he fucked the rest of her, until finally, with a loud groan and, he begins to cum.

He paints Irina's womb white with his seed, just as he did Xenovia's. He fills her to the brim with his white, hot spunk, and then some, and when he pulls out of her, Irina's eyes are still rolled back in her head, and her tongue is still lolling out of her mouth as she twitches and wiggles beneath him. Her arms and legs are askew, tossed about as Riser crawls off the bed and stands there looking to both of the well-fucked, utterly broken holy sword wielders. There's no doubt about it… they belong to him now. Now and forever.

Chuckling, Riser strokes his cock and considers what to do next… but really, in the end isn't there only one option? He's going to fuck them both some more, obviously.


Several hours later, Riser Phenex sits on the bed, his back against the wall, and watches as his two newest conquests lie down between his legs, worshipping his cock. Currently, Irina is the one bobbing up and down on his knob, sucking and slurping at his dick worshipfully as she stares at him with loving, adoring, broken eyes.

Xenovia, meanwhile, has been regulated to his balls, and while she can't actually look at him from her current position, Riser can feel the way the blue-haired bitch is slurping and lapping at his nut sack with the same sort of worshipful devotion as her peer, suckling his balls one after the other and never once letting up on paying her new master homage.

Riser just smiles as he rests a hand atop each of their heads.

"Good girls. Very good girls. Mm, but we will have to talk about the future. Well, I'll talk. The two of you will continue to do what you're doing, but you'll listen, won't you?"

Getting noises of agreement from both of them even as they continue to work over his shaft and balls, Riser just smiles.

"Excellent. Here's what we're going to do."

Because, at the end of the day he's not going to KEEP them. Or, more accurately, he's not going to publicly keep them. Irina and Xenovia belong to him now, irrevocably. He's enslaved them to his will just as thoroughly as he's taken Rias and her lovely female peerage members. Even more so in fact, as these two human sluts don't have the innate magical resistance to get around that Rias, Akeno, Koneko, and Asia all had.

But Riser is a smart man, and he knows that if he tries to take these two as his property publicly, he might very well start a war… or at least bring down the wrath of some powerful people on his head. Instead, he tells them how they are to act from now on when not alone in his presence. It basically amounts to having them go back to the way before he'd mind whammied them, just as an act rather than their actual personalities.

The two adoring, devoted fuck toys listen and agree to everything Riser says of course, and as he finishes all over their faces, he smiles, well-pleased with the night's conquests. He'd have to find some way to reward Rias even further for bringing these two into his sphere of influence. She was such a good bitch-wife. She deserved a nice, long butt fuck for her efforts. Yes, that would do nicely.

Even after cumming, Irina and Xenovia continue to worship his cock. They fall asleep like that, Irina with Riser's cock in her mouth and Xenovia with one of his balls in hers. Riser slumbers as well, completely content and satisfied… for now.


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