Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Medaka’s Downfall (Medaka Box)

A/N: Medaka's Downfall was a commissioned fic originally written back in August of 2017. Posting it here now for archival purposes.

Summary: When Medaka Kurokami told the student body that she would fulfill any and all requests submitted to the suggestion box, she meant it. Unfortunately for her, a male student just playing a bit of a prank ends up inadvertently turning her immense drive to succeed back on her in a rather hilarious way

Themes: Master/Slave, Bondage, Self-Hypnosis/Self-Brainwashing


Medaka Kurokami sat primly on her chair, one leg over the other. The room she was in was dimly lit, but the abnormal young woman could see perfectly fine all the same. She was dressed in her school uniform as usual, her short skirt making her crossed legs necessary. Her school jacket was unbuttoned at the top as usual, showing off a good sized chunk of her cleavage. And her long purple hair was draped down her back, all the way to where her big beautiful butt met the chair.

She did not look around, though to be fair there wasn't much to see. The room was completely bare except for her, the man sitting across from her, and their two chairs. The man was who she was staring at as he carefully counted out the cash in the briefcase that she'd handed over upon entry. Medaka would have been offended at the show of distrust, but she supposed in this line of work one did not simply assume the best of people.

Still, the buxom beauty couldn't help feeling that given the circumstances, counting the money in front of her was more than a little rude. But then, the man before her was fairly rude himself from what she could tell. Where Medaka sat properly with her back straight and her hands in her lap, the man had turned his chair around so that the back was facing her. He sat on the very edge of the seat with his head bowed over the briefcase, which he'd placed between him and the chair back.

It was- The man suddenly snapped the briefcase shut and locked it, placing it down at his side and nodding his head. Medaka's musings weren't so much as interrupted as they were sidelined while she focused all of her attention back on the man in front of her. He scooted forward a bit more onto his seat now that he had the room and planted his forearms on the back of his chair as he looked at her, peering at her almost searchingly.

"Well, it's all there. The full payment for what you want. Still, I've got to admit that this is highly irregular."

Medaka lifted her nose up at that.

"I am not a regular girl. I have offered you payment and you have confirmed that it is the amount necessary. All that's left is your acceptance or refusal of this job."

The man shakes his head back and forth.

"Nah, see, normally I'd agree with you but like I said, irregular. And fine, you're not a regular girl, whatever. Still gotta ask my questions though, for my own peace of mind if nothing else."

Medaka raised an eyebrow at that and the man chuckled at the expression on her face.

"I know, I know. Still though… you understand that once we get started, you can't back out right? If I accept this payment, you aren't leaving this room any time soon. This becomes your new home for the duration of your stay with me, until I'm satisfied. Just want to make that really clear."

Sweeping her eyes away from the man and giving the bare walls of the room another long look, Medaka pressed her lips together slightly in distaste before nodding, glancing back at the man and assessing him next. He is not exactly unhandsome, though she doesn't feel any attraction to him. Medaka can see his muscles bulging out from under the tank top he's wearing, but even still, she feels she could take him down if she truly did want to leave. Of course…

"I have no intention of paying you such an exorbitant amount of money, only to flee before I get the training I seek from you. I will not try to leave and I won't be turned back from this path."

The man slowly nods along with her, looking a bit flummoxed.

"Right… one final question then I suppose. Why the hell is a girl like you here in a place like this, paying a man like me to train you into a devoted sex slave for this guy? I guess I can understand if you two are that close or something, but you know you can both just roleplay right? My sort of training isn't something you just turn off and on whenever you want."

Medaka shook her head.

"I am not in a relationship with the young man I've asked you to deliver me to. I only know him by name and by face in fact. We've never had an actual conversation."

The slave trainer's eyes widen in surprise at that.

"Then why?"

Medaka's brow furrowed as she thought back to why exactly she was here, remembering in vivid detail pulling the request from the suggestion box that had set her on this path. She even recalled the exact words on the note in question.

Miss President! The thing I want more than anything else in the world is a female sex slave! I challenge you, Medaka Kurokami, to fulfill this request for me! Do so and I know I will be the happiest man alive!

It was a bit embarrassing, but before that note Medaka had not known what a sex slave was. She'd had to look it up in order to educate herself so she could better fulfil the student's request. Once she had, she knew that she couldn't just go and procure one, as that was illegal. She also couldn't make one, as that would be morally wrong. In the end, there was really only one answer to Medaka's dilemma, though Zenkichi hadn't agreed in the slightest.

"I am going away for a while Zenkichi. Hopefully my training won't take long and when I return, my new master will not be adverse to me continuing to lead the Student Council."

"M-Medaka! This is insanity! I know you want to fulfil every task put in the suggestion box, but there has to be a line somewhere doesn't there?!"

"Until I get back, you are Acting Student Council President. Good luck Zenkichi."


That conversation hadn't gone as well as she'd hoped… ah, and the slave trainer was looking at her with his brow rose, still waiting for a response. Medaka simply shrugged her shoulders.

"When I campaigned as Student Council President, I told all of my fellow students to place any problems and requests they might be having into a suggestion box. I promised that the Student Council, led by me, would complete each and every task asked of us. The student placed a request for a sex slave inside of the suggestion box. Placing myself in your care is the best way to fulfil his task."

Medaka said this in a matter-of-fact no-nonsense tone. It made perfect sense to her after all. She didn't really get why Zenkichi disagreed so vehemently. Did he want her to take some other girl and train her as a sex slave for the student? That would be ridiculous. Medaka was a good person, not some sex slave trainer like the reprobate in front of her.

Said reprobate just stared at her in complete and utter bewilderment for several long seconds before bursting out laughing. Medaka bore with it, completely unflappable as the toned, fit man got it all out of his system. Once he was done laughing, he slowly rose from his chair, wiping actual tears from his eyes with the back of his hand and kicking the briefcase of money she'd given him across the room where it smacked against the wall right next to the bare room's only exit, a big metal door.

"Alright, well if that's how it is, that's how it is I guess. I'll accept your money so from this moment on, you do everything I say without fail or there will be consequences, understood?"

Medaka nodded resolutely.


The man went to suddenly backhand her across the face, but Medaka was faster and grabbed his wrist before he could land the smack that looked to have enough force in it to send her spinning out of the chair. Incredulous eyes met red irises as the surprised trainer stared down at Medaka's face in shock. He tried to pull his hand free and Medaka let go, blinking languidly.

"Why did you try to hit me?"

Frowning and rubbing his wrist, the slave trainer seemed to look at her in a new light.

"Part of the process sweetheart, but I see that my normal methods may not work so easily on you. Let's try this then. First rule is to obey everything I tell you to do immediately. Second rule is to not resist anything I do TO you. You aren't a person anymore. You're a slave, property. Property doesn't fight back. Understood?"

Now that she got it, Medaka simply nodded again and repeated her earlier statement.


This time, even though she once again saw it coming a mile away, Medaka did nothing to prevent the man from backhanding her across the face. As expected, he put enough force into it to send her off the chair, sprawling to the floor with her skirt hiked up just a bit to reveal her white panties. As she recovered, the trainer moved to bend over her, his hands on his knees.

"That's 'Understood SIR' slut. From now on, no matter how you viewed me before, I am your trainer. I am above you, superior to you, better than YOU. You will address me only as sir and if you forget, I will punish you severely. Is THAT understood?"

"Yes sir."

Medaka did not forget anything ever really, so she foresaw no problems with this instruction. And due to just how seriously she was taking all of this, the hyper-intelligent young woman went about rearranging her own thoughts. Where before she HAD actually viewed this man as the lowest of the low for what he did to women, now she properly categorized him as above her in her mind, just as he'd ordered. He was better than her and superior to her, even if intellectually Medaka knew that wasn't true.

"Good. Stand up and strip down."

From the tone of his voice, Medaka rather thought that the man expected her to protest or refuse. He certainly looked surprised for just a moment when she hopped to her feet, no worse the wear from his attack, and quickly began to pull off her school uniform. Off went her top and her skirt until Medaka stood there in nothing but her matching bra and panties. She let a small smile grow on her face as the man who would be training her into a proper sex slave eyed her up and down appreciatively.

Medaka had never been ashamed of her body before, so why should we start now? After all, she knew she was beautiful. Why hide it? The trainer however, took her enthusiasm a bit differently, wolf whistling at her curvaceous body and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hot damn. You're really taking this seriously, aren't you? For a Student Council President, you're one eager-to-please, hot-to-trot slut aren't you?"

Well, he wasn't wrong on the first part. Medaka was taking this seriously, but the latter half of his statement was currently false so she sought to correct him, shaking her head back and forth in the negative.

"No sir."

He furrowed his brow at that.


It was a question rather than a command, but Medaka answered it anyways.

"No sir, I've never been ashamed of my body. I am not an eager-to-please, hot-to-trot slut as you say. If I was, I would not need your training sir."

A small tick formed in the trainer's brow as he gritted his teeth, but ultimately he seemed to decide not to respond to that, instead reaching to a pouch on his belt and popping it open to withdraw two pieces of nylon rope, one long and one short.

"Right… think I've had enough of that mouth of yours for the day slut. Turn around and place your hands behind your back. Don't move."

Medaka did so immediately. As instructed, the purple haired beauty remained still even as the trainer grabbed up her long locks and placed them in front of her body so her back and her arms were revealed to him. She didn't move even when he reached up and undid the clasp on her bra, pulling that undergarment away from her and letting her large breasts swing free of their confinement. She also didn't move when the man took hold of her wrists and began to expertly tie them up in a complex display of rope bondage using the longer piece of nylon.

"Open your mouth."

She did so and the trainer finished things off by running the shorter piece of nylon between her teeth, pulling it tight along the corners of her mouth and tying it off behind her head beneath her purple mane.

"Alright, turn around and kneel."

Medaka did so and looked up at her trainer with piercing red eyes from her new position at his feet, her hands tied behind her back and a gag secured in her mouth. They stared at one another for a brief second before the man gritted his teeth again and crouched down, grabbing hold of Medaka's face by digging his fingers into her jaw.

"I don't like that look, so from now on you don't look me in the eye alright? Keep your gaze down whenever I'm around. Understood?"

"Yesh shur."

It wasn't that difficult to speak through the makeshift gag, but that didn't seem to upset the trainer as Medaka swiftly lowered her eyes to her lap as ordered. Instead he just smiled and let go of her face, patting her cheek with his hand a few times.

"That's a good girl. Now normally we'd start things off with more pain. However, I really wasn't sure what to think of a job like this and so I didn't prepare the room like I normally do for a new arrival. Plus, I don't really think torture is the way to go with you slut. So we're going to do something a bit different. Since you're so serious about all of this, I want you to stay right here, kneeling on the floor until I return and allow you to get up."

He paused briefly and then continued on with a wicked smile on his face.

"While you're kneeling here, I want you to think about your new life. I want you to come to terms with the fact that you are and will always be a sex slave from this point on. Wrap your head around it, own it. Accept that you will obey me unquestioningly and once I'm done training you, you will obey your master with the same exact level of devotion. Is that understood?"

Medaka nodded slowly in response, her eyes still fixated on the tops of her bare naked legs and the ground between them.

"Yesh shur."

"Good girl. Have fun!"

And then he was gone, only stopping to take the briefcase full of money as he went and Medaka Kurokami was left all alone with her thoughts. Perhaps if she wasn't who she was, this would have been the moment that the brilliant beautiful young woman realized what exactly she was doing. Perhaps this would have been the moment where she broke free of her bindings and went after the man to teach him a lesson he would never forget, as well as retrieve the cash she'd so foolishly paid him.

However, Medaka was who Medaka was. And she was completely and utterly dedicated to becoming a fully trained, fully obedient sex slave. So against all basic common sense, the purple haired beauty did what the trainer had told her to do. She thought about her new life and she began to come to terms with the fact that she was going to be a sex slave from this moment on.


Days passed and while her trainer returned to care for her in a number of ways in order to keep her healthy, he never once said a word to her or told her she could move around. And so Medaka stayed in one place, kept her eyes down, and continued to think on what he'd said to her. It was slow going for the brilliant young woman, even with how serious she was taking this. It was difficult for her to accept that she would be a sex slave first for the rest of her life, and everything else would come second if her new master allowed it at all.

Only Medaka's resolve to fulfil the student's request kept her going as she realized all that she was giving up in doing so. In Medaka's mind, failing here was even worse than a loss of agency and identity and so she continued on all the same. Keeping track of time in the bare windowless room probably wasn't easy for anyone other than Medaka. But for a young woman like her with a perfect memory and an internal clock, she was always counting the seconds, minutes, and hours in the back of her head.

As such, she knew that days had become weeks but the weeks had not yet quite become a month before something new finally happened. She'd fallen asleep on her knees with her arms still tied behind her back and the gag still between her teeth when something warm and thick smacked against her face, waking her up.

Medaka blinked as she came to full awareness, going cross eyed in the process of staring at the huge phallus right in front of her nose. The girl knew about male genitalia, of course she did… but she'd never seen one before today.

"This is a cock, a dick, a shaft. Worshipping it is one of the ways you can show your devotion and loyalty to your master. I want you to breathe in my musk and rub your face all over it and my ball sack. Nuzzle my junk you slut."

The beautiful nearly naked young woman did as she was told, leaning forward and sniffing at his shaft as she began to rub her face against it inexpertly. The experience was not something Medaka enjoyed. His 'musk' as he called it smelled weird and his dick was offensive, prodding her in the face again and again as she tried to nuzzle it and mostly failed. Eventually, he pulled away and smirked at her.

"Not bad for a virgin cunt's first time with a dick. This was your first time ever seeing one of these, wasn't it? I wouldn't have believed it without knowing your circumstances; you're a fine piece of ass darling."

Keeping her eyes lowered, Medaka nodded truthfully in response and answered him around the nylon gag in her mouth.

"Yesh shur."


And then he was gone again. Medaka furrowed her brow in confusion as she stared after him, her eyes lingering on the metal door he'd disappeared through long after he'd left. Was that it? She was seriously beginning to wonder if she was getting her monies' worth.


He returned the next day and did the same thing yet again. Smelling his cock, breathing in his musk, and nuzzling his hard, throbbing shaft became a part of Madoka's daily routine, as much as any of the other humiliating things he had to help her do in her bound and gagged position. Over the span of a few days though, Medaka's ability to master new skills almost effortlessly reared its head. Soon enough she was nuzzling her trainer's dick so well that he was getting short of breath and red in the face, forcing him to end some of their sessions earlier than others as his dick began to twitch.

Medaka didn't really understand what she was doing to the man. She had no idea how close she'd brought him to release time and time again. Of course, she also had her own problems to deal with, as over time the indignity and dislike she felt for the new task imposed on her faded away. For some reason, smelling that big hard throbbing member, rubbing it across her face day after day was causing a change within her.

She didn't know what she was feeling. Medaka Kurokami had absolutely no frame of reference for the arousal that simply nuzzling a man's dick was bringing her. In the end though, slowly but surely she was being conditioned, both by her own thoughts slowly morphing her mental state as her trainer had ordered and his cock, rubbing against her face day after day.

When the time finally came that a red faced Medaka leaned into the hard shaft presented to her before the man it belonged to could say a word or even finish his approach, he pulled back abruptly, leading the busty purple haired beauty to let out a disappointed whine of confusion. Her trainer just chuckled down at her, even as Medaka actually broke a rule, looking up at him with need in her red eyes. The trainer didn't seem to notice though, smiling down at her rather than reprimanding her.

Of course, the whole reason he hadn't wanted to see her face in the first place was because he didn't like the look on it. Now, with the poor girl confused and aroused for the first time in her life, her face wasn't at all intimidating.

"You're ready for the next step in your training slut. Luckily for you, I thought it might be coming soon, so I came prepared."

He pulled a pink egg attached to a small cord and a device out of a pouch and Medaka simply stared at it, growing even more confused. She didn't understand how this was supposed to replace the incomprehensibly delicious smell of his cock. Of course, then the trainer showed her and Medaka was left understanding all too well.

Kneeling down in front of her, the man reached for the hem of her panties and pulled them back to reveal her sopping wet slit. Medaka stared down at it in bewilderment even as the trainer took the pink egg and slowly pushed it inside of Medaka's cunt. A moan immediately left the young woman's throat, muffled only slightly by the nylon gag. O-Oh that felt good. Had it always felt good to have things inside of her?

Medaka honestly didn't know. While she'd always been proud of her perfect body from an aesthetic standpoint, she'd always been far too busy for experimentation brought on by boredom to ever happen. Masturbation was an alien concept to the purple haired beauty. Then, the man took hold of the remote that the egg was attached to and twisted the small plastic dial on it.

The kneeling girl's red eyes widened dramatically as she experienced her first ever orgasm right there on the spot. Her body shook and a loud shriek left her throat, bypassing the nylon entirely as her pussy juices coated the egg vibrator and her panties before ultimately dripping through the soaked fabric onto the floor between her knees. Her entire frame shivered as she came down from the pleasure high, but the vibrations were still happening, the pink egg still inside of her. Medaka could already feel the next climax approaching.

When she looked to her trainer again, he just grinned wider at her.

"There we go. Keep that inside of you slut, at all costs. I'll be back to check on you in a while."

Medaka let out a dejected moan around her nylon gag, watching the naked musclebound man leave the room. More specifically, she watched as his dick left the room with him, even with the new found pleasure of the vibrator currently buzzing away inside of her cunt; Medaka was left feeling slightly unsatisfied at being unable to nuzzle her trainer's big hard cock.

Her mental realignment was proceeding quite well.


This continued for another few days before the man finally rewarded her needy whining with something besides turning the vibrator up another notch. He went to twist the dial a bit more and found that he couldn't. Medaka was currently experiencing the max possibly setting on the vibrator as she looked up him with needy eyes; her flush faced and moans leaving her gagged mouth.

Grunting, the trainer tucked the remote back into the hem of her panties and stood up, placing his cock right at eye level once again. Squealing happily, not even realizing at this point how far she'd already fallen, Medaka leaned forward and tried to rub her face on his shaft while it was within nuzzling range, only to be stymied by him fisting a hand in her mane and pulling her back.

"Stop. Looks like you're eager and ready now aren't you slut? Just stay still, I think it's about time I moved things along."

Medaka froze up, even as her trainer reached behind her head and tugged at the tie holding her gag tightly in place. Undoing it, the man pulling the piece of nylon out of her mouth and tossed it aside even as Medaka groaned, stretching and working the kinks out of her sore jaw. Only Medaka's abnormal biology had kept her jaw in relatively good shape, the same way it had done so for her bound arms.

Then his dick was in front of her, pressing against her lips as she looked up at him inquisitively.

"Put it in your mouth and suck on it you slut. I don't want to feel a single tooth either."

Ah, so that's why he removed the gag. The concept of sucking dick was completely foreign to Medaka, but weeks of conditioning left her more than ready to eagerly put such a filthy thing in her mouth. Constantly breathing in his scent had also gotten her used to the taste of his shaft long before she'd ever even touched it with her tongue thanks to the connection between one's sense of smell and one's taste buds. As a result, the proud Student Council President turned sex slave was soon bobbing her head up and down her trainer's cock enthusiastically as he groaned.

"S-shit, you haven't got any right to be this good this fast you silly virgin slut. Damn that's good, use a bit more tongue and you'll be perfect."

With that instruction, Medaka began to flick her tongue back and forth along the underside of the man's length as she slid her head up and down his member. With the egg vibrator still buzzing away inside of her dripping wet cunt as she did so, Medaka was in a world of pleasure. Happy little moans left her throat and traveled down the shaft of her trainer's prick periodically and when she climaxed a few minutes later, her cry of satisfaction was met with an expletive from the man as he grabbed her hair with both hands and shoved his cock down her throat, gagging her on the spot.

Medaka's eyes widened as she received her first taste of male ejaculate right down her throat. The trainer seemed to cum for ages as he held her in place, her nose buried in his crotch and his balls resting against her chin. Medaka never resisted of course, she wasn't allowed to. Slowly but surely, her vision began to fade away until finally he finished up and pulled back, leaving her to cough up a bit of his seed onto the floor in front of her as her body desperately breathed in huge lungful's of air.

"Hm, not the best showing, but for your first time I suppose it wasn't too bad."

He reached down and grabbed Medaka by her hair again, drawing her head up so he could look in her dazed and glazed over eyes. A wicked smirk spread over the trainer's face.

"Get used to it slut, because it only gets worse from here. A proper slave such as yourself must be ready for any and all abuse. You belong to your master, mind, body, and soul. Still, you seem to be coming along quite nicely so from this point on, we're going to be accelerating your training."

The way he said that sent a tremor of need through Medaka's form, causing her to shudder as she breathed in and out through parted ungagged lips.

"Y-yes sir… as you say sir."

The words were completely unnecessary yet in the purple haired girl's fevered mind they felt entirely appropriate. They startled a bit of a laugh from the trainer, who responded by reaching into another pouch and pulling out several more egg vibrators.

"Well now, if you're going to be like that, let's have some fun with it shall we?"

Medaka whimpered in an equal mixture of desire and trepidation as he closed in on her barely clothed form with the numerous sex toys.


The weeks continued to pass by. At this point, the brilliant buxom young woman had lost her concentration too many times for her internal clock to be accurate. Still, when she got past the ever present buzz on her nipples and clit as well as the two vibrators buzzing away just inside of her cunt, Medaka was still able to count the seconds into minutes and the minutes into hours and the hours into days. Sometimes she was even able to keep track through the orgasms that periodically wracked her body with pleasure, but if they were too strong, she would lose count and end up starting all over again.

The trainer would come in and teach her how to do new things with her mouth and then he would leave her again, all alone with her increasingly perverted thoughts. Medaka learned how to swallow every last drop of cum rather than letting it spill out. She also learned how to take a proper facial on her face and tits though, just in case her master ever wanted to give her one.

At the same time, the purple haired beauty learned to deep throat cock without choking and soon she was bobbing her head up and down the entire length of her trainer's member like a champ. Then she learned how to stop repressing her gag reflex, forcing herself to instead choke and gag on the big hard dick as the man it belonged to face-fucked her to his heart's content.

Medaka learned many things in that bare windowless room as time went on and while she did so, her mind continued to realign itself, her brilliant intellect taking a back seat to the earnest and eager-to-please slut that it had given birth to in order to distance itself from what Medaka was doing to herself. Unfortunately, that eager-to-please, hot-to-trot slut was swiftly taking over everything, no longer merely the barrier between the real Medaka and what was happening to her, but the slow, all-consuming hungry force that was devouring what had once made the real Medaka 'real', replacing it fully with its slutty self.

In the end, when the trainer came in one day and hauled her to her feet, Medaka happily went along with it, only stumbling a little bit as she stood for the first time in months. Due to her abnormality, her legs were still as strong as the day she'd knelt down. The only real issue was that one of them had fallen asleep in all that time, but she swiftly got back control.

"Time for your graduation test, slut. Today you're going to learn anal. Bend over the back of the chair for me and spread those long beautiful legs of yours wide."

Anal as in anus? As in her ass? Medaka was left confused by the statement, but as a testament to just how far gone she was, the busty beauty, vibrators still taped all over her sweaty form, bent over the back of the chair as she was told and spread her legs out, shaking her ass back and forth tantalizingly in the process. She was rewarded a moment later with her trainer's masculine hands coming down on her big bubble butt, grasping and gripping and kneading her delicious derriere.

Medaka moaned, her tits hanging over the back of the chair and jiggling as she clutched at it with her hands. His grip on her ass cheeks felt just as good as the vibrators on her breasts did. Was the butt truly as sensitive as her massive mammaries had proven to be? All signs seemed to point to yes. The purple haired beauty was distracted from her musings when her trainer suddenly poured something onto her lower back and down her ass crack. The cold liquid sensation made Medaka shiver but she kept her eyes forward even as his hands began to work the lube into her ass and between her cheeks.

When his fingers began to fiddle with her butthole, Medaka knew that her earlier thoughts had been correct. Whatever she was meant to 'learn', it involved her tight little back door. Medaka was left panting as she clutched at the chair she was leaned against for support. The slave trainer was indeed a master at his craft, using a liberal amount of lube to loosen up her sphincter before he finally slid a finger into her butt.

There was no pain for the overly pleasured young woman, only a strange sensation of something going into a hole that only ever had things go out of it. Medaka grunted as the man behind her began to slide his finger back and forth inside of her ass, loosening her even further until he felt it was time for two fingers. Once he was pistoning two digits in and out of her rather than one, her trainer began to spread them apart as he did so and Medaka began to feel a pleasure she didn't know was possible from the light anal probing.

When Medaka's hips started to move back in time to meet the man's fingers, he pulled them back out of her with a pop. That seemed to be what he was waiting for, because the next think the purple haired beauty knew, she felt a much larger intrusion at her back door. Medaka's eyes widened and then rolled back in her head as her trainer slowly but surely forced inch after inch of his lubed up prick into her equally lubed up anus.

His extensive preparations made the process painless, though not quite easy. Medaka's body was still resisting him until he grunted and idly commented.

"Damn girl, you're fucking tight. Loosen up already."

Medaka may have been mentally addled by this point, but she was still Medaka. And she'd always had quite a lot of control over her mind and her body. As such, when she heard the order from the slave trainer, the half-delirious young woman obeyed, loosening her sphincter and her ass muscles on the spot and allowing the huge cock currently invading her butt to slide right into her.

"Holy shit!"

She'd definitely surprised her trainer, but Medaka was too lost at this point to notice. The sensation of being so damn full of cock in her ass, combined with the vibrations of the numerous sex toys all over her body and inside her cunt sent Medaka right over the edge into the most explosive orgasm she'd ever had. She was cumming from her ass, and that very thought was the final nail in the coffin. Her eyes rolled around in her skull and her tongue lulled out of her mouth as Medaka made a textbook ahegao face.

At the same time, the last bit of her mind that wasn't totally and utterly focused on being the absolute best sex slave that she could be, died. Her dream of filling the school with flowers that showcased just how many people she'd helped died with it, replaced by a new dream in which she served her master faithfully for the rest of her days.

Medaka Kurokami was truly and utterly broken as the slave trainer pounded into her slutty asshole, sending her through orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. Her slutty curvaceous body hung over the back of the chair, jiggling in all the right places even as she painted the ground and the chair legs with copious amounts of pussy juices.

By the time the trainer pulled out of her ass and proceeded to cum all over her back and her butt cheeks, Medaka was insensate and unresponsive. After checking to make sure she was still breathing, the man who had been paid to break her by the girl herself chuckled darkly.

"Damn. That's one lucky kid. Come on you silly slut, let's get you cleaned up and presentable for your new master."

The musclebound man hefted Medaka's body up onto his shoulder and carried her from the room towards her new life without a care in the world.


The young man who had originally put the note requesting a sex slave into the suggestion box had mostly been kidding at the time he had done so. That was why he hadn't signed his name or given any personal details about himself on it. It was a joke, a prank. When the Student Council President had disappeared from school a couple weeks later, there'd been some uproar but he hadn't personally thought much about it. He certainly hadn't connected his note to her departure.

All these months later, the male student had put it all completely out of his mind, focusing instead on his studies and keeping his grades up so he could eventually get into a good university. So, arriving home after a long day of work, he wasn't exactly expecting anything special when he opened the door to his room and slipped inside. With his light off, the room was dark until he'd turned around and closed and locked his door before reaching for the light switch.

As such, it was only after he'd flicked it on and illuminated his bedroom that he turned around and let out a loud distinctly non-masculine shriek at the sight of someone in his room with him. Medaka Kurokami knelt in the center of his bedroom wearing absolutely nothing but a red ribbon wrapped artfully over her private areas. The young man pressed himself back against his bedroom door, nearly hyper-ventilating as Medaka's red eyes lit up upon seeing him.


She stayed where she was kneeling, but the look on her face was euphoric as she wiggled with glee, causing her barely covered assets to shake and jiggle beneath the ribbon.

"H-Holy S-Shit! What the hell is this?!"

He was just glad his parents weren't home yet, because he was sure they would have come running at the sound of his shriek. Hopefully he hadn't disturbed any neighbors. Medaka continued to squirm in place as she stared at him lovingly, her face flushed red with arousal.

"I'm finally here for you Master! It took some doing and I had to find someone who could properly train me, but I've finally fulfilled your request! One female sex slave! Now you can be the happiest man in the world!"

The student gaped at what had become of his Student Council President, shocked speechless as he remembered the note she was referencing and realized this was because of him.

"W-what?! How did you even find me?!"

That got a giggle from the purple haired buxom beauty.

"I simply matched the handwriting of the note to the handwritten ballots cast by the student body for Student Council President! As expected, you were part of the ninety eight percent who voted for me and since you put my name in your request as well, I was able to make a perfect match within an hour!"

Slowly but surely, despite everything, the young man was beginning to calm down. His mind came to two conclusions. Either this wasn't real and he was somehow dreaming, or this was and he wasn't. Either way, he had the hottest woman he'd ever seen on the floor of his bedroom wearing nothing but a big red ribbon that upon closer inspection, seemed to also be binding her arms behind her back. Medaka simply kept on smiling up at him as he calmed himself. Really, there was only one thing to do in this case wasn't there?

"Fine, if you're my sex slave now, I want to fuck you."

Medaka's grin widened, nearly doubling in size as she nodded eagerly.

"How do you want me Master? You'll have to unwrap me for some positions, but you can also take me a few ways without disturbing the ribbon! It's up to you!"

Licking his lips, the young man could only really think of one way that he wanted to fuck Medaka right now for his first time inside of her. It might not have been particularly romantic, but she was his slave, not his girlfriend. Loosening his belt and beginning to undo his pants so he could pull out his cock, the student stammered out the position he wanted her in.

"G-get on my bed and position yourself face down and ass up."

"As you wish Master~"

Medaka had been utterly transformed. While the girl had been supernaturally charismatic before (he hadn't voted for her JUST because of her massive tits and huge expanse of cleavage after all) now she was a whole different person, all of her charisma and beauty focused on being an utterly sexy and seductive pleasure slave, rather than a proud and helpful Student Council President.

The long haired young woman quickly got off of her knees, standing and turning away from him to reveal that the red ribbon was indeed binding her arms in place behind her back as he'd suspected. That didn't stop her from climbing up onto the bed and flopping her front down onto it though. Medaka was quick to wiggle her big bouncy bottom back in his direction and that's what finally got the young man off of the door and moving towards the bed as he stepped forward, his cock in hand.

Unable to believe his good fortune, the young man who had inadvertently ruined Medaka Kurokami's life and all the good she could have done for the world, got up on the bed behind her, kneeling in place and reaching out almost hesitantly to grab hold of her jiggling ass. Steadying her, he used his other hand to guide his throbbing prick up and under the beautiful girl's ass to her waiting cunt. He nudged the ribbon covering her sopping wet pussy aside with his cockhead and then ever so slowly, as if unable to believe this was really happening, he pushed into her cunt from behind.

Medaka let out a loud pleasured moan as he filled her up, only cut off when much to the young man's surprise, he burst right through a hymen he hadn't expected to be there. The purple haired beauty let out a gasp of mild discomfort and he couldn't help pausing in his efforts for a brief second to ask a rather incredulous question.

"Y-you were still virginal?"

The young woman that had just pledged herself to him as his sex slave nodded her head slowly against his bed sheets.

"Uh-huh… I assure you Master, I'm supremely well trained in the use of all my holes, but yours is the first cock to penetrate my slutty cunt, as is appropriate."

Well, she was certainly wet enough for him as he absently began to thrust in and out of Medaka's cunt. He supposed it made sense that he would get first crack at her as her true Master. Though now that he was finally inside of the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen, the young man was able to focus on other things besides penetrating his new sex slave. Even as he fucked her, he couldn't help wondering where exactly Medaka had gone these last several months in order to receive training like THIS.

Still, priorities and all that. Looking down at that fat ass jiggling with each thrust of his cock, the young man resolved to ask about where she'd gone and who had trained his new sex slave later. For now, he was going to enjoy the fruits of THEIR labor to the fullest extent. Medaka seemed to agree with that, because she began to hump her hips back against his slow moving cock, moaning needily as she clawed at the bed in front of her like a cat.

"P-Please Master, I need it harder. Use me, abuse me, fuck me! I'm begging you Master, PLEASE!"

Well how could he possibly say no to a heartfelt plea like that? Grinning viciously, the young Master laid a savage smack across Medaka's left ass cheek, leaving a red handprint in the otherwise creamy white flesh as he then gripped down on her hips with both of his hands and began to truly fuck her as hard as she could. The former Student Council President moaned wantonly and just took it, all of his considerable length plunging into her pussy again and again and again.

When she actually came around his dick a moment later, the young man wasn't ready for it at all. He let out a grunt when Medaka's powerful pussy muscles clenched down along his shaft rhythmically and a moment later he was cumming inside of her, hollering out his release as she milked every last drop of seed from his cock.

"Ooh, Master~ Cumming inside of me, how naughty! What if I get pregnant with Master's child?"

If he didn't know better, he would have said that her words, said in a breathless eager tone, caused him to cum just a bit more inside of her womb, his release lasting longer than it ever had before. When he was finally milked dry, he fell back onto the bed behind her, his cock slipping out of her well-fucked cunt as he panted heavily.

Even as the young man came down from his pleasure high and processed exactly what was happening. Medaka was quick to spin herself around even with her arms still tied behind her back. She lowered her head over his crotch and a moment later had his softened prick in her mouth as she cleaned him off and slowly brought him back to full hardness.

A growing young man like him was hard in no time at all and when she had him at full mast again, his eager sex slave sat back on her haunches and batted her eyelashes at him.

"Well Master? Do you want to unwrap your prize now, so we can have some REAL fun?"

Licking his lips once more, the student who had accidentally managed to get himself the sexiest sex slave in existence, reached up and grabbed hold of one of the tail ends of the bow behind her back. Medaka wiggled excitedly in anticipation as the young man slowly began to pull on the ribbon tail, tugging it free and releasing her arms and body from its tight confines.

Medaka immediately brought her hands in front of her, clasping them together and at the same time framing her massive mammaries in a spectacular manner with her arms as she squealed happily and jiggled this way and that. Then she was glomping him and kissing him heatedly on the mouth and all the young man could do was grab onto her wide curvy hips and kiss her back, their tongues intertwining in the process.

In that moment, he knew without a doubt that Medaka truly had fulfilled his original request. He had to be the happiest man alive at this point, there was just no way anyone else could be happier than he was right now. Spinning them both over, he pinned Medaka's pliant and malleable body down and began to molest and kiss his new sex slave to his heart's content.


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