Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Be the Dragon’s Bitch (Original Fantasy)


Themes: Mind Break, Monster Sex, Big Dick

Summary: In which a reckless female Barbarian learns the second most valuable lesson in the universe. If you can't be the Dragon... be the Dragon's Bitch.


“I want to take on this quest!”
A hand slams down a piece of parchment, freshly pulled from the Quest Board, onto the desk in front of the Adventure’s Guild Receptionist. Slowly, the receptionist leans forward to peer down at the parchment, reading the quest notice on it upside down. Then, just as slowly, she pans her eyes upwards to the Adventurer who wants to take it. She then keeps panning her eyes upward because the Adventurer in question is somewhere between eight and nine feet tall and probably has a little bit of goliath blood somewhere in her lineage, for all that she’s completely human.
There’s a cheery grin on the female adventurer’s face as she stands there in front of the desk wearing nothing but some strips of leather over her massive chest and her powerful hips and thighs. That, combined with the huge hulking battleaxe strapped to her back makes it abundantly clear what sort of fighter she is. A Barbarian, through and through.
Letting out a long, drawn-out sigh, the Guild Receptionist leans back and takes off her glasses, cleaning them for a moment with a cloth. Then, she puts them back on and looks at the Barbarian Woman once more, noting how she’s positively vibrating with excitement.
“Olivia… that is an A-Rank Quest. To slay a dragon.”
The Barbarian continues beaming as she happily nods and shows off the thick gold band around one of her fingers.
“Yes! And as of this morning, I am an A-Rank Adventurer!”
Yes. Yes she was. The Receptionist knew that already, of course. She’d heard about it through the grapevine. If she had any voice or influence, she might have even tried to stop it, but she was just a lowly receptionist. Besides, she’d also heard through the grapevine that others had raised their concerns and ultimately been denied. Olivia had been a B-Rank Adventurer for only half a year, true, but she’d completed dozens of B-Rank Quests in that time. Three times as many as any of her peers too. At a certain point, they literally couldn’t deny the Barbarian her rank-up any longer. Only…
“Olivia. You don’t have a party.”
Laughing, the female adventurer makes a show of flexing her muscles.
“Don’t need one! Never have, never will!”
Technically, going off of her proven track record, she was correct. But there was a pretty big difference between soloing B-Rank Group Quests and soloing A-Rank Group Quests. And…
“Do you see the star next to the official A-Rank on this quest, Olivia? That star means its HIGHLY recommended that you tackle this dragon with a full team of A-Rank Adventurers. This isn’t some-!”
Olivia leans forward, still grinning.
“Highly recommended doesn’t mean required, right?”
The Receptionist sighs. In an organization as loose with its morals and qualms as the Adventurer’s Guild, it was very rare that anything was required, technically. Even infighting between guild members was allowed to a certain extent. Still…
“No, it doesn’t mean required, but this isn’t like your B-Rank Quests, Olivia. If you do this, you’ll be marching to your-!”
She doesn’t get the word ‘death’ out before the Barbarian pushes the parchment forward and interrupts her again.
“Then I’d like to officially accept this quest, please!”
… In the end, there’s nothing the Receptionist can do. She’s just a receptionist, after all. Letting out a sigh, she takes out her stamp and quickly stamps the parchment, before recording Olivia’s acceptance of the quest in her ledger. The Barbarian would have a month to return with proof of victory, otherwise the quest would go back up.
But of course, Olivia doesn’t wait long enough for the Receptionist to explain all of that. She never does. The moment that the parchment is stamped, the Barbarian lets out a whoop and rushes out of the Guild Hall while the Receptionist is still busy recording things in her ledger. By the time she’s finished, Olivia is long gone… and somehow, the Receptionist doesn’t expect she’ll be seeing her again…
“F-FUCK! Bastard! I’m not going to fall that easily!”
Olivia growls as she pushes out of the crater she’d just been slammed down into, rising to her feet with axe in her hands and a bloody grin on her lips. She’d rushed all the way here, of course, barely stopping to eat, drink, sleep, or relieve herself. What should have been a journey of about two weeks out to the mountains where the dragon was rumored to lair had really taken about five days for the unrelenting woman.
But then, that was why she didn’t bother with a party. That was why she did everything on her own. Because she couldn’t stop. To stop moving was to stop fighting. And to stop fighting was to die. She couldn’t be bothered with the hassle of looking after a bunch of other losers who didn’t understand her and never would.
“Hm. Indeed you are not. Even after taking my strongest blows you remain surprisingly intact. Tell me, how do you still live?”
Wait, what? Olivia is pulled out of her thoughts by the surprisingly rich, cultured, and deep voice that suddenly emits from the dragon she’s fighting. She gapes up at him, completely slack jawed by his ability to speak.
“You… you can TALK?!”
He gives her what might have been a contemptuous look at that. She can’t be sure, she doesn’t read normal people’s faces very well, let alone dragons’. Still, when he attacks her again, she knows she’s pissed him off. Good! Olivia loves an angry fight! She grins viciously as she weathers her blows, sinking her axe into his scales in turn!
Or rather… she tries to. Actually, even though she doesn’t want to admit it… her weapon might be a little lacking. She probably should have upgraded her equipment before coming out here, but to be fair… she’d sort of spent all of her funds on food again. Truthfully, her axe hasn’t managed to so much as pry a single scale from the dragon loose. She’s bloody, battered, and bruised albeit intact, but the dragon… the dragon is completely fine.
Suddenly, he moves faster than she can react and Olivia’s eyes widen as he grabs her axe and tears it from her grasp. She tries to hold onto her weapon of course, but he’s just too strong… something that the eight foot tall barbarian woman is not used to saying in regard to anyone compared to her. But this dragon, easily four times her size, is definitely much stronger than she is.
His other clawed hand wraps around her waist and lifts her up, but Olivia just grins savagely, inwardly crowing in defeat. Meanwhile, outwardly…
“Fucking do it you bastard! Eat me! I’ll be the worst meal you’ve ever had!”
… Okay so yeah, maybe she had a problem with spouting out her plans all willy nilly. Still, it was a good plan. Since her weapon couldn’t penetrate the dragon’s scales, she just needed him to swallow her hole so she could attack him from the inside! Even weaponless, she’d do it with her hands, feet, and teeth! She’d tear him to shreds from the inside out! After all-
“Ah. Now I see. You have Unrelenting Fury, don’t you?”
“That explains a lot. Hah. You’ve been quite amusing so far, my dear. Allow me to show you the weaknesses in your cherished skill.”
Olivia struggles as the dragon proceeds to rip her leather armor off of her body. No small feat because despite looking like scraps of cloth, the leathers covering her tits and crotch were actually enchanted B-Rank gear. Nothing in the face of a determined A-Rank threat though, she’d just found out.
Then, he spins her around and plants her back on the ground, bending her over. Olivia doesn’t understand what’s happening at first… until she feels a distinct pressure against her suddenly bared cunt. The barbarian’s eyes widen as she looks back over her shoulder just in time to see the biggest, fattest, most massive cock of her life pressing against her from behind. Red, ridged, and altogether draconic in appearance… it slams forward before Olivia can do more than open her mouth to protest.
The A-Rank Adventurer chokes on her own spit as more than half of that gargantuan cock slides into her right off the bat. Shouldn’t have fit. Shouldn’t have been possible. She SHOULD have been dead, or at least ripped into two pieces and left dying in a single instant.
Except… Unrelenting Fury. It was just like the dragon had said. Her secret ability that had allowed her to forgo parties and take on group quests as a solo adventurer all throughout her career. Basically… so long as Olivia had her skill active, she couldn’t die. No, even more than that, she literally couldn’t take fatal or maiming damage. This meant her limbs stayed intact. It meant her body could not be torn asunder even by the biggest of foes.
A giant could stomp her into the ground a hundred times and she would be able to rise from the crater afterwards with her bones intact instead of pulverized into dust, her body still in its proper shape instead of flattened into a pancake.
THAT was her secret ability… though the very, very secret part was that Olivia’s bloodline could keep Unrelenting Fury up for hours. Most could only use it for minutes at best, or even seconds. That said, Unrelenting Fury HAD no weaknesses! How dare this dragon with his big fat cock claim that it did!
“D-Do your worst you massive l-lizard! I’ll beat you in the end! I always d-do!”
The dragon just scoffs, still holding her aloft as he drives his gargantuan cock in and out of her cunt, stretching her insides past the bursting point and then pulling back just to do it all over again.
“You’ve already lost, whelp. Now all that’s left is to show you how badly you’ve lost.”
… Admittedly, she’s never wound up in a situation like this before. Oh, she’s faced enemies who definitely would have defiled her if she got the chance, but none of them could actually restrain her long enough to do so. Unfortunately, this dragon was way stronger than she was. Olivia was truly trapped. And also, it kind of felt good?
Before she knows it, a moan leaves her lips as Olivia shudders from the sensation of being taken by a dragon dick that’s practically bigger than she is. She quickly claps a hand over her mouth of course, but the dragon has impeccable hearing, unfortunately. He chuckles darkly.
“Enjoying yourself, adventurer?”
“N-No! I’m not-guh!”
Cutting her off mid-word with another thrust, the dragon just growls and begins picking up speed.
“No sense in lying to me, whelp. I can feel your arousal.”
H-How?! She was stretched so wide upon his cock that her even her incredibly taut abdomen was bulging obscenely. Her hard-earned twelve pack was being stretched out so far you couldn’t even see her muscle definition at the moment. He was using her like a fucking sex toy and sure Olivia was maybe getting off on it… but at the same time, it wasn’t like he needed her to be wet or slick to have his way with her!
Thanks to Unrelenting Fury, he could go as hard as he wanted, as fast as he wanted, and for as long as he wanted. Well, no. If he went for about six more hours, Unrelenting Fury would run out and she would die a messy, gory death. But surely no one could last that long! Except for Olivia! She was tough! She was the only one in the world with the mentality to take advantage of her Unrelenting Fury! She’d used her secret ability to deal with multiple B-Rank Quests a day back when she was still B-Rank, laying waste to entire orc camps back to back!
But now… maybe… just maybe Unrelenting Fury did have a weakness. Or rather, the dragon was taking advantage of its strength! That was right, Unrelenting Fury didn’t have any weaknesses, it was more that Olivia was experiencing things from the other end for once. She didn’t like it. More accurately, she didn’t like how much she was loving it.
As the dragon fucks her, Olivia’s eyes begin to roll up in her head from all the pleasure. That big, fat, massive dragon cock isn’t so much stirring up her insides as it is rearranging them. Her entire body shudders, even as it’s stretched out upon his huge, red, ridged member again and again. Time passes, she’s pretty sure, but it’s not like she knows how much or not. She’s way too lost in the sensation of being used like a meaty fuck toy by the dragon, raped upon his cock as she cums her brains out again and again from the experience.
Hours go by, that much Olivia is certain of. And the dragon keeps on fucking her, just as unrelenting in HIS actions as her Fury was. She tries to escape of course… at first. But over time, it becomes harder and harder to keep struggling. Not because she doesn’t have the willpower to do so, because she does… but because it’s much more fun to move WITH her enemy than it is to move against him. Much more fun to enjoy the experience, even if it will inevitably result in her death if it’s allowed to continue on for too long.
But Olivia finds herself not caring. It’s so good… better even then fighting, she realizes with a shock. Getting fucked by this dragon’s cock for hours and hours on end… is better than fighting. That, more than anything, breaks the barbarian woman. Though in all things, even this breaking is unconventional. Olivia doesn’t become limp and glassy eyed like most would expect broken. If anything, she becomes downright enthusiastic as she screams for more, begging for it at the top of her lungs.
Until finally, about thirty minutes before her Unrelenting Fury would have run out for the day, the dragon cums inside of her one last time and then pulls out, covering her in the rest of his final load as Olivia twitches and shudders.
“… You are a singularly impressive specimen, adventurer. I’ve never met a creature who could keep Unrelenting Fury going this long. And yet, if yours had run out, you would be dead. Fascinating. Killing you would be a shame.”
Olivia gurgles. If she could have talked, she would have probably said something like ‘keep me then’. But she can’t get the words out. Instead, she’s left a twitching, shuddering mess as the dragon drops her into a pool of their combined fluids, built up over hours and hours of him fucking her upon his huge cock.
“You get to live this time, adventurer. Consider that my gift to you.”
And then… he just leaves. Olivia can hardly believe it. Doesn’t he know she can’t go back to her old life after this? Not because of the shame or embarrassment or humiliation, mind you. The female barbarian doesn’t actually feel those things. No, rather… she’s addicted to his cock. She’s addicted to his massive, ridged member that’s practically bigger than SHE is.
She wants more. She NEEDS more. And that means… she has a dragon to hunt down and make take her again. As soon as Unrelenting Fury has recharged, of course.


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